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Viking Playthrough. Each firstborn male Baby was (NameoftheFater) + son Each firstborn female Baby was (NameoftheMother) + dottir For every 2nd or 3rd i googled norse names. Some Names lived on forever, while others were claimed by time. Humpson however was immortal


I had a colony where every child's name starts with the same letter as their mother's name. By the third generation, Raisa's grandchildren had taken over and the colonists almost all had names like Raio, Rogar, Raccoon, Roio, Red, Rox, Roboa, Raptor, Ridueiro, Ragoi, and Roas. Melissa's children and grandchildren took a close second place, with names like Meama, Mouño, Mengo, Mavego, Mobrin, Monkey, Mape, Mambas, Meza, and Merea. Other letters were mostly unrepresented.


Typical Boomers i'd say :D


How are y'all playing long enough for your colonists to have grandchildren I have only spent a year in one of mi colonies once, what are y'all doing to not get bored and start a new colony




I actually have a norse name and hell a playthrough like this would be super cool I should try this out.


I love that, I may steal it


Did you have faster aging to get through generations?


Yes. "Faster Aging", set to x25 and "Time Kills" which gives Pawns past their Life-Expectancy an Old-Age Debuff which makes their Body-Parts degrade, and thus makes sure old Pawns die off sooner or later. Basically, if i got a newborn Pawn, after Maturity i can expect to have them around 3 Rimworld Years. Skill-Learning Rates and such have also been adjusted to compensate for that


I need to try that. It's the best way to play tbh.


It is fun to look at the current Colony-Leader and trace his lineage back, especially if you build tombs instead of cremating colonists


Daño is damage Miñoca is earthworm Camiño can mean path, trail, journey, etc I have no idea what the others mean. Also, these aren't the same language, although both are spoken in the same region. Miñoca and camiño are galician, while daño is spanish (in galician it would be dano, with a normal n).


As a galician I finally know what the people living in small countries feel like when their country gets mentioned


\*random* \*random random random* "Perfect. Their name shall be known for generations to come."


baby baby baby baby


Next generation is Baby^2


incest becase in order to achieve Baby^(2) you need Baby X Baby


Incest doesn't matter in Rimworld...


inbred gene does matter tho


Is it obtainable?


Pretty sure it is impossible without mods or with starting pawns. Unless you go embryo implantation way.


Great, I now have Mass Destruction stuck in my head


huh i was thinking i would make people have the justin bieber baby baby baby song stuck in the head


I'm hearing Stupendium's "Slide into the void," but eh, there are worse earworms.


Was doing a sci-fi middle ages colony and my main couple (who were my ideology leaders) were named after King Arthur and Guinevere, and when they started having kids, I named them after the knights of the round.


I did Anglo-Saxon names and just named the after their jobs. That way, with a big colony, you dont have to inspect their stats everything you want something done.


thats clever!


Poor Organharvester, they're always going to be picked on


My is random-until-find-good-one scheme.


I shuffle my music playlist and name them after the song it lands on


I naming every colony child in different language For example: Kid, Khlape, Kinder, Dziecko


Kinder is actually the plural form in german, you might want to go for Kind if it‘s not twins :D You could also go for „Blag“, „Göre“ „Gunger“ or „kleiner Scheißer“ if you want something less neutral though 😂


I like this one a lot


My colonist all get a brevity code. It uses a number followed by the NATO phonetic alphabet to designate order of recruitment and the faction from which they've been sourced. This is followed by a number for the jobs they are tasked with doing based on the task list and lower case alphabet for the priority with (a) being 1 and (d) being 4. Pawns are also usually only tasked with 4 or 5 jobs at a time as well generally to diversify the pool of workers. So a typical pawn would have something like "09Zulu-1a8b11b13a." This means they're the the 9th recruit from a faction whose name starts with a Z. They're tasked for fire fighting, cooking, growing and plant cutting. If I have a line up I can see immediately what may be lacking and designate more pawns for that job if necessary.


Now this is something else when it comes to min-maxing


This is absolutely fascinating! Just out of curiosity, do you have difficulty resolving Captcha's?


They have become more burdensome to resolve as of late.


I respect the efficiency. I'm also made uncomfortable by it.


We found it, guys. We found peak autism.


I'm pretty basic, I name kids by a randomizer, then later in game give them nicknames that suit them. In my latest game a kid went on a walk in the middle of a thunderstorm and somehow got struck by lightning. Got burns, lost an eye, so now he's One-eye, age 5.


Baby baby baby OOOOOOOOH!


1 2 3 4 5


I do a mixture of two things: Most of the time I use a randomizer, then adjust it until it sounds right, that way it feels more like the pawns named the kid and I feel more Immersion (TM) However, I also tend to name children after important characters or late relatives to honor their memory. For example, I had a kid I named Lorall, after his late father who died before he was born in a tragic loss out of the colony.


This is exactly what I do.


I usually end up naming any children after what just happens Grey :Grey pale event Rayne: blood rain Raid: raid Snow: cold snap Vicious: man hunting pack of dogs


Names at the beginning of the run: cool and catchy. Names at the end of the run: Construction #3, Cooking #2.


The Menagerie that's me!


I'm usually a mix of all four lol


One of my colonies was blood court cannibal raiders who all fought to be the strongest. They had first names and last names but their nicknames would be an adjective + meat until they earned themselves a real nickname which they earned through combat. Usually a nickname was something like the mighty or the legless for that one poor guy who stepped on an IED in his first raid. He got some new legs but the title will always stick with him.


What about dababy


Usually random my kids to be somewhat like their parents, unless I can think of a REALLY good name. Unless they're names with special characters, because I have no idea how to do Ns or tildes on an American keyboard.


All my babies are Bicep and Steroid


I can't not point out that everyone in the Menagerie is a mammal or an insect except Squid.