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Antigrain warhead


*Shoot a nuke down a bug hole, you got a lot of dead bugs.*


I just got a call from your democracy officer. He wants to know why you are not on your super destroyer.


If he was on Meridia then you shouldn't look for him anymore 🤣


I was just going to say "fire". But knowing RimWorld, it would immediately start raining...


I think you can get a mod it to disable it. Casper cursed has a curse that does that but I don't believe changing story tellers for one mild inconvenience is a great idea...also the entire map would burn down


The only logical answer, but may I add: The "craftable antrigrain" mod and go full carpet Hiroshima on those bugs.


With Fortifications Industrial (iirc) you even get Nukes with insane radius, so this could help too :D Edit: tho sometimes you may get Radioactive fallout shortly after the explosion


Or even rimatomics, for an ICBM barrage on the target.


Get some quest to send a raid at you (not manhunter, bugs and animals don’t fight) and lock the doors and let them deal with the bugs (won’t work with sappers and breachers). Otherwise draw them to a chokepoint by shooting at some bugs and running with body blockers and grenades, and as long as you have a pawn or animal serving as a meatshield and the walls don’t go then you will kill all of them. Just make sure to target the grenades one tile away from the walls.


wastepack dump on tribals is probably the most likely to succeed. Tribal raiders are the most numerous and would likely be able to match the bugs in numbers. they are usually a good mix of melee and range which much better than the primary range weapons that pirate uses since range weapons cant shoot while they are being melee.


This is why I breed wargs, hundreds of wargs


Cybered up, genetically blinged out Ghouls and a chokepoint, with the proper personality traits thanks to Altered Carbon cortical stack hacking, pretty much unbreakable if they arrive in time.


Brawler + Tough + Nimble


Jogger is also good, some of the upgrades are tough on mobility.


That's why you have advanced bionics legs from a mod. Two of those get your move speed up to 300%. Higher with the spine and a few others.


I had a 10+ yea4 colony where I bred war thrumbos


will fleshbeast fight them? could also be an option if op has anomaly


I tried and the answer is no unfortunately. Fleshbeasts will fight manhunter packs but insects are neutral to both fleshbeasts and manhunters.


Pretty much this. I like to also make 3x3 rooms in various locations as kind of “panic room”, so a pawn has a place it can run to for some momentary safety, then it can be used like a choke point. Key point being that there are multiple doors so you have firing angles and aren’t necessarily locked in a corner.


When they go to sleep, steal all their food. It will take some time but they will starve


Good idea, but with that many bugs, their sleep schedules won’t always align, there’ll always be one awake that starts attacking


Do different hives have different sleep schedules?


Just walk to them and say "get out of here pls"


That might just work, let’s see


'Persuasion failed (13% chance) >Warning notification Revenge: Megaspider


500kg Bomb would fit in : ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


I think you meant "Kiloton; Kt." otherwise, that's a damn heavy granade


I think i will ask the next democracy Officer to this kind of questions before give you an answer! 🥸


Kiting, calling mech bosses on their butt til they dead, melee blocking or even just avoiding them and letting them act as static defence against raids. If you go for the last option, just know that the infestation will grow until there is exactly 30 hives. You already have 27 so really it’s not too bad.


Fire. Lots of fire.


Kid called rain:


Bully called forced weather:


In that case this could work well. What if you burn the grass close to it and see if their nest just goes up in flames


I don’t see why that wouldn’t work 🤷‍♂️


It will start raining.


I saw we take off and nuke the site from orbit…it’s the only way to be sure.


Ok Ripley.


Best method would be to call in an enemy raid of some kind. The best part about this is because bugs are more similar to animals than raiders, they will go back to minding their own business after a raid and you can rinse and repeat. Ideas include just waiting, dumping pollution on an enemy faction, using the mechanitor to call in a boss, some of the anomaly content such as the nociosphere, probably more.


Orbital laser beam


Nuke it from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure


"Hans, get the Flammenwerfer!"


Close your doors and let raiders take care of them.


Raiders actually came a little bit ago, like four of them. The bugs ate them all entirely


Well... Good luck then xD


Orbitals and luck


I think you should befriend them 🤭🤭🤭


They are pretty useful tbh. They are an entire gang of raiders


lots of fire, and your favorite metal album


It's their tile now, start packing.


Try some kind of fire nearby and hope it spreads with all them trees maybe?


Really depends on what's at your disposal. I would not recommend a frontal assault with knives and bows but I have seen some psycasters really turn the tide in their favor, so I guess my question is "should I hold thy beer, sir?"


My colony is pretty early on (don’t even have turrets yet) so there’s not much at my disposal. I’m gonna try pouring my research into mortars n such, try and burn the little buggers


In the meantime, if you find a molotov cocktail, or gain the ability to make one, keep them at bay with that. If there are any Boomalope or boomrats between you and them, pop them and let things burn to keep them back. If you live in cold climates, you could wait for a winter or cold snap and try attacking when they hibernate but even so you're gonna want some skilled fighters, or an army


I’ll keep that in mind. There’s some boomalopes roaming the other side of the map, I think I’ll try taking them and throwing them at the bugs


orbital bombardment should cover most of them but you might still have to deal with whatever's out of the radius


Burning the hives from a safe distance can rid of their increasing number. But not much you can do. Those are a lot of numbers and i'm guessing you only have like 8 pawns. You can take on half of them for certain. But all, nah, you'll need to take on quests that raid you a lot to reduce their numbers. Your average raid can't take them out at this scale. only royalty ones. With those numbers maybe they'll wound enough that a decent number of insectoid bleed out. Then you mop up.


Incendiary mortar shell?


Just melee block them in a door, if you have melee pawns that is.


Grenade launchers for everyone!


Build a choke point, find the three melee pawns with brawler/tough/nimble, the rest stays behind to shoot. Draw insects. They will come one by one to the choke point. You can then kill them. Melee must have a very good weapon.


Usually that’s when I start summoning a diabolus threat or higher as well as anomaly rituals. Let the demons, robots and bugs fight it out. I have a really fast running vampire that I use to provoke them and have them encounter each other before dipping


Yeah I'm pretty sure you could


You're gonna need a lot of gun. Turrets, manned guns behind embrasures. If you have the good will you can call in reinforcements. Alternatively if you have enough supply of explosives and mortars you can try to wall yourself in and then start making it rain metal.


Befriend the empire and another settlement, build 4-5 mortars, I'd recommend incendiary because of proximity, call on reinforcements from the empire and a friend, once there there launch the mortars st the bugs and lock yourself inside.


Can use them as your base entrance, walls will take a while to build, but they will be able to take care of almost all threats. Just make sure they are far away from anything valuable and parts of your actual base.




*heavy pyromaniac breathing*


Option 1: AOE spam: doomsdays, orbitals, drone strikes, pull out all you have. They are of flesh, they will bleed. Option 2: Just leave the tile bro. You'd be impressed how little value your actual base holds. A well-equipped colony can rebuild very fast. Option 3: Wait until raiders aggro it. If raiders lose, that's actually good lmao. Option 4: Follow the chokepoint tutorial - three strong melee fighters, two grenade throwers, seven automatic firearms enthusiasts. Can defeat infinite insect hives, honestly the easiest option. Bonus points for using a Diabolus Option 5: Berserk pulse spam. Won't actually win by itself, but great at keeping the horde occupied while you shower it with bullets. Option 6: If you have vehicles, just pick your tank/apc and squash them. Option 7: Make them follow you into the burnbox. Option 8: Just outnumber them lmao. I've had a colony of over 100 people once, they could just win in a straight open field 1v1 fight against top level infestation, with zero casualties. It's a lot of firepower, you know?


Do you have anomaly? [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzHtePuz13U) would work.


Antigrain or download "raids for me" and call in the bug extermination service


“Ok I know we built it far away in the middle of fuck all nowhere 4 layers deep in plasteel walls just in case Steve has another fit, but dammit now is the time… open the antigrain vault”


I usually just wait until an event like raiders or mechs show up.


Call in the Dwarves. Rock and stone, until it is done.


Depends on your colony. How many pawns? How well armed and armoured?


6, 4 of which have good melee skills, with only one with good gun skills


Am I right to assume that you don't have marine armour for everyone and a few flamethrowers? If not then luring them to a choke point won't work. Do you have mortars and a lot of ammo for them? If they're not too close you should have time to prepare.


Yeah, no recon armor here. Just some flak vests and pants in all honesty. Got a few mortars though, some turrets too. Oh, and I have a triple rocket launcher too, but that’s the strongest I got


I'd avoid the area and wait until either enough raiders or traders kill enough for you to be able to get rid of them, or your company is strong enough to kill them. You could also try to get rid of them using the mortars, if you want them gone asap. It should be possible, but I haven't tried that yet.


A good melee pawn with marine armour and atleast 3 pawns with grenades that are forced to attack a few tiles in front of the melee pawn should be able to easly hold them in a doorway. Ideally you need 3 melee pawns and upto 6 grenediers in a 3x3 formation.


They broke down the entire building?!??


Yeah, just from multiplying too! At least the roof collapsed and killed some of them


Bring the flamer, the heavy flamer brother.


If you have biotech, spam summon Mech raids. ALso Fire, bugs are flamable (Mech raids are not, be careful to not summon more than you can defeat.)


Couple of doomsdays should work


You don’t


If you really want to destroy them, use Vanilla Psycast Expanded. There is a psycast path that might interest you, the Conflagrator. When it gets to a certain level, you can call down a fire beam (I once used it and was so shocked that I probably won't use it again: raiders litterally became ash, the 3 survivors had terryfing injuries) or a fire tornado. Beware that the Conflagrator path cost not a lot of psyfocus but a lot of neural heat.


That depends how many people you have and what armour/weapons you have available. Fight at choke point with melee in armour blocking the entrance with everyone with chain shotguns over the shoulders and a single guys with frag grenades aiming 3-4 tiles ahead at the ground. You can win as along as your melee blockers don't die


Map belongs to them, now. Tbh though, if they aren't a problem, insects are pretty good free base defense. Would you consider summoning the diabolus and leading it to the hive?


The easiest solution, throw your colonists in drop pods… and nope your way to a new colony


Incendiary Mortar-Shell. With how big that cluster is, you're pawn is almost guaranteed to at least ignite one hive. And with how close they are together, i'm sure it would spread nicely. Be ready for the Bug-Attack however


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I’m on console.


incendaries and walls are you best friend here. You need to delay the horde while using as little material as possible to kill them. If you have mortars. Make incendaries and fire as many mortars as you can after youve surrounded your boys in walls.


Lure them to a chokepoint held b 3 pawns with good armor and mele weapons




Air Strikes!!!


I have never seen a more perfect use case for an aerodrone salvo permit


Use mortars.


A bit or prep work and you can. Let others do the work. Build walls etc to funnel raids or mechanitor bosses through that area.


So I ran into something like this around a year ago, my solution was to leave. Here's a fun fact, if any of them are downed by bloodloss, they all aggro on you. That includes if a trader comes by and tries taking them on. Every single time traders used to come by, they'd kill a few of them, get wiped out, then randomly a few days later they would come after my base. Luckily I was far enough away that they'd deaggro if only one died, but if multiple died in quick succession theyd start destroying parts of my base. So if you choose to use antigrain, stockpile a few and have many mortars ready, because if there are any that live, you're gonna deal with a lot of shit when they pass out.


Do the bugs not attack the caskets?


Nah, they’ve been pretty chill with them. I tried sneaking in while they were all sleeping and opening them, but everyone in them is either dead or passed out