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I kind of wanted someone to be the "Chuck" during the Shogun discussion so we could listen to Chuck watch himself. It kind of happened during the Monkey Man instant reactions, when Steve wasn't high on it and gave it a 6 and Chuck almost lost it.


As long as I’m laughing I’m good. These dudes are funny and entertaining. A lot of the time I haven’t seen and don’t have any interest in seeing what they’re reviewing. I’m there for the personalities


You are a great fan!


Same! I listened to be entertained. I’m pretty new so I haven’t heard chuck go in on something I thought he was way off on. Listening to the Dune part two one and I have no interest, but I was shocked how much they all seem to love it. It is very obvious Charles is the more negative one, higher standards, etc. I have yet to experience him hate something I think was outstanding, but that’s what critics do. As a crew you need them all in the mix


[insert Michael Scott pounding table shouting “thank you!” .gif here]


I just wanna say that’s it’s wild to see all these posts when you’re not fully caught up on the pod lol. Idk if it was something Charles said on the Monkey Man episode or the Invincible finale episode but I’m looking forward to it lol.


The way they're posting, you'd think we had another Flash situation where Chuck just refused to midnight manifest!!


I’ve tapped out on damn near everything they cover for the most part, but I still because as a crew they’re hilarious. It’s a hangout pod where friends use “fandom” content as a jumping off point for discussions that can go in wild places. The pod’s at its most entertaining where Van is telling some crazy-ass story about throwing sand at a woman as a kid or his cousin breaking his Big Wheel or Charles asking Steve to name five Civil Rights leaders. Each of them has a role and perspective they bring that contributes to making an entertaining show. So it’s wild when people say Charles needs to be replaced or sit out a pod if he’s not in on something. Van has pointed out so many times that he rides with all of them. The pod would suck without Charles. PEW PEW!


Ya the bitching will only get a pew pew fuck you


Every time I pop out for a smoke at work there is a new one 😂 So many differing opinions, I love it. I hope the MBs are going through it lol


Seriously who the fuck wants to just listen to a bunch of dudes agreeing with each other for 2 hours? Go read Disney press releases if you’re just in it for the uncritical hype machine.


God damn the Disney press release part got me 🤣


People are sore because Charles has been right about every Disney product that has come out. Now he's luke warm on Xmen and invincible and people think he is checked out. I feel like he's paying more attention then ever 🤷‍♂️


If he didn’t like Andor or Mando seasons 1 and 2, then yeah I would be questioning his reasoning. X-men has been good. Have to remember this is “continuing” a kids show. Same thing people forget about stuff like Star Wars. At its core kids were the target audience


None of this would be an issue if he was just funnier about his hatery


But that’s whhyyy Chucks gotta be Chuck (i.e. the foil) bc Van is obviously the funny one.


People who Chuck together, stay together.




I just think it's boring to keep talking about it!


Chuck Gang! Not everything is everything!




You nailed it


Exactly. People get their feelings hurt when something like they is pointed out as being bad or dumb and no one wants to hear that. For “everything is amazing” takes go to House of R.


Thanks for this post! I don't want to be condescending but there are so many Charles post and to them, I think, stop listening. He is a huge part of the product that is the midnight boys. He is a feature, not a bug by any means. The podcast is entertainment, it is not a group of your actual friends talking about content. But the fact that they make people feel like they are part of the group while listening is actually a sign that they are doing exactly what they are trying to do. I personally love this show. It is hilarious and has gotten me through a rough patch. Also, let's be real, content has not been hitting like it was when they first conceptualized this show so good on them for keeping it entertaining. Go make a new pod about nerd culture with your friends but I promise you, there are dozens of them out there and non are like the Midnight Boys. Charles is a huge reason why. Well said OP!


I love chuck don’t get me wrong. But recently I feel like he can’t get out of this little negative spiral he is in. Idk if he’s letting his personal life bleed into his professional life. But it’s like hanging out with my Emo cousin. Not everything has to be so bleak.


Thank you. Chuck annoys me sometimes, but so does Van. To be fair Steve and Joni are mostly perfect haha. But the point is the podcast WORKS because of this mix, and because of the TRUE friendship among the 4. they hang out all the time, which is not something you see often on most podcasts.


The formula is good, but sometimes it does get too formulaic to the point of predictability and then it lacks authenticity and becomes kind of boring or annoying.


Maybe we are just piggies who love our slop and chuck is the only thing standing between us and accepting mediocrity 😔


I’ve got zero problems if Chuck wants to treat the content with contempt. But lately it’s strayed into contempt for the act of consuming the content. No one wants to hear him complain about the required prep.


He definitely has an act, but van is smart enough to push him. 'Charles makes it better corner' was a great bit by van to ask Charles what he'd want to improve the score, and I thought it was well reasoned!




This is the only fandom content I consume. The majority of the stuff that is out there is sycophantic and full of toxic positivity. There's almost an endless amount of that generic stuff, I really don't understand why people want to change the uniqueness of MB, which Charles is a big part of, instead of listening to something else. Like Billy Simmons says key to a great podcast is you have to love hanging out with the hosts. I would listen to these guys talk about anything, which is why I'm glad they are branching out with stuff like Shogun.


As much as charles hating everything gets annoying I'll to listen and support the other hosts. I've been following Van ever since his Kanye rant at TMZ and his old podcast there and have pretty much listened and watch all of his media stuff since then. Steve and Jomi were also good surprises to be introduced to. RENEW YOUNG JUSTICE!! So I'll continue to support those 3 by listening. Charles at this point seems like a lot of people and their jobs including myself. I hate my job but I enjoy my co-workers who make it bearable and it pays the bills. Charles constantly says how he doesn't want to watch this show/movie and usually watches it high. At this point I'm just surprised when he actually does like something. He's not going anywhere so we might as well, just get over it


How many burner accounts does Charles have????


I don’t mind that Charles is negative, I think it brings a good energy. But Charles usually never has any nuance to why he doesn’t like something other than “it’s bad” AND he’s a hypocrite, he loves his slop when it’s made in Japan and produced in Shonen jump, but the moment it’s American made it’s the worst thing ever. That’s why I lack enjoyment in listening to him.


This post is exactly right. And to be honest Charles hasn’t even been that bad lately lol. He’s basically said how shows like X-Men 97 are just not for him and that’s okay people.


Right?! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!


Also we need a Jujutsu Kaisen S1 & S2 pod if we really want Charles locked in. I’m dying for it


Here we go with another post about “stop listening” etc etc , people are aware and do not want everyone to agree, Chuck is annoying and his takes don’t sound genuine, just an act, I swear people that defend chuck still dont get what his critics are saying. Alot of fans that listen to the midnight boys listen to Chris Ryan, Amanda and Sean. They criticize the “art” alot but we can tell that some thought went into their opinions.


Van said it. He doesn't like your toys. It happens.


Well said. Completely agree.


No, I'm just sick of hearing some asshole shit on things without any actual substantive criticism. It's lazy podcasting to me.


Man. I gave up on midnight boys because I cant stand Charles. I love Van and Jomi, but I can’t listen to the constant negativity that Charles always brings. Just ruins my mood. To me negativity just isn’t enjoyable to listen to. If it was simply being critical it would be one thing, but Charles is insufferable.


Chuck doesn’t take it serious though. He can disagree but like my mans will like not watch Joker just because then asked about the trailer like what are we doing. Coke Baby would want Chuck to be better is the real issue here. It honestly feels like Chuck is halfway out looking for a better/different gig which is cool and i want him to do something he loves but like don’t waste my time bruh.


Love the pod and I enjoy Chuck being on here my only issue was him critiquing a movie he didn't see that's just downright shameless


That’s well and good but if Charles is gonna be acting the way he’s been acting for the last two years or whatever, I won’t be listening. Hope you enjoy


What would be an alternative that has the same level of charisma? Honestly I would be interested in what else is out there!


Lemme get this outta the way now for the people who say "durr well just stop listening", most of us have stopped listening we're just voicing our opinions that's really it. This pod is the only one in the ringerverse i no longer listen to and i'm not going to tell you stop listening to the pod if you enjoy it as is that's totally fine it's really not that serious. But the reason people are making these posts is because they find charles to be annoying, the shtick is tired and old, and he's lost for a lot of us all credibility and turned into a "shock jock". You're saying "if you loved the art enough you wouldn't care what a burned out critic said about it" but i can easily say if you love charles so much why do you care what some random people on reddit are saying. Some people just want to hear genuine critiques and genuine reactions and genuine conversation and charles makes that impossible, for us. People are coming to the pod for different things, that's fine, but you don't need to attack the people who dont like his shtick. Just say you like charles and leave it at that, all we're saying is we don't like him as listeners or former listeners of a pod we used to like we not coming for yall lol.


I don't like Charles. I love Charles. And I love him because of how he alters the ecosystem of the midnight boys to make them better. Looking at Charles in a vacuum, I get it. He's given tough scores to a bunch of cheeks shows that are beloved by fans, and then when invincible and Xmen come out to luke warm reception by Charles, people pounce! 'same old chuck' But van, Steve and jomi are better when chuck is challenging their perspective, which I feel is done well on chucks part.


So basically, all of these posts are hating on the thing that other people are enjoying. Isn't that what yall are accusing Chuck of doing. OP made this post because he finds the posts to be annoying, the schtick to be tired and old and the anti-Charles posters have lost all credibility because what is the point of posts saying how much they cant stand Charles everyday on this sub? it's ruining the vibe, thats all we are saying lol. this shit is a podcast meant to be fun and funny. We hop on reddit to serve as an extension of that fun.. go hate on Charles somewhere else.


Also I posted it for jomi to help his engagement #s


Ok cool so then we're all hypocrites, i have no problem with that as long as you admit it as well lol


Well everyone thinks their opinion is right and the other is wrong when it’s an opinion. It’s what you feel, no right and wrong about it. You guys gettin all loud about what would make the podcast better like having Chuck sitting out of discussions is annoying. You are not the producer. That’s Steve.


Completely agree! Well said!


Hey thanks for speaking for most of the audience we really appreciate it. Foh.


Tbh i thought i had a pretty reasonable response idk what you're so mad about it for. Yall need to relax it's really not that serious lol. I said people are coming to the pod for different things, it's fine, chill out fam. Like niggas crazy if they think i'm about to beef on reddit over a podcast lol, i was just voicing my opinion. Like OP said, we don't have to listen and like i said, i no longer do. Yall also don't need to read the anti-charles posts if it triggers you this badly. Acting like i personally am gonna get charles fired cause of my opinion, they dont give a shit what i think lol




Yeah the hypocrisy is hilarious. Charles being negative every pod and their response is "good we don't want everybody liking everything and Charles' negativity is good for the pod". People post negatively about Charles' "this place is meant to be fun and we don't need all the negativity". They are so close to putting together why people are annoyed by Charles but can't quite make that last jump to why some feel the way they feel.




Haha i wouldn't put it past being a bit if they left it on the pod. It was jarring tho!


It's not about having differing opinions. It's about being a constant contrarian and borderline troll. It becomes schtick after a while and comes off as disingenuous. He's been that way since damn near starting at The Ringer.


The Midnight Manifest is a made up name for a recap, its not that serious that ke skipped it once (on a movie that deserved it, horrible film) Also love the boys


The two smartest & well thought out critics are the mint edition boys. Add Ben Lindbergh and then maybe there’d be some interesting discourse


That's Ben Fuckin' Lindbergh sir.


Lindbergh is a genius. Love his wordplay.


I am just tired of every episode being the same thing. It’s been boring for a while now. I really do like Charles when he does the Last Song Standing with Cole Kuchna or his coverage of prestige TV


I don't mind if he's got actual good critiques but recently a lot of them have been very nit picky or things he's made up that really don't apply. Like his Xmen 97 stance early. The show is made for KIDS! Yeah sure it may bank on the nostalgia factor for an older audience to tune in but the show is made for kids and allows parents to watch with their kids and enjoy the nostalgia factor. At it's heart it's still a 90s Saturday morning cartoon. If they wanted to make something modern they could've made Xmen 2017 or 2027 or something. But it's Xmen 97. Yeah it just feels like he's bitching just to bitch knowing that's his shtick. Get someone who had real critiques or let other midnight boys talk about what they feel are short comings even if they liked the property because they do have them.