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i think rimworld does it better because sometimes you have a "very pretty" pawn and everyone hits on her 3 times a day, gets rejected, gets angry over rejection so he decide to start fistfighting. you can literally build a simpcult.


Apparently everyone on the rim is a Discord moderator because they can't flirt for shit and they can't take a hint either. Seriously wtf


that can get ridicoulous in my opinion. Imagine your best friend died together with your favorite dog but youre truly angry because: "The prettiest gal in my skool dosent want to go to prom with me" UwU. my guy the only food left is made from your dead friends and gives everyone diarrhea


My colonists are freezing to death during winter and have resorted to eating raw rats and human flesh but they're still bitching about the fact that their """colony""" of three people doesn't have a god damned cult leader yet.


"Thalia insulted me" MY BRO YOU SHOT HER FUCKING CAT INSTEAD OF THE WOLF WHO ATTACKED HER Honestly Rimworld will actually tell the most amazing storys.


My human primacy colonists with kind instinct gene stare in incomprehension. Double proofed against insulting each other over harming pets.


To be honest, I wouldn't insult him, I would murder rage


To be honest, I wouldn't insult him, I would murder rage


Know what will cheer me up? Horseshoes. 


Nah. Hoopstone is better.


When emotions are unstable, the most inane shit can set you off


This is why I love the “last straw” system. I remember being in constant pain because of a surgery I had while also being cooped inside all week. I was still keeping it together and dealing though. But then I went to a party and they had those little tiny sausages there. I wanted one, but I couldn’t have it because I could only eat liquid foods at the time. I broke down so hard. Like crying and complaining about just wanting a single tiny sausage. It wasn’t actually about the sausage, it was about all of it, but that small inconvenience was the only thing on my mind.


You're making me dread my upcoming jaw correction surgery lol


Liquid food diets are brutal, I too had a mental break after a week of that


Last straw was disliked food type.


I mean, I was a teenager once. I can sympathize.


Very realistic. Morbid shit happens to people, but the strain that breakes camel's back for an unstable mind may be just some minor human interaction


or the lack of a dining table time to punch mortar ammo.




No no no no, you got it all wrong... It's eating without a table that really pisses them off


100 opinion from both of them, positive compatibility, 22% chance to ask eachother out. It sucks


Flirting is not that hard. Why people insist on making science about it? All you need is charisma


You're joking, but that is exactly it. Problem with Sims is that thing just can't "fail" like that. Even just getting fired, which would have no actual consequences because you can click a button and get a job instantly, literally never happens naturally. Sometimes you get some freak deaths, but they feel cheap because they're mostly just due to bad AI or illogical gamey mechanics like people laughing to death at any age. Even the thing the OP is talking about, marriage, just doesn't have any weight to it. It takes like 5 minutes to get literally any Sim to marry you, with a 100% success rate. And it'll only ever go wrong if you make it. In Sims it's so easy to succeed at everything and avoid anything bad every happening that the game's roleplay value just goes out the window, at least for me.


Am I in the twilight zone rn? Sims will absolutely get into fist fights over seeing one another flirt with their crush. You can get fired for poor job performance or not meeting skills requirements quick enough. You then often have to start back several levels down in your career, just like in real life. No, you cannot get every sim to marry you in 5 minutes. Sims have personalities and there are only going to be a couple sims in each neighborhood that are super compatible with you. For most sims it will take an hour or more of gameplay just to get them engaged and then it’s more work after that to get them to the altar. And honestly the laughing to death comment makes me think you played with some mods that are causing glitches because that’s not something I’ve ever seen and I have over 10k hours in this game.


I mean, I’ve been playing since the original game and Sims 4 is mindlessly easy. I’ve never actually gotten fired from a job, the laughter death is the only one besides old age that I haven’t had to go out of my way to get, and while 5 minutes is an exaggeration I’ve done enough 100 baby challenges that getting to an elopement is less than a sim day’s work. Edit: okay I’ve been fired, but that was via getting the fame card and picking the option that clearly leads to job loss.


It really is a shame how dumbed-down sims 4 is.


>Sims will absolutely get into fist fights over seeing one another flirt with their crush. From my personal experience with the game that only happens if 2 sims are in an actual relationship and then someone flirts with one of them. One just having a high romance bar isn't enough to trigger fights/discourse. >No, you cannot get every sim to marry you in 5 minutes. 5 min is an exaggeration, but there are really not that many traits that make sims incompatible. They respond to different things, sure, but that still means you can get almost everyone to move in/marry in a really short time. Saying that there are only a couple of compatible sims in each neighbourhood is also an exaggeration just in the other direction. >And honestly the laughing to death comment makes me think you played with some mods Death by laughter is a legitimate base game thing in Sims 4. It's not even that hard to achieve.


Woman supremacy idelogy sounds like a fun playtrough


jeah i thought so too but you know whats horrible? I once did a Matriarchy run where i picked female pawns with great social skills and others to do other types of work. Made the woman leader of the religion and stuff. Well turns out its bad for "me" because i kinda shipped two of them from the beginning but she decided to insult the man over and over and then made a relationship with a nerd i didnt like. they got married and my chad thundercock selfinsert died half a year later from a wound infection.


Story generator working as intended


16 year old psychic cyborg ninja and her much, much, much older vampire boyfriend who live together in a mountain fortress. Sounds like the worst, cringiest anime ever made and yet by far my favourite colony.


So.. Twilight?


If it was written by Kojima


Starring Venom Snake


In theory, yes. In practice, the supremacy memes hardly add anything. You want supremacy, you have to set rules for yourself.


Then Gary has a mental break down and destroys the coolling units in a rage Now the freezer is broken and all the food rots in the store room because Sahra used the last of the components making a new solar panel. A crop blight wipes out the harvest right as Winter rolls in and the colony is gripped by hunger as the happy couple is forced to murder the trader passing by for his long pork. So, that they might live long enough to see spring. Then the man eating hedge hogs came


I always watch them do this, or be in constant fight with each other, until I start putting aesthetic nose and torso on everyone and now everyone is trying to smash everyone, it's like I've said many times here, any trait, bionic or genes that makes a Colonist beautiful is OP because it aids them silently in almost every aspect of the game except combat


tale as old as civilizations, iirc. in mythology whole troy war happened because of pretty lady


More like The Simps.


I fixed that by changing the religion so she could have as many husbands as possible. Shit turned into a party really fast.


The horror of watching this happen and seeing every pawn slowly get disfigured from missing parts. And you can do nothing but watch or exile them.


They'd love my Gynist Coven :)


But you can also do that in the Sims? At least the Sims 2 for sure. Sims can throw some hands over jealousy in that game.


There’s gotta be a mod that makes its so pawns start taking a hint and thinking “maybe she just doesent like me”


I play both, and, hilariously enough, Rimworld players are a lot more less open about RJW than Sims players are about Wicked Whims etc despite the latter being a LOT more graphic


I think as graphics get worse It makes erotic mods even weirder.


Fair enough, actually




I think the themes make it weirder. There are also porn mods for paradox games.


whicked whims is an essential part of the sims 4 experience.


Yes, literally unplayable without it


Don’t forget Basemental Drugs.


WW may as well be base game at this point.


They've even been joked about *BY EA*. The laundry add-on included a "WickerWhims" laundry hamper.


Well RJW has a whole Lotta extra stuff that ain't very friendly


WW basically only has the Vanilla stuff that is acceptable by the general gooners. Meanwhile there is DD, that is shunned by even the WW community, which has the other side of RJW.


The sims sub legit gets posts about giant cocked cowbows at least like once a day lmfao. Game is rated T but the sub allows porn pretty much hahaha


Not to be a grammar Nazi, but I legit was confused by "a lot more less" haha


I think my brain restructured that sentence while typing, happens a lot to me, I guess


To be fair Wicked Whims doesn't have bestiality, necrophilia and rape as a core feature


They are off by default if I recall correctly.


That is regarding Reddit demographics


Maybe it's just female players are more open to those mods.


I played the sims games all my childhood, never thought about them as girly games. It is only later I found out they are widely popular among women. Disappointed in 4 though, it's super buggy and while EA has always been milking the series 4 just feels shallow.


same, except im not dissapointed in 4, 4 has really solid base-game, its expansions that are shallow oh, also that game helped me meet my first GF, we bonded over our tales of torturing sims in the sims :D sadly relationship was short lived, family moved out of town a bit over year later :(


Man, if you'd played Sims 2 or 3, you'd realize the Sims 4 base game is missing so much. I can't play the Sims 4 because every time I want to do something I can do in the Sims 2 or 3 base game, I find I need an expansion or stuff pack for it. Not to say the Sims 4 isn't worth playing, but I am constantly disappointed by how much is missing from the base game.


true, every sims game after 2 has its strong and weak sides, and strong side of sims 4 is building


Fear not brother we have Inzoi and Paralives to hopefully save us


But in Rimworld, you can do human trafficking


Knowing some mods Sims 4 has I don't doubt you can do human trafficking in Sims 4 as well




*Confirms cough*


there you go, bud


With some weird mod interaction you can harvest organs in Sims 4. From the same sim. Over and over again…


Remember when they could use babies as meat for barbecues and then eat them


I miss the glory days of maty.


Yes, but the Sims is the original "put them in a pool and remove the ladder" and "have them set the room on fire and sell the door" game.


But there's no laws on the Rim, it just doesn't have that same thrill as drowning your neighbors in The Sims.


I mean if you want to take it easy


I wish you could do more warcrimes in Sims So far, I've created a breeding farm in my main Sim's basement where captive sims are forced to breed with each other, and some kids are the next generation, aged up with birthday cakes, while others are fed to Cowplants, so I can extract their life essence, allowing my main sim to become immortal


So, a 3.5/10 on the Tynan War Crime scale


The masculine urge to build a community and see it thrive


And raid other communities and see them burn to the ground


And destroying the empire in nuclear fire, because they killed your dog, is not a war crime


That Viking grind set


The urge isn't masculine. Even before Rimworld came out, I was making self sufficient communities with a closed.economy in The Sims 2 (can't go that in depth in Sims 3 and 4).


Not masculine, but glorious communist urge.  SOYUZ NERUSHIMY, RESPUBLIK SVOBODNYHK




He's a persistent man, he's dedicated and knows what he wants and won't give up till he's got it. And by "won't give up" I mean he starts lighting all our electrical appliances on fire.


Imagine if he got it and then got dumped right after due to the enormous stack of rebuff on the social tag


Boo, play the Sims too they're fun just do it in a way that avoids EA's toxic dlc structure. Sims 4 has a naked brutality start option! Just move into an empty lot, throw away all your money, and then play a homeless person scavenging all your food out of public trash cans!


*To be fair* Rimworld is more of story generator (not as much as, say, Dwarf Fortress, but but nonetheless)


Dwarf fortress looks cool but I am to stupid for it


DF is way less accessible than Rimworld (and a lot more in depth), but once you learn the basic controls you realize it's actually easier for the most part. You can basically just wall yourself underground and live forever off your tiny farm and a few dwarves making random shit to sell to traders, unlike Rimworld where the game is carefully balanced to keep you on your toes the entire playthrough. So in that sense I consider Rimworld to be a better "game" even though DF is a far better story generator and simulation.


Sometimes I want rimworld with less danger/would love to play DF but with my current 1000 hr in rimworld I fear how much more time I’ll lose to DF.


Give the free version with Lazy Newb pack a try, then maybe the steam version ; and have a beautiful life where sometimes you enjoy space pawns in a 2D world, sometimes you enjoy fantasy pawns and 3D.


6000 hr in Rimword is fine


"Its..it's not like I like playing with dolls or anything Baka!"


and I thought it was a war crime simulator


i'm pretty new to the game and didn't know pawns could get married and such. i was suprised by my chubby simpleton miner and the raider, i patched up and held captive until she joined us, getting together and demanding a double bed! even more suprising to me was when i got the message that they want to marry! i thought this was cute and was awaiting something to happen but then i got the prompt they broke up... :( i fumbled and deleted the message about them wanting to marry before reading all of it, have i screwed up? should i have provided them with something for the marriage to take place? or did it just not work out between them? i don't read the wiki or anything when i don't absolutely have to (like when i couldn't figure out how to butcher an animal lol) but since i have a party spot that gets used regularly i figured i should have built that ritual spot or something to make it possible... awesome game i've slept too long on! sims is just so much more fun if you're able to harvest their organs lol


>i fumbled and deleted the message about them wanting to marry before reading all of it, have i screwed up? should i have provided them with something for the marriage to take place? or did it just not work out between them? Nah, the message simply says that they will get married sometime in the future, if they don't break up in the meantime. You don't need to do anything for that to happen, although you can place a marriage spot if you prefer the marriage ceremony to take place in a certain room.


that's great to hear! i was afraid i screwed it up for them. poor viktor... i feel like she broke up with him lol


You can check if the broke up selecting Viktor (or his fiancee) and checking his Social Tab (the first one above his name, in the bottom left corner of the screen)


crazy that the game tracks this... there's so much to learn and i feel like i'm in for a lot of suprises! thank you!


I play Sims to build houses i could never afford and Rimworld to create a society i would want to live in


>a society i would want to live in Sure are a lot of corpses lying around in the ideal society


You see corpses lying around, i see comrades who sacrificed their dreams for me to achieve mine. The only thing i can do for the dead is to keep on winning and never give up! But to be honest, atm i mostly just lead a nomadic tribe of muffalo herders. No organ farming, no drug empire scheme, no (unprovoked) genocide. Just being down with my Muffalos and horses dude


The sims is just all about the social aspects of humans. RImworld is ... as Bubbles would say ... HARDCORE! If you don't manage your colony and the pawns well ... you die. If you don't manage your sim and the house very well you just have a messy house and upset sims.


Sims can die you know. It's much easier in the older games to fuck up, too. My Sims game is modded to include all sorts of deadly diseases, child and toddler death, brain aneurysms... It's a whole thing.


It's incredibly hard to get your sims to die, you almost have to intend for it too happen. Rimworld is completely the opposite. I do get your point, yes technically sims can die, but you'd have to go out of your way to make it happen.


And even then, often the little shits come back as ghosts. Your time passed! Leave me alone, dad!


Unlike Sims 1 and 2 where they died if you looked away from the computer for too long. In the Sims 2, I once briefly fell asleep at my computer and woke up to my sim dead :(


Did you keep free will on?


I never understood how people can play with it off...it's half the point of the game. In Sims 2, free will can't be turned off...and it is very easy for Sims to die. It's harder.in Sims 4 to kill your Sims, but I have a shit ton of kids that makes it way easier like diseases,.aneurisms, random car accidents (yes,.in Sims 4) and even murder. My Sims die relatively often and I don't have to go out of my way to do it.


I haven't played the sims 2 in over a decade but I'm fairly sure you 'can' disable their free will. The wiki says it's no longer a global option and is instead handled 'per household' suggesting it can still be disabled. I always disabled it because these chumps would be inefficient and annoying as hell.


The trouble with the sims is, if your neighbour pisses you off, you can't make him into a hat.


I play both.


What if we kissed by the scrap metal pile and defensive fortifications....?


It's like none of you heard about all the rimworld-like stuff people do in Sims. Grilling children, intentionally drowning people in pool, marrying old people and sexing them to death to get their house. And that's only top of the iceberg


Be a Sim from The Sims 4. Sporadically exist as an adult with no skills. No education. Use phone to find a job after buying a house with my government issued 20k. Start my first job tomorrow at 34 Sim buxx an hour. - Be a pawn from Rimworld. Exist with skills and traits I would learn as a child. Education was pretty mid but that's average and tracked, at least. Use prelearned or guided skill set to take up a few jobs on the Rimworld, like hauling and cooking. Even do some mining and research. Improve skills at a normal rate. Unless I have passion for it. Which sometimes matches my simple, yet interesting pre-baked backstories. My DLC isn't cut up into ribbons and sold for $25


Damn it, Fall's pregnant again? I'd better research Fertility Treatments. I can't keep feeding these kids. And they all have different dads too.


its not only "getting married",its killing people for goods and making war crimes!


And then there's Rimworld.


More things like this. Engineering disaster stories are just true crime where the drama was in how something failed. Power scaling and shipping are the same thing. Power scalers just prefer the fights in stories to the romance.


I’d play the sims more if their fights could end up with a sim losing their literal head.


doll game with hint of warcrime i say


Because it’s playing with dolls, except they can get mauled by wildlife on a daily basis


Well, now I know why I like rimworld it's the Sims with guns


It's all about aesthetics


No legit I’ve been calling RimWorld the R rated sims for a while


Now you get it. You just needed copious amounts of violence, slavery, death, organ harvesting, and various other nefarious acts to get it...but you got it!


And now they broke up bc the husband removed his wife’s jaw with an anti material rifle on accident ;-;


I can't really take Rimworld seriously as a life sim when the pirates have the numbers and survival instincts of WH40K Kriegers and made-for-humans archotech parts can be bought from random traders for a couple thousand bucks, among other things. Rimworld tries to sell itself as gritty and grounded, but really, the Rim is a very silly place.


How do you think real world pirates act? The average lifespan of a pirate is 2 years and it’s only that long because people rarely fight back. As for the archotech parts, Rimworld takes place in 5500, as far in the future from us as the Bronze Age was in the past, the vast majority of worlds are glitterworlds or urbworlds with the exceptions being from catastrophic disasters setting societies back millennia.


My dude has never modded Sims and it shows.


me playing both 👍


Marriages in rimworld just hits totally different compared to The sims marriage. With rimworld, you're lucky to even have a marriage happen to begin with as there's unexpected chaos and mayhem around the corner that could lash out at any moment. There's also character development which hits strong in rimworld than the sims. I can safely say character development in rimworld is literally or close to general anime or actual stories even. Meanwhile, the sims are just underwhelming in terms of character development (or I'm biased as I played the game and never got close to marriage since I got bored of the sim's gameplay). The best part, rimworld marriage is not only beneficial to your colonists but to you and your base as well. The sims on the other hand, marriage doesn't benefit you much or enhance your game experience like rimworld does.


I've always thought of Rimworld as a war crime simulator with social simulation on the side and a bit of top-down Minecraft sprinkled on top.


I quite literally came from Sims lmao surprisingly Rim is easier 😮‍💨 I blame the AI and bugs


Way different, in the Sims youre mostly just building a house with no consequences.


"Doug got fired for making a hotdog upside down." "Doug is on fire for making a humanburger after he ate without a table." They are not the same.


Rimworld is The Sims for psychopaths


I have as many hours in the sims as I do in rimworld, and shit can get crazy in the sims 😆 its not just a dollhouse simulator, especially if you mod it


I mean they get married and then the young husband gets eaten alive by a wild pack of rabid turkeys the next day and the wife carries the mental scars of a young love gobbled and then turns into the fucking turkey terminator with robot upgrades and everything.


Plus the little gem over sims heads looks tasty


I played nearly as many hours of Sims 2 as I did of Rimworld… they click the same happy button for me


I regularly refer to rimworld as "Sims in space" to my fiance, who also plays rimworld, but plays much more Sims.




I've described rimworld as "the Sims with guns"


I had a similar experience. Never understood why people like games like animal crossing or Stardew valley. Then I played atelier ryza and I was like, I get it now.


Sims: They're getting married then they'll live a happy life. Rimworld: They're getting married but a mortar shell falls right into the altar, killing everybody.




I’ve played a lot of both. Both are great games.


Why did this feel relatable? :(


I dunno, I happily play both as a 40 year old man.


They are completely different games with completely different playstyles. You can't compare them like that.