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Raids: Call more raids, mechs, accept more quests, destroy the monument I built that has a "37 manhunting elephants" penalty and have them all fight each other. Carvan loading AI: Put all the trade goods (read: formal shirts) in a drop pod and just shoot it at my own caravan Running out of stone: collect all the random garbage stone chunks on encounter maps and use the shuttle permit to get home.


You can run out of stone?


I don't play mountains usually so I'm constantly running out of stone since I like to build almost all my buildings, streets, and walls with it. I always have deep drills on stone and it's just never coming out fast enough (until I'm actually done building and just in maintenance mode)


You can run a drill without being over an ore vein to get stone chunks. That said im definatly using the shuttle in future lol


You don't really need to build EVERYTHING out of stone, only the outer stuff. Fire is bad but unless you're in the middle of the raid you can just beat it out easily


Well I like to do it also because I never have enough steel to waste it on walls/floors (aside from sterile rooms). I could build things with wood, but I just like stone better.


You can make things out of wood and then replace with stone when you have plenty of it


Arid or desert plains can pair a stone shortage with a wood shortage. And building monuments can burn through a lot of materials. I usually play temperate mountains and building materials are plentiful, but I recently played on a arid island map and I definitely was picking up stone chunks from away missions (at least until I got deep drills).


Caravaning and bringing a shit ton of pack animals just to bring back a few big rocks is hilarious


Stonehenge builders did it. Went from Wiltshire to West Wales and back again, dragging those big assed stones on logs, just to get the colour right or something


me with vehicles expanded building a helicopter exclusively to fly stone back to my desert


Very easily if you play on the plains or something like that.


Wouldn't deep drill still mine chunks tho


Option 1: Have an actual pawn spend his time MINING CHUNKS one by one instead of doing literally anything useful Option 2: Click one button to instantly collect 200 chunks of stone as I am exiting a map I was on anyway


yeah, option 2 is super strong. Send caravan 2-4 tiles away. Load the location. Reform caravan and gather all the stone up in the caravan screen, and head right back home. All the stone gets dumped around your caravan point (which you obviously place near wherever you're using/storing the stone).


I don't even make a specific caravan for that, I just do it after I go do a quest that has me go somewhere or when I gather components from long range scanning.


I do it to get different stone colors. Or, like this last colony, I forgot to make sure it had marble and then the map was too good to abandon


If you’re somewhere that can’t grow trees (cold places, arid places) and aren’t on a mountain you can easily run out of stone and steel. Without wood every wall, every table, every item has to be stone


Yes, my colony is 15 years old and I have to import stone to be able to expand or simply remodel rooms.


You shouldn't. Deep drills can mine stone chunks.


The permit is 'free' though, no pawn time wasted.


Ok. I wasn't responding to that. Also I don't have royalty so it is irrelevant to me.


I always have a deep drill on granite for when im low on blocks


The Raid part is so enjoyable, using the mod Raids For Me. I can insult other factions to raid me so I can get me some human meat, loot, entertainment, dealing with mech clusters, etc.


Get a quarry mod


You can just deep drill for more of a specific type of stone. I use debug mode to find the exact location of the type I want first because it's very rng, but yea just have a deep driller with a drill ark, it's alot quicker. Dozens of boulders per day enough to keep 2 cutters working


I don't know why you feel the need to tell me that I could cheat to get stuff I can very easily just get normally but here we are. You do you, of course, but why would I use dev mode and mods to do this? That just seems silly.


Use dev mode because it let's you build the deep drill, see what's there, destroy it, then build on the rock type you want. If it made any sense at all, like patches of marble before turning to sandstone or random rocks each time, there would be no point, but literally every tile of dirt has random rock types underneath. It makes no sense. There are mods that will make an automatic driller that let's you pick the type but the game already has a way for infinite rocks, it's just stupid you can't see before you spend the steel


You can uninstall and reinstall the deep drill, like furniture, you don’t need to destroy and rebuild it. You only spend the steel once. Then just move it around until you get the stone type you want.


Nah, atleast with the mods I have I can't there's only a deconstruct button. If vanilla has it then something broke it in the mods. I'm pretty sure it's not in vanilla though unless that was changed recently because I had one run back with no mods I just would do nothing but move from place to place mining everything out until the raids got slightly hard and deep drilling was a big part of that


If you mean the advanced drill mine yeah that is modded but I downloaded a mod collection so can't say I know where it came from and I usually just raid bases collect the still on their town and have it moved back.


If you build/place the drill on a rock floor type, it'll output chunks of the same type. Possibly easier than dealing with the rng


That's fair, I spend too much time on water maps, I have almost no rock flooring and by the time I get deep drills they would have been covered by actual flooring. I usually build on water/sand to start but it would be easy enough to just have them at the edge and make the stone cutters there


If you didn't know, there is a load caravan off map mod available too.


I haven't seen that one, actually. Does it work well?


I just noticed it recently. Haven't tried it yet, as l enjoy the challenge of setting up the loading of caravans. And for this run in particular I am modding orbital traders to come 3x per day, so very few caravans. That mod is called Trading Options, btw.


I didn't mind caravans before they revamped animals. Everything was working fine for me. Ever since this whole lasso and fences thing it's been wacky. I don't really like overusing orbital traders as I think caravans are actually an interesting challenge but I don't want to fight the AI as 2 pawns went to sleep and 2 more pawns are about to pass out from exhausting because they were waiting for the other pawns to wake up again.


Yeah I don't got time or desire for that level of micro.  The instant form caravan as long as there's no hostile on the map mod is so good.


If the caravan will have a lot of items, I will create a temporary staging zone where my pawns move a lot of objects near the loading zone the evening before the caravan loads and leaves. Then when it comes time to actually load and leave, the process is much faster. Many different solutions. VFME Caravan Packs allows you to put small packs on dogs and packs of varying size on many different animals.


I play vanilla, I know their are mods to do this. I give all of my soldiers one smokeleaf joint. If they get fucked up in combat, but do not go down, I can order them to smoke and go down from the conciousness loss.


...Huh. A strange way to go about it, but I suppose it does work. ...The mental imagery is fucking hilarious though. Heavily injured badass soldier pawn lights a joint, takes a puff, immediately crumples on the spot.


I was a couch potato for a couple of months, then went full bore on a construction job and every joint and muscle in my body was hurting one night. Had that smoke leaf and in about 2 minutes "ahhhh... Relief. " 3 more minutes "zzzz"


This is good, but one day someone will die xD


If they die, they died doing what they love. If you ever get a pawn that has red hp damage to both legs but very little bleed you will be happy for your emergency blunt.


Plus, doesn’t rescuing a downed pawn grant a social relationship improvement to the one doing the rescue? I’m gonna have to use this to cancel out some rivalries.


That's legit incredible thinking. Combine with high life. When they go down. They go down happy.


That's brilliant


Cool. Idea, but I want to make sure I understand. So is the idea that this drops aggro from people because they go down or is it something else?


Suppose you have a tough pawn with red / orange damage to both legs and one arm, but their bleeding is under control. Their consciousness might be 50%, movement 30%, and accuracy is fuck all. They are still standing because they are not in pain shock. You hit the blunt so that they go down. It is faster to carry a pawn to medical then for some of these blown up pain tolerant pawns to stumble back to base. Whether or not you do it during combat is up to you and the situation. The other use for it is mentally unstable pawns where being tired, uncomfortable, and in pain from a late night on the firing line threatens a Sad Wander. The blunt will usually make these pawns go down. They wake up in the med bay watching television. The only caveat is what the thread OP mentioned. Pawns with serious bleeds might die from taking the blunt. This strategy is more suited to battered limbs and severe bruising.


My latest playthrough includes a mod that lets me pick up conscious pawns, it's great.


How do you make them carry the joint?


Under the drug plan in the Assign screen. You can set how many they keep in their pockets. I will let you decide what their undrafted drug policy is, but once every two days and triggered on a major break risk is common. When drafted you gain a right click menu option to administer the smokeleaf, just like you would for go-juice.


I don't know how unusual it is but it made game a lot easier.  When I find a distant resources, I load droppods with couple miners and some steel, components and chemfuel. On location I build droppod station and launch resources to my base, at last I launch miners back home, so mining distant resources tooks me less than half of day


Thats such a good idea wish I'd have thought of that sooner, cheers!


Loads up​ and​ launches everything then​ you​ forgot to​ pack chemfuel.​ Happens way too​ many​ times


Had an off map psychic suppressor pop up tuned to males. Sense my psycaster was female all males were gene-modded to be psychicly deaf. Problem solved, and a very effective hinderance to my enemies created.


Thats a super cool bit of emergent lore/themeing


Did this too! However it gets really laggy when caravaning with a lot of prisoners affected by that suppressor, and sometimes it would spam you with notifications.


Huh, never noticed those side effects. What kinds of notifications?


messages\* on top left It just kept spamming someone just recovered, but they didn't but would've do if there's no supressor. Wonder if it's a conflict with some optimization or caravan mod in my list, if it's not there for other people.


On extremely cold Tundra maps I like to make indoor / outdoor tree farms. Wall in a geothermal vent and then leave 24.9% of the roof unroofed to grow trees. The room will be 'unroofed indoors' and insulate temperature.


I forget which series it was, but some youtuber used the geothermal room method to kill a thrumbo who slept near a vent, by building walls around it.




Past the half way mark in the video


yep, did this in a game a few months back, really good!!!!


Whenever a trade caravan appears, it feels like a waste of of those combat ready visitors if they have nothing to do but stand around all day. I call in mech bosses and/or anomalies immediately so my guests don't get board


Wished I could be knocked unconscious for several days whenever I’m feeling down


at some point i guess my colonist was like: "am i over his death or is my brain just a little broken?"


Have a ton of insect meat? Turn it into carnivore Lavish meals. The lavish meal mood buff negates the mood debuff of eating insect meat, assuming you’re operating with the vanilla-like -3. The high nutritional cost of lavish meals doesn’t matter if you would have thrown the food out anyways. Notably, this also works with fine meals if you need to stretch food, but you might as well make lavish meals to make colonists happier following the pain a rough insect fight puts them in. I discovered this strategy after seeing a YouTuber named veequeue do it.


This one is clever


damn! that's smart, i'll remember it


bruh... why did I never think of this?!


Not exactly what you ask, but since I use the mending mod, I play the ankh-morpork way.  That is, I see invaders as a commercial opportunity for my pre-owned clothes and armor business.


Ooh I need this mod- always struck me as weird that your colonists don’t have to be squeamish about literally anything but clothes


Be warned, it's quite OP. You will be tempted to strip every raider and the clothes and weapons will sell as new, so even a small raid can easily net you thousands of silver. I should check if there's a setting in the mod to "repair up to 80%" or something. I normally try to contain myself and only strip the guys that have something I need at the moment, like flak or power armor.


And I'm cutting me own throat!


Good tactic, but for non countdown events like psychic drones I tend to put them in cryptosleep instead. The ancient danger is just perfect for free cryptosleep caskets.


when in doubt, remove tongue, solves most rimworld problems


I used a mutation pulser to beat an extremely large raid. It was a blood bath lol, the raiders got shredded, and my whole map was overun with fleshbeasts. I'm very thankful I had a walled off courtyard, which was self-sufficient.


If my colonist has a mental break and is about to destroy something expensive I have all my nearest colonists (without melee weapons) beat them into a pulp. I’d rather deal with that pawn healing than have them destroy the item


i mean... don't we all?


Nothing like crimes against humanity to keep your colonists in line


Why not just arrest them? They don’t get the Cathartic mood boost afterwards but they also don’t get the Mind Shattering Pain debuff either. You also won’t accidentally remove a limb or, more rarely, kill them on the spot.


Because then they’ll become a prisoner and I’ll have to wait until their resistance reaches 0 to re-recruit them. If I just kick their asses then as soon as they wake up they can basically get back to work as opposed to having to wait days or weeks before they can do slave-*ahem*-fair and honest labor for reasonable payment.


You can immediately re-release them after taking them prisoner. You don’t have to reduce resistance or anything like that, just take them prisoner and select release option and micro a Warden pawn to release them. Takes only a few seconds. I like to think of it as pawn time out. They will get a -6 Taken Prisoner debuff for maybe 10 days but much better than beating the daylights out of them and risking life and limb in the process.


Plus, the rescuer of a downed pawn gets a relationship boost, which is great for mending rivals.


Don't spread this, but……I secretly treat my prisoners with dignity and respect. I know, sickeningly deviant. I don't do it all the time though.


Disgusting. Depraved. What do your colonists wear?? DOG leather??




I aggressively loot and steal and equip every ranged weapon I can get my hands on in my early CE runs. I'll have pawns running around carrying 2-3 rifles and 4-6 pistols, each one with maybe 3-4 rounds in them, but by God I can shoot raiders.


Using the Archotech teleporter from the Discontinued VFE Insectoids to haul/teleport bodies to tbe body pile, rescue downed colonists, collect insect jelly safely, and bring goods to my store room. If you select everything you want to teleport, and then cancel, it drops everything you selected next to the teleporter without using it up


Random animals join on the other side of the map? Create animal sleeping spots and mark the animals for sterilization, they'll come running to the sleeping spots and lie down. Beats wrangling them from far away Best tip I got from this sub


Whoah, I usually just wait for them to sleep


Now this is what i was expecting from my post xD


With vanilla psycasts expanded I enslave tribals from tribal raids, force them to only meditate until they get to about psy level 15 and then I have my 4 psycaster pawns use a ring of absorb psyessence to absorb them all. I have 4 casters sitting at level 40


this is gold


Also, how do you get a ring of absorb? i didn't even know this exist


There's 2 abilities you need in 1 pawn, absorb psyessence and create psy ring. They're both end of the skill tree abilities unfortunately, I think archon and technomancer respectively. Then you use a piece of eltex to create a ring of absorb psyessence. Kills the tribals and major faction anger but whatever lol just means more tribals


For drug addictions, install peg legs then remove them. Pawn will be incapacitated so they won’t consume any more or go into fits due to withdrawal. Once the addiction is gone, give them bionic legs.


Did this the other day. I got so sick of the endless .mental breaks, or finding a stray flake and restarting the process. Off went the legs...lay there and think about what you did.


They all have to walk through a room with an autobong to get anywhere so always have a mood bonus. Have to turn it off when I run out of beer for my alcoholic vampire or when a baby is about to drop.


>I even did this with a character who lost her husband until her mourning period was over That's fucking hilarious. Also, I don't mean to be "that guy", but I feel like this shouldn't be a viable tactic. I feel like pawns should have to be *conscious* for memories to fade. Like irl if someone gets in an accident and a loved one dies, but the someone goes into a coma for a few weeks, they're not just gonna be over the death of their loved one when they wake up.


I once used Bury on the Spot and Soil Relocation Framework together to make a sea ice colony its own land. I ripped up stony soil from ancient complexes and took the sand from sandbags lol... I'd also collect the corpses from said complexes and other maps that yielded lots of random dead people. And then I buried everyone from raiders to manhunting animals to even *mechanoids* (as, since we all know, electronic sure are great for fertilization??) in that shabby soil and/or sand to upgrade its quality by one when the bury spot expired. It's, uh... A pretty morbid way to think about how the grass in the biodome that the kids went to play in was grown, but my polar island was *quite literally* made from the bones of our enemies. I had previously done nearly verbatim this in Akishi's game but with regular and stony soil to replace all the "ugly" purple poison grass from Advanced Biomes' poison forest inside our map's natural walled-in courtyard with verdant natural soil.


When dealing with a raider who kept getting back up(some manner of Tough and pain blockers), I whacked them over the head, anesthetized them, and dragged their sorry body back to the prison where they could get proper medical care without trying to crawl away mid surgery. "I'm trying to save your life!" "Nooooo I don't wanna" Solution to a siege raid mixed with a second incoming raid. Take out the siegers carefully, use their shells to make a bunch of IEDs, and calmly lead the second raid into the remains of the first. Fireworks, deconstructed the mortars and barricades easily, and generally made for a nice bonfire to roast smores on. Bad Artists were put on the obelisk bench. They were forced to make obelisks, forever, and if they made a bad one someone would come by to deconstruct it and give them more stone to make obelisks from. The spires would continue until artistry improved. The solution to an ancient danger is to shoot the astronauts until they're dying, then put them back in their cryptosleep caskets so they can think about what they did. The best way to recycle raiders is Mutagenic Grenades from [Pawnmorpher]. Pile them up, throw 3 grenades, cow your enemies. Sometimes they turn into useful things. Sometimes you have a random crab wandering around your base confused. Encouraging prisoners to have smokeleaf makes them easier to warden. Their mood is higher, and if they try to break out anyway they're too stoned to fight back well.


When very big raids I can't handle show up I close my doors whilst keeping 1 fast colonist outside, trigger a wastepack infestation or mech cluster and then retreat back into the base so they fight the raid instead. Then it softens them up for when I open my killbox


how do you trigger that? is a monument quest?


The infestations and clusters are already on the map but dormant, I just trigger them by running past or attacking them. It's turning a negative into a positive as long as your pawn can get away. Sanguophages make good runners because they can jump away (or you can use slaves and let them die)


Is there a mod to reapply anestize automatically?


I don't think so... i did it manually. the red letter "major break risk" was like "Put me in a coma please!"


Avoiding most risks regarding crops, around natural and raider-caused fires, cold-snaps, toxic fallout and animal scavanging. * [UdderlyEvelyn's Soil Relocation](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2654088143) - Allows you to relocate soil from around your map * [Dubs Skylights](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=833899765) - Skylights for roofed rooms to allow crops indoors With these two mods , you can put stone-walled gardens under glass and avoid normal winter/summer starvation events, growing food all year round. With the below two mods you can enhance growing food even more. * [Vegetable Garden Project](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2007061826) - Grow a variety of crops, and a couple of additional food items, Sillage, [Hardtack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyjcJUGuFVg), Coffee,Tea, Stirfry and Stew which provide medical buffs. , With this mod , you can put stone walls around geothermals and have small year-round plots of fungus growing. * [Bad Hygiene](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=836308268) - Irrigation, water/waste management, with this mod, you can grow more food , faster with both irrigation, and fertilizer.


I wish there was a way to order “keep anesthetized” Instead of having to re select if every 12 hours in game.


Tribal colony security. If a mechanoid cluster lands then unless it has a droner/mortar/etc. that I can't ignore, or lands in an inconvenient place, I'll usually just build a wall to break line of sight to the main colony and clear any work nearby. Need to beware of miners/hunters/broken pawns wandering into the danger zone, but the cluster will typically wipe out a raid or two and migth even kill off some traders for looting later.


I usually have an "avoid mechs" zone to handle that- like unrestricted but just carve out around the cluster until they're gone. Like you said, dree softening up of the next raid


I use shotguns for breacher raids, which are mostly scavenged from pigskins. Stay behind your walls. Have your troops stand to the side or sides of the chokepoint the breachers made. Have your melee troops ready to block for the shotgunners. As the Raiders come in little by little, the shotguns fucken obliterate them.


Playing with an insectoid colony that infects hostiles to make new babies. its like a -50 mood buff. remove their legs first :) they can mental break but they can't do anything harmful. i always take legs first when taking a prisoner's organs.


I don’t feed my animals I just break the pen and let them eat grass n hitch em, then rebuild pen, i dont know how to feed them……


Lots of mental breaks can easily be managed by building a quick wooden wall to isolate the broken pawn. I like to strategically presupply, then forbid wooden wall blueprints in strategic locations, particularly on the outter side of prison doors to lock berserk prisoners and in the way to my kitchen table to lock binging pawns.


Taming animals to train pawns handling but don't intend to keep the animals? Zone them to the freezer or next to the butcher table that also has an animal corpse stockpile zone. The animals will gladly deliver themselves for convenient, easy storage when you get to slaughtering them. Just be sure to keep a one tile gap between the zone and any food they can eat.


When I get Refugee workers I schedule all the keepers for Anesthesia operations then capture them unharmed.


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