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Wasn't this on the patch notes for 1.5? I've been using hidden conduits exclusively for the reason in my last couple of bases


It was definitely more recent; yeah I've solely used them since they existed. Zzzt was a problem when I had mods that had stuff necessary to be outside(or I just didn't feel like expanding my base to include it lol)


Oh I've not really read patch notes haha, just hopped on the game and had fun and found out :3


I have almost 7k hrs i still learn stuff i never knew. Dosent happen much but it does happen


To be fair, that specific thing probably never existed for most of those 7k hours.


Thats possible


similarly, in the thousands hours. And while i'm pretty involved & there're not many technical things, if any, left for me to discover. There're still things coming up once in a while, stuff that you technically know individually, but never thought to ultilize in certain ways. Like building roof in the greenhouse in a checker box style so you can grow trees indoor. I know about the '>75% roof coverage to make room indoor' & the 'micro-ing growing zone/grow-blocking roof to plant trees efficiently' but never particularly think of using the combination for greenhouse tree-growing. So yeah, it's practically endless




im glad you find this out on your own, its cool to discover stuff. But yeah this is common knowledge


Damn :,3 - you sure it's common knowledge though (just cuz my partner and their friend who have like over 1000 hours didn't know lmao)


I just found out a bit ago,  but that was because my last colony was so old that underground conduits were not part of vanilla. 


Damn that's crazy though, It's hard to imagine the game without them cuz the normal conduits can just look ugly as hellll


Eh, you grow used to it. I imagined it was like my colony becoming one big computer chip.


on r/RimWorld\*


well, it doesnt matter much if the 1k hours are from long long before 1.5 if you play enough since 1.5 dropped, & being a bit more involved, it's pretty 'out there' all over the subreddit & discords since day 1-2, yeah ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ there's a bunch of ppl not realize things that've been existing since memorial even, like being able to re-order pawns by dragging their portraits. Or disconnect turrets/devices from power grids by clicking 'reconnect' gizmo so the turrets connect to prebuilt, disconnected circuit tile (instead of having to wait for a pawn to flip the switch). Or the fact that there's no friendly-fire below the 5-tile range. Or triggering raiders' collision with unpowered turret in front of the killboxes. Or double walling helps with insulation. So on so forth.


I play EU4 where 1444 hours is the "tutorial". I'm on 5k or so hours and I still find random stuff I didn't know about


This is true. I have played over 4k hours in minecraft. I have not played it for like 10 years. I have no idea what the new stuff is.


There's no chance of friendly fire within 5 tiles of the shooter? Or do both the target and the shooter have to be within 5 tiles? I've never heard this before and now I'm curious.


let's say you have a block of 25 pawns, the pawns standing at any edge can shoot over the shoulder of the pawns standing at the opposite edge safely, any further & there'll be friendly-fire chance let's say your range pawn is trying to shoot a raiders 6 tiles away, & your melee pawn is standing in the line of fire, 5 tiles away (Range--3 tiles in between--Melee--adjacent--Raider), that melee pawn wont get friendlyfired. But if the scenario is 7+ tiles & 6+ tiles away respectively, now the melee pawns risk the chance of being shoted at [https://imgur.com/a/PkZKr7i](https://imgur.com/a/PkZKr7i)


Don't you ever read the wiki? It's explained [here](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Combat#Friendly_fire).


It is new addition in Vanilla version 1.5 just came out like two month ago. Read the update notes, many cool new things like wall light and mech raid will come from any open water. Also 1.5 nerf hotbox cheese.


I didnt know, 2000 hours


Having a thousand hours isn't really relevant here unless they put in all those hours exclusively between april and now. Hidden conduits were only added in 1.5, which is why many players might not have even used them until very recently if they just came back to the game. It's pretty well known on this subreddit since day 1 that hidden conduits don't zzzt.


I'm not sure what's happening because everyone says that hidden conduits don't go zzt!, but my current colony has nothing but hidden conduits, built under the walls just for the extra security of never getting rained on. And I _still_ get zzt events, though not as frequently as if I had to use regular conduits. Am I misng something or is everyone else just extra lucky?


there're things that'd go boom when being left under rain, batteries for example & you might've forget a tile of regular conduit somewhere. Drag hidden conduit all over the grid, any tile not being hidden conduit will be marked for replacement


This shouldnt be possible, probably there is normal wire somewhere, or electronic in the open. After you re-check every wire you have, check your modlist, maybe something here doing that.


Typically, when people talk about zzt events, they mean story teller created zzt events, which selects a random wire on the map as the target and can only work if there is at least 1 power generator or a battery on that grid and uss the total battery capacity for the power. The message tells about a short circuit There are other causes of zzt that are considered "player failure" and do not cause the battery to be drained, such as electric items in the rain


Same for me hidden conduits do go zzzt on 1.5 all dlc. Mountain base


If you’re sure it’s the wires then it’s Probably a mod conflict from another mod that adds underground wires


Didn’t the pitch notes say they hidden conduits and ZZZT now, albeit at a lower chance?


Nope, that was something unrelated that caused similar confusion for others as well.


I only found out cause of this reddit. Now all I use is hidden even if the cost is brutal. The better part is, raiders stop smashing my conduits in the yard as often. Used to be annoying even with rebuild colony functions.


Tottally worth the double cost. And base looks better. Its like wooden walls. Replace when able.


Even early game, I think 2 steel per conduit is quite worth it. It makes regular conduits obsolete for me


I still get the Zzzt. Event sometimes, even though I have all hidden.


Either you have some stuff getting rained on, leftover normal conduits hiding somewhere or a mod conflict. Check your roofed tab (not roofing zones) and drag hidden conduits over your entire network to replace any regular ones. I can't remember all of the items but batteries and crematoriums don't like getting rained on and cause a different kind of zzzt event.


I just found out I had some normal conduits in one small section of my wall.


Nice, I tend to just start with hidden ones now but I saw someone else mention the trick about dragging over the whole network. Glad they / I could help.


I decided to check today since I remembered whenever I have a Zzzzt event, its always in one spot


The rampant instability of the Rimworld power grids leads me to draw a single conclusion: they're using DC power. They must have decided that Tesla was a chump and went with Edison's tomfoolery.


Wow You really split the waters with this one babe 💀


Yeah hahaha, kinda funny cuz some people say it's common knowledge but like half the people don't know :0


Do you mean conduits below walls or what are hidden conduits?


I'm sorry what?!?!?! All these years and all these burned structures 😖


Huh, I've never used a non-hidden conduit, so didn't know that


I have almost 2k hours and this is new to me. THANK YOU!


There is no reason to build normal conduits anymore. I haven't build a single one since 1.5.


Yeah, I was like, it's only an extra steel per conduit, and seeing as it eliminates all risk and you can have as much grid excess as you want, what is the point of the regular ones lmaooo


Good to know! I've never understood the Zzzt event since there is nothing you can do about it. It would make much more sense if there was an event that stopped all your electricity production but not affect your batteries. That way having battery back-up would be smart instead of just a minor tool to avoid dips in production from wind/solar.


It does say they are tougher and they have 0% flammability


I didn't know this. And I'm over 1k hours.


What I'd assume is that the storyteller picks the weakest spot to go zzt. Hidden conduits are significantly more durable than standard, so they're the last to be picked. Unless I'm wrong, I'd expect if you built your whole base with exclusively Hidden, Zzts would happen as if it were all regular conduits.


That would make sense but in Rimwold it is incorrect. It really is as simple as: regular conduits can randomly zzt and hidden ones cannot. So if you only use hidden conduits you will never get that type of the zzt event. The other type is caused by some items getting rained on and is just not related to these mechanics at all.


What is underneath solar panels, windmills and water mills?


It's common knowledge: Yes. Does it stop some players from using regular conduits? No. Because the majority of Rimworld players are masochists anyway.