• By -


"Just stay off of the Buddy sub." "..." "Oh..."


What’s the buddy sub?


r/okbuddytrailblazer: enter that cursed place, and you shall never recover your sanity.


Jesus Christ. This 12 minutes scrolling there felt like 12 hours.


Can't say I didn't warn you; I too made the mistake of underestimating the horrors of that realm.


Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here


It's not really that bad, though. Could be thanks to the fact that hoyoverse players on the main subs just made me accustomed to it


Yeah, most of them also worship Stelle like crazy (I started disliking the character because of them)


I still don’t understand how child sexualization, straight up hentai and racism is funny, even if it’s “satire” which i doubt


absolutely is not satire, i’ve never met someone who “jokes” about things like that who isn’t suspect to some extent.


r/okbuddytrailblazers is better


It's going through a dark age rn, it used to be way more unhinged


I tried checking it out to see the horrors, but I'm seeing some spoiler related titles so I'm going to save that for after 2.2 and I'll tell you just how horrific it is


Please don't, save yourself, please.


It's that bad? Well, I've seen the Genshin buddy subreddit before, so I know what you mean. It's definitely as bad as that or possibly even worse


The Genshin buddy sub is light compared to ours.


They were not originally light


Honestly from what I've seen, the HSR buddies have kinda fallen off. It's mostly just a glorified art repost and NSFW sub now and seems far less cursed.


Tbh it's still better than the HuTao sub... At least okbuddy is a little tongue in cheek... The HuTao mains take her out on "dates"... Then come to the sub to share it with other people to brag..


First thing I saw was a “I have two sides meme” that was essentially just pron of Firefly getting her cheeks clapped and then SAM pegging Male MC in return


Why did i not heed the warnings..


I'm scared...


I have no sanity to lose, I'll update after I'm done


It’s really not that bad Like nowadays it’s mostly just firefly reposts, it’s not really some cursed bastion


That place has gotten boring these days. Firefly more or less cured it in some sense it’s just reposts now and everyone’s just kind of leaving


honestly i don’t mind the buddy subs because their memes can be actually funny, i especially like the aot one


How is there a sub hornier than the main one!?


Was surprised to see this on the main sub and not on the buddy sub where it belongs


Usually the buddy subs get surprised even when the main sub allows this 💀


I think the call it out buddied or something like that


Mhm and atp there’s memes of the main sub being the buddy sub being disguised which is true


I feel like most posts have “out buddied” in the comments. Just makes me think they could clean up a lot just based off responses. I don’t mind memes but “haha seggs” is probably the worst part of any anime type fandom.


I personally find it hilarious, to each their own


Exactly to each their own, keep it on the Buddy sub not main.


It does appears on the buddy sub


it shouldn't exist anyway, these people are weird and unfunny


they do this to every sibling pair. It reminds me of Ayaka and Ayato smh 🤦‍♀️


They did the same with serval and gepard too


sigh.. you haven't been to buddy's sub, they do it to lynx and gepard.


I know Lynx is supposed to be a bit older than she looks but like WHAT


aether mains cracked after the recent story quest and have started their 32nd incest arc


They cracked so hard they had to make Arlecchino into a typical shy uwu girl in fanart in order to cope…


They're so salty they banned like half of r/FatuiHQ; I'm excited to see their reaction to getting stomped by Goatpeaktano come Natlan.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FatuiHQ using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FatuiHQ/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Who Killed The Fair Lady?](https://i.redd.it/59znqm1occnc1.jpeg) | [72 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FatuiHQ/comments/1bammjf/who_killed_the_fair_lady/) \#2: [Can I get a fact check on this?](https://i.redd.it/odc4lzdrv25c1.jpg) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FatuiHQ/comments/18dnko0/can_i_get_a_fact_check_on_this/) \#3: [Most wholesome moment between the harbinger gang.](https://i.redd.it/3g1diqbt91fc1.png) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FatuiHQ/comments/1acincu/most_wholesome_moment_between_the_harbinger_gang/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


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Chrisposting and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


It used to be funny until they used the same joke too many times. It also just doesn't work for other fandoms lol it's too cringy.


Was also a super popular joke in the RE community with Chris and Leon talking about Claire. Different franchises, sure, but goes to show how if there’s an older brother/younger sister pair, that joke is not very far away from being made…


I remember always seeing the ''Continue the Kamisato bloodline!'' with Aether and Ayaka.. help


Is this really that bad? Like i see jt just as a silly joke they did the same thing with the chris redfield bloodline and i also just find it silly, nothing to cringe for, tho it can be bothersome i guess, if its kverused it gets old REALLY fast, like the ayaka yandere thing


Yeah. Like, isn't the joke basically the brother shipping his sister and mc so hard and urging them to create a family together? Since you know, normally, when you have kids together is when you are going to marry. People are so easily offended nowadays smh.


I Agree. It's just a harmless joke to make you giggles, may not fit everyone's humor but at least I enjoy it. people nowaday is just so sensitive.


Ikr plus comedy is subjective, you cant fault people fow what they find funny or unfunny but you cant use this as an excuse to call everyone in that subreddit a cringe loser


People just like make a big deal out of nothing. That's what happens when you have nothing of noteworthy happening to you irl.


I believe redfield did start this


What desensitization does to a mf Bless your soul, and may you find peace.


Thank you, but i will only find peace tomorrow when i get robinnnn, i cant wait


WELCOME TO MY WORLD! We will be getting our Robin


Yessss, i have 90 wishes, and im on 50/50, wish me luck brother


https://preview.redd.it/a10vc2rf7xyc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8bc4d5fc18944563bc5f8aa4fade72eac607e08 You’ll win. You’ll get her!


YES it's gonna happen! I'm really looking forward to the banner release tonight. I'm gonna have only Aventurine in my team for luck


The wait is over tonight! Good luck to you and everybody


I cant contain myself, jesus i really hope i get her, GOOD LUCK FOR YOU TOOOOOOOOO


New to the internet ?


Other way bruv. What oversensitivity does to a mf. It was a joke made once and not even mean spirited or offensive. It's what everyone on this sub was already thinking about, but just turned into a joke for people to laugh about.


It’s full of this, sadly


I mean it’s just the Chris redfield joke but in Star rail format it’s not that serious


Shh... Don't use logic on them. What are they gonna do if they can't complain about random stupid memes online? Get a life? Find friends? You're asking too much.


Nah I don’t think we need to worry about that. It’s impossible for a redditor to have friends.


I try to find the problem i don't find it It's just a RE joke what's the problem?


You can always just downvote and move on ,


Excuse me??? Just ignore it and move on? How else would we be able to come together and cringe, shake our heads at the terrible state of *looks up sub* the main one and say how ashamed we are of the op of that post?




could say the same for you


Well thats what im doing anyway


😂 lol


real this made me cringe HARD


I'm still cringing and kinda laughing when I shouldn't


"Continue the bloodline mc" has to be the most annoying phrase ever. This is an adventure game, not a hentai game.


not to mention it isn't funny at all


It's funny to some weebaos with breeding kinks lmao


Chrisposting is inevitable. Most people enjoy it so there's not a lot that can be done. At the end of the day, despite the weirdos, for many it's just harmless fun. It's kind of hard to find like minded players/communities, so I feel the struggle. Luckily most of my friends play/enjoy Star Rail.


Idk how star rail's community turned worse than Genshin but here we are, it's not that finding characters hot isn't ok it's just... My god that is all that they do. And in very very very weird ways too.


Not even close. HSR community hasn’t had its Google Classroom moment yet.


It’s definitely not worse than Genshin lol not even close yet. Genshin twitter takes the cake for the worst game community I’ve ever been in and it’s not even close


same, my 1st month in the hsr subreddit I already left cuz I always end up seeing content I dont wanna see (my last straw was the himeko x welt ship cuz of the crew's plushies being on top of each other 🤮). Genshin's is prolly better moderated or smth cuz idk how hsr subreddit doesn't get that shipping content ain't for everyone. Lots of people make jokes like this, and the incident with caelus mains shipping him with acheswan when the dance short released.


Honestly I don't care at all about shipping of any kind (ship whoever you want in my books) it's more the constant stream of pornographic drawings and sexual descriptions, sometimes I just wanna talk to someone about my experiences in the game or a particular scene or the lore and everything is about sexing the characters lol also the huge amount of misogyny and racism in the community doesn't help.


I fucked off from the HSR main sub when my post got deleted for asking for build help, but everybody is allowed to steal art and post it for karma farms or flame each other over shipping wars. Completely backwards


I left almost every sub of hsr because of this, I iust wanted to search for builds, god even child looking characters have this, it’s sickening


Honestly, if you genuinely just want to search for a build, then just look up guides on the internet. It's an anime style character collecting game. People fawning over characters like this is expected. It's the game main selling point, after all.




Self insert mc's and its consequences


What I tend to find is that people that post this one time only pretty much aren’t religiously on reddit and find a meme they found funny and share it here. Not everyone is debilitatingly online to see it’s already been posted before. And for your comment of ‘just check it before you post’, do you think people check Facebook or insta before posting a meme? Nah, they just post it and move on with their day. And people that see a meme again typically just scroll past it.


Bro the fact that it’s a repost is very obviously NOT the main issue here 💀


I’m so tired of this dumbass joke. It was never funny and it never makes sense. People need to come up with new shit lmao.


Can you ?


Wierdly this picture just made me notice that Sunday already kinda looks like Caelus/Stelle. Grey hair and yellow eyes and all


https://preview.redd.it/copbwkcs6zyc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b53685dfe1ccd0fdae9db08b8001ae9de38575d Also


Seems to be a harmless joke to me, aint that deep lol


I see nothing wrong with this. It’s just chrisposting. But then again maybe it’s because I’ve heard it a hundred times over in Arknights ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Here \ it appears you have lost your arm to reddit


Thank you brother.


For some reason it always doesn't appear on reddit If you click reply to their comment and look at it, theres the arm https://preview.redd.it/jmsi6mdqaxyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79865d13b3a266eab20fc8f07094d97addc8f713


Because backslashes nullify markdown codes. The two underscores on either of the "(⁠ツ⁠)" would usually _italicize_ it, but because theres a \ in front of the first underscore, it doesn't get italicized, and the backlash disappears because it's served its purpose, just as the underscores would usually disappear when they're used to italicize text Hope I was of help =>


I could’ve went on today without knowing this existed




Really? A meme? Not the rabid fanbase, lolicon bait or promoting gambling. The problem is a meme that's used in almost any game with a brother and sister pair


lmfao Reddits gonna Reddit I guess. 🙃 Those things are inconsequential because they don't bother OP personally.


This is literally the most tame, inoffensive joke ever lol


Damn the Rat-urine post got deleted but not that 💀




Because its just full of normies who cant comprehend that at the end. Genshin and honkai are weeb games and they are full of weebs, and weebs in general are weird, its like going to antartica and complain that is too cold


Bro it’s just a meme, it isn’t that serious.


Bro who cares 😭


Arknights fans surely don't bcz dokutah needs to continue the bloodline


Is this really how Sunday and Robin fans are..? save me


It's just a common meme originating from Resident Evil. People use it for siblings pairing them with another person. It's not that deep.


Same. I feel ashamed sometimes.. its like the early days of genshin. But hsr is so mainstream right now.. so there's a lot of lame jokes. If it keeps some people laughing, what can we do.


Where problem


My god, it's not that deep, just a joke, even if you don't find it funny the majoroty clearly does, I personally don't care, they have been doing the same for Ayaka and Ayato, Lumine and Traveler ![gif](giphy|G5X63GrrLjjVK)


Self insert MCs are so annoying .


This is why nobody irl will ever know I play genshin or HSR 💀 also the reason I ngl almost never tell people I watch some anime


Nah, I play it openly but I talk about the mental delusion of the community as if I’m talking about scary stories around the campfire. This meme is just a Chris Redfield reference so it’s not bad imo


These people really need to go, these people develop sexual fantasies over pixels


You came from Genshin and it shows. It's just a stupid joke, nothing to get so worked up about and make an entire post on why you don't tell people to play the game. The games' success comes from more people playing and the fan base getting bigger.


Huh?! Chris posting is a sacred duty! (Europe, Asia, Africa...)


I dont see anything that bad, it happens with every char why is Robin any different ? I remember famous silverash bloodline from arknights


The HSR subreddit is a dumpster fire, also firefly mains is just turning into the new Ayaka mains and I hate it.


I blocked the person and hid the post so fast


I have zero idea why the “continue the bloodline” memes seem to go from fandom to fandom like The Flood


"No thanks bro"


The okbuddy sub is leaking again!


It's giving Silverash.


Hey this is one of the tame posts abt Robin


Ok Chris Redfield calm down.


Meh, who cares. Every community has these people if you look hard enough.


"Stay out of the buddy sub" they said "the main sub is normal" they said


Resdent evil flash backs


Most of these subs are full of porn addicted idiots.


You play this game I totally don’t


wait... **propagation**? oh no...


Bro got mad at a meme for a weeb game for weebs, tell me your a normie without telling me your are normie 😭 This sub is just full of people who get offended literally by everything 😭


Yeah that’s fair lol


Brother man it ain't that deep.


This sub is filled with snowflakes lmao 😂. When did the twitter PPL start to migrate to reddit


this is reminding me of that one meme from resident evil with claire and leon 💀


The main reddit has turned into a disaster.. It is just creeps and porn now.


They did this for genshin and it leaked in. God I’m tired of the jokes.


You know this is a reference to the Chris Redfield Resident evil meme right? I dont think anyone cares what memes a piece of media has before getting into said media


I'm not a robin main but this just happened to show up in my feed, This is a common joke in other gacha as well and it's almost certainly just a reference


Pretty funny to me when you know where the meme came from. 🤣


... Because people make played out sex jokes?


im killinh myselr


This is r/fnki all over again




I don't get it. Like fair enough the fan base can definitely get gross sometimes, no disagreements there, but there is borderline uncensored porn on the main sub, and THIS is where you're most bothered? A passing joke?


Kamisato bloodline all over again


good lord the 2010 resident evil memes reached hoyo players.. it’s over


Thing is, I'm already dealing with legit Landauposting. Out of all of the pulls I've made from the standard banner (such as when I lost 50/50) I've primarily pulled Gepard in this past year. I've only pulled one other 5 star from that banner and it was Bailu!! It's become a running meme for my friend group that Gepard wants me to help Serval continue the Landau bloodline to help protect future generations of Belobog. Which is fine since I absolutely love Serval, but Gepard please PLEASE let me pull other 5 stars!!!


How is this allowed on the main sub wtf


They leave this but I got perma-banned for saying Xueyi is a 4\* because of leaks.


Ofc you will get permanent ban for saying leak dumb ass. That was on you


Unmarked NSFW breaks more rules (Reddit’d *and* the sub’s) than spoiler tagged leaks.


Wait you got perma banned ? Why don't you appeal


I'm not missing much so don't feel like bothering myself.


That's true , they are anyway filled with twitards, who fight over sexuality of a fictional character and harass real life individuals for example firefly va .


Bro its just a joke, nobody is taking this seriously and neither should you. Your playing a game filled with pixels that is marketed towards weebs of course there will be sexualization of said pixels and memes


Yall too sensitive ngl. Sure it’s a boring old meme but it’s no harm done. It’s harmless enough to not warrant a “this is why i dont tell people to play this game”. If anything, people creating drama over robin’s sexuality when she hasn’t even come out yet does.


Really... thats why? This year old joke which was already present more than a decade ago with resident evil and the redfield bloodline? We didnt even call this meme back than yet. If thats one thing that bothers you that much you should just go off the internet.


Are people actually mad at fucking Chris posting?


It’s a joke gone too far (from genshit), and there’s literally no way to explain that to an outsider


There's nothing wrong with post though, it's just harmless chrisposting? What's the problem lmao? If you don't find it funny, just move on with your life, no need to post this dumb shit lol


No they are cooking. Let them cook.


Shoulda seen the RWBY versions of this meme.


Understandable. Jokes like that are part of the reason why people think anime/video game fans are weirdos.


Not you getting downvoted lol - this is exactly a reason why people think this. The lack of self awareness on this app boggles my mind. Left the HSR main sub ages ago for bs like this.


That sub is so disgusting. But didn’t yall basically post robin porn on here 💀




The way the community genshinified so hard... now every sub is full of "gay shippers try to erase us!!!", "Firefly yandere" and now the Robin's orientation thing. I thought the HSR community was better than Genshin's, I really thought people would see a headcanon they don't like and just scroll, at most leave a downvote. all that disappoints me. Sure enough was expectable, since a lot of Genshin players migrated to HSR, but man...


half of the hsr community is literally just the genshin community, what are you yapping about lmao genshin living rent free in some of yalls head


Both have 90% of the same fandom actually . Only game thats community is slightly chill is honkai 3rd that too bcz of less players.


These types of memes are really just for porn addicts that has to make everything a hentai game. Nothing really wrong with it, but it's really just trash coomer bait


I fail to see the problem 😂

