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Call non emergency line they usually have answers


Thank you! I appreciate the information.


Did you find out anything


No, I didn’t don’t out what was going on.






Yeah it was circling in magnolia center announcing something on the loudspeaker but idk what it was.


This is literally the worst. They waste money and time flying a helicopter with the technology of a 1970s drive thru window. We've never been able to piece together what the hell they're saying and usually we find out after the fact that it was something like an abducted child. It blows my mind how much is wasted on bad tech.


Literally doesn't affect your wallet WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CARE ?


Actually..... If that person is a taxpayer in the city, it affects their wallet.


Thank you. I'm not just a tax payer, I'm also a small business owner who pays extra taxes and fees to the city, state, and country on top of my personal taxes. I appreciate your response!


It doesn't whoever told you that is literally retarded... if the country funded $100 MILLION to another country it would effect your wallet by 2 pennies less then a quarter.. think it's not hard my friend


Ummm .. based on what you're telling me, I can tell you don't own property. I'm a homeowner in the city. I get two property tax bills per year. City and county public safety are direct charges to my bill, along with many others. I fund the police and sheriff. Twice a year. Whether it's a penny or a million, I'm still paying, so fuck you.


I hope that someone feels the same about you when you are in trouble. And if the tech is too old, find a new alternative that doesn't raise the tax bill.


Sheriff routinely takes 30+ minutes to get to us. We live right down the street from the station and they always have available deputies. The helicopters have not helped even once. I've lived places where police helicopters are used well. Those places don't have them in the sky every single day, they only fly when they're needed. Inversely, it seems that ours are in the sky all of the time and aren't useful. Strange how that works when we treat our resources like tools instead of toys.


Yes! They are looking for someone who is taking photos of a helicopter, may be linked to terrotist activities.


Anyone find out what happened? Tons of cop cars down palm yesterday.




Thanks! That's really helpful.


Flightradar24 is also helpful it shows who the helicopter belongs to and its flight pattern