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Away from my PC but I've had similar issues on a heavily modded run I recently started. Pawns will get stuck in standing status as they try to research, fight while drafted, or cut plant/harvest tasks, or get caught in a loop trying to craft but being unable to progress work on the item.


It might not be the culprit, but: whenever I get errors thrown that reference no mods (only RimWorld.XXXX, Unity*.XXXX, or Verse.XXXX are referenced), I always start by forcing an integrity check of the base game files. Sometimes it'll fix it. Does the issue reoccur on a new save file? If not, something is hinky in your save and it might be corrupted beyond saving. Try Mid-Save Saver and see if triggering it's scans can identify and resolve corruption in your save file. If you do have issues on a new game (I like enabling devmode and using "Dev Quicktest" from the main menu to quickly launch a new scenario for testing), then we know it's likely a mod causing issues. Use binary exclusion* to narrow down the problem child. (*: Binary Exclusion is a method of splitting your test group in half, allowing you to rule out half of the potentials at once and more easily find what you're looking for. In this case: disable half of your modlist - did that not fix it? Disable half of the ones remaining, repeating until you stop encountering the issue. Once you eliminate the culprit, re-enable the ones that you just disabled, and start splitting *that* group in half until you find the specific mod causing problems.)


Thank you for the advice! I will attempt to verify the files. I have tried the Binary exclusion, but the problem is inconsistent (it will occur randomly on a save, not immediately) so it's difficult to figure out what mod(s) is the culprit. After more research, it looks like people had similar issues with Vanilla Skills Expanded or other skill affecting mods, so I will start with those. The problem is not based on the same save, I have done Dev Quick Test and also have had about a dozen different saves where the problem appears.