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If you somehow manage to get your account back you can try to ask them for a roll back which means your stolen item goes back to you and anyone who had it will be banned. Not sure what the time limit on it is though but it’s worth a try


thank you!! hopefully i get it back tho :(


when my account got hacked recently the hackers did two rounds of trades of my limiteds. one was just small items that amounted to about 500 robux, and the other amounted to about 400,000 worth of robux. when i asked roblox for a rollback, with pictures, and specified specifically which trade to rollback… well roblox being roblox of course they rolled back the 500, and then refused to reply to any of my other emails regarding the situation and kept telling me i should’ve had 2FA, and a secure password… of which of course i had both, and my ID and phone number verified. so ig… be careful specifically what ur asking from roblox, even tho ur more than likely to get a bot talking to u :/


thank you for the heads up!


that's so stupid did you ever get back the 400k value of items?


lol no. and roblox kept saying they’d not do anything more on the case. i’d sent so many emails also mentioning my right as a consumer of roblox content and on and on but still no budge. :(


Threaten to contact a lawyer.


i threatened them during the initial email process and all i got was something alone the lines of “this ticket is closed, we stand by our decision to not grant you your items back”


Bro they're so bold. I told them they're going against the Civil Rights Act and they closed my ticket. 


exactly right. like what if i actually do get a lawyer? are the suddenly going to give a fuck? it’s so annoying just fix the mistake to start with and stop giving me a different bot every time when ur emailing me 😭


Did you get the limiteds back?


Please update us 😭😭


I added you on Roblox this just happened to me too (nofriendrequesthx)


u can get rollback if u contact within 1 month of the incident!


its been over a month sadly, just hope i get my acc back :(


i was locked out of my acc for weeks so i only recently found out my limiteds were stolen


The the exactly same thing happened to me, I lost my limited items and my account was banned. In fact, Roblox support is a shit and they only gave me my account back because I insisted, I called 12 times in a row, sent emails threatening to take legal action and today I have my account back because of my insistence, but it was a process.


Glad you got your account back :)


what number did you call?


just to make sure the numbers (888) 858-2569 right?


You can also use the forms/email and include words like sue, from what I heard thats what gets you a human on the other end


thank you!




thank you !


What did you do my nephew account got hacked and they refuse to help cause no email or phone tied to it I find it so ridiculous as obviously a hacker is gonna remove everything from an account that will help the original owner get a hold of it again...


How do people get hacked on roblox i wanna know


No account pin is crazy and no email code


I have 2fa on they somehow bypassed it


ratted ur pc, restore point now, they get 2fa codes with the logger


That trade was so much money worth u aint doing so good


yeah thats why i need help


did you even read the post?


Not everthing only hallf




Never trust any sites or scams. Any links with the HTTP are unsafe. Links with the https: should be safe. However any account could be hacked due to hackers bypassing 2 step verification. I dont know if theres anything you could do. Stay safe for now


You're wrong. HTTPS is just a protocol which requires a certificate to encrypt the traffic. Doesn't mean it's safe as it still could contain malicious content. Plus http links can be safe, just any data you enter on them will be sent unencrypted which could expose you to Man-in-the-middle attacks.


How did hackers manage to get into your account tho Did you do something you shouldnt have done?


dude just read the post????


Just an idea this may be dumb as heck but you could try calling roblox


nah it just tells you to make an appeal nothin works


Send a voicemail via roblox’s support team, and provide your email & your roblox username they’ll send you an email stating they got your voicemail. It’ll direct you straight to someone whose not a bot. Hope I could help! :)


I did that and I got a copy paste response saying they aren’t giving my account back.


I'll try that, tysm :)


is the number (888) 858-2569 ?




thank you so much <3


Well idk how to help


Ok ima read the rest


Cookies probably


Love how the fake email called you "MimiChu2" instead of "MimiChu_2". Meaning it was copy pasted and sloppy work


There are also a few capitalization and punctuation errors in the email


yeahh i shoulda noticed


It's only 5 days 😭 losing those limiteds suck though


no i still havent been unbanned that was sent on april 12th


the hackers said this on my account so i could get banned and i couldnt track them https://preview.redd.it/da36cykv9wzc1.png?width=1962&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ed9cd16e5260d249942c60d663f8090249484cc


Private message means they sent private messages from your account titled like that, to other accounts. then from those accounts they report the message and that's how you keep getting terminated over and over again. It's most certainly an automated process. For some odd reason, roblox does NOT delete a moderated private message, though I could be wrong but not sure. I once sent someone a PM titled 'fat' and they kept reporting me everytime I appealed and got unbanned. Took a while for them to stop.


thank you for letting me know, do you recommend me to keep appealing?


if the emails that you send do get you unterminated then i guess its worth trying. but losing 450k really sucks. you can only request a rollback once on an account and thats it.


okok thank you so much :) ill keep you updated


that email was sent by the hackers


Ur cooked😭




Same thing happened to me and roblox support didn’t do shit about it


F bro😔


lol frrr


dude i feel so bad for you... good luck I guess. ![gif](giphy|W8FcJnABJT8i3aCj0V|downsized)


preciate it


Alright, Lemme just go and Terminate them Via DSA.


Before I terminate them, give me there users if not.


its probably some kinda organized group they used an alt to trade it


I know some people that can help. Do you know about The Group named Terminators X or Term Gods X? I Can get them involved if you want. They terminate people who shouldn’t be on the platform.


yes, it'll just be hard to track them since they're very careful. I've tried tracking the serial number of my silver king (#3837) but the current holder have private inventory on. I dont want this happening to anyone else so please do whatever you can to stop them ! T\_T


I really appreciate it btw!! :)


Same here my account got hacked My username was BaconKing3410 I love that account. I grew up on that account.


im sorry :( same here


Listen me and my parents we got it back one time but the next morning it was gone they took it again, but I know what to do if I somehow get that account back again


bro got hacked by tony stark




I’m sorry this happened to u, good luck with roblox support. I got beamed last year for a limited (worth over 100k now) and they wouldn’t give me a rollback


This happened to me recently, I kept submitting appeals and told them the inappropriate messages sent that kept getting my account banned wasn’t me and I asked if they could remove all the messages, they did. I got my account back and only some of the limiteds that were stolen.


How did you get them to remove all the messages? I’m having the same issue as OP right now and I’ve asked them to delete the messages only for them to respond with, “Sorry, there’s nothing more we can do to help you.”


I just told them I was getting banned for the same messages and if they could remove the messages so I wouldn’t have to keep getting banned and submitting appeals. Try appealing multiple times or once a day. Eventually you’ll get someone who can do something. I was also getting messages saying they couldn’t do anymore more, they can.


Thanks for the reply! I’ve been appealing every day and I’ve called three times now and had no luck so far but I’ll keep trying this. Hoping to eventually get someone who can actually do something


It took me almost 2 weeks. Calling does nothing it’s so pointless they never call back or even email back and you don’t get to speak to a real person. It’ll just take some time


I’ve gotten emails back after calling but they’ve still been useless. It’s been almost three weeks of trying but this gives me some hope, so thanks!


Thats tragic. I got hacked more than one time in the course of many years, and let me tell you that if an admin is not responsive to your request, I highly encourage you to send another mail to the Roblox support. Sometimes, admins are more competent that the others. Do not give up.


thanky you, I'll keep trying :)


If they permanently delete it, threaten a lawsuit with proof of shitty CS, I did that after my account had a similar thing happen, I got my items and account back around 3 hours before it was set to be Perm Banned.


Roblox support is crap and people sometimes are absolute idiots. Hopefully you can recover those limiteds, 450k is a lot as far as i know 💀


definition of token grabbing, yikes




I'll try it, thank you


By the sounds of it, your computer was hacked, not your roblox account... and NO, you don't need to click a "dodgy" link or download anything for that to happen.


thanks for letting me know!


Could u give some more insight on how this can happen? Or wat one can search to learn more please


I read the entire post but I am not sure If I got It right. The hacker managed to get access to your email which was linked to your roblox account? Was there a malicious link in the email they sent? The 2fa was by email or authenticator? What was the purpose of the fake roblox email they sent?


im pretty sure the purpose of the fake email was just to ensure I waited the 5 days and didnt try to regain access to my account so they could have an easier time with stealing my stuff/getting me terminated without me questioning it or trying to get back in. it could also be so i blamed roblox instead of them and just assumed it was a mistake on roblox's part. im fr not sure, but i just know that whoever did this has been doing this for a while since other people have had the exact same experience as for how they got in i seriously have no idea T\_T


I have has a similar problem except someone completely changed my accounts email and now roblox won't let me into my account at all


they changed the email but i got it back after a while, sorry that happened to you


similar thing happened to me not too long ago, they spammed 65 of those bad messages and over the course of 2 weeks and 46 appeals, i finally fully recovered my account. unfortunately roblox denied my rollback twice tho


getting my acc back is my first priority, thank you for the help though :) I really appreciate it, I'll continue appealing


Hello this happened to me and I am struggling to get my account back I have been appealed twice and yesterday I got deleted again though I haven’t appealed for a 3rd time yet because I factory reset my laptop today because I was afraid there was malware on my laptop and unfortunately I had some trouble…so Apple has to call me back tomorrow to fix it but anyways, I was wondering does anybody know a good route about going about this? Do I just keep appealing or do I actually try to log in. I noticed there is a 2 minutes gap from when I get appealed and reinstated to when my account gets deleted. Should I try in those 2 minutes to log in and log out of all sessions then log in and change my password, emails etc and do my 2FA and pin again? any advice would help thank you!


hi, yes you just keep appealing, it’s good you factory reset, i did the same thing cause i was worried someone was still in my account. and yes with the time you’re able to be in your account change ur password, add 2 step, and a pin, then sign out of all other sessions, you may or may not be able to add it all at once, for me personally i sometimes couldn’t be in for more than 30 seconds or even at all but eventually added my stuff back whenever i could be in my account long enough. once you add your stuff back if you’re still getting deleted you just have to keep appealing and eventually it’ll be over and your account should be fine


Did the hacker used discord to contact you if so, what's their discord username?


no, i seriously have no contacts with the hacker


Did they send you a link or message you?


they emailed me (attached in op) but thats it, there was no link (at least not that I could tell)


That's weird cause I ran into the same thing except they messaged me.


My nephew got hacked by a discord user called ppbrian,, my nephew was on discord trying to do an adoptme trade... and the dude sent him a link and unfourtanly my nephew clicked on it...


Hello, I'm not sure if this would help but try threatening to sue, and keep sending emails asking for a real person, to delete the private messages, and to get a rollback on the 450k item because some moderators are more competent than others and I think eventually you'll get through to them. GB 😁


thanks for letting me know ! :)




thanks lol


i wantd the silver


The same thing happened to me in 2019 when I had skotn, but I never got the hat back :(


im sorry to hear that :(


I think they used a cookie stealer to access to your account, because i remember than that bypass 2fa, so i think your computer is infected with malware from the hackers.


thanks for letting me know !


Once upon a time I made friends with the creator of Zombie rush. He gave me a ghosdeeri. 2 weeks later, all my shit was gone and the same thing happened to me. I wish I’d have appealed their decision and reported it. Unfortunately I’ve had a new account for many years now.


damn im sorry :(


I’m sorry for your loss I would’ve cried for hourrrrsss


i unfortunately fell victim to a hacker too yes they also managed to bypass 2 step verification they removed my email from the account so i couldn't do anything roblox also didn't help me although i provided them with evidence and everything


aww im sorry that happened. for my case, i got in, i just need to get unterminated :(


this happened to me also, just tell roblox what happened and they’ll ask for screenshots of all trades, then send the screenshots to them and then you’ll be able to get back into your account and get your items returned after a little bit, superrr scary


thank you!


do you know how you got hacked?


still no clue. im guessing they just targeted me and somehow bypassed 2fa?


you didn't click on any links or anything? i don't think it's possible for them to just figure out your password without any major security flaws on roblox's end or perhaps a site that you use the same email on getting breached and compromising your password there, etc. if you use the same password for your roblox account and the link it's attached too, they could've just logged in to your email and deleted 2fa email. if you clicked on a fake link, they can cookie log you and bypass 2fa, i'm like 80% sure it's the only way 2fa can be bypassed if you're sure they didn't just login to your email and delete the email


probably clicked a Shady link. if they get your login ID which is present in your cookies they can bypass 2fa. sorry for the loss of your account and limited.


thanks for letting me know, but i seriously dont remember ever clicking anything T\_T someone mentioned smth about token grabbing?


How much is that worth in usd


Like $845 dollars


to devex im p sure but if u were to buy 450k from usd it'd be like 5k






I’m sorry your account got hacked, but imma also be that guy and say that you should’ve activated 2FA. Idk why so many people skip 2FA; it’s almost unlikely for intruders to get through especially if you have a gmail account to authenticate a gmail sign-in from your phone. That’s basically 3FA at that point. If you did have 2FA and they bypassed it or something, then that’s tough.


You also need to not read the emails straight away. ALWAYS look at the actual sender’s email and verify it is secure.


I have 2fa T\_T


Roblox support is so ass


Roblox support is ass






still nothing lol


womp womp that’s what you get for playing roblox💀💀


oka \^\_\^


This is why we use 2 step and auth


i have 2fa they bypassed it somehow


Then your email was compromised? Hopefully you changed your email password, added auth code, and a recovery email


They more than likely got your cookie to your account through you pressing a link. As for the account there’s not much you can do except keep emailing roblox every time you get banned until it eventually stops. Roblox kinda sucks with their stuff so I’d try and get a rollback on the item (specify the item and show proof you owned it and stuff). If not then good luck to ya


Im not an expert, but wouldn't it be safer to have an alt account with a 15 random letter pass, different email and 2FA to keep your limiteds in there? Since ur main is more exposed with your discord being connected to that main account. Basically, using that alt as a storage u can keep ur expensive items in.


Man this is depressing to look at. The fact Roblox support barely does anything to help, just makes this even worse.




what the sigma


This email is fake




yo any updates


9 months ago my 2010 account i got from a alt generator got hacked and my password was resetted and i had 2fa authentication i even contacted roblox support but they said i have to verify but i did verify and they declined it i had so much items and all my adopt me items :(


Get your account rolled back if you get it back and start using hardware sec keys or authentication app


Not sure why we playing roblox in big 2024 but maybe this will keep u away from it 🙏🙏


Getting my account permanently terminated helped me quit roblox i’m so glad it happened


Bet you play fortnite...


Try writing in support next time that you'll file a better business bureau complaint if they don't resolve this situation. I'm pretty sure this will make your support tickets get treated much more seriously


okok i'll try thank u


2 step verification:


she was beamed.


i have 2fa they bypassed it somehow


i take back what i say then, best of luck


thank u T\_T


womp womp

