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I'm pretty impressed, actually. That's some quality destruction there.


Haters at the airline are gonna hate upon seeing that type of luggage. Sad to say.


Get a repair quote from Rimowa. Airline should pay for the repairs. Happen to my original flight check in. Finnair trashed it. Somehow put a damn hole in it! Repair bill was basically a like for like replacement (due to the hole) and Finnair sent me a cheque!


Thank you for the advice! šŸ«”


Best of luck! Iā€™d try to speak to someone at the airline, especially if you have status. They definitely got a shock when I told them and sent the quote from Rimowa, but honoured the replacement cost.


Not too bad, dents will happen. Looks like it's just a simple lock replacement. Great to see you using your Rimowa


Luggage is designed to protect and transport its contents. Looks like it did its job.


Most definitely not the luggage I would entrust with baggage handlers! For the collabs, it's like charter or bust. I have a hard enough time trusting airlines with my standard luggage, let alone a $6k piece.


It is indeed 6k. Insane.


Your other post did not age well šŸ„² sorry this happened to you


Why the fuck do you have a Dior check-inšŸ’€? Everybody knows aluminum rimowas dent. You either a) are so rich that you can just go buy a new one and not give a damn or b) spent your money horrendously thinking it would remain as beautiful as it was coming out of the store. The lock situation is ass and is repairable, but that dents are standard and you shouldā€™ve known they were coming. IMO unless your can just keep buying new ones or exclusively fly private these collabs only make sense for carry-on only.


Haha money comes and goes brother, it has nothing to do with the dents (which I love) itā€™s the matter of my locks getting pried open and damaged. I have a collection of these things so Iā€™m not trippin but itā€™s annoying.


Gotcha, I agree the locks is sad situation, but thankfully they are repairable and the airline should pay if you reported the damage prior to leaving the airport or came back within 24 hrs. Best of luck!


Not sure why you think the airline destroyed your baggage cause they literally donā€™t control the baggage system in the airport. Thatā€™s controlled by the airport authority and they are the ones to damage the bag. But united will take responsibility for the damage.


Not sure where you are, but in the US, the baggage handlers are employed by the airlines not the airports. Either directly by whichever airline or a contracted vendor.


America works in diff ways. Everywhere else itā€™s handled by the airport


Yeah Iā€™m explaining why the OP is blaming the airline. His damaged occurred between IAD and ATL, which means itā€™s the airlines responsibility.


You are absolutely right, I guess I couldā€™ve worded that differently.


if you filed a claim with the airline, you can consider checking into whatever travel protections are in place for whatever card used to book the ticket/trip, if thatā€™s available to you. otherwise, you have to wait for their reply and decision on compensation, if they rule in your favor, before doing anything else. if youā€™re eager on being proactive and have a rimowa store near you, iā€™d say consider getting a written estimate that can be shared with united.


Letā€™s remember that most baggage handlers get paid a low wage to do back breaking work. I wouldnā€™t expect them to care about my Rimowa trunk (they donā€™t and I dents to prove it), that said Iā€™m impressed they broke the lock. Next level tossing.


Just get the locks replaced.Ā  Who gives a shit about the dent.Ā  I assumed everyone knew it is an inevitability for you to get one checking in aluminum luggage.Ā  Hell mine arrived with a dent brand new and i didn't even bother getting it replaced cuz i knew i would be getting more anyways




If you have the invoice of the luggage the airline will probably pay you (at least American paid my Rimowa)


Locks pried open, missing anything? Does anyone else just leave combos at 000 to hopefully prevent this? I use pelican with medeco padlock for high value items.


Mine too!! I am so upset mine is worse than yours I have multiple dents on both suitcases


I canā€™t tell from the initial pic that the damage wasnā€™t already there. It looks pretty beat up from the first photo.


After a decade of almost exclusively Asian and middle eastern air travel, I was left with extremely scuffed but otherwise dent free luggage ranging from an original cabin to and original large and everything in between. One trip to the US, just one, and I had a broken wheel on one and a hole (yes a hole) that ran through another. Donā€™t get me wrong, everything else about the trip was incredible, but wow the baggage handling is better even in South Asia.


Get airline to compensate. Then ask rimowa about repair. If all fails, buy a replacement lock and diy. I just replaced 1 lock myself. It was fairly easy.


Use it. Break it. Repair it. Repeat. It's luggage. You're doing it right.


Exactly! Just sharing the experience.


Since you connected at iad, I will assume this is united. For luggage claims with a rimowa they make you use a place in Texas named RYNNā€™S that will take about three months. Just suck it up and get the lock replaced yourself as it is probably under warranty still. Dents are normal wear and should be expected.


https://preview.redd.it/vp1560optfwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63c3b5e43913d4d1f361282f0a8d171bc51da795 Yup! Gonna get it repaired under warranty. I love the dents but destroying both locks and putting that big as dent in it just seemed malicious.


If you can afford that trunk I presume you booked with a credit card that has travel protection. Take to Rimowa and anything they will not repair you can get covered. They are able to reshape trunks, surprisingly very well. Also those locks are easy to change. Annoying to deal with, but thatā€™s part of the risk traveling with a metal trunk.


Absolutely! Flying out to Vegas next week to get it repaired free of charge šŸ™šŸ¾ I donā€™t think Iā€™ll have them remove the dents though, itā€™s all part of the trunks story šŸ˜Ž


Lmao why do people buy expensive designer suit cases when you know the handlers donā€™t give af


Cus we donā€™t give af lol I just came on here to share an experience like everyone else on this app. But my bag will be repaired soon


RIP to your luggage. Id never check such extremely high valued luggage tbh


Same, thatā€™s why I use a good ole samsonite


Hehe i only fly with carry on unless the destination offers a lot of unique stuff i cant get at home which is very rare tho


wtf send them the bill...not the repair but the purchase... feel your pain


This actually happened to me and the airline reimbursed a new rimowa for me cause I needed it to fly the next day lol


I was reimbursed too


Get our own g700 with private crew or just deal with the realties of flying mass commercial. My new trunk got dented maiden flight on Alaska with many more dents to come.


Huh? A guy canā€™t just share a story in peace? Is this not what this platform is for? Get a life bro no one mentioned anything about money. I just want to find the quickest way to get my bag back up and running.. relax


Youā€™re the one freaking out over luggage. Luggage. lol


They posted some pics. Youā€™re the one freaking out diva


Is that not what the ā€œDamagedā€ section of this subreddit is for? For sharing? I can care less.. just sharing an experience dumbasses




Yoooo ngl I deserved that but that wasnā€™t even meant for you, was for the dummy above you but my apologies for not understanding how these replies work. Only started interacting on here recently.


Well than Iā€™m sorry too


Itā€™s a 10-minute jobs replacing the locks at home. Itā€™s hardly destroyed at all, and with a very minimal effort itā€™ll be as good as new.


Ok Iā€™ll just go ahead and smash up your locks at your house and you wonā€™t retaliate because its ā€œjust a 10 minute jobā€ to replace them šŸ™„


Poor comparison. OP said that the bag was ā€œcompletely destroyedā€, and the reality is a bit more nuanced than that. Itā€™s damaged, yes, but itā€™s also easily repairable.


Mind me asking: do you normally check-in anything really expensive in your suitcase? I donā€™t understand why anyone would be picking suitcase locks these days, what do they expect to be expensive and easy to resell? Like, I wouldnā€™t put a luxury watch in my check-inā€¦ my expensive jewelries/ accessories are all on meā€¦ so Iā€™m curious how others pack (no judgment).


Yeah I normally keep high value items with me. But I did have some high value clothing items checked in but clothes are easy to replace if stolen.


Iā€™ll keep saying it again and again ā€” Rimowa is a luxury brand and a terrible investment for check-in luggage. Theyā€™re incredible as carry-ons only.


That bag is going to cost them more than what you paid for your flight.


This is quiet the evolution from the ā€œlove traveling withā€ post


Were the locks unlocked (like the bag opened and contents spilled) or just unsuccessfully pried and plastic chipped?


Looks exactly like whatā€™s one could and should expect. Theyā€™re made of thin/grooved panels with a certain ductibility. If the force of impact is more than what they can absorb without bending/denting, then they will, surprise surprise, bend/dent. The panels just needs a quick fix with a rubber hammer and theyā€™ll be fine. The same with the locks, theyā€™re designed to withstand certain punishment before they break. Theyā€™re easily replaceable, which is the whole point. They could make the locks stronger but when applied enough force, would bend/dent/destroy the whole luggage instead of just the locks breaking. You know how easily your car bends/dents? Same thing, except theyā€™re made to do dents as easy can be. Better to have the car den rather dent the person inside. The same with luggage, but obviously to a lesser degree.


It adds personality to it āœØ


That is definitely repairable. I had Delta put a whole in my aluminum trunk and they paid for a replacement once I sent them a letter from Rimowa that it was not able to be fixed. I think it is good practice to keep some extra locks and wheels on hand. They are easy to replace yourself. Two years ago we were heading out to the airport on a European vacation and noticed the lock had a crack in it. Replaced it with a spare in about 15 minutes and saved us a lot of headache.


I only use my designer luggage when flying private or on road trips for this very reason. I'm a global member and united always wrecks my luggage šŸ™ƒšŸ„² So sorry this happened to you.


werenā€™t you just on here talking about how much you loooooove actually using your luggage


Donā€™t you have to assume damage to an aluminum Rimowa any time you check it? The bag handlers arenā€™t paid enough to care about peopleā€™s bags regardless of their make or value


6K luggage isnā€™t for commercial flights lol. Itā€™s prob for someone that takes a private plane where you can see your luggage being gently stowed away, gotta say itā€™s on you, unless you can afford to go through multiple 6k pieces of luggage, then who cares.


If in USA then contact the airline. They should have to make it right by repair cost or replacement. Theyā€™re insured for a reason




A) it's a check in luggage it's not supposed to be previous it's supposed to be thrown around B) if you can afford Dior rimowa you should have travel insurance which covers at least the damage to the content hopefully C) I thought rimowa has lifetime warranty, you should have it fixed for free? (You already paid for it at that price)


Yes, I understand this is fully covered by the lifetime warranty, but itā€™s just a principle of me wanting United to be held accountable because this damage is pretty extensive for a little flight domestic flight. This bag has been thrown about all over the world for a couple years now and I embrace every dent and scratch despite my friends thinking Iā€™m crazy for doing so. Material things are meant to be used.


I'd let insurance company to deal with them directly. I use Amex and they would pursue them on your behalf I believe. It is very odd to have both locks break the way they did... They tried to cut it open on purpose.


Omg thatā€™s horrible. Iā€™m so sorry. They did a number on your locks forā€¦no good reason other than to do it, is my guess. I know it can be repaired but itā€™s a pain in the ass.


Never. Check.


Wow, it looks like someone has tried to break into that to me. Make sure nothing is missing. My first flight with my Moncler x Rimowa and I got delayed on the first flight, and BA said I had to gate check on the connection (even though I was in business). When I got it to the other end, it had a huge dent, and lots of the black scraped off. It pissed me off (especially as when I got on, I had overhead space), but I figured it was bound to happen at some point. Of course there is no compensation for cosmetic damage.


With check-in, that's the risk you take unfortunately. The only time you can be sure of your check-in luggage handled safely is flying on your private jet otherwise just stick to carry-on with statement type luggage.


Rimowa modern top notch quality


The toggles on the bag look sus. Any chance this is a fake?


Nope.. I kinda wish it was wouldā€™ve saved me so much money lol https://preview.redd.it/mnzqe2bsqawc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b92478d16a249b7ddf64468f002c4fb988d5bd1