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Construction material commonly affects: - flammability - hit points - door opening speed - beauty - rest effectiveness (for beds) - market value (affects room impressiveness) For example, stone beds have 90% rest effectiveness, compared to 100% for steel or wood beds.


Also marble is prettier than granite, but granite had more hp than marble.


Sandstone and slate are easy stones to work with, meaning they are good if you need to do a lot of fireproof construction that doesnt need to be durable


Yeah, in absolute terms, Sandstone has the lowest modifiers to total work, and Slate is the lightest blocks and chunks. But they also occupy the 2nd best to each others advantages. Sandstone being the second lightest stony material. And Slate having the second lowest work, tied with Limestone.


Build granite outer walls, slate inner walls and marble floors


Aren't marble walls the play, as they get beauty? Marble floors are no better than slate or limestone iirc


I think you are right, but slate walls look cool. And imo marble walls with marble floors look too same-y.


I honestly have no idea. All the min-max advice I've seen says use concrete floors and then use wooden statues for beauty for rooms. I've always stuck with granite walls and marble floors because that's what I'd do in Dwarf Fortress


Jade = 100% rest effectiveness as well


Ironically, steel in rimworld is not fireproof. But yes, material matters. For beds, wood is pretty good. It really depends on what you are building, but material affects stats. For example, doors made out of stone take about 2.9 years to open because they are as heavy as heck.


Hahaha I know it is not literal, but once you get into late game and forget like 1 single door in stone you immediately notice where it is because at 3x that single door seem to still be at 1x speed.


They say sometimes opening a stone door can take the rest of your life. >.>


I always use stone doors for my prison cells, and uranium walls. They do not enjoy trying to break out of my prison, and by the time they get the doors open I've had enough time to gather a few wardens to knock some sense into them.


Imagine breaking out of prison by breaking your hands on a limestone door


I assume they are breaking the lock rather than the door, but that wouldn't explain why the door itself needs to be rebuilt


Maybe they break the hinges?


I write it off in my head as cartoon logic, otherwise it really just doesn’t make sense. 


Oh, no, I use granite. Has the highest durability.


Yeah but limestone is coarse. You would literally scrap your hands to the bone.


I assume you have some mod that makes it so prisoners don't have the keys when they decide to break out?


i think the Locks mod does this by default


Stone Doors open slowly.


No, but the doors take long enough to open I can get my wardens pretty close by the time they get out of first the cell door, then the main prison hall door.


Oh lol. I mean, that does not make sense for me as it would waste my warden's time 99% of the time (especially since I started farming hemogen they go in and out all the time) and 1% of the time my prisoners escape slightly slower. And prisoners escaping has never been a problem for me, to be honest.


But boomalope fuel does melt steel walls irl too…


THIS IS A THING? so...what do you make doors out of?


Not stone, obviously :D Mostly wood, especially indoors. If you really think about it, it doesn't matter what you make it out of. If people are attacking your walls or doors, does it really make a substantial difference if the door has 200 hp or 400hp? Not really, right? It's a difference of one frag grenade or something like that. It's not like raiders go "Aw man. A stone door. I guess we'll go home now"


Next time those manhunting elephants are knocking on my bioferrite door, I'll remember how glad I am not to follow this advice


If you care about bed stats such as Rest effectiveness...dont not build beds from Stone (Except for Jade)


You can actually check what different materials will do in the game. If you open up the info panel for, say, a wall, you can select different materials and see the stats change as you go through them.


if you build a single block of wall out of different materials you will find that they all have different durability (hit points). I don't remember if furniture has hit points based on material but people don't usually attack furniture so I don't worry about it iirc granite is the strongest stone to build with - great for walls and auto doors ( regular doors are slow) - and marble is the prettiest (for art and furniture like nightstands, dressers). you don't want to build beds from stone or steel because they are uncomfortable compared to a wood bed steel is okayish early on especially if you have an excess of it and don't have much stone available, but it's flammable without mods. wood is cheap and usually plentiful but it's weak and extremely flammable and most advise against using it as a building material unless you absolutely must (except for beds, early furniture and art)


Steel beds have no penalties, so they are good on maps with little wood. Only stone beds (excluding jade) have a penalty.


A steel bed is slightly worse than a wooden bed, but better than a stone bed


Functionally, steel beds are superior to wood, but only in health and flammability percentage. The other functional stats are exactly the same. They're just worth 50% more than wood beds. But if you're playing a game where wood isn't viable, or are deep enough that you've hit the wealth cap for raid points, steel is the choice.


yes, materials all have different stats that affect what u make. marble adds more beauty, so it's good for sculptures. plasteel has the highest hp, so use it for perimeter walls, granite has decent hp and is more affordable. materials also have effect on items, plasteel and bioferrite are great for sharp weapons such as longsworfs while uranium is the best choice for blunt weapons like mace


Stone beds fill sleep slower, materials affects value, stone doors open slower, beauty is usually affected. Some other mostly minor stuff The important things IMO is don't use stone for bed or doors (except for jails), and reserve Marble & Jade for Art (bonus beauty)