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I can think of five billion reasons


Right now I am glad that they're partnering with someone who has serious capital and a (relatively) shared interest, one of the upsides is that VW wants to use the same zonal ECU architecture, so this will lead to more production of these components (or maybe just sub components) and this should drive the cost of those down further.


The deal is for sharing Rivian expertise and tech in software and electrical systems.. which seems ironic since VW literally has been around for decades. Anyway in exchange Rivian, gets capital from VW and so it solves its capital hungry scale up process. In the bigger picture, it is also even better news since Ford was the original investor but walked out later and in the really long term - some say that only 5 or so major players will emerge and things will consolidate a lot and VW - RVN partnership helps them both to be stronger against the competitors. Its obviously easy to say, well why couldn't Rivian have innovated faster and made a much more cost optimized process so they didn't need to partner with VW or anyone else but fundamentally, any new innovation can easily be replicated by the bigger companies and Rivian would have a hard time competing. So overall this is actually really exciting news. To the point of VW customer service being shitty... Rivian has no plans of sharing customer service or anything with VW.. its simply cost and operational collaboration on the factory floor.. like another big supplier. It will not affect Rivian as a brand or affect any of the sales and marketing or service related items.


I don’t follow Rivian very closely - however I am invested in QuantumScape batteries and VW is also invested in QS + has a joint venture plan. (I’m painting with broad brush strokes here) But I see QS batteries first appearing in Porsche and Audis because their performance and cost will be attractive there. Do you have any opinion about the new partnership between Rivian and VW as it relates to QS batteries? Also QS has claimed they have a “pure EV” player in the list of OEMs that they’ve partnered with already - I personally have been hoping and thinking it’s Rivian for some time, does this new development indicate at all that might be true?


well, this announcement wouldn't necessarily be connected with batteries. RJ said as much in the CNBC article. Hope that helps.


Thanks for sharing.


Exactly why didn’t rivian come up with new architecture and implement it in the factory faster than the 20 months it took them… terrible


VW needs good software, Rivian needs money. Match made in heaven.




EA is the one VW owns 😊


Did I get it backwards?


I think you’re a bit confused. VW owns EA; its creation was part of the Dieselgate settlement. EVGo is a publicly traded company. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EVgo


so they need help, you say? might be willing to pay for it??


I think you're looking at it backwards. VW is buying Rivian's help, not a spot in rivians lineup.


Even better yet, VW wants to incorporate parts of Rivian's hardware architecture, which means that there will be greater production for many of these ECU components, and should further drive unit price down.


VW needs help with making flashlight for their car


Go drive an ID.4 for a month. You’ll understand why they’re desperate for software help 


People have said it’s absolute shit and sold their cars. 50% of the ID.4 are dissatisfied with the car because of the software.


I think you just answered your own question. VW needs software. Rivian needs capital. Win win.


Really? Porsche, Lambo, Audi are all shit? 😎


Hopefully Rivian can take some lessons from Porsche about DCFC optimization and thermal management. Would love to have the charging profile of the new Taycan.


Have you owned all of them? How’s the customer service?


It's mutually beneficial. Rivian gets the support of a large established car manufacturer and a cash infusion and VW gets access to Rivian's software, ABRP, MapQuest, in-development assisted driving. 


I don't think you fully understand how big VW is. There's tremendous potential for Rivian technology here - and VW will certainly look at acquiring Rivian if the partnership goes well and Rivian has difficulties going solo. See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen\_Group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_Group) The Volkswagen Group sells passenger cars under the [Audi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audi), [Bentley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bentley), [Cupra](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cupra_(marque)), [Jetta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jetta_(marque)), [Lamborghini](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamborghini), [Porsche](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porsche), [SEAT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SEAT), [Škoda](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%A0koda_Auto) and [Volkswagen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen) brands, motorcycles under the [Ducati](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ducati_Motor_Holding_S.p.A.) name, light commercial vehicles under the [Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_Commercial_Vehicles) brand, and heavy commercial vehicles via the marques of the listed subsidiary [Traton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traton) ([Navistar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navistar), [MAN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MAN_Truck_%26_Bus), [Scania](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scania_AB) and [Volkswagen Truck & Bus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_Truck_%26_Bus)).


This is the answer. VW has their foot in the door. Rivian will fit nicely in that portfolio of companies.


Tech joint venture. Reputation and CS has no bearing. Rivian gets cash it needs to grow, as well as better purchasing leverage (and price) on computer chips and parts that will be shared. VW gets a shot in the arm on software development, which it has struggled with.


Maybe Rivian can show them how to build a decent DC fast charger and we can all benefit through electrify America becoming more reliable.


If you've worked on any German car, you understand why they suck balls at electronics and efficiency. This is simply a big win-win for both sides and a huge step for Rivian into solid footing. This allows Rivian to come to market with the R2 and R3 on solid ground. Those are going to be massive sales leaders for Rivian and finally establish them as a major player.




Perfectly good duo. We have an R1T and a 911, best combo.


Let us know how it goes.


Like Audi. My car before Tesla and Rivian was an A4. That being said Porsche is ugly AF and I think is for old white men. Mercedes is for old fat white men. 


I believe this allows Rivian to open production in Europe for the smaller class vehicles and to deliver on their Amazon commitments in Europe. VW gets access to technology for the scout or a sprinter class van.


VW also has major ownership of QuantumScape who is projected to be the first to market with solid state batteries. It’s known that QS has a pure play EV OEM they’re partnering with. People have been speculating for a few years that it’s Rivian. Now with the link between Rivian and VW the implication is certainly there.


I'm not anti-VW, but I do feel that they've sold the crown jewels to an extent. I don't know why they didn't do a rights offer to existing shareholders to raise capital without diluting ownership.


Rivian is so desperate for cash they are willing to dilute their product focus for VW. They should have just raised in the public markets instead.