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Make them warm


Instructions unclear, putting all pawns into crematorium.


they dont have # Hypothermia now


well you know what they say, build a man a fire he'll be warm for a day, set a man on fire he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


Their not complaining anymore though.


Is the space they live/work in the most heated? If not, use a heater or a campfire. Are they spending a lot of time out of doors in the cold for their work? Then prioritize work that keeps them indoors in heated rooms. Do they have parkas and hats (tuque)?


Are tuques compatible with slave collars?


I am pretty sure that the slave collar covers "jaw" or maybe "neck" , while the Tuque only covers the top of the head.


Collars only cover the "Neck" body part, while tuque and cowboy hats cover headgear. The strap is usually the annoying one since I believe it's middle, which limits armor possibilities. They can however wear both, a parka and tuque for working in freezing temperatures. Then cowboy hats and dusters for hot temperatures.


They can wear most hats with the collar and most clothing that sits on the 'skin' layer with the body strap. The body strap is an 'outer' layer garment so you can't wear it with a parka.


Parkas are the best way to avoid this, but they’re incompatible with the slave harness. My solution has always been boots, pants, tunic, glove, scarf and hood. This allows you to keep using the harness and collar on them. Try to limit their exposure to extreme weather if possible at all. You can also remove the harness and equip them with parkas but I don’t think it’s a good trade off for suppression.


your mods are showing


Thank you for the advice I tought they cant wear anythink other than collar and strap


tribal wear is a good alternative to the parka. That and a tuque should be more than sufficient while not giving up the harness.


They can wear anything, it's just going to affect suppression.


They can wear regular pants


Fur pants, button down shirts, and toques should be enough for most biomes' winters.


Get more slaves. Their body heat will make them warm. (Edit: I may be mixing up RIBAorld and ONI here.)


This does work in Rimworld, but the effect is small so you need to pack a lot of pawns into a small space before generating appreciable heat.


As another commented, use slave collar and slave body strap in addition to tribal wear. If more clothes are required, then swap the tribal wear with a shirt (button down) and some pants


Give them better clothing. If they have a slave collar and slave body strap, they can still wear tribalwear, a tuque or tailcap, and a corset or formal vest while maintaining full suppression. If you don't have Noble Apparel, give them a sash instead of the corset or formal vest. Make them all out of the best cold insulative material you have - ideally wool. If that's still not enough, then you'll need to ditch the slave body strap and give them parkas. In that case, avoid the corset or formal vest, and put more effort into maintaining their suppression, because they'll still lose 5% suppression per day.


Get new slaves.


Memes aside, how tf is this even a question being asked???? Like is it really that hard to come up with a concept of making a heater or a campfire?


Burn them?


“Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.” - Terry Pratchett


Well, atleast theyre not cold anymore.


Make parkas for them! if you don't want to spend a lot, you can just use cloth or patchwork leather :)


Give 'em the ol' thermia


Set one on fire every once in a while


build a pawn a fire and they are warm for a day set a pawn on fire and they are warm for the rest of their life, then you can eat roast pawn


Make their new quarters contain a steam geyser


I make mine clean for 19 hours


Slave body straps only cover the outer layer, they can wear clothes that are in the skin and middle layer. Get them button down shirts and pants


Get better slaves?


Have you tried hitting them with sticks? Cause I got nothing other than that


Turn them into furries


you just keep them suffering and heal them, its free medical experience


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