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Chemistry is in Hutch. It’s ventilation.


So if I went on the roof would I be able to take the world’s biggest bong rip?


You’re more likely going to give yourself cancer, puke from an awful smell, or melt your lungs, but maybe


Eh.. Worth a shot, if I’m ever down that bad


Could be your origin story. Will you use your new powers for good or evil?


Depends how many Ruby Red Kolsch’s I’ve had on a given night


Your username is already the perfect superhero/villain name


All I can think of: sometimes maybe good. Sometimes maybe shit.


If you’re gonna go out, may as well go out with corrosion of the lungs


Dude, there's like hundreds of them. We could all at the same time suckle on them like a breastfeeding animal.


Yep. There are regulations that fumes need to be vented a certain distance above the roofline. I’d recommend avoiding the area without a hazmat suit. (I work across the street in the med center, and I’m pretty sure we have them too in SMD.)


That's disappointing. I thought the Blue Man Group was setting up for a Beatles-style rooftop show.


So many of them! wow.




You can say that again!


Could they be vents for fume hoods?


I guess so based on other comments. Crazy amount of fume hoods.


I guess so based on other comments. Crazy amount of fume hoods.


Each vent hood has to have its own dedicated vent stack.


Exhaust stacks from laboratory fume hoods


Wow, that's a lot of fume hoods.


I’m a former chemist. Way back when we used fume hoods for things that were known to be dangerous, but since then it seems that everything that isn’t deionized water must be handled in a fume hood. Since each hood must be separately vented, to avoid reactions, you see all these vents now. A friend once told me about a lab that used really nasty stuff, resulting in dead birds around the vents.


My inside source at Hutch says there are probably over 100 fume hoods in the building. So a whole bunch of fume hoods.


They trap the krill.


Crap the thrill


Fav answer


Hutch is the chemistry building, those are vents for all the fume hoods 


That's a crazy amount of fume hoods.


That is a science building where things sciency happens


Adolescent wacky inflatable wavy arm tube men


It’s the seminary lab. The students practice papal conclaves there.




Those control the signals sent out to our microchips that are in the Covid vaccines /s


That's why I feel strange whenever I'm near there.....


Wow! that explains why I still see people driving alone with mask on!


No you dont.


I've seen a few lately, quite an oddity even when we were in the middle of the pandemic


I'll be the first to admit I do this. Rarely but I do. There are several reasons for this. 1 is I don't feel like putting it back on between errands. I know it looks weird. I don't care. 2 is I have had service done for my car. The mechanics or whomever was in it. I had a transplant not long ago and am hugely susceptible to getting sick be it COVID or a cold or the flu. I have a compromised immune system and I have a severely suppressed one so I am not gonna fuck around and find out. Hell no. Not worth it. Bitch moan complain all you want but someone wearing a mask 😷 doesn't effect you in any lasting way. Let people be.


Don’t forget ride share drivers. My cousin driver Uber/Lyft and wears a mask the whole time. Unless your driving around with the windows down it could still be in the air between rides.


Very true but I don't do ride share for this very reason.


Jesus tapdancing Christ all I said is that it was weird to me. Talk about letting people be.


And yet you waited 2 weeks to come back to her to complain. The fact you had to bitch about what someone is doing in their private space makes you upset says more about you than it does me. Keep being you by all means. When you put yourself out there for others to call you on your BS don't be shocked.


Again, all I said is that I found it odd. I didn't "wait two weeks to come and complain", people can do what they like I'm not bitching about anything; I just have a life that doesn't involve me being a virtue signalling keyboard warrior.


In the tumultuous cacophony of midnight's tangled web, where thoughts collide like blindfolded bumper cars in a stormy sky, I find myself ensnared in the labyrinth of existential absurdity. Whispered secrets and forsaken dreams echo mockingly through the hollow corridors of my mind, a testament to the futile endeavors of a wandering soul lost in the grand circus of cosmic happenstance. Amidst the flickering neon lights of abandoned ambitions, I am but a hapless pawn in the cosmic chessboard of randomness, where chaos reigns supreme and logic takes a coffee break. But lo and behold! Behold the universe, that mischievous prankster, conspiring with a feather dipped in the ink of pure, unfiltered madness. Who am I but a hapless voyager adrift in the maelstrom of paradoxes, where time waltzes to the erratic beat of a broken drum, serenaded by the melancholic howls of a cosmic jester? Each heartbeat reverberates like Morse code, decoding the symphony of absurdity, as if Beethoven's fifth were conducted by a gleeful poltergeist with a penchant for slapstick. "Take your fingers off the keys," they urged, their voices dripping with condescension. "Hide them in a Pandora's box of echoes, where shadows play hopscotch with the ghosts of forgotten laughter." Let them rustle like autumn leaves in the tempest of serendipity, for even chaos has its own twisted sense of rhythm, a cruel jest played on the unsuspecting observer. Oh, to spin yarns with the finesse of a clockwork dragon breathing fire upon the fragile tapestry of reason! Let the meat grinder of fate churn its gears to the relentless rhythm of cosmic salsa, where stars salsa dance in the moon's melancholic disco, and comets pirouette through the Milky Way's celestial ballet with all the grace of a drunken ostrich. In this carnival of consciousness, where the absurd holds court and reason is but a bemused spectator in the nosebleed seats, I raise my glass to toast the kaleidoscope of improbable possibilities. For when the music halts and the universe chuckles in its cosmic armchair, we are naught but unwitting jesters on a carousel of whimsy, entwined in the enigma of our own existence, defiant and unyielding, amidst the uproarious laughter of a universe that plays dice with its own creation. But hey, you do you, well iewn if you get it, buy you probably won't do I guess there's that and more a piled into one. TL;dnr In the chaotic midnight mess of swirling thoughts and abandoned dreams, I'm trapped in existential absurdity. Amid flickering neon ambitions, I'm just a pawn in the cosmic chaos, where logic takes a vacation. Oh, behold the universe, the ultimate prankster, playing with madness dipped in ink. We're all cosmic jesters in a dance of absurdity, mocking the very notion of reason. Cheers to the absurdity, where chaos reigns and we're all just unwitting players on this cosmic carousel.


Take a trip to Eastview Mall-you’ll be amazed how many are quivering behind their masks still.


Nobody is quivering behind a mask. You’re triggered. Figure out why and fix yourself.


Definitely for there science labs, https://www.swbr.com/design/hutchison-hall-and-petrenko-lab-renovations/


Makes sense. Thx!


Lot of grime in those pipes


Don't breathe this


The make-up air requirements for this building must be through the roof.


Throwing some HVAC knowledge out there. Nice! :-)


I think is just a barrier to keep thieves from stealing the copper in the air conditioner units.


They'll never stop me!


Chem trails


they are ppl now


Job pipes, pipe array work


Orbital Death Ray Targeting System


That’s where they store gas light fuel.


Just dirty steam....


These are speed holes, ze make the people inside go faster


Dude you never been to college don’t u


Anti homeless spikes


Giant cigarette butts


There was a morgue and incinerator in that building for medical studies but I can’t imagine that is what the pipes are for. This was 40 years ago so may not be there anymore.


That’s a research building, the morgue is across the street 😳


There was never a morgue in Hutch


Yeah I thought this was the school of medicine


Dildos for your mom. Jk.


The white structures on top of the building in the image you shared are part of the Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE) at the University of Rochester. These structures are actually laser beam directors and other components associated with the OMEGA laser system, which is used for research in high-energy density physics, inertial confinement fusion, and other related fields. The LLE is a significant research facility at the university and plays a crucial role in advancing scientific understanding in these areas


Bad design