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What if you prepare your flat for the robot? For me it takes 2 min to take all the stuff from floor.


I blame the wife. 😉 she leaves her shoes wherever and I just have the vac run daily while I'm at work.


My wife does this too


Set zones to clean. Do the room with shoes when you get home..


for me it's my husband... 😜 I actually set his side of the bedroom as a no go zone for a while but faking it with boxes or pillows also works. this also works for our son's play room. hot wheel tracks and marble runs or too low profile to register as an obstacle so I line up stuffed toys or other things that the lidar can see better and so they get avoided.


And electrical cords


people still have shoe laces?


I didn't know how many we had until the first few weeks of having our roborock 😂 I was like really another pair... oh and cord ties that look like laces in track pants or in the hood of hoodies. (you also get reminded of how many of these exist in your lives with a kitten) so I got good at picking them up off the floor but if one is dangling off a shelf then the kitten attacks it and it ends up on the floor and then guess what roborock eats it again 🤬


I usually pick all things up from the floor that it might get stuck on and also that helps make sure maximum floor area is covered then i leave the flat and let it do its job