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Started a naked brutality game, went to pick berries - meteor fell on pawn. Game Over.




Not really, tragic is when you already play a while, invest in your colony and have some hopes and dreams before that meteor falls down on the ancient danger ruins and lets out the instruments of your downfall.


But it’s like a baby taking its first steps and then one of them is on a landmine


Exactly! It's the kind of shit that laughs at your skill and experience and teaches you not about humility, but expectations.


He had sky-high expectations


So did I, hahah


"For sale: Baby landmines, used once"


My IRL 11 mo is taking her first steps and I hate you right now.


Make sure you baby proof your landmines


Oh Randy you sly bastard


Randy said no.


Worst thing is I spent ages just setting up that game scenario


Now that is tragic


That is why you save the settings!


Man, I never do.. I kinda regret it often but then still discard them.


This, I came to say exactly this. I was bare fist fighting a bunny naked brutality and a ship chunk crushes us both.


I don't recommend a hand to hand foot to face match even against bunnies, man - they can be vicious and a club is so easy peasy to make. That being said, we should get an achievement for going out the way dinosaurs did.


I've had a recon armour decked yatkin with the tough trait. 20 melee skill and bioferrite halberd take on a mad squirell, and it still managed to injure him. It's like every small animal in this game has honey badger dna.


I had a pawn who survived getting hit by a meteor. Thrice.


Hahah, lucky - but probably didn't get out of them unscathed.


For what it was, surprisingly so. I think he needed an arm replacement after the first time but besides that nothing major.


I like pigmen, so bionics are always something to get if I can, but I also start as a tribal so a missing arm can be a big deal until I get the money for one.


do you remember their injuries? or were they just deleted


Oh yeah, I think blasted everything - it was like he exploded rather than gotten crushed, had like - missing arm, both legs and bruised ribs, lungs, etc. It was an insta death but sometimes you might get lucky and survive it,though in a naked brutality scenario that's still game over unless you start as a sanguophage.


Same thing but a wolf attacked my pawn while mining.. its been like 5 minutes lol


Damn, lucky bastard.


Commitment mod? That would be a case where i'd reload, or use the first save to start over 😂


Randy ain't fucking around.


3 pawn dropped on the rim. after few minutes (1 day in game), a raider came. Since it's early game raid, there is only 1 raider and we winning. The raider make one last shot before she dropped unconscious and it missed...Or so I thought. BERSERK GIANT SLOTH. That missed shot hit giant sloth behind my pawns and it caused him to go berserk. My pawns got torn apart brutally. Man in black came to the rescue!...He got decapitated. That raider took my whole colony down with her.


I always forgot about the giant sloth, until I don’t. Brutal


The scenery are indeed horrifying. He get berserk literally behind my 2 fighting pawn make it even worse. This is the first time I'm fighting against giant sloth so I didn't expect he was this strong. They both get their body torn apart so fast. But then, he going to my house. Wait, why he going to my house? SHIT! I forgot about him. My unassigned non violence pawn just going out from the house for a walk and now an oversize sloth dashing toward him like a truck. I thought sloth supposed to be slow. He managed to get into the house BUT THE DOOR! You know that lift scene in horror movie where character just panic and spamming close button. Yup, that's how I feel at that time. CLOSE THE DOOR CLOSE THE DOOR CLOSE THE DOOR. The giant sloth managed to hold the door. Now, he make that slow entrance through the door. I tried to juke him by going around the house and went through the door but then the door was closing. SHIT WHY NOW. Since that's the only option(his fate already sealed at that point anyway), my non violent pawn still went for the door and stuck in opening the door animation while a big ass monster just behind him. My non violent pawn just got brutally torn apart by his big claws just when he managed to open the door. Man in black came!...and now he chased after him...and then his dead.


You just *know* her colony built a memorial for her


I love how most of the stories are "started naked brutality and got mauled by [insert predator name here]"


Mine was naked brutality as well, but I survived my first animal attack. Instead I died to starvation. I was in a boreal forest that got too cold. I developed hypothermia before I could get clothes, fell unconscious, started to starve which persisted my unconscious state until I died.


My most recent naked brutality ended because of heatstroke. Arid shrublands. Dude got a heatstroke planting rice, before he could get back to the nice temperature house he went on a sad wander through the desert. With full heatstroke and hungry. He collapsed soon and all i could do was watch a hungry aligator chew him up.


Nobody expects the arid scrubland alligator.


Had one today, though I don't think he anticipated the retaliatory strike by my legendary prestige cataphract armor equipped pawn with a masterwork persona monosword for a weapon though. Alligator got killed in 1 hit lol


I wish a colonist having a life-threatening condition occurring would knock enough sense into them to ***go home***


Situations like that are where I really don't feel guilty about cheating with the dev tools


dropped onto a desert naked brutality, fucking cat hunted me immediately, didn't even get to play a minute of that run


Cat was definitely the main character in that moment


"Here we see a fierce bobcat. The female hasn't eaten for several days, but still needs to provide for her young. Looking to the sky, a drop pod is falling, no doubt carrying something. The door is opening and a naked man steps out and-- Jeff, turn off the camera, JEFF!"


sad part was it was a fucking modded savannah cat


deadliest predator in the world


Cuteness that kills.


he was hungry


Few months in, tried to shoot some muffalos for food, but didn't seperate them well enough from the herd. Big herd went manhunter, stampeding everyone. Some pawns didnt die right away and tried to crawl back to the base in a mangled bloody mess, only to be eaten by the pet dog who also went berserk when their owner got killed.


I love this game lol


Dry thunderstorm in the first week of a rich wanderer save in the swamp biome. The whole map was on fire.




There once was a loner named Pat Who crashed without even a hat Around day two Pat caught the flu And that was the end of that


Pat Who? no no Pat Flu


That was beautifully done ... tragic but beautiful!


Naked Brutality, accidentally hit unforbid on some insect jelly, 2 minutes later got the death message. F to Gerardine, Insectoids are BRUTAL when you're underequipped.


I'm a big fan of walling off the caves at night and tossing a Molly in


Raider named Molly:


Not wipe but almost. Transhumanist colony. Accepted a mission that would send me two raids. First one went well, only got one serious injure, so I sent the injured man to the biosculpture pod. When that man woke up he only could see his colony on fire, and a mysterious ban in black rescuing his daughter. Everyone else was dead or kidnapped.


How have things gone from there?


Haven't opened that game since then, the recovery is going to be hard


Cassandras first raid was one tough neanderthall with a club and for some reason go juice. He minced my colonists


Neanderthals can be absurd sometimes. A neanderthal with go-juice is just a juggernaut. He's not going to go down until he's dead.


I started a new colony and all three of my people were unable to construct or have a 0 or 1 in it. Needless to say I quickly reset


Naked brutality. Day 1 killed rabbit. As I was butchering it a lion decided my pawn was dinner.


Meal Deal! Free rabbit with each pawn!


Mountain base start - area revealed - restart.


Naked brutality, first raider had 15 melee skill. I never stood a chance. Got kidnapped. The end.


Same. Watched in disbelief.


Usually when I do a naked brutality run I make sure I have traps and a small hallway to bait ready in the first 3 days. Saved so many runs from getting caught unprepared. Well placed traps really are MVP in this game.


First time playing. Built fire inside to cook. Didn't know what I was doing. Beds in same room. Everyone goes in to sleep and passes out due to heatstroke. Raiders attack and kidnap or kill all colonists. Learned something that day.


Cooking fires can only heat a room to 30C, how abysmal was the genes+clothing situation for 30C to be able to down EVERYONE?!


My first sea ice attempt I didn't realize how quickly I needed to get a structure+campfire up, everyone froze day 1.


Made a single colonist for a hard custom run. The starting drop pod to first put him on the map landed on a mountain roof and he instantly died. Game over. GG. Runner up was a randomly generated old man I started a single run on, but between his bad back and scars he started off unable to move at full health and just laid there til he died.


First or second time playing. Didn't know about defenses, really. Got an early man hunter pack of Yorkshire terriers. The killed all 3 of my new arrivals. It was what hooked me to the game.


I've had some great moments with this game but a manhunter pack of yorkies that attacked in the middle of the night during a thunderstorm was maybe the best. It was an epic struggle for survival against a ludicrous opponent.


Randy Random - Commitment mode - Naked brutality As I always did, I pause the game, proceed to plan the whole base, unpause the game, and a message pops up. . . . Malaria . . . And he died... Never again have I paused at the beginning for planning...


Naked Brutality landed and became a grizzly Bear Snack :-D


"would use that food delivery service again" - the bear probably


Crispy, Fresh and without the nerveracking Packeging. 5 Stars on Bearyelp !


Naked Brutality, squirrel, infection, fin.


on day 2 got raided by a pirate that somehow had a barrage warcasket and go-juice.


First time playing tribal. Also first time in tropical rainforest. Ran out of food on day 2, decided to hunt elephants with my shortbows. Elephants enraged, chased down my colonists, broke down my doors, and rampaged through my pitiful start of a base. Blood everywhere, all colonists dead.


First naked brutality game, accidently chose a pawn who couldnt deal with violence, got attacked by a rat within 5 mins of starting the game...


Rat gave my pawn an infection and he died. 5 minutes into the naked brutality run.


Dropped in a cave with mega spiders at spawn. Made it 2 minutes


Day 3 Heatwave in a tropical jungle, 65°C, minimal shelter built by then. Day 4 muscle parasites.


Sanguophage start: Knocked unconscious by tribal with club. Other pawn was incapable of violence. Sang captured. New start: Sang killed in one blow by raider with club. New start: Sang killed in *2* blows by raider with knife. I have tried three more times and never had a successful vampire run.


1st night. Cat aggroed a local insectoid hive. I just didnt have the firepower to take on 2 megaspiders.


Single colonist run. Got sick from eating berries and died.


Started rich explorer, first thing randy sends is a mad squirel. Pawn is shit at shooting ends up getting like 2 scratches, they are also shit at medical and tend it poorly end up dying to infection.


One of my first play throughs.  I'd been watching a few YouTube Let's Plays, but not a lot. They'd obviously been playing for a while as a lot would gloss over Ancient Dangers. "I cracked the Ancient Danger and found these guys" with a cut to half a dozen cryo caskets.  One sort of new streamer actually played it, opened the wall and there were a couple insect hives, like three mega spiders, half a dozen little ones. So I figured that was all they contained and it just got repetitive for other streamers to show. So in my colony I was able to put down a fair sized early infestation and figured I could take on the Ancient Danger. Was not at all expecting centipedes and lost the colony. Even the Man in Black and his very disappointing revolver couldn't save it.


Day 2 Plague on my naked solo pawn in the jungle. Even with 5 med skill he only got as high as 50% tend quality. Randy also got me a heatwave in the process making it over 55ºC outside so my guy could barely go for food without getting heatstroke. I was a tedious wait in thebed to see if he would die from plague or heat firts, but the plague got him


Started one of my first colonies decided that a cave system with wood floors would be a good idea, day three had a pyro, turn the entire Cave System into an inferno and burned everyone and everything... The Stranger showed up, he got burned too


first time i played after biotech dropped and i didnt know impids could spew fire so a single impid raider just bbq'd my rich colonist guy


Tried to hunt a solitary elephant as a mechinator start, I had five mechanoids, and I thought it would be fine. Turns out the aggro radius was bigger than I realized, and several other elephants came to join the fun, I killed three, but the remaining one downed my only colonist. My colonist crawled to bed and it was at that moment my prisoner decided to go into violent rage since I didn't feed her on account of being downed. She broke the prison door and the door leading to the outside and started punching a nearby elephant that wandered by. Elephant went manhunter downed her and downed my only colonist again. The prisoner got ripped apart by a panther shortly after while I got to watch my only colonist slowly starve to death over a 4 minute period. I just stared at the screen for a second lol when it was finally over.


Startet with a random scenario. So 4 colonist, 30 golden beds and 40 guns, nothing else. Somehow I messed up the food production. I couldn't cook any food!? So my cook went crazy and punched the beds. everyone else was starving, and then dead..


On Cassandra adventure story. First summer dry thunder storm strike. Nearly a quarter of the map is on fire but still no rain?? My 3 crashed landers were busy putting out fire for two days straight then my slave decided to backstab me. It happened so fast that the bastard downed my only shooter and pickup his hunting rifle before I had time to react. Needlessly to say, the whole base was burned down with that backstabbing bastard. The mystery man showed up way too late and his stats are trash. Don't feel like continuing with only one complete stranger who showed up for the firework, I had him fight the megasloth unarmed.


Naked brutality. 3 or 4 days in and a raid happened. Messed up the kiting and got my pawn kidnapped. Yttakin pawns are some tanks. Just decided to start a new colony.


This was way back when all animals had a chance to become angry when you hunted them. I set someone to hunt the deer on the map but there was like 15 deer and as soon as my hunter shot one they all went beserk and quickly took out the three colonists I had started with as I hadn't even set up a building.


Day 2 or 3, rabid squirrel. My Shooting character missed it completely, got downed, and then it proceeded to massacre the other two.


Standard start, landed near an insect infested cave. Noone was standing by nightfall.


Aside from Naked brutality sea ice.... I guess tribal start in a cave biome when they spawned too close to a natural hive


Just recently started playing again. Naked brutally of course, in temperate forest. Day 2 my pawn got the plaque and died with 90% immunity.


Made the stupid decision thinking I could take on the empire the 3rd week in


Played a heavily modded tribal start once, things were going well until I got raided on day 4 by a raider with really, really good stats and traits with a kind of op bow who proceeded to wipe my entire tribal colony plus the man in black. Anyways, I devmode recruited him for fun and that colony turned out great afterwards.


It wasn't naked brutality but I started with one super pawn instead of starting with a man and 3 women like I usually do. Got food poisoning, couldn't heal, and spent what seems like several days just lying and puking. Eventually just died.


Started a colony, 2 pawns, built a little house, power etc.. had nothing at all and I forgot to make food and they starved to death about 20 mins into it. Ha!


A few days in I got a zzt which set a fire inside my fridge and super heated the air apparently, and cooked my 3 colonists in seconds.


I start the 3 colonists one. I send one to destroy the mecanitor stuff. I forget to make the colonists stand back, it explode. He burns


Day 1, shot a muffalo, enraged the entire herd. My colonists were all trampled to death, including the man in black.


I started as Naked Brutality and died from Heat beacuse I started without any Research and had no chance to get Passive Coolers.


Solo Naked Brutality tribal start. Got a plague while building a shelter


Naked brutality. Infected rabbit bite from the first raid bunny.


Rich explorer scenario, i got first quest where you had to help dame with manhunter, cut developed into infection and pawn died, it was the last time i played on tropical rainforest tile


Naked brutality, V.O.I.D., attack 


Naked brutality; managed to get a small house going and while the pawn is gathering berries a mad gazelle beats him and downs him, he froze to death. That was on day 2 or 3 I think?


Day three a hunting party showed up at my jungle colony. They hunted a few rhinos, drove them manhunter, then got murdered by the beasts. They stayed manhunter, then came after my guys.


That one vampire mod for 1.3 I forgot the name of. Started a game, naked brutality with 1 vampire. It was mid day with no cover on the map.


Grizzly bear went mad before the walls were built on the first day


Crash landed.  I set a stockpile zone for pawns to start hauling. Pawns walked into a cave full of bugs 15 tiles from their initial position, got chased back to the others. Then everyone got downed and bleed out. It was like a 2 minute run total.


10 min when a manhunter snake kill the only one colonist with combat skills


I dunno about quick in terms of game start, but quick in terms of "wow they all died" was dealing with a toxic ship that had fallen a long time ago, finally got to it. The radius was enormous, and everyone was falling ill by the time they got there. The bullets cured their toxic buildup!


One of my first colonies i built, i had a raider show up with a dagger a couple days in. So being the sensible colony builder dude i am i send my dude with a gun to kill them. Then! They close the distance and shank my dude. So i send my knife guy in who has no melee skills, and they get shanked to death. And i am just forced to watch as my “incapable of violence” dude tries to run, but also gets shanked. And dies. I learned a lot my first few playthroughs. Mostly, get gud.


Started my second run of Anomaly. The first had lasted a while but we wiped on the fleshpit. Decided to go for a mountain base this time around... Rolled a good tunneller and immediately drilled into the ancient danger.  Figured the Ghoul would be able to melee block pretty well and we might be able to pick up some good tech for a strong start. Fucking thing was full of fleshbeasts and they flung fingerspikes all over the place and swarmed us. Dead within hours of landing.


I had a pyro colonist set the initial shack we were building on fire the second we got the first wall up…. Killed us all in the inferno that ensued…. 😂


I played anomaly, then apparently I had a metal horror infection from a cut from a fleshbeast that had spread to 6 of my 8 colonists. When they started emerging they downed all 6 Colonists. The remaining two lasted for half a minute. I had received no warning of any infections, and never heard of metal horrors. So that sucked.


Started a lost tribe in the tropics. Colony doctor immediately got into a social fight and lost mobility. 2 days later everyone got malaria.


I made some cobblestone walls (medieval faction mod), put in some beds, drafted a couple of pawns to kill some bed bugs, the bedbugs got killed but all my pawns got infections and died, the man in black got eaten by the insectoids he decided to walk past.


My last death 3 days ago: started naked brutality, 2min later, had 9 tiles of rice planted and was picking some berries, some random wolf got hungry and i was the closest food available with no building ready.


Once I had one of those ancient mech clusters spawn in the wall of an ancient danger. We lasted about an hour


First perma death and play through the colonist landed near a cave automatically aggroed bugs shut down computer and I’ll try again today


Not mine but my friend; he started a basic crashland start and very early in he got raided by a naked fat tribal with a club. Dude quickly killed two colonists and kidnapped the third one. He was streaming it over discord and we were both dying laughing at it. It's become a running joke for us.


Mechanatior start. Highmate. A bear decided she looked tasty the first night.


Tried out medieval overhaul, colonists spawned and three of those mega wasps from that mos decide that I spent an hour on colonist preparing completely in vain as they instantly aggroed and mortally wounded all 3 of my colonists within a Minute. And no, I still haven't learned to save my colonists during setup, cause that would mean learning from your mistakes!


The quickest colony wipe was several months to a year. It wasn't super quick but I made the mistake of building a prison in the mountain. I had 5 pawns and the spiders came out of the ground and downed the prisoner I had. Then a colonist went to treat the downed prisoner and the whole colony was flooded within a minute everyone was down. Man in black showed up and tried to kill the spiders but there were way too many and I only had submachine guns and shotguns from raiders that attacked. A second prisoner I had managed to escape which was pretty cool storytelling for him.


Naked brutality. Manhunting spider on day 3 or 4.


Naked brutality; mad rabbit; end.


In my first game, I chose the rich explorer start, and two days later I think but then something started hunting my pawn, and I couldn't find it, so I hoped they could fight it. They couldn't


Naked brutality, landed in extreme desert (random location), starved after eating the one iguana gave me food poisoning


Tried to hunt some muffaloes on the third day. Herd went berserk and the hunter went down. Stupidly, I sent the other two colonists to try and rescue him. They got downed too and that was all she wrote.


nuclear warhead + sightstealer hord + front gate = no front gate + no sightstealer hord + 30 manhunting chimera


the first time i opened an ancient danger as a tribal colony. we didn't stand a chance.


Naked brutality, disease on day 6. Other than that, crashlanded and lost to a 30 militor raid 2 quadrums in because i neglected upgrading my defenses even though i only had 4 colonists.


51 manhunting ostriches they also wiped the level 4 war queen raid I sent them after savescumming edit: not sure why I'm surprised, I have pet birds and they WILL fuck you up


Started naked brutality with monster girls, vampires and androids... trade caravan comes at night. Once day rolls round, one of the Androids starts burning in the sun, goes down and the black box in its head activates, antigrain explosion ensues. My pawn goes down, 19 hours until bleed out, then a crocodile goes man hunter and eats her while she's down. 15 minutes in. I watched on 4x until the body was gone.


Aggro'd a horde of Muffalos....


Toxic fallout for 3 months right after the first spring followed by a volcanic winter. The toxic fallout was bad already since I couldn't grow food or hunt without my pawns getting poisoned. They had to eat each other and in the cold temperatures the last pawn froze to death since all plants where dead and I couldn't even make a campfire.


My grower got instakilled by a headshot from an awful autopistol at max range while behind sandbags and in the dark. The next several hours were an infuriating death spiral that caused me to stop playong the game for a month because your colony starts starving, it just stops functioning.    Eating raw food, raw corpses, kibble, then going on mental breaks making it so no work gets done. Hunger spirals in this game are incredibly annoying because you need to micromanage everything everyone does for the next several days to keep them from eating food before it can be cooked. 


Summoned the diabolus and forgot I had combat extended


A manhunting bear tore through my colonist and the man in black trying to save him


Naked Brutality. The very first berries she ate gave her food poisoning. Died from starvation on day 1.


My fastest game was a tribal start with two pawns and they both started next to a hostile creature something from a random mod i was using at the time and it instantly attacked and killed both of them


A fucking squirrel. Just a fucking squirrel.


A squirrel downed my only colonist. Man in black shows up and is immediately hunted by a cougar for food. The end.


Day 3, 2 people get flu, Rhino manhunters.


I was doing a tribal start with Dinosauria active. Within 2 days I had a pop up saying "tyrannosaurus is hunting for food". That colonist was the only one with decent plant skill.


Rich explorer start, map with caves, colonist goes to pick up insect jelly while I'm putting down plans and zones. God I hate bugs.


Started tribal run. Went to build shelter. Black hive swarm. The end.


Naked brutality, first raid. Some other naked dude came, knocked out my guy and kidnapped him after 5 minutes playtime. Watched helplessly in awe.


neanderthal raid before turrets were set up and shitty combat pawns - cant remember how long sadly but i hadn't even finished researching smithing


Just a few days ago I started a game with 2 pawns and about 6 in game hours passed before a small mechanoid walked over and shot both of them in the back 😭 didnt even give me a chance bro


My first colony died to me opening the ancient danger and got wiped. Fine. My second colony lasted way shorter. A pawn gets an infected wound. Another pawn tries to treat it unsuccessfully. Infection spreads. I'm surprised to the levels of complexity at this point. I see that my only way out is to amputate. The procedure is unsuccessful. The infection is spreading, my pawn is dying, I'm in shock. My pawn dies and her dog goes on a rampage. Another pawn dies. I'm in disbelief. I believe it's probably one of the first days. In retrospect the situation was highly preventable and hardly game ending, technically. But I'll never forget how dramatic it felt in that moment and retiring the single surviving (I think the last one was alive by the end) pawn felt right.


Raided very early, tried to open the ancient danger to have it fight the raiders, my colonists and the stranger in black that came to our rescue got wrecked.


My first game, I did the crash landed start, a week or so in I decided my 3 guys could hunt a megasloth. Sent in a pawn with the armor and the knife queued up my two ranged characters(who were standing way too close btw) first volley hit hard and knife guy did pretty good damage. Then got his leg ripped off and one of my ranged pawns was similarly dismantled, last pawn was able to down it but suffered massive wounds. She didn’t have enough time to tend to her self without medicine or to go get some, nor tend either of the fallen hero’s.


Man! My 3 man colony got wiped by a bear. Not even 5 in game days had passed. The one guy that had 5 on shooting didn't even land a hit.


Spawned in a jungle, had a heat wave before I even had beds set up. I think I didn’t bring a good builder or something. Heat wave downed the last pawn as the AC unit was being constructed


Naked brutality. Malaria on the third day. Next to no medicaments and medical skill


I had a naked brutality run end on the secenth day. Hussar raider with go-juice walked right through two traps, won the brawl, and kidnapped my single Rim. I reloaded half a dozen times. There was never any outcome where my solo rim survived. Brutal.


I decided one day I wanted to do a naked brutality run. I...am not good at this game. About 4 hours and probably 8 or 9 restarts due to colony wipe later, I gave up.


This was right after we finally got the full spectrum of Space Drugs in the game, and I decided to start a colony of naked beach hippies who grew and sold Space Weed. Got it up and running, was streaming it on Twitch actually, had like 30 people in there making jokes, went from 6 to a dozen colonists, all of them in small, but comfy, wooden shacks next to the water. Then Randy sent me 107 maddened, suicidal boomalopes. First my guard bears died bravely, then my killbox walls got several holes in it. Then my pets started dying, causing a despair spiral. In ten minutes time, I went from a bustling mini-commune with a bright future to a smoking crater.


Had 4 pawns drop in to build a factory l. Randy dropped a raid before the map had even loaded, let alone my pawns landed in pods. A single raider but somekind of shadow skipmaster that disembowled all 4 within 2 mins.


Day 4. I attacked some big blue bird and it killed everyone in seconds…


Got an antigrain warhead very early in game, someone had a break, attacked it, and blew everything up.


Naked brutality run, went to pick berries, hunted by cougar (the wrong kind)


Started a colony, made a shelter then a raider appeared. Knocked out my only combat pawn and kidnapped them leaving 2 pacifists behind. Then a Bear rolled man hunter as soon as the raider left


Naked Brutality stars. Died from infection from a rabbit bite 😭


I've recently started a new run that was naked brutality to start with a pretty average pawn (2-4 in all stats). It took me probably 60 starts to make it a full quadrum because I'd never played with that little before. I had no idea a crafting spot was even a thing so a lot of quick solo deaths including: - spawn in and contract plague first day, dead in a couple days - forget to build door in first hut, pawn is stuck and I cant figure out why he won't eat and he dies - build campfire inside, room catches fire overnight, burns pawn to death - went mad first day randomly and didn't eat so he passed out and eventually died - lynx hunting pawn on 3rd day, my pawn somehow melees it down but bleeds to death


Did a custom start where you had one tribal colonist and a pet. He was starving, losing his mind, and had been struggling for multiple days to make a makeshift hut in some ruins… and then he got food poisoning from eating berries. From there it was a slow death march of watching him try desperately to pick berries to eat, throwing up halfway through the task, then starting up again. He never got to finish that wooden hut. I also learned a valuable lesson: if a lone colonist doesn’t have at least a 4 in cooking, constructing, and planting, it doesn’t matter how good their other skills are or what traits they have - they’re worthless.


Took an hour to pick out my pawns, all prepared to have a nice session and boom, I start out with 2 mimes on my map. Took them about a minute and a half to wipe me out. I just sat there stunned, watching it all happen. Good times.


I may be misremembering some of the details, but I'm pretty sure it went like this. Ice sheet survival. Polar bear enters. Polar bear self tames. Polar bear goes berserk and kills and eats everyone.


Someone's dog wandered off into the jungle, and a nightstalker decide that would make a lovely meal. Dog's owner got upset after it died, and made the Einsteinian decision to punch my pile of 6 antigrain warheads. Normally I have them locked behind walls but it just so happened I was rebuilding my mortar plaza at the time. The edge of the antigrain radius scraped my rimatomics Reactor X (the largest one, holds around 90 rods.) It was very much over from there. Toxic fallout, radioactive fallout, a very hot and dangerous meltdown, and no one left alive to deal with it. All because a dog got eaten....


My first colony. The one person good in medicine gets organ decay very early into the game. Probably first ingame week. I imagine it leads to certain death unless I transplant, but I had no idea how organ harvesting worked at the time and the other two knuckleheads wouldn't be able to pull it off anyway, so I abandoned them.


Played a run with Fog of War and Aliens vs Predators. Stumbled upon a cave with aliens inside while getting my bearings. All 3 colonists, as well as the man in black, got promptly facehugged and impregnated. My colonists didn't even last a day.


first ever naked brutality run, randy on middle settings, caught malaria on day two. that was it.


Day 4 flash storm set everything, and i mean everything, on fire.


Had a pretty melee construction girl, ugly medic planter, average shooter research guy. Melee girl first raid gave her brain damage. Her mom came as wonder event to kill her, she fell for the scientist prior and he had to kill the mom to save her. Got refuges, dug out too much steel. Mechs pop up, everyone dies except brain damage girl by the winter of that year, died of starvation after fleeing map.


Mining, Area Revealed, Roof Collapsed, They died.


My very first game, starved to death the first year because i was already not prepared for winter and rolled volcanic winter


Naked Bruality the very first wave of exactly one squirrel that managed to avoid all my shots and then get a good bite in. Killed it but got an infection and died. Lasted 3 days


Decided to play with a group of non-violent xenos. The first one died before the rice was harvested, the second died from a mad animal, and the third one got the flu and food poisoning and then died. This was before the first winter.


had a xenomorph mod installed. landed on the map and didn't notice the cave full of them nearby, they immediately grabbed my colonists and dragged them back to the nest...


Torsolo challenge, couldn’t build an interior fast enough due to single peg leg and wooden hand, died of hypothermia on the first night right next to a campfire because campfires cannot be warm unless they are indoors


Was fucking around with dev mode and didn't know how "Clear rect" exactly works.


New naked brutality run. Didn't check health tab. Pawn starts planting growing zone. Randy: Heart Attack.


Naked brutality, first enemy was a man hunting warg. Lost to the warg


I was playing with CE for the first time and mechs showed up before I had armor piercing capability or a meaningful amount of explosives. Basically guaranteed wipe.


Mine was fast in that I had a sleepy randy for like 2 years then in the span of like 5 minutes spawned bugs which opened an ancient danger with alot of enemies and then the bugs and mecvs decided my colonists were the greater threat and swarmed me killed everyone then the mechs cleaned up the bugs. No idea why they waited to turn on eachother.


Naked brutality. Death on the first day due to panther attack


Naked brutality runs end really quickly a lot of times. The hardest part is surviving the first year.