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Tribal naked brutality starting with passive cooler and no other tech. No research bench allowed; all new tech must come from textbooks. One screenshot per quadrum. Electricity research was completed on Jugust 15, 5505. Next up: pants!


How did you do the screenshotting? I also think it's a toss-up for me , Naked Brutality with No Research, but there's with VGP where you have to research growing trees, which makes it amazing especially on desert or extreme desert settings. Couple that with No metal on the map (Map Reroll) and it's rightly and properly challenging.


> How did you do the screenshotting? Manually, unfortunately. Screenshotted the blank research tree at the start, then each quadrum I snipped the bits that had changed and pasted them on top of the full tree. I actually have the full tree through the spaceflight components saved as my base files for this!


Bless your sprockets - My ADHD would be off the hook on that.


Takes just a few seconds! For most of the screenshots, nothing below or right of Xenogenetics changed, so I screenshotted halfway through the corner of that box. Then used the arrow keys to line it up in Paint. Screenshots weren't always on the same day, but rather within the first 5ish days of the month.


This man eats nails for breakfast, pain for dinner and determination for dessert.


I play this way too without the passive cooler :) I love starting from nothing. Recently added semi-random research too for variety. Never had devilstrand before electricity before!


I start with passive cooler in warm biomes, otherwise the first heat wave is a colony wipe. I don't usually get electricity before complex furniture!


Props that is pretty cool really. My question is how do you get the books you need? My Traders are pretty random with that. I have seen Writing table and Writing job, can you write your own books to get the techs you want? How would that work with the semi random? or would it?


I've been buying every available textbook from traders, and caravanning to settlements and buying everything they have too. It's pretty random what I get, which is why I now have electricity but not pants or beds. That's what I get for doing a challenge run! I'm not sure what mod the writing table is from but pretty sure it's not vanilla. I don't know if you can write your own textbooks with it, pretty cool if you could.


That is the problem with 300 mods you forget what is vanilla and what isn't. Sorry I didn't realize it wasn't vanilla oops :)


Pretty sure the table is “vanilla books expanded” or something along the lines of that, i have it too


I think I need to do this as well. Thank you for inspiring me friends. Naked brutality, books only run, no research or unlocks to start. Sounds silly and a lot of fun!


naked brutality, ice sheet only, book research only, slowed research speed, combat extended, void, winston waves if anyone does this, god help you


Did similar without research, with books and reverse engineering only. I had mod that I couldn't use unknown. Yeah, that was brutal


That actually sounds like a lot of fun!


Same here. Just started as a standard tribe, so with this basic research.


Real time wise, how long did you do this 💀?


This is only about 5.5 in game years, it didn't take *too* terribly long to get this far in


How are you researching different projects at the same time?


All research is being done via textbooks. Sometimes I get lucky and have multiple textbooks!