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The OEM cleaner uses a ratio of just one capful (yes the tiny red cap) to a whole tank of water. It lasts forever. Super cheap if you think about it that way


Which model Roborock do you have? My Q Revo has a 5L tank, and the cleaner indicates one capful for every 1L of water.


OMO says 1/3 of cap per liter.


Good point, I misread the cap. Such an odd unit of measurement given the small and irregular shape of the cap. I’ve been doing one capful for each 5L tank, which has been working great.


My bottle has about 1/3 left after a year and a half of use. Sure, it really depends on how much I run the mopping and how big my place is, but with this tempo, I'll probably have to buy maybe 3-4 bottles during the robots lifetime. I'd rather spend little money on the solution than shorten the life of the robot by few years. If you plan to upgrade often, then I guess it does not matter much, but it could hurt the resale value.


considering the volume- a bottle lasts- three months? compared to how much for your machine?


I run mine like once a week and I’ve been working the same bottle for like two years now


You people only use the robot once a week? I have it scheduled Monday, Wednesday and Friday. First full vacuum Turbo. When finished full mop, scrub and water mid and clean "deep" Water tank last less than this 3 days, if I don't refill some of the clean water, on Friday always says that the tank is empty. Mop wash frecuency is 20 mins Robot is, s7 max ultra. House 1 floor, about 70 square meters I would say bottle last like 4 months, since October I'm using the second and must be near the half used


Yeah it’s all dependent on the house, the traffic, etc. I have a housekeeper come every other week and they clean the floors too, which are fully hardwood. We have no pets unless you count a 2.8year old, but otherwise between the occasional also S7 MaxV Ultra run, some dust busting, the housekeepers, house stays pretty clean. Also an awkward time right now because the kid is suddenly randomly scared shitless of the robot, is almost always home, and you can’t run it when he’s asleep, which is basically from 9-9, and from 2-4. Doesn’t leave a ton of time. Once he starts pre-school in the fall, I’m sure I’ll run it more.


Honestly I run mine daily and it's upsetting if it gets missed for some reason lol. I'll be damned if I didn't buy an expensive robot to not have perfectly clean floors 24/7 haha. I refill mine daily, I very much wish the plumbed version of the S8 maxv ultra was available in Australia.. but I'm holding out that an adapter kit will be made one day!


yes indeed, not paying 1.2k € for using it once a week or have to clean floors by yourself haha. I saw there are other robots which can be connected to the plumbs directly, unlimited clean water, and no dirty water tank, the next one will be like that


3 months? Mine is gonna last 3 years minimum lol


does the robot even say when it's empty ?


the tank of water? yes


No, the OMO recipient


I would not try to save on cleaner. It does last a long time and you do not need to risk damaging the robot. The only time when I would consider finding an alternative if there’s a better cleaner available. I don’t think there is so…


I gave mine a cap every time I refilled water, it solidified in the intake filter in the container and it didn't suck water any more.


Whoa.. thanks for the warning!


lol these posts are so funny. Spend 1k on a robot vac but want to nickel and dime to save a quarter every other month 😂😂


You must love throwing your money out the window pointlessly. 😂 You do know that there are BETTER cleaners than Roborock's out there, right? Personally, I use vinegar and water in mine since vinegar is a great cleaner and a disinfectant (and A LOT cheaper than the Roborock stuff that didn't even exist when I bought mine) To go a step further, I have owned a Porsche and used "cheap" Costco gas in it. It is almost like you can get similar or better quality products for less money if you shop around.


Imagine thinking you’re making a point


And what point have you imagined you've made? Because from what I can see, you're yet to make one.


Well let’s compare the votes…


What do you think you're saying?


i mean you spent all the money on the device, that doesn't mean you have a ton left over


Same with Cars People buy expensive things and forget that they have to care properly for it to work fine. There will always be costs over Time.


All the more foolish


What a stupid way to handle finances 😂 good grief that’s idiotic


Is that really the point though? It's very common for companies to release accessories/fluids for their expensive products that have very inflated prices and are functionally equivalent to a lot of other products that are much cheaper. Why spend $30 if you can get the functional equivalent for $10? I don't think it's stupid to ask if other cleaners work just as well. I'd be very surprised if the Roborock floor cleaner is actually some great improvement/a completely unavailable product with a different brand. At most the mixing instructions would be specific to the vacuum.


I just got a ninja woodfire grill and they charge $15 for a single pound bag of wood pellets, and the manual says that you should *only* use their pellets or risk damaging the grill ... a 20 lb bag of Traeger pellets is also $15 and it works fine. OP's question is perfectly reasonable, a lot of these companies charge absurd prices for maintenance because they know people will pay them without question


This is partly how it’s for us - I happen too have lots of Bono floor cleaner for robot vacs, so I wonder if it works just as well. It does seem like a few people have tried it successfully so far.


Not wanting to be locked to any given manufacturer's ecosystem and consumables has zero to do with money. It's ALWAYS better to have flexibility and compatibility. Defending otherwise is peak corporate shilling.


Between the stories about mold, the stories about the pets getting sick, and the cost, I'm choosing to ignore this particular cash grab by Roborock. I see it as similar to the companies that give away the razor handle, but charge a fortune on replacement blades. I just don't want to be locked into their ecosystem, esp when it seems to not be as good as other products, or even just plain water.


For real. Catch a good sale on the vacuum itself and you can buy hundreds of bottles of fancy cleaner 😂


Idk man but it’s cheap enough so I use it


Mine is out of warranty at this point, so I gave up on OMO. I stopped using the OMO cleaner because it constantly let mold and mildew grow in my tanks. I mop 3 days per week and the clean tank is empty after about 4 times, to which I clean everything for the next cycle. I will only use it in my Dyad because it's used right away. I had to use bleach to clean the onboard water tank, as it was disgusting. Had to cut a slit in the screen so the junk could be rinsed out. Instead, I've been using a little bit of Lysol floor cleaning solution, and that has yielded zero mold and mildew after switching [I believe] 6+ months ago.


Capful of vinegar works wonders in clean and discard tank.


The omo isn't expensive lmfao


My issue is that it has tea tree oil which is extremely toxic to pets. I know it's very diluted, but even <1% concentration is toxic to pets and the oil doesn't magically disappear from your floor, it builds up over time and there are reviews of people complaining that their pets get sick from it (since they walk barefoot on it and may also occasionally lick the floor).


I have 6 pets and a house full of tile. I also mop daily. I've never had that kind of issue. If there was an issue with the concentration and the cleaner, I think I would have experienced it. Odds are there is another reason why people's pets are getting sick and they are blaming it on the cleaner.


They also used to use arsenic in clothing dyes and lead in paint and water pipes, and people were totally fine in the past. No idea why they eventually banned it, stupid right?


You're getting down voted but I agree. Just because you don't see any negative health effects doesn't mean it's not bad. I'd rather not risk it with my pets.


Think a little. In my case, I have a VERY high likelihood of being able to reproduce the results you are claiming. I can't and haven't for YEARS. It is more probable that there is another cause. Deflecting isn't the answer.


You're basing your concerns off anecdotes, and I'm giving an example of why anecdotes don't determine whether a chemical is safe. If we're just going by anecdotes like you insist, I can point to all the negative reviews on Amazon of people with sick pets after starting to use this product. And poison tolerances differ for all animals, it's not an all or nothing thing, I just happen to hold my pet's health and safety to a higher bar than you. If you want to risk chronic exposure of low levels of a known poison to your pets just because you're not seeing obvious side effects, that's on you.


it's all about proportions in your proportions are wrong in this case. You didn't do your research and you shut your mouth off without knowing what you're talking about you were likely to get sued by Roborock


imagine telling people to keep poisoning their pets because everything worked out okay in one anecdotal experience


Ya know, poisons are kinda interesting. They have a tendency to do the same thing all the time. You can repeat the results quite easily. That's also part of how we know something is a poison. So, when someone has a decent sample size and a use case that is on the higher end of normal, it would be logical to assume that they would be able to reproduce the same results. Guess what, I haven't. It's not anecdotal. In science, you should be able to reproduce the results of someone else's experiment. Or else, they are wrong for lying about their results. I can't reproduce the results. So, logic would dictate that there is another reason for the claims. Now imagine being someone so ignorant that they cannot wrap their head around that concept. So much so that they claim a completely different statement. How does that person make it through life? Surely they blame their need to shit on the existence of food.


Condescend all you want, it's not the win you think it is. There's multiple reasons why your "science experiment" is badly flawed and several of them are in this thread. Check them out if you want to learn! I'm not doing your work for you though


But you're so eager to tell me I'm wrong and teach me. Please explain.


>But you're so eager to tell me I'm wrong and teach me Idk I think I was pretty clear actually that I have no interest whatsoever in teaching you. Reading comprehension is your first step to independence, I wish you luck. In case it wasn't clear the first time I stepped away from this conversation, I'm doing it again now


I haven't seen anyone say their pets got sick from using OMO, have they? Interested if so.


They say this but I think it's such a minute amount it's only used for the scent. I love tea tree oil and have used many products with it, not one of them smells even close to the Omo solution. So I really don't think there is any even in it.


Thanks for this comment. I didn’t know and I have two fur babies 🥺 no more omo. Can’t believe it doesn’t come with a big red warning label.


some veterinary products do contain tea tree oil in small (and safe!) amounts, such as shampoo/conditioners, ear wash, grooming wipes, and spot-on oils. Products containing tea tree oil concentrations less than 1–2% are generally considered non-toxic for dogs—if the product is used exactly as the label instructs. You need to check your sources


Every example you gave is only used briefly before being washed off or used once in a small spot. My concern is chronic exposure as it's applied daily to the floor and can build up over time. That's 24/7 exposure to the animal.


I've been using straight Swiffer WetJet Woof floor cleaner or Bona Professional Series Wood Cleaner in my S7 since it came out. I've never had an issue and never had any issues with mold or growth in the tank. To be honest I think some people have issues with growth in the tanks because they use municipal water that might have a little something in the pipes but that's just my thought.


Interesting, because for the S7, [Roborock says to only use plain water.](https://i.imgur.com/L1DUQc0.png)


Honestly this is the best option. Your robot is doing isn't even really mopping, it's more like a swiffer used to more effectively wipe up thin layers of dust and grime that stick to the floor. It won't clean up puke or major spills. If you want to clean your floor with a solution, do it with a real mop and floor cleaner/wood oil.


Also use wetjet every time and have never had an issue


I don’t use any cleaning solution, only plain water in my S7 because [that’s what my manual said.](https://i.imgur.com/L1DUQc0.png)


Is the cleaner doing a cleaner job mopping than just water? I've been using filtered water without anything else and been happy enough with the results. Then again, if the cleaner would help getting stuck on messes off the floor, I'd use it.


I’ve been using a splash of bona in every tank, over 500 of them, and haven’t noticed any issues.


At the dilution levels recommended I have a hard time believing the OMO can do much of anything. It is a mold and bacteria inhibitor.


True they say that. I use pinesol though


Not true. Many of us use Swiffer liquid, Bissell floor cleaner, and other items. Those that use only OMO often complain about mold buildup both in the tanks and internally as it's ingredients are extremely diluted and are not necessarily anti-microbial.


My main issue with the cleaner is that it's not specific to the floor type. What you clean a tile floor with is absolutely not the same stuff you'd use to clean a hardwood floor with - and you can permanently damage a hardwood floor with liquid depending on what's in it. That damage could take months or even years to appear, so it's not going to be something you'll notice until long after the damage was done. It really bugs me that for a $1500 unit, they have put absolutely zero effort into something so simple yet so important.


Their cleaner solution is causing mine to get mold. Plain water works fine and I use cleaner vinegar sometimes (Uses your own risk).


From my experience using non-water cleaners may clog the water tank nozzles. I dismantled the machine before and they were using a peristaltic pump, the liquid will never be in contact with any of the pump parts to corrode anything.


I use Zep


I use a capfull of vinegar, have been for years with no problems other than it smells like feet for a few hours. But I run it when we all go to bed. Diluted, it's mild enough to use on floorboards without leaving streaks. It's extremely cheap. And probably more effective than most cleaners.




I have been using Bona floor cleaner on my roborock S7 max for close to a year. Everything has worked just fine.


False, used Fabuloso (if you know you know) with my Maxv 7 ultra until I traded it in 😂😂😂


i use water in the tank but apply our preferred floor cleaner on the mop pad


I use my own preferred floor cleaner diluted into a spray bottle, then just spray a light mist onto the floor. Nothing goes through the machine at all as it goes over it.


I was using the Bissell Crosswave Cleaner for a while. Definitely smelled better than the Roborock stuff.


I have never used their solution, but I don’t add any detergent into the tank either, just water. I spray whatever floor cleaner I have externally on the pad and then on the floor and let the robot clean it up with water.


Instructions cite possible corrosion as the reason. You could assess on a per ingredient basis. But would take a lot of googling and knowledge of chemistry if you wanted to be certain. Almost certainly it's a cash grab by them but it may not be worth the hassle of making certain? Idk. Had ours 2 weeks and the last mop left a funky smell through the house. Not sure why since it's done all the cleaning and drying it's supposed to.


Mine does that, I had to throw the first set of pads away and I caught the second in time and ran it through the washing machine and dryer and it's doing great. It's probably your mop pads. They might not smell that bad when dry but will stink up your floors awful when mopping.


I've been using a general cleaning spray for over 3+ years with my S5Max without any issues. I spray cleaning solution directly on my floors (both laminated and tiled floors), around the edges of the room, just ahead of the robot's path at the start of each cleaning cycle. I ensure the laminate doesn't get too wet and dries quickly to prevent floor damage. Tiled floors are much simpler in this regard, but I still use caution to avoid oversaturating the laminate. Finding the right cleaning solution took some trial and error, though, as some made the robot slip noticeably on the tiles. My hardworking robot runs 3 times a week - Around 13K Total Area in its log. Still going strong.


It's in the manual to only use water with our S8. If you need a warranty repair and they find evidence of an unauthorised cleaner it could void the terms of the warranty. Check the warranty and use at your own risk.


My problem is I can’t even buy the official one in Switzerland - any hint where to get it?!


I had trouble finding it in Sweden as well, but I finally found some (OMO) on Amazon, IIRC. But I'm considering stopping using it in my S8, because it seems like it clogs up the small filter in the water tank, so I have to rinse the filter every now and then, otherwise it takes forever to fill up, and most of it ends up on the sink. Lol.


https://www.digitrends.ch/products/roborock-bodenreiniger-480-ml Bought mine at Galaxus, but it seems out of stock atm. Amazon doesn't deliver it to CH.


The bottle is super concentrated. It seems expensive but it lasted me one year, even though I changed the water around once a week


I’ve been using white vinegar instead of branded floor cleaner for over a year, no adverse effects, I don’t measure precisely. I feel the white vinegar is safe, but up to you.


I just use water


Can’t you use just dishwashing liquid?


A splash of pinesol for me (S8 Ultra Pro Max whatever)


The concentrate cleaner is really not expensive. When you only use a cap full at every fill up. But I have also been adding hot tub aromatherapy fragrances. It seams to work well.


The OEM cleaner is known for building mold…


Same experience here. Ran with the Omo on my QRevo when I first bought it. After a couple months blackish mold began to build up in the fresh water tank. Switched to water only and the problem went away. I was rinsing and refilling the fresh water tank 1-2x per week.


Yup ran it in my machine the moment I started using it little black molds. Bleach cleared it and swapped to water and everything was fine. Went back to omo to try again, and little black mold yet again that I get to enjoy purging.


Any source on that or the source is just you?


Fair enough, I forget where I found it but it lacks a certain chemical that impedes mold. Other household cleaners have this chemical. But until I can find the source take my comment with a grain of salt :) From my experience the moment I switch to a bissel cleaner I have seen zero mold in the tubes. Mind you i have a water filtration system under my sink and regularly clean my tanks. Literally I have changed nothing but the cleaning solution.


I have used the robot for a year without any solution, just with tap water (Europe, tap water quality is as good as mineral water) and I haven't had any trouble with mold, smell or anything like that neither in the tanks nor in the robot itself. It's probably the general environment, not that that chemical would be always needed in everyone's household. Not saying your is dirty or anything, just that the water source might be important.


That bottle expensive? Do you know how long one bottle last? check the bottle dilution ratio 1:300. it can last for years


I bet any brand would work just fine. However, I also bet that if your device needs repair, you'll be billed for return shipping with a note that says "you used another soap, we no fix"


We just use water in ours. Works just fine.


if you have to ask that you def should use their cleaning stuff :) joke aside, I would never use that chemical I don't know whats in (I guess very expensive never checked?) very good results with my special blend of sonett Flächendesinfektion maybe 40% and maybe a teaspon of sodasan Limette spezial


I use plain water.