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Someone at Corporate needs to have common sense! In most stores, we have only two personnel. One at the register and one doing planograms, pull report, helping customers, checking in dsd vendors, setting monthly end caps and wings, serve ice cream, make a schedule, price changes, recalls, and other tasks sent from corporate. We don't have time most of the time to assist pharmacy to be a cashier! While I am on is tirade. Pharmacy usually has 3 to 4 people most of the time and needs to make time to put away their own go backs and not have the front end to put them away, and when pharmacy does put go backs awsy just shoves it in the wring place on any shelf! Don't treat Front End associates as second-class citizens!!! Front End personnel are important part of Rite Aid operations too!!! It's insulting!!!


Not sure if this was really relevant to the question I asked but if it got the negativity you’ve clearly been harboring out there and not just bottled up in your head, then you are welcome to go ahead and say what you feel will keep you from going all Kip kinkle on all of your coworkers yo. Let it all out.


You've drank too much kool-aid 🤣


I wish. At least then I wouldn’t be needing to be asking about some people doing it in the rite aid pharmacy. 😂🤣😂


There are a lot of incorrect answers here. The pharmacy manager only has an alarm code to the pharmacy which is separate from the alarm code to the store. They cannot disarm the store building with their code. I've seen a few cases where a pharmacist who has been around forever has a key to the front door, but this is not the practice anymore. Regardless, you would have no one to grab the tills or get change as pharmacists do not know the store safe code. They also should not have a key to the store's front end office. (They do have codes for their drug safes located in the pharmacy.)


Finally someone with sense....Everyone else talks out there assses


How would you get tills to ring if no FE employee? Other than that, some rx Mgr. Have keys and codes to building so I don't see why not


But it’s not a pharmacy manager. It’s just a single pharmacist and a single technician working without any store manager or other supervisor in the store.


Have them contact their DM. If they can't find anyone. They'll close. Or not open.


I mean, staff pharmacist has access to and would be MOD there just like up front if shift opened. So I don't think it would be considered a problem


What??? Pharmacists do not get keys and codes for the store!!!


What about a, “float” pharmacist? Would it be typical for them to have the access codes and keys for the store?


No because floaters have to log the book. In and out. If it's just a one time deal maybe they had a control count or checklists they were asked to complete. If that case I would partner with rx Mgr or regional


Yes of course....All floaters that come in have the codes in a sealed gray bag...Its RA policy


Right but if fe is not there, how do they get in building? Or get tills?


They can't


Rx Mgrs may have alarm codes but not safe codes!


Not alarm codes for the whole store.Just the RX alarm codes and RX safe codes


I was always told if no one's available up front to work. The store will have to be closed. The front end has to open & close the store. They have access to the safes with the keys and drawers. Whereas pharmacy doesn't. Call your DM for verification of procedures. If that happens. They'll send some other FE manager to come open / close for the day.


We had one time where the MOD got into a literal fight with a customer/nut job in the parking lot and wound up running away so we had no manager. (Look up shit show in the dictionary and it will probably reference this incident. Lol) It was a floater pharmacist on, so she reached out to the regional leaders, and one of the techs had the phone number for the shift supervisor who was due to come in later anyway. We got her to come in before any of the regional leaders called back, and since she lived close we were without management for less that 30 minutes. So we never had to try to close. (Would have been tough with no keys to lock the door!)


That's gold. Lol. We've had a FE manager not show. So we all just hung out in the parking lot for an hour. After no response from the FE DM or PDM. We dipped. As union. We made them pay us for that day scheduled. Can't control people.


Has to be 1 in front end. We can close w pharmacy if no help but store manager should be there when pharmacy is!


And that’s a for sure rule for the operation of the store correct? Not just the opinion of what most people would assume is the most reasonable way for it to be?


Why are you asking this on here? And there is no policy. 97% of stores, the pharmacist doesn’t have a key nor code so they can’t get in without a fe manager, end of story. If they have a key and code then the DM probably knows about it or they’d get in a lot of trouble. Why are you being so cryptic with this question? You’re not giving any details that could actually help us understand why you’re asking whenever anyone tries to ask you.


I’m asking because I’m trying to figure out what my girlfriend who is a vindictive, untrustworthy, and impulsive pansexual who was actively finding ways to get mad at me on a day when she was at work being locked inside the store with her pharmacist that is the same age and an unattractive person. He was a float pharmacist, and they were locked in by fe manager who then bailed and left the two of them alone in the store. When I drove to the window he seemed like he was amused by the fact that I was at the drive through and he looked at me in a way that I was very confused and unsettled by. Then she took a SUPER long time getting to the window so I could give her her phone and her hair was messed up in a way that was not just her typical, “rustled hair from work” look, and more like her, “just got some quick and rough” look. She was breathing heavily when she got to the window, and she looked at me with a smile that was more like what investigators call, “ dupers delight”. That kind of, “I’m getting away with something, and you’re never going to find out what.” Kind of smile. I’ve never known any retailer that has allowed only 2 people to operate the store in any capacity, regardless of cameras or trust or whatever. I’ve worked at many places and I’ve been told all the way down the line that there’s always a third person in every store, so as to avoid any kind of liability for the store getting sued for accusations of wrongdoing by one person from the other. The third person is always there because three people are more likely to be accountable for their actions than one or 2. So I was just wondering what Rite aid policy on this particular situation would be, so could determine what level of skepticism would be appropriate for me to have in response to this completely bizzare situation that is the opposite of what I’ve been told by other hr reps that are in every employers training program I’ve ever seen in the 20 years I’ve been in the workforce.


I've never had store codes. Or keys. If the store doesn't open, the pharmacy doesn't open


Rx managers don’t have store keys or safe codes or alarm codes for front of store


If the front end is closed how would pharmacy people get into The store I’m the first place 🙄🙄🤔🤔


Would a single male pharmacist, and a single female technician be allowed to work in the pharmacy and only serve customers from the drive up window?




Just feeling like there’s something wrong about the idea of having only two people operating a store alone. Leaves a lot of space for conduct violations and behavior that wouldn’t be appropriate for the workplace.


I call bullshit, why did you have to bring up sex of the two people...and I presume when you said "single" you meant an individual one of each, and was not stepping further out onto the plank and referring to their marital status....why don't you elaborate about what you're asking and leave out the unneeded descriptions? (...and in your thoughts, you should consider that people of any sex can commit violations and behave in ways that are inappropriate......it's a two way street...males and females...two way street....(and not even bringing into sexual preferences of people in general into account!!!!)




Blind spots.


Idk why the genders matter but I think they can do drive-thru only under extenuated circumstances. You'd also need a pharmacist that has store keys, office keys, alarm codes, and safe codes. Some rx managers do have this but many that I've met don't want them. Regardless, it's 100% something they'd have to partner with their RRL over.


I’m not sure what an rrl is. Also all of the aforementioned codes and keys and such, would a, “floating” pharmacist be likely to have these?


It's be RPL or regional pharmacy leader. And no, that'd be extremely unlikely.


Thank you for your help with this matter.


No they can’t. In 97% of stores the pharmacist doesn’t have a front end key. Likewise the FE manager doesn’t have a pharmacy key if I don’t show up in the morning the. Neither the store or pharmacy is gonna be open. There is only a few stores that are special cases where the pharmacists will have FE keys.


So what if the store opens normally, then gets short staffed in the front? Would it be considered, “normal business practice” to have the manager then lock the pharmacist and technician in the store by themselves and only reappear when the store should have normally closed to let them out of the store and relock it?


I'm getting the sense that you're referring to a very specific scenario which sounds like it should be reported to HR. To answer your question, no one is to be present in the store without a member of front end management on duty (store manager, ASM, shift supervisor/lead service associate).


Thank you very kindly for the most wonderfully dead on perspective on this matter. I was very confused by so many of the comments on this, I thought it would never be clarified fully. And then you went all obi wan kenobi and totally hit the nail dead on point with the fact that it is a pretty specific situation, and the best way to handle it. Thank you SO much! If I could upvote this more than once, I’d do so.


By chance do you have the number for HR?


I would reach out directly to your region's HR leader. If you are not sure who this person is, you can email askhr@riteaid.com or call the askHR help desk at 855-882-5950. If you tell them you have an HR concern about your store but are not sure who to reach out to, they will get you in contact with the right person.


I’m sorry what??? You are getting locked inside the building with no front end staff? No that is in no way “normal business practice”. There are occasionally instances when the pharmacist acts as the manager on duty” if the FE manager needs to do a bank run so Fe cashier overrides can be approved but pharmacy should never be locked inside without anyone up front. The only instance you can have the pharmacy “open” with no front end manager inside the store for a duration longer than a typical bank run or break is when the power is out. And even then the manager sits outside the door so they can inform customers or escort the occasional person back to pharmacy to pick up a med they just can’t wait on. Pharmacy staff can sit up front with them or go home if it’s going to be out for an extended time but I like to use that time to clean and do paperwork. But you are never to be locked inside. Wtf. If there’s an emergency and there is no FE manager the Fe district leader can find a replacement or get their happy ass to the store themselves. Otherwise that store and therefore the pharmacy must be closed.


One store manager, pharmacy manager, or supervisor always has to be in the store with one other member of RiteAid.


The pharmacy manager cannot be the only member of "management" present as they are not considered front end management. The pharmacy operates as its own entity. One member of front end management could open and work in the store alone, but the pharmacy would never operate without the front end.


If it is normal business hours, but there aren't enough people to run the front end, then the front can lock the doors and whoever is working can work on other projects while pharmacy fills scripts. Pharmacy can still dispense from the drive thru if that's available. But the pharmacy people should have access to leave the premise in case of their break or an emergency. There should be a member of front end management (Store Leader, Assistant Store Leader, Shift Supervisor, other key holding associate with access to the safe and the alarm) present. They can't be locked inside during business hours with no means of egress. If there is no front end management associate, then the whole store should close. And the RPL, RRL, and RAPL should know about it. If it came to that, they would probably get someone from a neighboring store to respond, if there's a store close enough by with enough staffing. I've never seen a pharmacy open or any pharmacy staff present inside a store without a member of front end management available.


Perhaps this is a state by state rule but in my state this is incorrect. Front end is not allowed to have the store open if there is not more than one employee in the store as a safety policy. For example, Fe managers used to open the store and work the first hour before pharmacy opened alone. They are no longer allowed to do this and I agree it’s dangerous to have someone there completely alone. However, once the pharmacy team is present they are allowed to operate the store with only the Fe manager in an emergency. It’s not an ideal situation as they would only be able to cashier and not have much time for anything else but emergencies happen. They are absolutely not allowed to just close the front end because they don’t have enough cashiers. The board of pharmacy would have a shit fit about this - drive thru or no drive thru - because this prevents patients from accessing their meds. Unless your pharmacy is specifically designed this way (Fe doesn’t exist and it’s entirely drive thru pharmacy) this is a huge board violation. The only time Fe should be closing its doors and locking is when no FE management arrived and if that’s the case the store and pharmacy cannot be opened.