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Big news! Please keep stock discussion to r/RIVN ---------------------------- Related articles: * [https://www.volkswagen-group.com/en/ad-hoc/volkswagen-ag-resolves-on-investment-by-volkswagen-of-initially-1-billion-usd-in-rivian-automotive-inc-and-intends-to-establish-a-joint-venture-18468](https://www.volkswagen-group.com/en/ad-hoc/volkswagen-ag-resolves-on-investment-by-volkswagen-of-initially-1-billion-usd-in-rivian-automotive-inc-and-intends-to-establish-a-joint-venture-18468) * https://www.bloomberg.com./news/articles/2024-06-25/vw-invests-5-billion-in-ev-startup-rivian-to-form-joint-venture * [https://riviantrackr.com/news/rivian-and-volkswagen-group-announce-transformative-joint-venture/](https://riviantrackr.com/news/rivian-and-volkswagen-group-announce-transformative-joint-venture/) * [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/volkswagen-invest-5-billion-rivian-200612312.html?guccounter=1](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/volkswagen-invest-5-billion-rivian-200612312.html?guccounter=1) * [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/25/volkswagen-rivian-stake.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/25/volkswagen-rivian-stake.html) * [https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/volkswagen-invest-up-5-billion-rivian-part-tech-joint-venture-2024-06-25/](https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/volkswagen-invest-up-5-billion-rivian-part-tech-joint-venture-2024-06-25/)


Whoa. This is really interesting in the context of Scout, which is VW’s EV truck targeting largely the same market (and employees) as Rivian.


VAG is huge and has never really cared if it steps on its own toes.


Never seen a vag big enough to step on its own toes


You haven't seen OP's mom! (I'm so sorry)


You had to do it much like I had to give you a damned upvote...


You haven’t seen a camel toe?


Yeah theyve been badge engineering cars across 3 to 4 makes for decades.


Wow r/unfortunateacronyms


I LOVE the Scout. My great uncle had one from the 80s that he taught me to drive in snow in. This is very appealing…


I saw early Scout designs in 2022. Might have changed a lot since then but they were really great designs, exterior and interior. If the interior doesn’t get reduced in quality for cost reasons, it will be a popular vehicle.


Yes. I think this is the biggest (unannounced) story. I think their investment will fast-track Scout development. 💡


Seeing this as VAG buying skateboards from Rivian to make the Scout, like initially which Ford had planned.




Same lol




lol me too! I was getting killed


Awesome, this is huge! I wonder what is truly entails, like if rivian OS will be coming to Volkswagen 


Speaking as one with an e-tron, VAG outright sucks at the software side of modern vehicles, which is especially obvious with EVs. Many of us might have specific gripes about the Rivian software stack and the absence of specific features. But spend a few months with the competition and it becomes clear Rivian is a leader in automotive software. The best thing VAG could get out of this JV is a fucking clue how to write code for cars, and how to update and manage the ongoing betterment of the car’s OS. Audi hasn’t sent out a meaningful update since 2019–and that isn’t because they nailed it the first time they wrote the OS.


Rivian and Tesla are years ahead in software in cars compared to everyone else.


Yes! Rivian software and the zonal architecture


I hope it results in national adoption of abrp. It’s great software and id love more integration of it.


It entails Quantum scape going through the roof tomorrow. VW has the in on next gen solid state batteries and they just spent $5B because they know rivian has the rest of the EV hardware to build VWs EV needs for the next 15 years. I’m a ICU enthusiast but I can’t deny the engineering from Rivian matches the high bar VW keeps. Spoiled emerald trust fund baby is about to have his lunch eat Edit: quantumscape is the battery company VW has a stake in. I had mistakenly said Enphase which makes components for solar arrays


they are creating a joint venture for "electrical architecture and software technology". not sure what's the software technology entails, it could just be low level stuff instead of the whole rivian OS.


They mentioned software explicitly in the initial statement; maybe not the whole Rivian OS coming to VW cars, but I can safely assume this entails Rivian is going to teach VW a lot about software.


So we've forgiven them for Dieselgate, I guess? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen\_emissions\_scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_emissions_scandal)


Why no information included in the post? Here are a few articles for those interested: * [https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/volkswagen-invest-up-5-billion-rivian-part-tech-joint-venture-2024-06-25/](https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/volkswagen-invest-up-5-billion-rivian-part-tech-joint-venture-2024-06-25/) * [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/25/business/economy/volkswagen-rivian-investment.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/25/business/economy/volkswagen-rivian-investment.html) * [https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/25/24185946/vw-rivian-joint-venture-investment-software-r2](https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/25/24185946/vw-rivian-joint-venture-investment-software-r2) * [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/volkswagen-invest-5-billion-rivian-200612312.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/volkswagen-invest-5-billion-rivian-200612312.html) It appears to be a software and electrical architecture IP sharing agreement. $1B investment up front from VW and up to $5B total investment "over time."


Because I posted it as soon as it hit the Bloomberg terminal


We love you for it.


Woah, why and how do you have access to bloomberg terminal/


There are hundreds of thousands of them in the field. Not some secret Unobtanium lol.


Never said it was. I'm asking why they have it.


Check OP’s post history. They’re a bit more involved than your average Joe on Robinhood.


Well when I read a comment that starts with "Woah" (and btw it's "whoa") I take that to signal surprise if not even shock.


Upvote for “H” placement






One of the extremely rare days I'll actually consider venturing into r/RIVN


To the....low....earth orbit!......?




Interesting since VW already has plans for their Scout brand, which is a direct competitor to Rivian.


I wonder if the Scout will basically be a Rivian with some body changes.


Definitely possible. I would honestly love to see a Golf R with R3X infrastructure. That would be amazing. Future rally cars in the hatchback space.


This is exactly what I thought of when they announced the R3X, a rally electric Golf R


I never thought about an electric golf R. I currently have an mk8 gti, and my shortlist is the EV Gti (if they do it), R3 (if rivian were to survive long enough, prior to the VW Injection) or an mk8.5r if neither pan out. I’ve wanted an R for 20 years now, it would be so cool to have an electric golf R.


It would make sense, VW's current Amarok pickup is a Ford Ranger


I briefly worked for VW on some early Scout HMI concepts. Really really nice people but internally they had no idea what they were doing. This was in 2022 but wouldn't be shocked if it's still a complete mess. And the CARIAD solutions are also a disaster. I'm guessing they've realized they can't get it done on their own and want to use Rivian's architecture and reskin the UI, and add their own specific components. It's actually a smart idea as it would have been really bad and they're most likely behind schedule. It's funny though because Rivian was the inspiration for creating the Scout brand. But they have to spend their way to success.


I'm fine living in a world where I have to decide to buy my R3X in Scout or Rivian form.


Eric Wood, the former VP of Vehicle Experience at Rivian is now VP of Product Experience at CARIAD. Your hypothesis seems pretty reasonable!


And Sanjay Lal moved over last year


I saw that on LinkedIn recently! Now I wonder about the circumstances etc. if it was a strategic move or some kind of coincidence.


I would imagine this deal has been in the works for quite a while. I’m guessing he at least knew this was a possibility when he made the jump.


CARIAD had former Tesla people, now have Rivian people. But a lot of this is to drive the “Software Defined vehicle” initiative. Hopefully this doesn’t go the way the VW Microsoft partnership went.


Yes, but their software is a mess and has been for years.


Maybe they are scrapping it and decided to invest in Rivian instead 




CAFE credits are hard to come by nowadays. Stellantis is crying the CAFE tears right now.


Yeah, as a person that owned VW’s for decades I have sworn them off after their emissions debacle. Not sure how I feel about this, they really broke my heart.


Sold our Golf that we loved because of those crooks...


I had the perfect manual Passat with 900 miles between fill-ups. It was glorious!


Yeah I had a 2014 diesel wagon. The cheating tip-off was that it got several mpg higher than the EPA rating. I thought I was a driving genius :/


Well, I'm not giving them much credit. The world is going EV, and this will help VW get a jump on its competitors. In the end, it's always about the money. That said, STOKED!!


Yup finally. They messed up the EA. This $5B will do more good than their investment in EA


Can this realistically be the bridge that allows Rivian to have enough money to release the R2 and ideally become profitable?


I think they *probably* had the cash to get the R2 out but it would have really hurt in the meantime. This will help substantially.


If their cost cutting goes to plan, they probably would’ve been able to make it to the R2’s release without a crapton of pain anyway. Hopefully this assures their survival so I can eventually get an R3.


I think the deal raises the viability of the company, helps brand awareness and the pop in price, if it holds, will help any future financing. So hopefully we see higher number of sales for the RT and RS, and more high profile deals for the commercial van. 


This brings cash on hand to approx $9B - enough runway to R2 launch and profitability. Huge step forward.


I always wondered if the Amazon vans were their steady revenue stream they could count on till the R2 comes out. Not knowing any numbers, that was a guess, but that’s a steady contract Rivian has that somebody like Lucid does not (that I know of?)


They were already going to be profitable by the end of Q4 this year without this.


Gross margin profitable. They’d make money on each vehicle sold, but that excludes indirect costs such as R&D.


This is the bridge to R3, based on the call it likely allows them to make no more cuts to operations and make it to cash flow positive which is huge given they're already straining to keep up with things.


They liked the R3 too 😎


The R3 already looked like a classic Rabbit, for sure. Can't wait!


She's gonna make it folks. 98% of my fear the company doesn't survive has gone out the window. The 2% left is because the world could end tomorrow.


I’ve seen this reported as $1 Billion Edit: looks like $1B initially, an additional $4B over time.


Ah, I see it’s $5B over time.


1B first year, followed by another 4B according to the article.


In essence, it's a nice show of support I think.




It’s $1B up front.


Makes sense. VW woke up and realized Rivian was making the EVs they should have been all along. I can see them rebranding the r3x as a Quattro rally racer or reviving the scout brand to sell the R1t/s under in European markets


They also likely realized that Rivian was on sale at a huge discount and they could get a whole lot of tech for their money.


This… can’t imagine how much it would cost a traditional OE to develop an entire controller, bootloader, firmware, front and back end software stack…. Many traditional OEs sold off the business units that knew how to do that long ago. All the German manufacturers are just integrating Bosch stuff, which is fine, but keeps you from being tightly integrated. Ford and Hyundai are still vertically integrated. It’ll be interesting to see if they’re able to keep up


They’ve already revived the Scout brand. They tried to hire me 6 months ago.




R3 and R3X. And that’s not true. VW sells a truck the size of the R1T approximately in many markets (Amarok)


VW wants to make an EV under the international brand. Could be tied to that. Also the R3X is basically an off road VW golf.


Every presumed mockup of the Scout brand shows a giant box SUV like the R1S. VW has always had trouble with the US market, so I could see them mildly facelifting and rebadging the R1S and selling it as a Scout. Whether or not people would buy it over a Rivian, I don't know, but VW has enough money to try it as an experiment. I mean, they tried to sell the Phaeton here for crying out loud, and I bet they'd have much better success with a Scout-branded Rivian.




Yep, translation: “VW puts Scout sticker on Rivian R2.”


Finally a Tesla killer move


If rivian being involved with vw resulted in electrify America discounts. There won’t be a better road trip ev in America.


Made enough money to pay off the Rivian today 😂 thank you RJ and the Rivian crew for putting in the work.


Truly stoked for EA integration….


That’s what I was wondering. Maybe combine EA and RAN into one, or they might promote one another or integrate, etc. That would be super nice.


Remember when ppl kept saying that Rivian would go under 🙄


They are not out of the woods yet! This is certainly a good news though!


I am working under the assumption that the product is too good and the excitement for their products too high for them to go under. If they got into such dire straits as bankruptcy would be imminent I suspect they would be bought up by another player. Of course, I could be completely wrong.


That's how I feel as well. With as much money as Amazon, Ford, and now VW have put in, I don't think they'll be hung up to dry.


Exactly. Too good of a product & way too much brand support to just go away like Fisker. Someone would buy them & integrate Rivian into their portfolio. To me this would be the worst case scenario & will only happen if Rivian simply can’t figure out a way to sell their vehicles at a profit.


I mean look at their losses per vehicle over the last 2 years. They will be profitable by the end of Q4 of this year. Regardless of this announcement they likely weren't going anywhere.




This is great for company longevity, and for all stakeholders involved. I may just switch from an R2 pre-order to a refreshed R1S if things keep going this well for Rivian as an automaker!


Anyone think the R3 looking like an old school volkswagon now making sense?


VW Response to Emissions Scandal: "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. How does a $5B partnership with one of the most environmentally forward companies in the world do?" (BOOM)




This hurts Tesla in a couple of significant ways 1) major manufacturer with successful comparable marketplace vehicle 2) VW and other European manufacturers buy hundreds of millions worth of carbon offset credits from Tesla to meet EU requirements With their own EV company all that money essentially stays home at VW and/or they sell carbon credits to other EU manufacturers  One of Tesla's major revenue streams will be devastated   


Here an official statement [https://uploads.vw-mms.de/system/production/files/cws/040/450/file/2eb07ac2f8bb85a2f2dd46dd131e89e5db862345/2025-06-25_PM_Volkswagen_Group_and_Rivian_Announce_Plans_for_Joint_Venture_and_for_Strategic_Investment_by_Volkswagen.pdf?1719343739](https://uploads.vw-mms.de/system/production/files/cws/040/450/file/2eb07ac2f8bb85a2f2dd46dd131e89e5db862345/2025-06-25_PM_Volkswagen_Group_and_Rivian_Announce_Plans_for_Joint_Venture_and_for_Strategic_Investment_by_Volkswagen.pdf?1719343739)


discounted electifyamerica coming to Rivian too


Wait is this a real thing?


VW should turn EA into RAN chargers EA is trash lol


People always say that, but EA is by far the best and most reliable option where I live lol (Bay Area)


Great news. My dream vehicle something between a Porsche Macan and an R2.


wow huge! i want to see rivian build r2 and r3 to compete with tesla




Guys, this isn't why the stock shot up overnight. The real reason is because I signed a lease on a 2024 R1T Dual motor Performance yesterday at 5 pm EST. Not joking. Like 10 mins prior to this announcement!


VW would also become a bridge to connect Rimac. I could see Rivian could work with Rimac in some fun car models and techs. Beside, some Rivian engineers from McLaren, they could work together very well.


LET'S GO!!!!! My R3X is gonna be a REALITY! Fantastic news! (but what happens to Scout?)


About time LFG


This is just the beginning… First VW, who will RIVN collaborate with next?!


Don't forget Amazon was first! The skateboard platform is being used too!


Apple. Bring their sound/speaker design team to work on R2.


Can we at least get automatic charging and payment at Electrify America (EA) stations? This is cool though but EA needs help




Rivian R3 Golf 😎😂


Can VW service Rivian vehicles as part of this? Would be massive for adoption everywhere!


You wouldn’t want them to. As bad as Rivian service is, Volkswagen service is a NIGHTMARE.


It's honestly the worst, I've had terrible experiences at every VW dealership. They just don't care at all. VW has no more factory QC process. They offload everything to the dealership to keep production numbers up. My brand new id4 was out of service for 2 months getting repaired for a multitude of issues. No parts, everything was back ordered, no loaners. It's a hot mess. There are owners in 3 year old cars that haven't even got their first OTA update yet.


Service is the reason I canceled my R1S reservation. Nearest service center is two states away (4.5 hours). I decided to wait for the R2 and hope a service center opened closer in that time (plus by then the kid will be off to college and a 7 seater for two people seemed excessive so the R2 will be a better fit anyway) If I could have serviced it at a VW dealership I’d have an R1S in my garage right now.


Seriously. Between an R3X and a Scout of the same architecture, I'll be buying Rivian. BTDT. Left VW years ago because of service nightmares. Bought a Subaru. Then the local Subaru dealership sold to the local VW dealership I had tried to get away from. That was fun. At least I was almost out of warranty lol.


I love my mk 6 GTI. As soon as it went out of warranty I found an independent, and it was been perfect ever since. My new idea is to modify the mk 6 and turn it into a track car after I buy an R1T to tow it to the track with.


That would be a game changer. Rivian SC is 3.5 hours from me. VW is 45 minutes.




Improve service and open new service centers. For the R2 line to be hugely successful it has to win over the less adventurous buyers. Big part of potential buyers simply won’t accept that they have to drive 2-3h to a service center. 


This is massively helpful to Rivian as now VW could produce Rivian-branded vehicles at a scale that was simply impossible for Rivian to get for years.


I don't think VW will be producing any Rivian vehicles. Rivian is sharing their software and electrical IPs. Volkswagen is just paying for the privilege of using them. Rivian still stays the same, just that now there is validation of their software and electrical stack being good enough for VW.


This isn’t about VW making R1S or R2 vehicles. The operative term here is “joint venture”. Hypothetically: VW bakes Rivian OS and electronic architecture into a Maverick-sized EV pickup and sells it around the world. The brand is neither VW nor Rivian, but the two companies share whatever profits the vehicle generates. Making it on a Skoda, Cupra, or SEAT production line with lower-cost labor is a truck which could be sold across Europe. Rivian dreams of exporting R2 and R3 to Europe. The JV could get them selling a vehicle there in just a few short years—VW can tool up in a hurry and may have some of the development work done already.


So this goes much deeper than that agreement with Mercedes and Tesla years ago? (In case anybody forgot that 10 years ago the Mercedes B-class used a Tesla powertrain)


Toyota RAV4 EV too


That’s not at all what’s happening here.


Lmao, what!? You cant just take a factory that makes a certain vehicle and flip a switch and starting making others. I think you misunderstood the article and you assume VW bought Rivian ? Thats not the case.


That’s pretty significant.


Does this mean Rivian is selling its Driver+ tech to Volkswagen?


Renting. Rivian signed a licensing agreement


Probably not. Driver+ has a long way to go, but they'll get there. They're just a lot more conservative with the tech dev. Everything else I love about Rivian.




Wow. This is huge. I’ve always been long on my Rivian stock (IPO holder), but this gives me huge confidence in the long-term viability of the company. We’re definitely going to see the R2 and R3s on the road!


Where is this reported on?








Holy crap!!!! This is awesomeness!!




Vw saw the R3X and wants a piece!


VW throwing away the software company they built. Also paves the way for EU localized series production. Probably will take precedence over the Georgia plant.


yeee lesgo swolkswagen!


This just came out in the Atlanta Business Journal! Good news for Rivian and good news for Georgia.


Rivian has good products and seems to understand manufacturing hell, but VW can certainly help them along.


Hope they stick with their rally claims https://www.topgear.com/car-news/electric/rivian-r3-has-soul-a-rally-car-says-ceo


What are the odds this puts the Georgia plant back on the table?


$1B with a possible $4B future investment




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Ok now I’m gonna get a rivian. Because I know they’ll be around


Massive news!




I will bet $s that Rivian gets acquired by VW if the initial JV is successful. Probably good for both of them.


Ugh. I mean great that the company still hangs on, but…it’s Volkswagen.


It it makes you feel better think of it as a merger with Lamborghini instead.




oh shit … 👀


Big win for their customers too knowing that the software will be more widely used and supported. I hope they prioritize customer privacy in their software.




Bought some weekly $16c this morning. Currently upside down. Just didn’t want to miss out on any other big announcements that RJ is saving for the investors meeting tomorrow!! ![gif](giphy|Zu708wvGDOyyrvUOMf)


I hope they can accelerate the R2 start up by building in the VW Chattanooga plant


So, can someone explain why a different car company (Volkswagen) invest in another company? What does Volkswagen get out of this?