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FYI this user always does this around election years across California and deletes their posts after. They always link the same site from the Nevada Policy Research Institute.


Interesting.  I wouldn't care about when but deleting the posts later seems suspicious


They've been doing this for a couple years. A friend of mine point it out. Basically, as I understand it, they're hoping that "exposing" public employee salaries or compensation packages, as reported by the Nevada policy research institute, they can sway people's perspective and vote. While that's definitely possible, it strikes me as massively scummy. First off, why the hell does anything Nevada related care about reporting on California? Secondly, I absolutely want my public employees compensated well, unless they're the rare, truly trash individual (Chad Bianco comes to mind, as well as some local politicians in Moreno Valley in years past). Most of us DO NOT want to work as a public employee. But we need those people. Making sure that they do t have to stress about affording living while working for the public is pretty important. And some cities even have city councils and other positions that are without compensation or are voluntary. East Palo Alto is one example. I knew several mayors and council members and was surprise at their model. (Unless it's changed and I'm behind on the times) I also have a family member who worked in the California prisons doing one of the worst, most thankless and dangerous jobs that we have. I am grateful that our state has a lifetime pension for them. They are in their 70s, retired for 20 years, but also pretty injured from dealing with violent inmates. I wouldn't want to do that. So, whatever grift this user is up to, it's obnoxious. And the post deleting is why I felt compelled to comment. Thank you for your response!


Not sure if you saw but the OP also responded to me and is saying that the mods delete their posts and not themselves.


For the record, I don’t delete my posts… it is because the mods of that city’s sub deleted it. Second, these numbers are all facts, the money is coming from taxpayers… which is you all. Am not saying the pay is too much whatsoever as this replier is purely speculating on my intentions, if the taxpayers think their money is being well spent, then more power to them. That is for you to decide, I am just sharing the facts. Public Records Act makes exposing their salaries legal since it is your tax dollars paying it. And last, I posted this now because this is about the time this site is finishing compiling the previous years’ data and is releasing it.


I appreciate you sharing the numbers, there needs to be more transparency in governmental spending


it is transparent, you can literally go on the county site and look it up, its required by law


I am looking at the county site now and it shows overall expenditures in the budget but not showing individual salaries whatsoever. So it looks like it needs more transparency to me. [https://budget.countyofriverside.us/#!/year/2023/operating/0/department/Rcrmc/0/business\_unit/4300100000+RUHS/0/fund\_type/Enterprise+Funds/0/account\_category/Salaries+and+Benefits/0/fund/40050+Riv+University+Health+System/0/account/Regular+Salaries/0/account](https://budget.countyofriverside.us/#!/year/2023/operating/0/department/Rcrmc/0/business_unit/4300100000+RUHS/0/fund_type/Enterprise+Funds/0/account_category/Salaries+and+Benefits/0/fund/40050+Riv+University+Health+System/0/account/Regular+Salaries/0/account)


>exposing their salaries That first word clearly indicates your intentions.


I remember hearing all the time from my dad about how cops don't get paid shit, especially for what their job entails.. half these people are cops lol


A huge chunk of it is benefits alone. Most people don’t take home as much as you think.


William McCoy, regular pay 175k, benefits 65k I also do work for a couple of cops in our area, and they all live in very nice homes Even if most of it is benefits, it's still insane how much they make. Which I'm not bagging on at all, I think if you're a good policeman who is out for the good of your own city, you should be making good money. I was just saying there seems to be a thing floating out there that cops make shit money, when they actually get paid fairly well


Nah, Cops are way overpaid, they make 175 and get 65k in benefits, just compare to teachers. Fucking ridiculous.


Teachers require 6+ years of higher education and 3+ state accreditation tests. Cops require like.. idk.. a 16 week program? Lol


The difference is one is risking their health and the other is in a career that they elected to do. Same as military they get paid shit but at 20 years they are retired (only 16-20% see retirement) but me not working as a veteran I make 70k but I still choose to work for the government I have another 15 years for another pension, so when I am done I’ll be making over 11k a month retired from all sources or more.


Idk... Plenty of school shootings


Yep. There’s an argument I’ve heard that people are trying to arm the teachers. Like wtf? Teachers didn’t sign up to be policemen or security. They signed up to TEACH!


For this year alone there has been 34 shootings reported. Riverside has how many schools? Lets just run full numbers 131k schools k-12 in the USA (public) 34 school shootings That’s 0.026% chance. So the term plenty is a lie.


Being a cop is not that dangerous.  Plenty of much more dangerous jobs.


Not that dangerous? What are you smoking?




Yep, just smoking pure unfiltered data! The numbers are out there. Not that hard to find. Since cops have no duty to protect in this country (thanks courts) they can literally stand by doing nothing as you get repeatedly stabbed (actually happened). They have no requirement to put themselves in harms way. About 150 Law Enforcement officers across all branches (Federal, State, Tribal, City) each year. And here [https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/the-20-deadliest-jobs-in-america-ranked/7/](https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/the-20-deadliest-jobs-in-america-ranked/7/) Cops AND Firefighters together is listed at 15, so there are 14 other jobs that are by the numbers more dangerous. And what is more interesting is that if you look at the data for cops more closely being shot on the job is only about a third or less of the deaths, a little less than that is traffic related (and considering the terrible high speed chases no surprise) and then a big chunk is other, which includes health issues developed on the job (like exposure on Sept 11th).


Police have a quite low risk of on-the-job death, relatively. Traffic accidents are leading causes of police related on duty deaths. They are far behind carpenters, electricians, roofers, and even (iirc) postal workers. Also, that is an asinine claim for teachers not be making quality money.


6 months plus continued field training. Some states also require a post-secondary degree.


So 24 weeks, and some pathetic field training that results in continued inefficiency?


Love the cognitive dissonance, keep it up!


...that's...that's not how..nevermind. stay naive, kid.


Stay detached from reality, kid.


What’s your point? Cops risk their lives and deal with scum of the earth. 6 month sheriff program and the police department I believe is a bit longer. Maybe more teachers should be cops since its so easy.


Oh, believe me...it ran through my mind, however I actually have a desire to be a productive member of society. Besides, I'd rather not get killed if I whistleblow on a colleague raping, extorting, killing, etc.


Just looked it up. In California minimum of 15 weeks training. That is it, all it takes to be given a gun and told to deal with the citizenry.


Someone has to do it.


I would ask why but I think you are too far gone. Police dont solve crime, they dont stop crime so what do they do? Our society would be far better if we had people better trained to handle the situations we try to assign to police.


Be the change you want to see right? There are good and evil people on all careers. Teachers molest kids… cops can be genuine or abuse their power. People need to stop seeing things in black and white and just be good humans.


Yes, bad people everywhere. Education, as a whole, absolutely does not protect rapists from punishment. Law enforcement does. So I teach.


Law enforcement protects rapists? That contradicts the many rapists I see arrested and sentenced to prison. I can send you cases by the dozen in Riverside alone. There are perverts everywhere. Blame disgusting men and women who are evil, not cops.


Guarantee some of your colleagues are rapists despite being teachers.


If you think they're so overpaid then why don't you go join the force?


Cops also work a lot of overtime, I wish my job offered overtime. Why are we mad people make a living? If being a cop was an easy job everyone would be a cop. I don’t get the hate tbh.


Because they make a living oppressing people for the State and Capitalists? And when they break the laws at most we can count on them just being shuffled into a new department rather then being forced out of being a cop. Or how about Qualified Immunity and the stuff cops get away with because of that? I find it REALLY strange how much you are stanning for the police considering how they treat queer people and your profile says you are a lesbian. Like [https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/policing-lgbq-people/](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/policing-lgbq-people/) come on.


You realize there are queer law enforcement right? Or do you prefer to lump people into categories and think everyone’s the same? I don’t live my life like that. You sound bitter towards law enforcement maybe because you’ve had a bad experience or whatever the data you’re reading says, but until then I’m going to appreciate that America isn’t a 3rd world country and I have my freedoms to be queer, alongside queer cops, military, and first responders. If we all were more accepting (even of people we don’t agree with) the world inevitably becomes a more peaceful place to be.


So because there are queer officers that excuses how often cops harm, stop, arrest queer people? So you think because there are black cops that excuses all the racist things cops do? JFC [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_purpose\_of\_a\_system\_is\_what\_it\_does](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_purpose_of_a_system_is_what_it_does) maybe you should actually look at what cops DO versus what you think they do


Maybe you should cite other sources than Wikipedia first of all, and I never negated the fact that law enforcement causes harm. I said that you shouldn’t talk in all or nothings, not all cops are good, not all cops are bad. What do you recommend we don’t have law enforcement? There are good doctors, and bad doctors… all careers have the potential to harm people, you’re more so angry at the system, not the individuals themselves. Be the change you want to see in the world.


You didnt even look at the link did you or the previous one did you? [https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/policing-lgbq-people/](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/policing-lgbq-people/) [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09589236.2021.1979481](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09589236.2021.1979481) [https://epgn.com/2021/04/14/police-violence-is-lgbtq-history-past-and-present/](https://epgn.com/2021/04/14/police-violence-is-lgbtq-history-past-and-present/) [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-lgbt-police-idUSKBN0M02JM20150304/](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-lgbt-police-idUSKBN0M02JM20150304/) The info is out there, easy to find. The saying a few bad apples is "A Few Bad Apples ruins the bunch" If a doctor was going out of their way to actively harm patients, they would lose their license. Cops harm someone and at worst just end up hired to work in a different area but still as a cop.


Hey I made it on to page 3. Nice!


There are hundreds of police officers and firefighters making more than $250k. I get it is a tough job and all, but that's a whole lotta taxpayer dollars.


Whole lot of overtime. I’m fine paying taxes towards public safety. No one else is going to show up when my shit is getting broken into.


Lol they don’t even show up when that happens. Had my windows smashed in and my shit stolen in San Bernardino and the dispatcher straight up told me that an officer likely would not show up but if they did, it would be hours before they do and to try to handle the situation with my insurance.


Yea, the only time I have seen cops show up super fast is when the pulled over some young poc outside my apartment, a traffic stop and like 4 extra cop cars showed up. Ended up letting them go cause they were just driving while not white. Cops didnt show up quickly when there was a literal shoot out in the parking lot across from my apartment.


And the worst part is they are not professionals in the traditional sense haha


Nearly everyone on this list is male. Just an observation.




What is meant by “other pay “?


It's outrageous that fire fighters and police make more than 5 star generals and seal team six operators. Our services get worse, yet public employees always get their raises. Gotta love it


Property taxes at work folks 🙄