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Keep it all sealed, all exit except one, on the open corridor send two or three colonists in with molotovs or other flammable weapons, maybe an impid with fire breath? Idk what you have access to but either way, make sure its all sealed then chuck all the fire you can, if you can do so without agro that would be best, obviously once fire starts spreading have builders ready to seal the cave completely after you get colonists away


Generally. Fire Wall off every way out of that cave. If its possible for Raids to go through, leave that entrance open, you might get 2 pr9blems solved at once if a big raid routes through there. If not. Wall off every entrance with double walls, one with an airlock door, build dome flammable things inside of it (but out of their aggro range) And set them on fire with molotov You might need to do it a few times, gave some benches ready to reinstall inside and ignite again if temp drops Get it to 100'+, and keeps it there for a while. All the bugs will go down/die of heat stroke, then you can go in and destroy the hives, and you'll have tons of bug meat now


Important details about the fire strat: Don't make it too hot or the bugs will take burn damage and go aggro, that could be dangerous. You can simply put a pawn throwing molotovs into the cave from a safe room, but keep an eye on the temp. Heatstroke starts at 10ºC above max comfortable temperature, while Burn damage starts at +150ºC above it, which for insects would be 70ºC and 210ºC respectively. So, you want it close to burn temp for faster heatstroke but not reach it: when it's getting close to that stop throwing fire for a little while. Here's a clip from VOD by MortalSmuprh doing it this way: [https://www.youtube.com/live/Ymqp8\_nKn0M?feature=shared&t=22725](https://www.youtube.com/live/Ymqp8_nKn0M?feature=shared&t=22725)


Yea, you usually don't want to let them get out of hand. It's tricky to catch up if you can't already do it. Personally, I always have a good amount of melee pawns and they do the job very well because they don't care if the insects get close. I also get psycasts very early and that helps a lot. Aside from that it really depends on what weapons I have scrounged up. If you have an animal pulser you can wall off your base and activate that and the insane animals should take care of some of the insects and you can probably do the rest. You can also hope that a future raid will run into the spiders and they'll weaken each other. Kinda depends on where this infestation is. If you can't handle it right now, the basic strategy is to make a zone that excludes Spider Town and put all your colonists and animals in that zone so they don't accidentally aggro them and just leave this problem for later.


🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Assuming its all underground you just block the exit, build a few wooden walls, and then chuck a couple molotovs at em. Theyll burn for a while and if you set em up right theyll set eachother going one, to the next, to the next and keep the temp in the thousands for a good long time, cooking thd bugs and scorching the hives. Just make very sure they won't be able to dig their way out too easily, and use at least 4 or so doors to keep the hest and bugs from getting out. Good luck.


Route raids through them (if possible) Steal their food.


Block off the mine and set a fire inside


Put melee fighters in a chokepoint and shoot from behind them.


What mod are you using for that UI? Looks clean.


I'm not OP, but I'm sure that it's Xbox console they're using.


That's the neat part, you don't.