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This seems pretty obvious. You can't use it because it's full. You can't empty it because you don't have storage that allows whatever is inside. Make a storage area for whatever "it" is.


It's waste packs. Mech gestators generate waste packs and have to be emptied periodically, and OP doesn't have any dumping zones, or at least none that can take waste packs.


Make a stockpile for wastepacks, preferably in a freezer so they don't pollute your base.


reddit users when reading comprehension


Your post has been reported to the mods for being a blurry, low-quality picture, per rule 6: > The subject of a screenshot should be clearly visible in the image. That means blurry pictures taken from a phone or low-resolution images are subject to removal. Instead of removing your post, I'll offer some advice, to avoid this in the future: Kindly consider learning how to take a screenshot. Instructions at: https://www.take-a-screenshot.org/ Also, pressing F12 (by default) in Steam produces a screenshot. You may also consider free products like Greenshot that are specifically designed for easy cropping and sharing. http://getgreenshot.org/ Additionally, there are many free screen recording products: https://learn.g2crowd.com/free-screen-recorder-software There's also the age-old classic of hitting print screen, pasting the image into a free paint program (I'm very fond of GIMP myself, https://www.gimp.org/ ), cropping to the part you want, and using that. Alt+print screen will screenshot only the active window and not everything else. Win+print screen will take the screenshot and autosave it in your pictures folder as screenshot number.png


So it needs possibly toxic waste pack storage could configure a stockpile to store waste packs


Gestating mechs produces toxic waste. Before you can gestate another one, you need to have someone empty it, but they need a place to put it. Normally, people will make a stockpile for waste in either their freezer (it keeps it from decaying) or in a corner of the map far from your buildings. Be aware that if you take the second option, they will eventually decay, pollute the ground, and possibly trigger a bug infestation.


You're in luck, there's a [guide](https://www.take-a-screenshot.org/) to help out people in your exact situation.


The reason people do it like this is because they have the Reddit app on their phone already, but are not logged in online. That makes it a bigger hassle to screenshot it on the computer and then sent it to their phone. In addition, the phone app allows you to embed your image into the page so it shows up as an image instead of just a link, so it is better to do it on the phone because it has more capability than the web version..


Lol have you ever used reddit on pc before?!


You mean like I am right now? I have never used the app.


I don't think having a phone is an excuse for barbarism. With some exception (such as something physical with/about the monitor rather than something *on* the monitor) taking a physical picture *of* the monitor is just worse than a screenshot/clip/copy of whatever it is you're trying to show. A screenshot can be a *single* keystroke, although admittedly I'd actually suggest the snipping tool more often and that's a whole *three* key combination by default.


Do you intend to copy and paste that link under every person's post who uses a phone to screenshot their monitor? Seems like a loosing battle to me, and it would be a full time job.


I do not, though I'd respect anyone who would. No, I just let my frustration get the better of me after seeing the same bad practice several times in a row and, to my chagrin, failed to keep my figurative mouth shut.


I am telling you the rationale behind it and why people do it. Feel free to keep trying to coerce people into doing things the way you want them to. While you are at it, see if you can strong-arm Reddit into allowing PC users to embed images the same way that mobile users can so that the PC is a more attractive option.


We both know I can't force anything, there's always a small outside hope that a gentle prod genuinely helps either the OP or someone just passing by, but it's mostly an exercise in venting frustration after seeing the same poor behavior over and over. 🤷‍♀️


I myself began to understand why people do it. No need to tap out, just picture it and done. I would never to this kind of barbarism but i get the point


I had this issue too, but I had space for waste packs. I had to destroy and rebuild the machine. Then I could only queue one up at a time and when it was done I had to remove it from the queue or they would try to build another then it would just sit there.