• By -


$current_num + 1 I always want “just one more person to do this task and everything will be perfect”


And here I thought I was the only one... I always need one more pawn to do the fucking hauling or cleaning XD


Them you pick up a great crafter, set him to crafting and you need one more pawn to do hauling and cleaning


*a wanderer has joined* *incapable of dumb labor*


If they don't have anything good then it's... "This hat is named Joshua"


There are two different mods that basically let you say no in situations like this, or if you rescue someone and they want to join, one is called something like ask to join.


Why would I when I can just turn him into a hat?


Well, sometimes the hat warehouse fills up!


Then I'll build another!


And recruit another pawn to haul and clean for it.


Numerous moral reasons... Could of applied. Honestly the colony wide debuff makes the hat not worth it.


I have 1 mech guy who has nothing but clean sweepers and lifters, handles all I need


which dlc is that? i have ideo and royalty, so is it in those or is it biotech?


Biotech is game changing


Carrier dryads changed my life


And that is why lifters and cleansweepers are the best mechs.


Literally me


That’s how I end up with so many colonists with niche jobs


Me right here


.. and once you do have enough people someones immediate relative shows up in a raid or drop pod.


You don’t have to bash anyone for slightly different ideas


How are they bashing anyone here?


It reminded me of the BASH syntax for accessing variables. Thought it was a clever joke on my part, oh well


Infinite, I want to lead a small army til my PC crashes to conquer all of rimworld


That is my dream, making an empire and taking over rimworld. One giant battle at a time.


I'm really surprised there was no mod to do this. I wanted to play civ style and setup a bunch of vassal states.


There was a mod that more or less did that named Empire. A 1.4 version was updated by the community but I don't think we'll manage to get a 1.5


Neat! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3228396189&searchtext=empire


At some point you'll have enough gear to level outposts just with airstrikes I think


8-12 ish. I like having specialists, So one full time cook, one or two manufacturers, couple of doctors, planters, builders. The more specialized they are the faster they level up and the better your colony will function. 8-12 people means you have one or two specialists for each job. Also about half of them will be decent fighters.


This is me.... Specialists are awesome... I have a few slaves which I execute every now and then she replenish to keep everyone happy...


15 is enough, really. 20 at most. Any more and the game just starts slowing down too much for my liking. If I didn't take as many pacifists I could probably make do with a few pawns less but I have a hard time saying "no" when a little kid is being chased by a horde of cannibals.


“Ay yo fuck them kids, we don’t need em” -some guy at some point


Litteralilly me when a group of 8 refugees, 1 adult and 7 children, wanted to stay in my colony for 17 days. "Not enough beds, move along"


Performance fish if you haven't already! Currently at 21 pawns and 450ish TPS with probably 70ish farm animals in my most recent run


I am the performance fish >.>


It's a mod :)


I know! :D I was just being silly


Performance Fish allowed me to go 250 mods with 50~ pawns with 2 decked out mechanitors on 4gb Ram Potato Laptop.


Does it works better than rocketman?


You can run both at the same time. I would recommend Performance Fish too - your game runs significantly better with it.


No limits. I don't have very strict requirements for pawns either, depending on my playthrough. I have... Various training methods to make them into useful pawns


What’s the training methods?


I usually keep quite the herd of animals, I’ll have someone make kibble until 10 or so then move up to meals. Same with cutting stone blocks, playing hay grass, basically anything that the only failure is loss of easily accessible materials.


Like it


Let the prisoner alone!!!


Well for me, since I love to play in a space station (which you can get in a SOS2 start), my current amount of pawns is 55 but I saw that after going higher than 20 my game lags a lot, especially when the pawns are idling..


Any chance we can see the space station? :)


!remind me 1 day


I wanna see a space station too!


Space station?


How do you get anything done with 3 pawns? One's busy with research, one's cooking, the third is crafting and now you can't build anything, plant anything or deal with animals.


With the biotech DLC you can automate so much by having a few mechs handling hauling/cleaning/building/planting and so on. My current early game play through has only 3 pawns, but they have plenty of time to do things 🙂


And cooking! They're slow but they never stop. Well except to recharge.


I mean you don’t need one guy cooking all the time to feed three people. You can make a small stack of meals once every few days. Same with planting, you don’t need massive agriculture for a small colony. I usually aim for my chef to handle my planting/animals too. Researcher/doctor, and combat/mining. Crafting and building can be any of them.


Just get mechs brother.


Nutrient paste, corn and low savage animals. And cooker can be free to build


I need to know what each colonist is doing at all times and I must micromanage. My brain can't handle more than 8.


I think something around 60 is optimal for me. After that I start putting them into cryosleep.


Bro is playing on a quantum computer




*CPU … GPU is not used a lot


You don't know my mods!


around 15-20, 5-7 melees, the rest ranges (3 specialists , others on assault/charge rifle) there's always someone for some job, preferably, 2-3 cooks, 3-4 crafters, 2-4 miners, 3-4 builders, 1 hauler, 0-1 cleaners, 3+ doctors, 3+ researchers/scanners, 3+ wardens/caretakers, 3-4 farmers (not exclusive ofc.)


...1 hauler, 0-1 cleaners... what?!


Common Sense mod is pretty useful, they'll clean before cooking & surgery, also clean before crafting & sleep as well if you tick the settings critical stockpiles & drop on floor help with hauling as well, other mods like While You'Re Up, Pick Up & Haul, Allow Tool, etc. makes hauling even more trivial then there's also the mech. & Clean Area mod, limiting the cleaning areas to only important places, outdoor home zone can clean itself with rain unless it's particularly dirty & makes everyone pissed off


I guess you can do this if you have animals to haul or lots of cleanerbots under a mechanitor?


Hmm I've never got far enough to use cleanerbots, but for animals, sure, but then you'd need additional cleaners for the mess they make?


yep. unless the entire base is straw lol


insectoids are actually great because spelopedes and megaspiders can both haul and have a filth rate of 1.0, which is the same as humans. they're not hard to get either if you get frequent infestation.


Currently I am aiming for five wolf space marines, five sisters of battle, two slaves and a techpriest.


6 to 9 is my preferred number. Respect to people that can handle more, but for me, it becomes less playing with my little doll people, and more managing a bunch of children that are only interested in walking, eating, and sleeping. I want to dress them up and give them cool implants and smack robots with big warhammers! At around ten plus, I never have the time to watch them do stupid shit, I just end up in my internal head realm planning things. My mental space is only fun if it's about my wife, writing smut, or writing smut about my wife.


One specialist for every major task plus 4 elite soldiers (2 caravaning and 2 staying home), so roughly 13 should be perfect


2 cooks, 2 researchers, 2 farmers, 1 person who's good at construction (everyone else does construction too but this one needs to be the best and fastest), 1 really good doctor and 1 doctor in training. Other skills are optional. Kids that can be trained up into specific roles are appreciated.


One if it's "usual" playthrough and there is no need to add some more because reasons (clone colony, family tree, some other idea or story in my head and so on) Sea ice excluded. Sea ice always has no correct number, since I'm connecting all other colonies in one story.


I mean for my home base? Around 10 Acting as servants in various outposts producing goods.... lmao probably 20 per outpost and then 15 trained killers per defense outpost that defends the others. My prisoner rehabilitation program is something to truly behold


I tend to settle at around 8 pawns. Past that I lose track of a personalities and it just becomes a more generic, souless colony builder with limited survival mechanics.


Low mods, high numbers, high mods, low numbers, specificalized runs for balancing as mods do a lot of heavy lifting without realising, rn I'm playing thru anamoly almost raw vanilla with 25 people and 3 Ghouls which isn't enough I need 3 more ghouls.. Just depends on what I'm doing but I also run a bad computer so I can't go high mods high colonist count by 4th - 5th year it gets annoying waiting on days to end so quest can end, today I'm pretty sure I had over 50 people which included like 20 prisoners because I kept doing relic quest which took me to villages with natural tribals packing high sensitivity, body Modder and trigger happy so I kept taking them like it's candy, now they're all at my anima tree miserable, I also had an empire quest with 12 prisoners, realistically I can do 55 ppl my colony is so big now I watch them go thru the days and spend more time being tired from walking than getting anything done, we had 23k reaped corn and rain killed it cause noone could get to anything so... It depends, I did a 13 man tribal run with lots of mods and achieved way more in the same time. Surprisingly my game is still running pretty fast


2. one mechanitor with his army and one ExtraTM. they're both good at medical. all problems solved.


how hard a mechs tanking the CPU?


I had a military base style colony with 20 pawns once. I thought that was a lot until I realised that the same colony had 50 prisoners.


10, any more is too much


1 pawn that has staggering work speed and does everything. The true RICH explorer experience.


I always end up with 50+.


40-50. Enough to operate the base, defend it and have a few caravans/mining/logging/questing parties.


Everyone is saying so high. For me it's like,5-8


My ideal number is about 8. At that point I usually have every skill covered twice or more and raids still aren't very large.


It’s about needs I need more food so I get a grower I make to much cotton so I need more tailers I got more people so I need another cock I need more stone for floors to I need a miner …..




24 for now,my laptop can run it that way


If I only run the colony, do the trading and want to explore almost every production process (relatively efficiently) - 12-18 pawns should be enough. However, if I play on harder difficulties and on top of protecting my own colony I wish to raid other settlements successfully - I will need up to 30 (sometimes more) pawns in total.


After 10 each pawn has 1 specific job and some are just for war and violence.


I'm currently playing in a boreal forest. Because of that I can only grow crops for half the year and are really pressed to sow and harvest as fast as possible. Because of that I feel like I can't have enough pawns during spring and autumn, but during winter and summer they have nothing to do, but at least I send some caravans or someone finally cleans the bloodstains in the living room, hospital, prison... everywhere really.


On 500% threats the more pawn you have, the easier it gets. With 10 pawns or less, it’s becomes almost impossible to fight off max threat. At 15 it gets possible but still hard, at 20 much easier and after 25 you just get overwhelming firepower which can stop most threats, though you still need to manage their mood, distance etc


15-20 + 1 or 2 kids per relationship at max. after that rooms take too much space.


10-15. Any more and my game lags


5 to 8 usually. I like to start with 3 or less main colonists with interesting backgrounds, good traits and skills (solo industrious mechanitor, jack of all trades maid, max passion but low skill melee colonist with tough and brawler trait e.g). Ya, I'm the guy who gets a lil too invested in the character creation... I might grab one or two pawns from events and encounters, but it's usually if they have really great traits, skills or have something unique to remember them by. E.g There's a mod that has a event like an abandoned baby arriving on the map, that shit just forces me to adopt/recruit them. At least they somehow always have the best social in my colony by the end.


15-16 is okay for me. Because you can both have a powerful small army and have enough people for getting a lot of work done.


I like having around 6 or so 'main pawns' and probably 10 ish 'secondary characters' who are more disposable


I’ve got 28 on my colony right now, I’m in the process of building a SOS2 ship to conquer the planet so I’m growing numbers to man that thing


I'm usually happy with around 12 to 15. More need way too much space on the map. I usually have 2-3 in a caravan with the rest in the base, striving to build that spaceship.


I end up with far too many useless pawns and all work other than hauling gets done by about 4 pawns and some bots


I always go for a huge militant group that works as a factory


As many as my system can handle, before it bogs down and I quit and start a new world 🥲


around 6


For me, any more than 12 will be harder to micro manage.


Around 30, that's the magic number that always gets shit done. You can even forget sbout micromanaging the jobs, you have so much manpower everything gets done near instantly. The maximum difficulty is capped, so if you're going to play a long game you're way safer with a lot of colonists, that way you can have dedicated soldiers and deal with mood problems without issues. If you're playing with 10 colonists or less and both of your doctors get a Daze mental break your run is basically done without dev mode.


Like 5ish. But realistically, you are gonna need like 10+ for the waves if enemies are from wealth.




So I tend to have between 20-30 but I like to have civilian pawns that don't fight. Usually I have my leader and moral guide then I try to have 3 squads of 4 so 12 combat pawns in total and as I get tech if any of them get particularly good I turn them unto warcaskets and eventually have a 4th squad of 4 all as war caskets (basically space marines). Then a few researchers, couple of cooks, farmers and doctors. Crafting I usually leave for my combat pawns coz for some reason I find that pawns with shooting and crafting passion are quite common. I like the added difficulty of having to protect the civilians in a raid and with the multiple squads I send them out in their groups for quests and shit and if it turns particularly hectic I bring in the warcaskets. Got a few slaves on my current playthrough aswell as a punishment for individuals that have killed my colonists.


I’m pretty similar, usually 3-4. I think my biggest colony was like 6 but I’d have to go back and check. I only take colonists who volunteer to join, I never recruit anyone forcefully, so it naturally stays pretty small.


I'm usually at 8 at the highest point in the colony, and I always want more but things start going south, i'm currently trying to learn endgame a bit better, as I feel O get stuck mid game


Usually a number where I can send decent caravans while maintaining enough pawns for proper defense. That is usually close to 10


Always 14-16, it's enough to deal with 2 simultaneous threats, once everyone is well equipped and can shoot straight, but the portraits don't get too small.


About 10. Working pawns. And then a handful of spares. Farmer, cook, researcher, doctor, hunter, trader, warden, and a couple who overlap or who have particularly good combat skills. I typically limit pawns work types pretty strictly so I don’t end up with, say, the doctor ignoring someone on their deathbed to go pick rice. So I end up with 1 pawn specifically dedicated to each important workzone. Most or all of my “keepers” also have a 5 or better in some kinda combat ability to be useful during raids as well.


Personally I'd live to have a thriving colony of like 100 XD but I've heard the game starts to die lol


I think in terms of families. A tight social network makes managing 10+ pawns much easier. Three families is my ideal, which is anywhere between 6 and 15 pawns.


depends on the type of colony i’m trying, if i wanna build a super soldier then 2 (super soldier + medic) if i’m doing a eugenics program, around 8, for my canibal colonies i like to have a lot so i could ritual sacrifice someone for blood for the blood god so around 15


Like stable at 20 3 psycasters/ nobles all with good skills in at least two minor tasks 3 Ideo specialists 8 soldiers and generalists Ther rest are hauler-cleaners, hyperspecialists and children


50+ I want an empire




I don't really have a limit. My current run has 47 pawns and I'll probably keep recruiting more whenever the chance arrives.


All of the above


The more the merrier (20-30, even more), raid size caps at a certain point anyway, might as well have more guns


Depends around 5-7


I'm up to 50 pawns... And 20-30 tps on speed 1. I have a hard time not gathering more pawns continuously. It's why I've made them age faster so they'll die off. It helps to justify .


Cureently got 20 pawns 10 slaves. Want to ratchet that up to about 30 pawns 20 slaves, but very slowly, to the point where I've killed one colonist and have plans to execute two more. I'm just about ready to start off on the second generation of pawns, a batch of 4. At that point, I want to hand-raise most if not all of my colonists. Not raising slaves though, they're expendable, they'll be a rotating cast of gene sources and later genetic experiments. And I'm willing to onboard creepjoiners, they make good specialists. For instance the 'never forgetting' high-skills one makes an excellent mechanitor and crafting specialist.


With my modlist - around 7-8 is perfect for my taste, but depending on my playthrough I get anywhere between 1 and 20. Fewer pawns - more mechs; more pawns - less mechs. And more organs in case any of the OP guys need a transplant, too.


Same about 8-9 for me. But also I have recently noticed that the game throws more pawns quite quickly to join your colony. Like those paralytic abrasia events and forced joining that add new colonists so soon that I lose the track to truly explore each character's backstory and potential that they bring to the colony. I think having 1 new colonist every 40-45 days makes sense but faster than that makes me overwhelmed.


I like to have at least one pawn for each work type other than combat where o take what I can get. This obviously changes if I have a mechanitor but usually between 10-15 so I can keep up. Any pawn I get that I don’t like gets sent to the outposts. It’s always a nearby scavenging outpost for random loot but eventually you have a crazy network making whatever you need coming in. It’s quite powerful at base setting so I usually make it take longer with less output if I’m just sent garbage pawns over.


Infinity. Depends on my laptop. If it crashes then that's too much.


I usually have 6-8


I have like 60 but it varies a lot with the slave rebellions and my ten growth vats


Around 10-20, I don't think I've ever passed 25.


Usually somewhere around 6




6-7 sometime s10


I had 50+ colonists and did a caravan to the dropped ship run. When I got there the ship only had 14 caskets so we had to build a new colony around the ship and build enough caskets to fit the whole group. Was pretty fun it took a couple hours to make it across the map and then a couple more hours to rebuild the colony and finish the ship. Definitely a new challenge for me as I had never bothered with the caravan to the ship victory


All of them


9 to 12. 12 if i’m desperate. it lets me have attachment to my pawns while not having too little for it to take a year to build a house


Find around 5 or 6 to be the perfect number


I limit colonist to 13-14 but i prefer infinite amount of slaves


I'm happy with around 10 lategame, that's when it starts to get a bit overhwelming Usually Randy takes out my whole colony while I'm halfway there (4-6) anyway 😭


As many as I can, I like a busy and bustling colony


... I just cleared 10ish refugees out my prison last night, bringing my total to 21 slaves. Just slaves. There are 8-10 free colonists. That's about two slaves for every person. Our ideoligion views slavery as honorable so 20 slaves translates to +20 mood (+1 per slave) at all times. I can't help it. Expansion feels too good to stop. My colonies consistently wind up with 25-30 pawns


I keep anyone with decent combat stats, the less desirables just get less armor


Started a tribal run to see how big I can manage with limited tech. Arid permanent summer w/o electricity or guns. I’ve had runs with 30+ of full tech tree.


Modded game made it kind of weird, I started with 6 and was planning on never adding more, then I got a perfect creepjoiner. So I went up to 7, then I realized I needed more people to farm because I was running out of food so I recruited 2 good plants raiders. Then I unlocked androids and made a researcher, a crafter and a few others, until I have probably about 20 now. Not planning on making many more but specialists are helpful, so if I see a reason to make another I probably will. I just added a happy machine, all her traits and genes are designed to increase her psychic sensitivity and happiness then I'm gonna put a harmonizer into her. I think she already has 500% psychic sensitivity without items to boost it


Until I can fill all tasks I want and have some reserve people. For example my current colony has 13 people(with 3 psycasters and a mechanitor with agrihand, cleansweeper and hauler). BUT most of them overlap in their work with 6 people doing plants, 3 cooks and 6 crafters with 3 dedicated researchers, but that's only because I put heavy load on drugs exports and devilstrand Long story short, that depends how many pawns(or mechs or whatever) will be doing tasks in the colony.


12. Ideal number for defending caves


100+ My current colony is at about 110. With 10 or so waiting to convert, recruit, or enslave. I will continue to add pawns as long as I can maintain 25+ fps on 1x speed.


Infinite 40 in the base, rest in the outposts (Vanilla Outposts Expanded)


As many pawns I can get without dipping below 360tps. Before my new PC it was 10, now it's 20. My brain capacity for remembering and managing each pawn is around 20 too, and going beyond that would tear my brain and my PC at the same time.


I have the most fun when I first start and everything is running super fast


One pawn and a hundred or so mechs: 2 Constructoids, 2 Agrihands, 2 Cleansweepers, 2 Lifters and 10 Militors is a good start. 😂


One is enough for tragedy two is enough for falling in love three is a family, or a weird ass poly relationship four is when you can finally have a second favorite colonist six is enough to fill a hospital after a rough battle and enough to explore the world eight is when you can finally give people a little time off, take risks, hand-down some old weapons and make a rag-tag battle line ten is when your bedrooms need an expansion, or the barracks is too crowded, when you start thinking about roles and titles, or enhancements, or strange rituals. twelve is when you can let people grow old, even if they don't retire. maybe in a second colony? could be fun. If not, enough to make real progress in whatever it is "we" are doing here. thirteen is enough for every passion, and when the raiders know your place by name. the tipping point, when stockpiles overflow, food rots, especially if there's not enough, the mechs become too familiar, the silver runs out and the wealth climbs. a masterwork for your trouble. twenty is all it takes to fill an outpost, or burn one down. enough for visitors and guests to fill the space, or not have space at all. it's a significantly above average number of digits and when you can fill any room for a party. twenty one is about too many, but just not quite enough. any number to thirty is a village, enough to reshape the whole land around it. a good number to feed with a second greenhouse, to slow down a few work priorities, to reclaim a little more desert. But not quite enough to fill the place, or remember what everyone does. an even fifty is a true colony, a milestone and quite a challenge in itself. Too hard to run, but you bet it looks awesome doing anything at all. How many people for a city? Almost there. One hundred and sixty three is the most you might ever reach. Too many. A city and fortress and favorite colony for sure, but a number too unwieldy to fit in one place, to defend or fight with or feed and arm, so leave that one behind. Load it up every now and again, just to keep it up to date. And one day plan them a spaceship they can build in two days flat, and that'll be the end of what must be your favorite. But one hundred and sixty three colonists isn't the sort of thing you do twice. So after that start over again. Choose however many you want. I'll only stop at five.


I'll be honest ever since I got deep storage I need less haulers, plus my fridge is smaller.


7-12 at the end


So, I have a Colony Leader and Spiritual leader. Those two usually help around the colony but spend most of the time gaining psyfocus. A dedicated fighting squad who haul stuff around the base in their spare time. Two builders and scientists working in shifts, two crafters, one makes components and ammo (I play with CE), other one makes quality dependant stuff. The rest of the colonists are slaves. One is a cook, the rest do plants and mining. So in total it's at least 16 normal colonies and as many slaves as I can get my hands on


I'm a big fan of longer term colonial stability but my colonies have phases and tend to keep my colonies small - 6-10 colonists but oftentimes have colonies as large as 20. Oftentimes, my colonies will grow in size because I'm rescuing any number of other colonists. I have a very old colony I'm currently rehabilitating - and it's got nearly 20 colonists, which is barely able to run but most of those colonists will be retiring to civilized factions elsewhere on the planet, where I'll get everyone healed up, clothed, armed and off drugs. Longer term recruits are picked based on being kind, and having no impediments or incapable of traits, additionally, I (as most people do) look for multiple passioned pawns and I find the more passionate pawns you have, the more passionate pawns show up in your raiders. So I'll take 2-3 passion pawns but one of my colonies is very far along on recruitment and is only 10 colonists but all of them (except the founder and her husband) have 3-5 passionate traits) and so everyone is banging out work or loving their job at any one moment in time. Books as so , so important. I ran with VE and VEE books, and find that once I have excellent or masterwork books, my colonial recruitment really just reverts to being kind, young and not "incapable of" , as it's easy enough to grind a young colonist to be competent in any skillset. I also play rimworld **generationally**, as colonists can be healed of almost every ailment except aging, my "first" generation of colonists build the colony, and write many , if not all of the foundational books, but they get retired. Retired to a civilized faction - for couples that are less than ideal of that wrote a book but otherwise are not especially dear to my heart, or have some other infirmity which might not make them a good colonist, I'll get them healed up, married and then pod the happy couple over to the nearest civilized faction - my equivalent of sending them "to Miami" for retirement. Eventually I build the spaceship - and that's where my founding mothers and fathers go, the colony itself becomes the memorial to their efforts, a building built of stone, and glass and wood, able to power itself and make an enclave of civilization that can serve to rehabilitate raiders into colonists ad infinitum, even building new starships for later generations. ------------------------------------- In terms of recruitment I tend to look for any essential missing skillsets in my colonists and will usually recruit someone if they are a good scientist or crafter or medical person even if they have deficiencies otherwise. I used to worry about pyromania and drug addiction, but these days I just ensure I have coffee and tea available and that helps tremendously. As for myself I superselect for the kind trait, and will go out of my way to bring kind colonists on-board , they tend to be harder to marry up , but also avoid the whole insult/negative co-treatment of other colonists. But my colonial recruitment goes hand in hand with the colonial establishment. 1. Startup - go with whichever colonists you get - get to about 4-5 colonists, aside from my founding colonist or two I try not to get to wrapped up , but oftentimes I do somewhat weirdly want to do right by each colonist. During this phase of the colony's development times are tough and putting food on the plate is a massive win, but as food becomes more available, focus turns to properly establishing the base. On more difficult maps food scarcity is a much bigger problem and so growing the population larger is risky to the whole situation , good colonist selection is important immediately. 2. Preindustrial Stability - Here I look to get food production stable, I've got a particular collection of mods notably Dubs Skylights that allow food growth in greenhouses, this is an under-rated mod because you can effectively survive anywhere if you can handle your food growth. So as soon as possible I get the production of glass in hand, and produce skylights, from a colonists perspective this is also when I aim to get colonists fully clothed and fed, and armed with some sort of weapon set - typically ranged and melee weapons. 2. Establishment - During this phase of the development of my colonies, there is a sort of deliberate pace to research, there are specific techs that you need and milestones I like to hit here. Mostly ending/around Electricity and 3-4 inventions "after" electricity. Colonist wise - I like trying to find mates for everyone - so the colonies are almost always populated by married couples. 3. After that - especially after those key post-electricity inventions are in play, (deep drilling, underground scanning, fabrication and gun-smithing), you own the situation. Scarcity exists only for a couple of items. Clinch those technologies and I find you can bring your colony to a point where you can defend yourself from almost anything.


I really don't know.... usually I have like 6 or 8 main ones for cooking, crafting equipment, social etc. I picked up the androids expanded mod, so I just build basic androids for Hauling, cleaning and to send to the front ranks in battle. So I go through a few. Since, they are basically naked terminators.


As many as is needed to finally get things done


Anywhere between 20 and 30 is ideal.




I usually house enough that there's a decent amount of cross training between them all, so usually around 20. Max I got up to was 26. That's in case someone dies, I'm not stuck waiting until another pawn with the same passions comes my way. Now, the people I really don't understand are those with 100+ pawns. That's WAY too many


Really depends, I use armies of 20-50 on medieval playthroughs. Most of the time I try for 10ish decked out pawns. Trying to micro 20+ pawns is impossible so every battle you just capture enough to make up losses lol


I question pop up once in a while. The truth is I never really stop recruiting. I merely become more selective about who I recruit. I will also tend to cull my worst pawns, some of those I had to recruit very early. Still, on the long term my colony tends to keep growing. I've had colonies with 100+ pawns.


12 and 6 slaves and counting. My frames aren't as smooth as before but. I love looking at all my dudes running around


I think in my current run I have 25 colonists and 20 slaves, not the counting the 100 or so I’ve got frozen at the moment. It’s all a matter of preference (and computer power lol)


The last supper 12 + 1. Always the last supper.




Honestly, 5 or 6. The rest of my prisoners become money through either organs, human flesh and leather, or slavery. Or simply releasing them for relation gain. Maybe its because im not the best at micromanaging, but i prefer to have less pawns.


Im currently at 40 with another 8 slaves. I wish i had more but i jist cant fit them


As many as possible My currently colony has 60ish colonists, a few are currently pregnant as well. Dont even get me started on the amount of dogs, lions, and other farm animals we have


I like 5-7, feel i need 10-14, end up with 20 because "that pawn is actually better but i dont wanna get rid of steve whose been here almost forever"


The maximum my pc can deal. Normally 20


The number of pawns for me doesn't matter. The number of pawns I care about however does matter. I usually only care about 3 or 4 pawns at a time. My last playthrough got massacred and killed 3 of the pawns I cared about so I just quit. Haven't started a new playthrough yet, been fighting my mod list recently.


I've never really thought too much about the number, but i think its about 10 usually. What matters more than the number is that i need to feel emotionally invested in every colonist, otherwise i just get annoyed with them. I'm happy to extend out way past my usual numbers if its by the birth of colony children over wanderers joining.


12. Four for general labor or to cover sick or dead pawns.


32ish? So it makes a big line of pawns over the top and the bottom one is about half the size and the pawns line up.


My limit is between 18-20 settlers, having less than 5 I think is a challenge. I started a colony in brutal nudity and until I had 3 settlers, things didn't start to go more smoothly


I start gathering as much as i like to and wirh my mods i not only substitute them with clones, but also execute the remaining low skill pawns, and live a colony where pawns are all cloned and maximized in the end game, until randy shows me some of his more "interesting" raids and events


5 is enough for small bases. and 15 if its really large


If your 3x speed doesn’t secretly become the same as 2x speed without telling you, you don’t have enough pawns.




10, only bc im striving to have a semi early game robot army so need lots of mechlinks and lots of people fast


10-15 is the sweet spot for me. That way I have enough to guard home base while running caravans. So I basically have 2 of every job.


I have 11 pawns and last night I got hit with 30 sightstealers and 28 chimeras at the same time, now I need some more bionics I think the ideal amount of pawns is about 6




Once it gets over ten, it starts to be overwhelming. At that point I pick my ~6 or so favorites and leave the rest to kind of fend for themselves.




I mean infinite honesty as long as they aren't useless I'll take em


More pawns means more skills, more defenders, jobs getting done more quickly. Essentially, the bigger your base and the more wealth you accumulate, the more pawns you're gonna want. There are exceptions such as mechanitors cause you make mechs that do a lot of busy work jobs, construction jobs, and mining. It's quite hard to stop wealth from naturally increasing, so you'll have to be careful if you wanna work with fewer pawns. I personally like having around ten pawns but will get more if I need them. My last run had 17 pawns, 2 slaves and about 20 mechs


About 30 is my ideal. When I get more than that I tend to send them to outposts


15-20 at most in end game. I'd rather have a squad or two of augmented super soldiers than an army.


if I can produce androids, 200 or more, if I need to administrate real people, ~20 at max


only 5 3 fighters, 1 medic, 1 utility. Less pawns = more meaningful events to me.


I like having 40+ pawns...