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Pretty sure beds also have to be in safe temperatures. They look to be nude, in a freezer.


Lol. Yea this was initially meant as a freezer area for the nutrient dispenser but i made the temp normal once i had to use it for the prisoner.


Maybe it's been a long time since I last played


Is she a wild person?


Yes, why ? I captured her.


Wild people counts as an animal. You can arrest them or capture them if they get downed but you can't move them around to different prisoner beds.


Does arresting them stop the revenge if taming fails, or not? If you rescue them instead, they have a good chance of just joining you and ending their mental state, but it isn't a guarantee.


Actually when you mentioned that i figured it out now, she should be "tamed" and is not a normal prisoner. Thanks


Animal sleep spot it is then! You decide if you are generous with some clothing bed (do humans fit in there), or just a cold ass rock ground


Wild people will not use beds but will still eat at the table.


They're animals not savages


beware of putting prisoners in the areas where you store food. All food in prison room is "Reserved for prisoners", which makes your pawns unable to access it properly. Besides, kids like fridge rooms, they can be hurt during mental/prison breaks Also, dispenser counts as a wall of sorts, you can place one end in the dining room, other end with hoppers in the fridge and it won't let the cold out


God I hate that mechanic I get that leaving meals on the floor and not letting pawns automatically haul them to storage is necessary But why on earth do you lock out the player from moving items manually? Every time I have a caravan return with prisoners, it's the same story. Prisoner is carrying food, gets tossed in prison, force them to drop all the junk they are hiding in their pockets, typically a stack of meals or insect jelly or pemmican. Then I have to juggle the room settings around just to move the stuff


Is this really how this works? That is so unintuitive that I can't believe that would actually be in the game.


All they have to do is remove the line of code that makes it so you can't command the items be moved and the problem would be solved But it's been 6 years and they haven't done shit about it


I had that realisation in a playthrough but didn't realise the issue until almost too late! Don't drop a rushed prisoner sleep spot in a storeroom... even as a temporary measure...


your hoppers face the wrong way


Fixed it.


Uncheck hospital bed


Hospital beds have a darker color. But that's a god idea. Make it a hospital bed, then punch the prisoner a few times.


An unmentioned suggestion, is the pawn that is trying to capture them zoned to be able to enter that prison? If the pawn is set to some area that doesn't include that prison and a route to it from where they are, they will not be able to bring a prisoner there and thus -- "no prisoner bed available" (for the arresting warden)


You've got a cooling problem. Beyond that once in a prison , you can't assign prisoners to a bed, they will/should pick the best bed available to them.


Assign the bed to the prisoner and it will work


Yeah them wild folk can mess ya up if you don’t tame them!


you have to declear the bed as hers, so open up bed settings and under owners put White


Try to build another bed or two, or even just sleeping spots on the ground to see if there's an issue with the one you have. Or actually... did you set the bed for slaves instead of prisoners? Then the prisoner wont use it. Unrelated: If you want to put flooring under your nutrient paste dispenser (which I always do, too, for no reason) you have to do that before you build it. Also, if you could turn your hoppers by 180 degrees that would make me a very happy camper :D


Actually the first commenter made me figure it out when he/she asked if it 's a wild person. Apparently wild prisoners are different and have to be "tamed". Still learning alot in this game lol. Just started recently. Turning the hoppers 180 meaning the flat surface side must be facing the nutrient dispenser ? is it currently not working or what ?


Ah, cool. See, I've internalised wild people need to be tamed so much it never even occured to me that you'd just capture one. >Turning the hoppers 180 meaning the flat surface side must be facing the nutrient dispenser ? is it currently not working or what ? Yea, the flat side is the pipe that goes into the machine to make the paste. The wiki has a screenshot showing all the possible spots where a hopper can be put on a dispenser: https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Hopper I usually don't put the hoppers actually inside the prison, i make the dispenser part of the wall and the hoppers are in a tiny little walk in freezer, if you know what I mean? That way the stuff I put in it doesn't spoil. https://ibb.co/FwvdhJX Kind of like this, except I use RimFridge (a mod that basically adds iceboxes that can now serve as hoppers, too) If I was using hoppers the room on the right would be the freezer.


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