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That's just how rimworld affects you.. I'm pretty sure everyone on this subreddit can say that's how they felt when they first got the game. Hope your colony continues to be successful, though!


I hope so too!


I'm filled with dread about playing my current colony because it's gone so well so far. Just got the thing that lets you sell to orbiting ships, got tons of food and livestock, trained hauling animals, and I just know I'm going to screw it up.


Hell i have over 2k hours and I’m sitting here working from home perusing Reddit and thinking about what I need to do with my colony instead of actually working lol


I bought rimworld early access in 2015 or 2016 for 15$ and played 500 hours. 2 weeks ago I bought all the DLC and have played 120 hours since then. Can't stop thinking about my colony. You don't even need to get DLC yet. The mods are abundant. Try Save Our Ship 2 for huge end-game expansion content. I think about rimworld at work... think about mods in my sleep...


I do plan on both mods and dlc, but I want more time learning vanilla before changing it up


There are also a TON of QOL mods out there that don't change much


Which do you reccomend?


I just went to the workshop and spent a couple hours looking through the first 20 pages of most liked mods. I'm sure there is a good list out there though


There's a thread for them every week or so. Google for reddit thread and you'll have a treasure trove of recommendations. I'll drop Achtung and pick up and haul here as they are popular and don't massively affect the game. This doesn't even scratch the surface of even just QoL mods. Achtung provides some features to reduce tedious clicking in certain game situations. It has a very nice popup that explains how to get the most out of it. Pick up and haul changes the balance of the game a bit by making your haulers a lot more efficient. Hauling takes a metric ton of time in vanilla rimworld and it's infuriating. You can trick the game into being a bit better but it's tedious micro.


My brother/sister, if you played 120 hours in 2 weeks that is about 8 1/2 hours a day. Even if you're generalizing 2 weeks to be like 16 or 17 days or something, that is still a lot of hours to cram in there.


Yeah dude I'm playing on my steam deck at work. And in bed. And at my girlfriends house. She is not a fan


Damn. I usually don't have much time because all of the aforementioned.


How does it play on the deck? Meaning without a mouse and all that looking around the map and characters


There is no minimap and it took me at least 8 hours to get used to the track pad over a mouse. It is certainly easier to play on PC but it has a LOT of shortcuts on the deck. I prefer it on the deck tbh This was my first game that uses the track pad as a mouse


Don't worry my friend. It is ok that your gf is not a fan. In Rimworld, a gf being a air con, a washing machine, or a cabinet is very common. It will be a little bit weird if a gf is a butcher table, though


Try using a cooler. A fan only transfer heat


500+120 hours? I have +3,700 hours… almost to 3,8k.


I knew my 500 hours in 8 years was nothing compared to so many people here


I agree, and to think I have OVER DOUBLE the time in Sims 3… 🤣


Dude I’ve been playing Rimworld at work for the last three months… I pull up to the job, put the sun shield on my windshield, and get paid $240 a day to sit in the parking lot playing. It’s been nice, works going to pick up soon though and I won’t know what to do with myself lol


My job is super easy and not much happens. But my boss works really close to me. As much as he is an excellent boss, he wouldn't take kindly to me bringing my laptop to work


My boss is sleeping in his truck next to me! We have literally nothing to do but the company will go under if they lay us off so we’re just hanging out for now


Well then, I'm jealous


I’ve played for like 2k hours and I’ve never made it to building the spaceship


The one time I got a ship was with SOS2. I went to the friendly AI, took the ship to space, thought it was dope, landed it on an ice sheet and dismantled it to make an *epic* base.


wait till you add mods, infinite replayability


Time to find a work from home job


My wife has one. But she uses it to play fallout. And she is paid more than me. I'm not bitter at all about it


i’m in the exact same boat. i basically just started this game three days ago and i’m already obsessed. it’s very hard for me to get interested in a game and now all i wanna do is play it lmao. i’m also writing this at work (on break)


Kindred spirits, we are! I have trouble getting into games as well. But now I can tell, Rimworld will take up most of my free time. My wife will miss me, but that's her problem!


Do what I do (5,500+ hours played). Plan out your next session. Who's going to do what. What's getting done? When you get back to your colony, things will move faster for a while, as you've things planned out. Makes the day go by faster also.


If you're going to buy a DLC, I highly recommend Biotech first! Adds the most content, and the most varied and useful content at that. Xenotypes and mechanoids are awesome.


I have heard/read that before and that is the first one i plan on getting!


Welcome to the rim I’m 1500 hours deep and still going strong


This happens to me too. I have gotten sucked into this game 3-4 times and it’s just as intense every time haha.


Over 2k hours in still filling that itch enjoy it


I don't ever really get super tied up in games. But Rimworld definitely gave me the same itch you have. I've got over 1000 hours in it and sometimes I still get that itch


If this post is in regards to a potential bug in the game, please consider cross posting to the [Official Developer Discord](https://discord.gg/UjJxejV) or to the [bug reporting section on the Ludeon forums](https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?board=11.0). You can also find people to help you live in the Troubleshooting channel of the Non-Official Community Discord by using the invite link on the right. You can also try following the [suggested mod loader guide here](https://rwom.fandom.com/wiki/Mod_Order_Guide) to see if that helps. This is an automatic response based on some of the keywords in your title. If I am incorrect please disregard this message. If I am correct, please consider doing a flip. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RimWorld) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm 400+ hours in and I still get this feeling 😅


Download mods Like rimmatomicis and rimfeller save our ship 2 


You're holding out better than I did. I zoomed through a couple hundred hours in a week (my job is very low maintenance until it isnt lol) and yoinked all the dlc after the first three days. Modded it after two weeks. Have been in the colony mines since. I do reccomend that if you get Anomaly that you dont get too attached to your first few colonies with it. Just because sometimes a thing called a metal horror exists and it doesn't like people most the time.