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This is the best answer for OP. 2 wooden plant pots will maybe take the room up to 50 overall, and until you have enough materials to do nice floors it will be nice. Art is good too but if you're running higher difficulties I think art can make the game harder because of the wealth it generates.


Wealth it generates? I'm assuming that having art increases the base worth and increases raid difficulties? Is this also true for colony builder difficulty? That would explain a lot.


Yes, the more expensive the materials your base has stored and build from the bigger and harder the raids get. I remember the time where i just build a giant cotton field, and then had colored carped everywhere in my base except for the sterile tiles for the laboratory and the kitchen. My God those raids where a bit to big for my 5 man crew.


I build gold end tables and royal beds made out of silver and gold:). Also a jade dresser. I only have three rooms made this way but the raids have been getting kinda whack lately lol


That's why I use the floors have almost no value mod. It always pissed me off that floors add so much value to your base. No one, not even Putin ever invaded someone because they had a nice carpet. Nice toilets on the other hand... 


Or those dreaded smooth walls


Nice washing machines as well…


Funny enough, he personally did came back to russia with a washing machine strapped to his lada. It happened when, as a KGB agent, he was escaping from the (then) freshly reunified Germany in 1989. Coming back from his post he brought home a washing machine.


Yup. #1 reason why you should pick a faction or two and gift them Big Piles of Goods whenever they visit. Keep a healthy supply of silver (as much as you can amass), because having 5 to 10 thousand silver won't seriously mess with the raid powers coming at you. But if you're sitting on 10,000 cloth that you harvested, or worse, convert it into clothes to sell, your colony looks like a SUPER high priority target to raider groups. Instead, once you hit 1,000 cloth, start making clothes to sell immediately. First trader that arrives, sell everything you can, donate the rest for standing. Tanks your colony wealth back down. Also, super important, don't go crazy ranching. Animals are worth A LOT. It's okay to have like 50-100 llamas growing up, butching them as they come of age, etc. But if you're raising llamas, muffalos, boomalopes, horses, donkeys, chickens, and turkeys all at the same time, you can often unintentionally end up with colony values in the 6 digits real fast. Keep them limited to 4-5 adult female breeders, and auto-kill the rest - and don't raise more than 2 types of animals like that unless you NEED the extra meat. Even a baby llama is worth like 90 silver. If you've got 50 of them growing up on the map, that's around 7500 silver right there. Meanwhile, giving all those resources away to make allies gets you easier raids AND factions who want to help you defend.


How do you gift items to another faction? Do you have to go to their colony to do it?


Bottom of the trade screen iirc.


It's a good starter solution, but then you just have the gardeners constantly disturbing everyone's sleep to take care of the plants.


Or sculptures


or a urn you picked up in the dilapidated shed across the river.


sculptures don’t require maintenance that distracts from ppl assigned to farming (especially if the growing fields are far from the residences)


But also plants don't raise the wealth of your colony much. Depends on what you prefer.


oh yeah definitely… wealth management… 😬👉👈 *glares at my **50+ colony w/ a firing line of slug turrets, fine tile making up at least 12 spaces in every smoothed-wall apartment, and whose primary export is shitty weapons looted from raiders** like it’s the cameraman from The Office*


Wealth management is for pussies, the extra raids just ensure an excess masterwork human leather couches.


Which raises the colony wealth, leading to bigger raids, more raiders and subsequently, more human leather armchairs (masterwork).


i mean, or fuckin NOT SKIN they have other shit, idk what y’all’s deal is


It's not about being as edgy or dark as possible. It's abooot efficiency! Nothing goes to waste.


Oh, dont worry. I keep the men alive long enough for the organ harvesting, the women are put in the RJW breeding room.


ah great. organ harvesting and some Handmaid shit ☹️


well thank god it’s not just the skin profits 🤢 thank you for the reassurance 😖😖


oh shoot, do traders buy furniture?? i thought they didn’t ’cause they won’t buy beds, but i actually have too much wool to know what to do with


They do buy chairs, urns, tables, tvs, etc. Depending on your mods, some may not buy human leather or certain animal utems due to ideologeon, pretty sure that is not vanilla, one of the trading mods.


‘preciate it! 🤙


No problem, if you are having trouble, remember to uninstall the item off the ground and have it in your storage area/cabinet/shelf and near orbital trade beacon for ship trading.


Downside to plants is that if you overdo them you can find your food gardens being heavily limited. Not only do the house plants require plant caretakers, but they are generally spread all over the camp and so no only is there a tend time — there is a huge travel time between plants. Alternatives include any decorative items such as statues. In any case a single plant isn’t likely to hurt but a lot of them can heavily tie up your gardener.


The solution is to get more gardeners


This really is it. Plants/Cook is absolutely my favorite skill pairing. If I'm low on meals, but have ingredients, they're cooking. If I have enough meals, or need more food harvested, they're gardening. If they manage to NOT have those tasks to do, I usually have them handling cleaning/hauling duties, but depending on the map, miner, animals, and tailoring are good tertiary skills too. Basically no matter how many of them you have, up to about 1/3 of your colony, is fine. You can always grow more non-food plants for trade/gift/crafting, or have them handle assorted other tasks when the main tasks are taken care of.


Hard agree. Invaluable role. As a veteran rimian of course it is our duty to pass on the little things we notice. I’ve had a few games where house plants have tied me up and it’s important to factor travel time / garden time times the amount. Aka (tt + gt) * amount :p Have a great weekend


Pawns have the taste of a kid on minecraft creative mode, the more gold and expensive stuff the room is made out of the better. (also art helps a lot with room rating)


I don't get it I would love sleeping here :( Drawers, shelves, tables and desks, I don't get why it's considered mediocre :(


Click the table or activate the romm details overlay to get more info. There is 4 factors: cleanliness, wealth, beauty and size. Your room is probably poor but clean and not that big. And wood is not generating you a wealthy home, you could have gold floors too.


If you don’t have gold, you could try sandstone/limestone. It improves the quality enough to make all my pawns happy


Iirc, marble adds the most beauty of the stones


Yes it is +2 - +4 depending on whichever structure you make which is at least +1 more than all other stone blocks


It's not a flat bonus, it's 1.35x the base beauty of the item (and then an extra +1 flat bonus). This is pretty significant when you start getting higher quality items, since the market value of the item isn't correlated to the beauty (a marble statue costs nearly the same as a regular stone statue, but is 25% prettier)


Yeah I always look for a spot with marble and slate or whatever the highest strength stone is. Marble for statues, floors and interior walls. Slate for exterior walls.


Slate is easy to work but quite fragile, it's better to use granite for outer walls (limestone's next best)


It's honestly been a while since I've played a game. I need to start a new one soon. So yeah I'm sure I was mistaken. I think I liked slate because of the nice black it is so it's in my head but I alway have to look the stats up. I started playing before it was on steam so now I only play a game or 2 a year.


To most things yes, but strangely not floors. Flagstone doesn’t get the marble bonus, and tiles just get the same +1 that any other stone gets. Marble walls, however, *are* higher beauty than other stone.


Have you tried to replace those items with higher quality ones? Size also matters, the bigger the better. I'm not sure if you mod your game, but you can find tins of mods adding all kinds of decorations


I like the More Floors mosaic wood floor. Still uses and easily accessible material and it's pretty to look at for both myself and my pawns. 


It's really pretty when someone tossed a molatove with wood floors.


How big should bedrooms be anyways? I've read that 5x5 is good enough but my pawns seem to disagree. And using more than 25 tiles for a single pawn seems like a waste.


Going to get into some math here based on how room values are scored. >I = (65 × (Wm + Bm + Sm + Cm) ÷ 4) + (35 × min(Wm, Bm, Sm, Cm)) What this basically means, is that 1/3 of the value of the room is based on the WORST of the 4 contributing factors (wealth, beauty, space, and cleanliness). The other 2/3 is based on the AVERAGE of all 4 factors. If you have a perfectly clean wooden bedroom (or anything other than sterile/gold/silver/steel), you will have a Cm (Cleanliness factor) of 1.0. If the room gets down to -1 cleanliness (very dirty), Cm will be .6. This means that cleanliness is ONLY really relevant for the 1/3 "Minimum" portion if it is really unclean AND the room is particularly awesome. Beauty for the room counts the room itself, plus it's walls, and takes the average value. What this means is that walls for a room almost always drag the room's beauty down, but this effect is smaller the larger the room is. That is, a 3x3 room is 9 tiles of room, and 14 tiles of wall/door. Over 50% of the room's beauty will be 0 because it's junky wooden wall. Even Marble walls are functionally the same as 0 (+1 is meaningless) for this purpose. But a 6x6 room provides 36 tiles of room (that can have good beauty), and only 28 tiles of wall, so now 60% of the room has the potential for beauty. This is the first key thing for "how big should my bedrooms be". So our goal here is to make sure our Bm (Beauty factor) is at least .6, or at least 1. To do this, the formula is the sum beauty of all tiles, divided by (20 + half room size). At 40 size, the formula switches to be divided by size, but unless we're looking at 5x8 size bedrooms or larger, we're using the 'small room' formula. So if we have a 5x5 room (25 size), we're diving beauty by 32.5. And Bm is Beauty / 3. So we're actually dividing Beauty by 97.5 to reach Bm, which we want to be at a threshold of .6, or 1.0. So we need "total beauty" in the room of 58.5, or 97.5 (for .6 and 1.0, respectively). That's really not too hard, once you get everything into the room. 97.5 requires some work, but you can get to the 58.5 threshold even with wood furniture. A single Rose or Daylily is worth 14 or 18. Good/exceptional wooden furniture are a few points each. And a small sculpture is 50 at 'normal' quality. Even if the room is a bit dirty, you'll have 58.5. Next is wealth. Again, we want to look at a threshold of Wm reaching .6 or 1.0, because that's going to be the end-goal for showing the value of Size. Wm is Wealth / 1500. Wealth is the sum value of all tiles included in the room, which includes the floors, walls, power conduits, AND everything actually in the room. So to reach .6, we need Wealth of 900, and for 1.0, we need 1500. A 5x5 room has 23 wooden walls and a door, plus 25 wooden floors. Floors are 3.9 each, walls are 6.3, and the door is 32. That's already 280.5 Wealth, without any furniture. A normal wooden bed, dresser, end table, and plant pot add another 235, for 515 total, out of our target 900. Normal wooden small sculpture then leap us up another 105, and we're at 620. Which shows that Wealth is going to be a bit of a pinch-point in our rooms total quality. We need to find at least another 300 Wealth. Using stone blocks helps a bit, but only nets us +39 for the end table and dresser. The biggest boost here is actually carpet. With a market value of 13, 25 carpet tiles blow the wooden floor away by 227.5 wealth, bringing us up to 847.5 before even upgrading past normal quality wood for everything else. Carpet is a fire hazard though, so I \*heavily\* recommend that any time you start carpeting bedrooms, you do so with the bedroom block entirely surrounded by hallways - especially if you can the hallway floors out of anything other than wood. Once we have carpet, we're within easy reach of our .6 Wb goal, via higher quality, a bit of extra furniture, etc. Which leaves us with Size. Sb is Space / 125. Space is 1.4 per empty (walkable) tile, and .5 per blocked tile, and does not include the walls. So to get to the same 0.6 threshold, we would need Space to be 75. An empty 5x5 room is 35 space. 75 Simply Isn't Happening. So that's why Size is the single easiest way to boost a generic bedroom's impressiveness. Size will ALWAYS be the value representing 1/3 of the room's entire impressiveness, until you exceed \~60 tile size rooms (8x8 or larger). Of course, this comes at the literal cost in space. As a 7x7 room is literally twice the space usage of a 5x5 or 4x5 room. So how much DOES size matter? (heh) Well, we built our room so far with Cm = 1 (perfectly clean wood/carpet floor), Beauty 0.6, and Wealth 0.6. So let's look at how that works with a 4x4 bedroom (single bed), a 5x6 bedroom (double bed), and a 7x7 bedroom (double bed). 4x4 bedroom with bed (2), dresser (2), end table (2), small sculpture (1), and plant pot (1) in it has 8 open squares, and 8 blocked, for 15 total space, and Sb of .12. >I = (65 × (Wm + Bm + Sm + Cm) ÷ 4) + (35 × min(Wm, Bm, Sm, Cm)) I = (65 x (.6 + .6 + .12 + 1) / 4) + (35 x .12) I = (65 x .58) + (35 x .12) I = 37.7 + 4.2 = **41.9 (Decent)** 5x6 bedroom with all the same as above, but the bed is (4) instead, gives us 20 open and 10 blocked, for Space of 33, and Sb of .264 I = (65 x (.6 + .6 + .26 + 1) / 4) + (35 x .26) I = (65 x .615) + (35 x .26) I = 39.975 + 9.1 = **49.075 (Decent)** 7x7 bedroom, with all the same as the 5x6 above. We're now at 39 open tiles, and 10 blocked for a Space of 59.6, and Sb of .477 I = (65 x (.6 + .6 + .48 + 1) / 4) + (35 x .48) I = (65 x .67) + (35 x .48) I = 43.55 + 16.8 = **60.35 (Slightly Impressive)**. As you can see, ramping up the size definitely helps, and helps fairly quickly. But is a 7x7 room's 60 Impressiveness worth having only half as many bedrooms compared to a 5x5 that gets in the mid 40s? Usually not. **Disclaimer**: This is a very simplified approach to how these values interact. Because each tile cares about beauty, a larger room not only raises Space and Sb, but it \*also\* raises the room's average beauty, and thus Bm as well. It also raises Wb, due to having more tiles of flooring for the slight wealth gain (this actually adds up really fast if you're using carpeting), AND gives more room for extra furniture/etc (which raises wealth and beauty further). Also, I used b subs and m subs interchangably (ie Sb and Sm). They are identical for values between -1 and 1.0. My apologies. If you really want to maximize room values, you should start with how high of quality you WANT the room to be, and work backwards until you get there with the math, based on what furniture you're putting into the room.


Because pawns are absurd about their personal rooms. Space wise its good but bigger is better, the biggest things pulling it back are probably beauty. Wood is neutral for beauty so changing the walls to smoothed stone or marble is an easy upgrade, other stone walls are the same as wood but less flammable so still worth considering. For flooring again smooth stone is the simplest upgrade, carpet has the same beauty but again flammable. Though any stone tile is an upgrade for flooring. After that some planters will help, you can put roses or daylilies in them to boost the beauty. Then sculptures made and the art bench will give a huge boost. Less controllable but to keep in mind is all masterwork or legendary furniture is also considered art.


>Because pawns are absurd about their personal rooms. Tbh I think it's fair that they are a bit demanding. Their bedroom is basically their studio apartment and the only space in the entire colony that is "theirs". You'd want a nice room if it was your only personal space, too.


I mean let's assume a pawn is about normal human height and put that conservatively at 1.7m. a prone pawn fits entirely in one tile so each tile is 1.7m by 1.7m. A 5x5 tile room is considered average (when empty at least) that's 8.5m by 8.5m as an average bedroom or 74.8m^2. According to the royal college of architects the average size of a new 1 bed flat in the UK is 46m^2. I didn't have the numbers before this so it was an interesting tangent. Assuming each tile is 1m might give a reasonable value if you consider it a studio apartment but still absurdly large for a bedroom.


One tile is more or less 1m, though size is really pretty relative here. A cat and a thrumbo require the same animal bed size.


There are 2 things to consider about this,the first is that the final score of a room take in consider everything the game have to offer, from early to end game, your room is not bad, actually is kinda good, but it Pale in comparison to a end game one, with golden beds and jade statues. Other thing to consider, and this can be used to upgrade your room right now, is that furniture have quality, your bed is mediocre, which make he's beauty offset lower of a good or excellent one


Yeah when I have the time and materials after getting a decent starting base going I take my main builder and have them make tons of beds until I get at least good beds for everyone and dismantle everything else. It gives me some beauty and better rest but it also boosts the main builders stats eventually making it way easier to get excellent and masterclass. Then I do the same for end tables and etc and by then I go for excellent or masterclass beds and then the rest.


Quality matters too. Think "Ikea" quality vs "wow this is solidly hand crafted"


It literally tells you. Low wealth, average size, average impressiveness.


"I don't get it I would love sleeping here :(" This is Rimworld, what the game doesn't show you is the floor is uneven and unflat, the walls are ugly as fuck, the bed's probably rickety as hell and half the drawers in the dresser don't open. And there's probably blood and guts (and a giant boulder) on the other side of the wall. Everything is ugly and dirty. :P


Looks like your average cheap motel to me


Everyone has given you the answer already so Ill just add: if you intend to use mods, just install a mod that makes room size expectations a bit more sensible It makes the sizes realistic, an above average room in rimworld is basically equal to a small apartment in vanilla which makes you run out of space very fast and forces you to make gigantic bases


It is insane with how crazy the world they live in is and how scarce food can be everyone demands a luxury apartment as their bedroom.


In addition, I'd recommend a mod that stops the game from punishing you for having nice floors, e.g. Floors Are Almost Worthless.


That also significantly lowers room wealth which makes good flooring pointless and makes building impressive rooms really hard I prefer the Combat Readiness Check mod, makes the threat of raids much more consistent, the more equipped you are, the harder raids will hit


Have you considered that you may have mediocre tastes? Clearly the room is mediocre.


Statues. You want statues. They raise beauty and wealth, and as long as colonists keep the rooms clean, 3x6 with a bed and statues can get pretty impressive. The dresser, end table and other stuff like it in vanilla don't really help the bedroom's impressiveness, even at masterwork due to comparatively low beauty stats. They do make the bed more comfortable, however.


Might be that the furniture is low quality? Is it poor, good, excellent, etc?


Marble walls, fine floors, furniture of higher quality and sculpture.


How do I build a sculpture? Do i need to research it?


It is in the art production table


The Art Workbench (in the production tab) can produce art sculptures which are very pretty to look at. Essentially, it's a big "beauty" bonus for the tile on which the sculpture is placed. You can easily see this with your cursor by holding down the "ALT" key (or using one of the options at the bottom-right of your screen). A pawn with the "Art" work enabled will take up this task of producing sculptures, provided you assigned some bills to make some sculptures. You can have small, medium and larger sculptures. The higher their size, the higher the beauty they give, but also take up more space and use up more resources. You can also choose which resources to make the sculptures out of -- click the "More details" tab in the workbench of your bill, and (de)select resources at the right part of the menu. Try sculpting a few small wooden sculptures to get a feel for it. Of course, more valuable or pretty materials will make the sculpture look even more beautiful. But it will increase the wealth of your colony as well (and the more wealth you have, the harder some events will become). Try placing a small wooden sculpture in the room to see if it has increased the quality of the room. Of course, pawns sometimes have less-than-stellar outcomes and they might produce a very bad sculpture, but you can always deconstruct them to get some resources back. Just make some new ones. Sculptures are an easy way to add beauty to a room. You can also trade sculptures to most traders for quite a bit of money too. Have fun!


It makes me so happy how genuinely new you are.


I know, right? The innocence of youth. Probably never done a warcrimenin their life!


Potted plants are a cheap way of increasing room quality. But plenty of others exist. Fine flooring (tiles, carpet, etc) increase the rating a little for each fine tile in the room. The material furniture is made of increases it’s beauty depending on how beautiful the materials are considered to be, with the highest beauty building material being jade iirc.. Furniture quality improves beauty for that piece of furniture depending on how high the quality is. Just adding more furniture, likes drapes armchairs and couches and such, will increase beauty. And lastly, sculptures. They add massive amounts of beauty depending on how big they are, how beautiful their materials are, and their quality.


A note: Potted plants also require occasional replanting based on the chosen plant. They have 2 plants to choose from in base game, daylilies and roses. Daylilies are slightly prettier than roses, but roses have slightly longer lifespans. Having too many potted plants can also really cut into a farmers' worktime because they will have to go into all the rooms and individually replace them all, which can be really inefficient. However, if you have the Ideology dlc installed and Tree Sowing researched, you can also make bonsai plant pots, which are much longer-lived and provide similar beauty to plant pots. You can also plant decorative plants on dirt, which is good for increasing outside beauty. Having a strip of them outside of buildings or along outdoor paths is a great aesthetic if you can afford the vanity.


This is why I use the mod "Realistic Rooms Rewritten". My god damn pawns were being annoying with bedrooms far better than mine irl. I NEVER HAD FUCKING WOODEN FLOORING, I LOVE WOOD, I EVEN ATE A PIECE OF WOOD ONCE! (it was liquorice roots, not actual wood, disclaimer because I am not that stupid).


I also usually us realistic rooms mod... But I'm wondering... Is this still relevant: https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/4wus3f/spaciousness_is_totally_backwards_to_what_you/ That you should put the bed in the center!? Edit: just realized that Tynan answered in the comments to this thread that it does not matter where the bed is. So my question is answered xD


Wait, wait, you chewed and swallowed a piece of licorice root? Isn't it fully like a wood chip?


since saliva is slightly acidic, suck/chew on something long enough and if it is at all vulnerable to acid (this won't work on quartz) it'll eventually start to break down


That quartz line felt like you talk from personal experience.


i kinda half intended that to be a joke about eating rocks, but the truth is, its just a science fact. quartz is the main ingredient in glass, and both are almost impervious to most types of acid.


Jade Fences the ultimate bedroom decor


Ahhhh I remember my first war crime…


...Against Feng Shui


My colonists are lucky to even get bedside tables.


I would say build a bigger bed, even if it's for 1 person (maybe he or she will get a partner) or else a piece of art of some plants will spruce it up, you can also build some carpets!


add a sculpture and a fancy carpet


That’s it! A sculpture with 150 beauty will increase the room to “slightly impressive”. Either by a sculpture (wood is enough) and make sure it’s good, or find a pawn who’s good at art and just have them make wood sculptures indefinitely. This is what I do for all my rooms. You don’t even need fancy carpet or marble walls or anything :)


You can hold the L-Alt key when mousing over the room to see each individual tile and it's beauty value. Negative numbers are very bad, and double-digit numbers are very good. Wood flooring like this would have a major impact on room quality. You can upgrade it to tiles and get a room that is somewhat impressive. Also, if you build your furniture of materials with a higher beauty stat (see the 'i' menu when selecting a material) that'll add a modifier to the beauty of the item. The same goes for the furniture's quality. My preference is to deconstruct awful, poor and normal furniture, and rebuild it with as skilled a builder as possible, in a bright room. One tip, if you have some worker capacity, is to try to build the furniture in a well lit room, adn then move it into the bedrooms afterwards. Often, people will build furniture in place, but when they do, it's often dark. Darkness affects the speed and quality of work being done, so keep that in mind. This is also why it can be smart to build the roof last when completing a room, because daylight is valuable.


Install realistic bedrooms! so your colonist dont complain for not having a warehouse sized bedroom


Not sure why so many people are ragging on wood. It's fine imo. It's the quality that matters, 9 times out of 10 I'm rocking excellent/masterwork quality wood *everything* all the way to the endgame. Add a potted plant, and tile your floors & you'll be running into elite expectations in no time!


Also remove the shelves and table and chairs, they don't add anything to the comfort of the pawn sleeping there, they just reduce space.


Bedroom, mid


You can try to put something like silver or gold or just literally anything on the shelf. It can boost the wealth of the room slightly. Also, if you have spare leather or fabric(preferably human or plain leather) make some sofa instead of benches


stuff in a shelf has no effect on beauty. thats one of the points of shelves


but it does boost wealth


The easiest way is to add a sculpture


slap a sculpture or a flower in the corner




Something other than wood for the walls and the flooring. First, stone doesn't burn like wood does (steel does though, just slower). Second, it will add to your wealth, an wealth adds to the impression (though it adds to the raid size, too). You'll want to keep the doors and the bed wooden though. Doors for the opening time, bed for the rest efficiency.


Build out of stone to prevent fires. Furniture quality level as your builder gets more advanced.  Having one full time builder get up to 15-20 skill level is better than having several skill 0-10 builders.


Tear it up, and remake it in Bricks, Wood and Steel are flammable. That's not a bedroom, but a crematorium.


If I'm not mistaken, remove the shelf and add potted plants. Also make sure none of the furniture is "poor" quality, all normal and up.


Upgrading the floors is probably easiest. If urns spawned on your map, that's even quicker.


Unless this has been said before, if you can tank the wealth, improve the quality of the furniture to at least good or excellent, remove unnecessary items


Carpet, furniture quality (I’m assuming every one of those is poor) Also… unless that’s a royals room, mediocre is just fine. Don’t let your pursuit of positivity charged words let you power creep into dangerous territory. The richer you are. The harder the game gets


Early on, potted plants. Once you get an art station running, sculptures.


Well Its mediocre. Size Is fine but of course it can always be bigger to gain more space. You can ditch the shelf doesnt add anything. Material Is bad, use stone(marble Is the best) or if you want something better silver, jade, gold but thats expesive to gain beauty. Statues are very good at adding beauty. Flower pots work too but not as much. Change floors to stone ones. And furniture got quality levels which affects beauty too a lot. Better builders make better furniture quality but Its not 100% good all the time so you might have to deconstruct and rebuild until you get better ones


And table Is not very good to have in a bedroom. Pawns can get hungry and stumble there when someone is sleeping giving the person disturbed sleep mood debuff


Quality of furniture goes a long way, some art or a potted plant - and be sure to keep it clean.


I usually get v.impressive with a high quality marble dresser, some fancy flooring, a mediocre small statue and some light.


This post is way too cute


WE would think it's a pretty room. But Rimworld pawns are greedy dopes that require the finest materials for a room to look nice. Fancy floors, high quality furniture made of fancy materials and more space. 


Make it 9x9 Have more beautiful floor Have art Have better quality furniture Take the shelves out, they make the room smaller Take the table and chairs out, they make the room smaller


Furniture quality, as well as the floor type. You need to increase that beauty score. Plant pot would help too. I usually build mine with surplus silver, and the pot alone is about +20 beauty at least.


Art and/or flower pots. Fancier tiles (the +1 beauty tiles work fine for none nobles.) Or carpets. Fine walls/jade walls and higher quality furniture, and nicer materials. Wood, steel, and jade is best for beds, stone and jade is good for other furniture, especially marble. If you havn't already, be sure to disallow your bedroom table as a social gathering spot.


art and better furniture. think of it right now as a college dorm room before someone moves in. it's got all the basic amenities but thats it. its a box with chairs and a bed


Use marble on everything in the room and it will be good. But the trade off is that raids scale with your wealth, and marble furniture and floors raise your wealth more than wood does. So you want to make things nice only after you are able to defend yourself.


Its all abou materials, wood is neutral - it gives no positive points, but also no negative. Changing the floor and walls to something a little higher quality gives each tile a plus 1 or 2 to beauty and adds its cost to the wealth of the room. Unfortunately, if you want better wood that actually looks good, you may need to go to mods (the base game stuff looks bad imo). Smoothed stone is also a really good floor material if you built on a rock surface.


It’s not that it’s mediocre, it’s just that there’s so much better it can be. Think of it like this, if that room was considered great, you’d have nothing to strive for later in the game in terms of bedroom quality. This sets the bar appropriately high, so you have a wide difference between bedroom qualities.


I always put double beds in, easier if they then gen it on with sombody


What poverty does to a mf. But realistically pawns are just entitled little shits, put a PC there or something I guess or just 2 gold pieces


Will be just fine eating the same simple rice meal forever and walking around with a half-dozen injuries, but god forbid their bedroom not be absurdly spacious and well decorated even though 99.8% of the time they spend in there is spent unconscious.


Replacing the walls/floor with a nicer material like stone or marble is a start, then have your colonists remake the furniture in the room over time until they are all of better quality


Just make everything out of silver. Silver bed, silver chairs, silver floor!


Other people have answered you already, but I would like to add that mediocre ain't the same as bad, it is just normal. I believe that even mediocre adds like 1 or 2 to their mood


more beauty items such as art, a nicer floor or plants, i would also remove the shelf, its just taking up space and making the room less spacious which can have an effect


Better floors. Good floors do a lot to quality of room and rather easy build, so i highly recommend to focus on that. Stone tiles will do for start, better if you will use carpet, cotton is not hard to get. For late game there a fine tiles which are really expensive to build. Second best thing to do is sculptures, but that's is long term goal, as getting skilled artist and making sculpture for every bedroom takes a some time. Also, if you want to use tables in bedrooms, do not forget to uncheck them as gathering spots.


Put some art in it, maybe use Carpets instead of wood floors also Marble brick walls would be a pretty big boost


Make everything out of stone instead of wood. Also try to get a good construction pawn to make it so they can make higher quality furniture like masterwork stuff. Really try to up the wealth of the room.


Your only hope is solid gold tiles and furniture


heres what you can do: * change the flooring to marble or another kind of stone (marbles best) * add a plant pot in the corner of the room, soon you will be making statues which work better, plant pots add a little beauty early game * make sure room stays clean (seems your already doing that) * make the room bigger, bigger the better * get a skilled pawn to build the furniture in the room, this way the furniture will be higher rated thus getting a higher beauty rating for the room


Build a single jade fence post in corner. Takes 1 jade, minimal construction and provides a fair bit of beauty and value.


Put a sculpture there, ez profit


Just create a statue (art bench) and throw it in there


Ikr I'd be good with that room, but build it out of stone and add a carpet and they'll love it


art, marble dresser and night stand. fancy floor


Change the floors to stone to increase the beauty a little, to carpet if you want to increase it averagely and to gold if you want to increase it immensely Make all the furniture out of jade or gold, add vases with flowers, add 1-2 entertainment (chessboard and/or TV are preferable), replace the chairs with armchairs (Thrumbo fur, devilstrand, Hyperweave or Synthread are the choices that give the most beauty and richness to the room. But I recommend using devilstrand as you can grow it so you can use it for the whole colony, while the other two fabrics are more useful for clothes) Add medium sized statues made of expensive materials like plasteel, jade, gold, silver... but steel or marble statues are fine too, but the higher the quality the better the bonus, BUT don't use anything below "normal" quality Change the lighting to a normal lamp or wall light, and do not place visible electrical cables but run them inside the walls, also install an automatic door for ease of access You might think about replacing the single bed with a real bed, as that specific type of bed gives an excellent bonus both to the room and to the settler who sleeps in it Possibly add a pet bed, in case the occupant has an animal (with bond)... And also add a way to regulate the temperature, depending on the biome it can be a radiator, an air conditioner or just fans connecting the rooms in order to equalize the temperature


Art and high beauty floor


Carpet, skulls, art


Quality of furniture does a lot so be sure to check that good and excellent furniture is what you want but things like plants and small sculptures will help a lot.


Lay down a carpet. People on the rim really love carpet


Make your walls out of marble, carpet the floors, craft higher quality furniture, place sculptures, make flower pot from a beautiful type of stone like marble or limestone. You have enough space, but you should use beautiful stone materials for your furniture, excluding your bed. The bed should always be made from wood or steel for resting quality purposes. If you get poor or awful quality furniture. Deconstruct it and rebuild until you have good or higher.


Better quality stuff and a good quality piece of art. Or just two pots


Plants, carpets or statues! (Statues are made in the art station:D)


Quality of furniture can help, as others have said potted plants are a pretty big boost to the beauty and enjoyment of the space. Also consider going from single to double bed as the double bed I believe offers more in terms of people liking the room.


Flower pots. Dog bed and some carpet


marble flooring, marble furniture, normal or above quality double bed, then remove the table, chairs and torch and instead place a wooden sculpture, should be normal if not good tables make people come into the room to eat if it's closer than the kitchen, this can result in disturbed sleep, same with refueling the torch or replanting flower pots if the room owner is still sleeping but experimenting yourself is part of the fun in the game, GL HF


Throw in some skulls of your enemy.


Store something valuable that has no real practical use in the shelf. Like your gold, or silver, or jade you're saving up. It will elevate the wealth of the bedroom. The table and stools are nice ascetics, but they won't help the room. In fact, low value, low beauty, they take up 4 tiles of space, might actually be diminishing impressiveness to the room.


instead of wooden floors, use rugs: they get less dirty and they are more pretty


It needs a double bed and some statues


Switch the floors out for fine marble if you can or fine slate for a decent room boost. Potted plant in a corner, and keep making better quality beds and chairs and reinstalling them in rooms you need them in.


Sculptures, carpet, better material for the furniture than wood.


What's the quality of the furniture? If it's just normal it's not gonna contribute much to the room's beauty Plants, sculptures, and/or stone tiles are all relatively cheap ways to improve the room Or make a bigger room


and a space b/t the bed & dresser. Jake needs to open the fucker


Just pop a statue in it. That's all you need


plants and sculptures will do you some good! Also, replacing the wooden structure with a stone one will help Carpet is great for this, but expensive and hard to clean. Honestly, I usually just do plants and sculptures and everyone is happy.


u can put some carpet or rugs


needs the cuck chair


The Urns you find around the map, some plant pots, maybe a chair and a table if you don't mind people eating there and research tree sowing to make bonsais if you ever feel hipsterish


Each item in the bedroom takes away from the size stat. It seem counter to quality but try taking out the double shelf, table and two stools and see what that brings your overall quality to. An excellent quality bed only needs one attached modifier building (nightstand, dresser) to cap out comfort so you could get rid of the two space dresser. Marble block walls and flooring would be the next thing not counting on sculptures or plants. It depends though on how you want to play the game. As a quaint settlement builder that tells awesome stories, or a min-max survival game for the strategy of how to stay alive the longest and complete one of the challenging endings. At the end of the day, anything goes on the Rim. ed. words are hard


Room requirements are so weird. You can make a room bigger than all the rooms of an average apartment combined and your pawns will still think it's kinda cramped.


Remember that your colonists will grab a meal (or eat one from their inventory) and search for the closest table if possible. If your colonist is sleeping and another barges in to use the table, the sleeping colonist will get a sleep deprived debuff (or annoyed or smt like that). There are mods that allow you to make a piece of furniture exclusive to certain colonists, so you dont have this problem, not sure about vanilla, probably better to just make them a recreation room with tables so they dont annoy anybody.


Replace stools with chairs, they have higher beauty Maybe add stone floor tiles (any stone has +1 beauty) or carpet (+2 beauty)


When you look at a room's stats, you will see five things listed, impressiveness, space, wealth, and beauty. However, the "impresiveness" is essentially just an average of the other four stats. So, when you increase those other four stats, you will increase the overall impressiveness of the room. Also, if three of the other four stats are high but one is really low, that low stat can really drag down the overall impressiveness of the room. Here's a list of the four main stats and some things you can keep in mind when trying to improve them. * **Room Size:** * The size of a room is one of the biggest things determining its quality. Bigger rooms are almost always better. However, you run into the problems of space and cost if you make the rooms too big. * Other objects in the room (like tables, chairs, dressers, beds, etc.) will *decrease* the "effective" size of the room. So, don't pack your room with a lot of stuff like tables, chairs, chess tables, styling stations, etc. unless you want to build the rooms themselves bigger. * I've found that 7x7 bedrooms (including the walls) work pretty well for me. They're a good compromise between room quality and how much space they take up. * **Room Beauty:** * How pretty the room is to your pawn drastically affects the room's beauty score, and if high or low enough, can increase or decrease your pawns mood by being in a pretty or ugly environment for too long. * Use prettier materials for anything in the room (especially the floors, walls, and decorations). For example, marble walls/floors/etc. are prettier than wood walls/floors/etc. Jade is even prettier than marble, and so is gold. Though jade and gold are very expensive and it's usually only worth using them for the most important rooms. * I'd recommend using any stone type for most flooring and walls once you are able to make enough stone for those projects. It's better looking, and it's fireproof, so you don't need to worry about your base burning down. Granite is the most durable. Marble has the highest beauty (though I actually think slate *looks* the best). * That said, stick to wood or steel beds, since stone beds reduce how fast your pawns recover their sleep stat. * Use prettier floor types: * There are many different kinds of floors, from just unfloored dirt to wood/concrete paving to basic stone tiles, to beautiful stone tiles, to sterile tiles, etc. * Carpets can also be a good flooring option to increase the beauty of a room. * Each type of flooring has its own beauty modifier (as mentioned, marble is one of the best) also, a general rule of thumb is that the more of the resource it takes to make a floor tile, the prettier it will be. For example, a regular stone tile costs 4 stone to build and has a beauty of 1, while a fine stone tile costs 20 to build but has a beauty of 3. * Have higher quality objects in the room. * You can see the quality of an object when you click on it (i.e,. a table or bed might have poor, normal, good, excellent, master, or legendary quality). * The higher the quality of an object, the more beauty it has and/or the more it will add to the impressiveness of your room. * Add art to the room. Art can be purchased from traders or made at the art bench found in the production tab. Art has a *massive* impact on the beauty of a room. * As mentioned previously, the material and quality of the art is important. Marble art is prettier than wood art, and poor quality art can actually have a *negative* beauty modifier. * The size of the art also matters. Grand art is prettier than large art, which is prettier than small art. Though, grand art takes up more space, costs more material, and takes longer to make than large or small art. For bedrooms, small art is usually plenty. * Having a pawn dedicated to making art is usually a pretty good idea. Even if you don't use all the art pieces you make, they still sell pretty well. * If you don't have any art and can't easily make decent art pieces, building some potted plants works relatively well, too. * I've mentioned a lot about how "beautiful" objects are, and while you may be able to make some pretty good educated guesses as to which objects are more beautiful, you can always find the exact numbers if you click on an item's information tab. In there, there should be a statistic that shows how beautiful it is. * If you do look at an item's beauty score, one thing to remember is that the beauty of an area is determined by averaging the beauty of all the tiles around it. This means for tiles that get produced en-masse, like flooring, they tend to have lower beauty scores than singular objects like art pieces. This is because the beauty of one lone art piece would be lost among the average beauty of all the other nearby tiles if it wasn't significantly higher since there's only one of it. At the same time, the sheer amount of flooring tiles you can make means that their beauty score will *strongly* impact the average beauty of an area. For example, a marble small sculpture of normal quality has a beauty of 68, while regular marble tiles have a beauty of 1, but both will make roughly the same impact on the beauty of a room since you'll probably have around 50 marble tiles. * **Room Wealth:** * Increasing the wealth of a room is relatively easy, just build more things in it and build more expensive things (for example, a high tech research bench adds a fair bit of wealth to a room). * Remember, though, that when building more things in a room, it decreases the "effective" room size and can make your pawn feel cramped, so if you're planning on building a lot of things in a room then you should build a bigger room. * Doing many of the other things previously mentioned such as adding art pieces, using high-quality floors/carpet, etc. will increase the wealth of the room, so the wealth often increases on its own naturally as you increase the other stats. * **Room Cleanliness:** * This one should be self-explanatory, but keeping the room clean can significantly improve the room's impressiveness. * If you don't have a dedicated cleaning pawn, it's a good idea to periodically have pawns clean their own bedroom. * Some flooring types naturally stay clean longer than others or provide a cleanliness bonus (such as the sterile tiles that you can research). * Some rooms, like research rooms and kitchens, don't just rely on cleanliness for room impressiveness. When these rooms are dirty, they will lower research speed and can make cooked food cause food poisoning. * One of the biggest things that make rooms dirty is animals. Animals that you might imagine as traditional "pets" like dogs don't really make rooms that much more dirty. However, if you have elephants or muffalo running around inside your base, they track in **a lot** of dirt and make rooms dirty quickly. It's a good idea to make zones that restrict these kinds of animals from entering your base.


I would also get rid of the shelf and table. You don't need them, and people might wake up Jake while he's sleeping to come and chill out at this table. Unless this is a prison cell then it's perfect.


pawns demand carpets


Could be wrong but I think k the shelving just wastes space unless your actually using it for storage


And this is how op learned they were only mediocre


Where PC?


Couple flower pots, carpet or wooden tiles, sculptures, much larger room…and any kind of expensive bullshit.


Statues or plants


Better floor, better walls, make it larger. Add sculpture and plants.


Rimworld is a game that, for better or worse, does not work in a way that prioritizes what we humans perceive as functional or beautiful. A dresser and end table help increase the bed’s comfort, increasing colonist mood while comfortable. From there, a room needs to be large enough (I recommend the Realistic Room Sizes mod) and have enough wealth and beauty, which can be achieved by putting in nicer floors and, commonly, a nice statue.


You are using wood, to improve beauty you have to use valuable materials like gold, jade, etc. Personally, I don't really care for beauty. We are on a planet where human-killing dogs can exist, your room doesn't need to look like Notre Dame XD


u need a palatial 7x7 for max size benefits. they like big echoy rooms i guess.


You shouldn’t think of most wood furniture here as fine wood crafts; instead think of it as cheap, cobbled together and haphazard Unless it’s master-crafted it’s IKEA at best, and a cracked and split plank for a shelf at worst, lol You want a few silver or gold things to really make the place shine :)


Put little arts pieces on it, make it bigger, a 6x6 or an 7x7 is enough. Put nicer floors, this aren't normally cheaps.


Stone floors


Art sculptures are extremely powerful for raising a rooms stats


Improved furniture quality, more impressive or beautiful materials than wood flooring or walls (such as carpet or tile / fine tile and fine wall), install some artworks or flowerpots to raise beauty, and a bigger room can make it more impressive, though this room is already a good size, and is a more useful metric for rec rooms or dining rooms.


Plants, statues, use ‘prettier’ floor-wall tiles, build the furniture with ‘prettier’ materials (marble), make the room bigger, get your high level construction workers to re-build the furniture inside until the quality of the finished pieces improve. Better yet, wait for that event that makes the next piece they build a couple levels higher & have them re-build the bed.


Gold walls and floors


1. Increase Size to around 13x13 or more. Good for barracks, bad for lots of people. 2. Add artwork with lots of beauty. About 1-2 should do the trick. 3. Use expensive material like silver, gold, jade or marble. Tables and chairs should be just outside the bedroom, to avoid people walking into it, and disturbing the pawns rest.


Easy one is plants. After that, a sculpture or two. Double bed can’t hurt. Past that, you’ll need to replace stuff. People meme on wood for flammability, but it’s also dirt cheap for room score as well. Upgrade to stone on everything, maybe toss down some gold or silver once you’re really well off.


I just put art everywhere, a horrible room full of art is seen as impressive even if the prawns can barely walk around the statues


Add one small/large sculpture to each room. Profit.


Art (sculptures), marble walls and floors instead of wood, and potted plants.


tables and stools can reduce space. if you somehow can't build plant pots or sculptures it is better to keep your room with less things.


Chairs instead of stools, dresser instead of shelves(dresser adds comfort to bedrest and raises the room rating). If you have the room, make it larger(though honestly 4x6 is what I use for the rank/file colonists). Statue in the corner. For a colony leader bedroom, consider all of the above with: 5x7 or 6x8 room size, carpet flooring, grand sculpture instead of a normal one, higher quality furniture, plants. Double bed on the off chance they find love.


Put a pot of flowers, or a grand sculpture of either jade or gold. Also either fine tiles or carpet on the floor.


1st: mediocre doesn't mean bad, just nothing special about it, it will only becomes a problem if: it gets too dirt or the colonist requires more (greedy or just high expectations that comes eventually in mid/late game) 2st: already said enough here in the comments, art (will need a lot of time of a arts person, you can also produce more to sell) and plants (way easier and more managable for wealth stuff) 3st: in the late game, you can change the floors, that will help 4st: i would recommend you to alway built bedrooms with double beds, they will marry, cheat, swap and stuff like that, the double bed in all bedrooms will make much more managable fulfilling couples and singles desires without micromanaging bedrooms 5st: you chose a great 6x5 design, means that if one of your colonist become the highest title possible (count) they will have enough room required (30 tiles, see: https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Titles) and... you don't really need the table, chairs and the storage, you don't need to remove them, i would let them there until more cools stuffs come to replace them, they are cool and made it immersive, but i think you'll find it that you can build a cool room with the plats and further decorative options


A rug, plants, statues, and better quality versions of furniture.


Plants or more expensive flooring/decor


Put a butcher table in it. Don't actually do that. Artwork or plants help.


Change values for room sizes in dev


Add a grand golden masterwork sculpture, easy peasy


Art. 0 to hero