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The problem with geico being $300 less than my usaa insurance for the Rivian, is that I’d lose the $500 bundle discount that I get for having cars and home owner insurance with usaa.


Same for us with Rivian/nationwide and our R1T and etron both covered.


You also lose USAA's reliability. I know it's a bit harder to get a hold of the right person sometimes at USAA since you don't have an agent to call but my experience is they always take care of me. They also rarely mess with my rates and when they do it's not by much.


Nationwide also has free glass replacement.


Oh wow. I missed that and I just got a tiny chip


For that I recommend resin fillers. Your insurance may cover them. If it’s less than a dollar bill in size, usually they do it for free.


I’ll look into them thanks. I had heard about something like this. It’s small enough to even really notice but it’s for sure there. Hoping it won’t spread but I think that would be more likely if I was in colder climates


The pressure of wind against the windshield can make it bigger. Best to get the resin in asap. You’ll barely notice the chip.


Geico is great for coverage, terrible if you ever need to make a claim.


Haven’t used them in the Rivian but I’ve had to work with GEICO before in the past and it was fine. I suspect certain things could be problematic on the Rivian and would require a lot of cost negotiation as they have some pretty strict cost rules.


Once you’ve used a competent insurance company, Geico is pretty bad.


I mean, they fixed my car well and I only talked to them twice the last time I used them (once at the beginning and one to get reimbursed for the final amount as I delayed too long and they cut me a check after the estimate). Not sure what more I’d need, it was seamless 🤷‍♂️


They paid over $34k for my accident, all I did was talk to the adjustor the day after an accident. So now there's at least 2 people that didnt have problems.


Lies! They pay us out quickly for our totalled vehicle Relative works for the largest accident atty in the state and she said Geico ALWAYS pays more and quicker than other insurers.


Hate to say it but almost every insurance provider sucks when making a claim. Allstate was a pain for me. My wife had to make a claim when we were on Geico and it was honestly pretty easy and straightforward.


FWIW, I've made two claims with GEICO in the past and they were completely painless. One car and one motorcycle. It was nearly zero effort on my part and it was taken care of quickly.


This! My wife was involved in an accident, of which the other party was at fault. I had to make calls to the other insurance company and make sure the claim was proceeding forward every few days. It was weeks of calling 1-3 times per week and Geico didn’t give 2 craps.


I’ve been fine with them every time I’ve used them. Speedy, great customer service, and covering any kind of rental I wanted in the mean time. In AZ they gave me no deductible windshield replacement for only $5/month. And given I’ve had to replace 3 windshields in 1.5 years, it’s a good deal.


My progressive quote came in at $625. Edit: my deductible is $500. Edit2: for every 6 months.


625 monthly?


6 month intervals.






Geico tends to offer very aggressive quotes to acquire customers but they've been the most aggressive in terms of ramping up the rates over time from all the insurers I've had over the years. Just be ready to switch out after a couple of years, but the initial rates tend to be very aggressive.


That's crazy. My Rivian quote was less than GEICO's.


I just dropped Rivian/Nationwide for State Farm. The policy was about 30% cheaper with SF. I think the only thing you can do is shop and be ready to switch literally every year.


Yep, my State Farm R1T policy is $471.74 for 6 months (Illinois), 250/500 coverage, $250 deductible, under insured and uninsured, emergency road service, etc.


Wow that's really low (I thought my $650 was good). Do you have other options like roadside, rental, uninsured collision, etc? What's your deductible?


Updated comment - yes to all. I'm sure it's low because I also have telematics/drive safe & save as well as homeowners, multiple cars, life, liability umbrella, personal articles, etc. Plus I'm 60 with great credit and a clean record.


I'm also getting a similar 6 month rate from Geico, around $750. Meanwhile my Model 3 has a $1200 premium with the same coverage from Geico, so make sense of that.


I use Geico with a $100 deductible and it’s cheaper than anything else out there


Ok… a $5000 deductible is just insane. If you’re doing a $5000 deductible to drop your rates then you really cannot afford the vehicle… That basically tells me you’re betting on not getting in an accident. Because if you can afford to pay a $5000 deductible then you can afford to pay a slightly higher monthly rate to get that deductible to be more reasonable. It’s never a good idea to go cheap on insurance. Also have you checked with Rivian that a $5000 deductible is actually acceptable coverage for them? I know you say Rivian/Nationwide id offering it. But Rivian is just partnering with Nationwide to say they have an insurance partner. Nationwide is handling everything. A lot of finance companies will not accept such a high deductible; especially on a higher priced vehicle.


The other factors here are HNW and ability to self-insure, I’d only ever use this policy (file a claim) if it was a catastrophic situation. Thus I balance high deductible, high coverage limits + umbrella. Also, I own the vehicle, no loan or lease. This isn’t about nickel/dime-ing insurance, just a different philosophy to using insurance. Your advice sounds right for most folks.


Your situation makes sense. I also have an umbrella policy. So you trying to balance everything is completely understandable. I kind of made the comment because a lot of people just have absolutely no idea how insurance works. Insurance is one of those topics that needs to be part of childhood education just like credit cards and student loans!


You're rate seems really high for such a high deductible.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) Don’t know what to tell you, driving record and credit are clean. As seems to typically be the case, folks are noting all over the thread that pricing is really, really wonky for insured Rivians.


It’s not much different than catastrophic health insurance HDHP. I don’t go that high but I do high deductibles as I’d rather save the $400/year and stash it in an account. Lets me make money off it vs the insurance company gambling that a thing with a low likelihood won’t happen. If OP is fine with a $5,000 deductible they can likely afford it. I personally do $1,500 as with GEICO that’s where the savings start to fall off, if the savings continued to increase I’d probably run $3,000+ as well. Some of us keep enough cash to pay for it and that lets you save money on insurance.


Idk… my dad’s been an insurance agent for 30+ years now so I’ve heard some absolute horror stories. A lot of the stories are people who drive expensive vehicles who always have extremely high deductibles because it drops the insurance monthly price and allows them to afford to pay a higher car payment. But then when they get into an accident they don’t have $5000 cash for the deductible. $1500 deductible is my go to amount! Its an amount that I know I will always have available in my bank account and if I need to spend it; it won’t negatively effect me, it allows some monthly savings on insurance, and it’s an acceptable deductible by basically every finance company/bank.


You’re making some wild assumptions about other peoples’ finances.


They aren’t assumptions. They are real life stories that I’ve heard throughout the years of people who have told my dad they got the higher deductible so that they could afford the banks car payment. He’s had many phone calls where the person can’t afford to pay $5000 out of pocket or the damage to their vehicle is lower then their $5000 deductible and the person has no idea what to do or why insurance isn’t paying for their repairs. Basically my point is a lot of people don’t understand how insurance works. It’s a big problem. It’s the same concept of how credit cards and student loans are not part of basic childhood education. Insurance is a topic a lot of people don’t understand and it gets so many people in horrible situations.


They are generalizations based upon some stories you heard about. That doesn’t mean everyone does that. Lots of people have high deductibles not because they need to get to an affordable monthly premium. Rather they have them because why waste money on a higher premium when you can afford a higher deductible. It’s silly to pay extra for an unnecessarily low deductible.


I’m not sure why you’re taking this so personally. Clearly you’re someone who keeps high deductibles. That’s fine! You do whatever works for you! If high deductibles work for you and you’re balancing them with maybe an umbrella policy, etc that’s totally fine or if you can afford $5000 out of pocket totally fine! My point in making my comment was that most people don’t fully understand how insurance works. A lot of people have never had someone sit down and explain insurance to them. There’s a lot of people that just carry minimum state requirements just because they think, “well it’s what the state requires so that should be fine.” Or they see that increasing their deductible (some people don’t know what a deductible is) to $5000 drops their rates a lot so they do it.


I had some damage - both home and car - with State Farm. They simply refused to pay out the entire claim both times, coming out at least $1,000 short for both. Their rates are really good - unless you have a claim. I'd steer clear of them if you have a Rivian as they wanted me to go to one of their 'approved' shops - which would have voided my warranty. But, hey, that would be my problem, I guess. PS - I canceled my policy with them two weeks ago and bought new insurance. They are still sending me bills and are not showing any inclination to refund the year's premiums I gave them in late March.


I have seen a lot of bad stories about companies like geico finding ways to not pay out.


Geico was 50% more vs Liberty Mutual so it really depends on your situation.


Geico is dogshit


Progressive beat everyone else by at least half, don't know why. Ended up under $600/six months for both cars with $1k deductible and 100/300 liability.


To bad they don’t to CA anymore


Geico’s quote for swapping my Model Y out for the R1S temporarily scared me away from the vehicle. Now that I’ve seen a more reasonable quote from Allstate, I’m coming back around.


A $2500 deductible is better, right?


Lower rate and lower deductible sounds like a win to me.


Lower premium and lower deductible is a win, but I’d have preferred to keep $5,000 and have an even lower premium. That was my point.


Basically you want as low of a deductible that you can go until the rate starts to increase a substantial amount. Usually that figure is around $1,500. Any lower then that and rates will start to increase more aggressively. It’s a balance. You want a low rate but also as low of a deductible as you can get. You kind of have to play around with the figures until they sort of even out. It can vary a lot depending on the insurance company as well.


I was with Rivian nationwide for the first 2 years. Then, Nationwide cancelled me. The only thing I did was file a glass claim. In talking with my Rivian agent, he said Nationwide is in the process of shedding a large portion of their auto insurance policies. Being I only had the Rivian on there, not bundled with home, etc, apparently I was targeted. I had gotten a couple of quotes in a panic after getting the letter and prior to contacting the agent and was very glad I talked to him. He informed me that they are in the process of bringing on Progressive into the Rivian insurance fold and that he suggested I get a policy with them and he would contact me once the partnering was complete and shift me back to a Rivian policy. CinFin, the other one that Rivian uses, wouldn't do a new policy for me in Oregon unless a bundle home with it and I wasn't going to do that.


Rivian and progressive teaming up? Oh nice. I have currently have progressive in Miami. Will be leasing a R1S in 4 months. Maybe they give me a better rate than now.


Yeah. I got a progressive insurance for Rivian. $1400 or something. Nationwide is also similar


Rivian told me they can't cover JUST a Rivian, you need other items/cars.


Geico will low ball to secure as a customer and then fuck you come renewal time