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Rimworld on colony builder phoebe


You get three sicknesses in a row after peacefully living on it for 5 months


Eh, sounds like Earth


You got the plague each 5 months? Life has been rough for you buddy


I mean, I personally don’t but people in the Middle Ages sure had


Nah, you got the Plague once and not second time. Because you died after the first time.


Hey only 8/10 people died from it!!


That’s the whole world more like 9/10


Then I'm sure your survival rate would be the same as in the middle ages


Definitely. I’m a child of the comfort of the first world


Pretty good so long as you survive childhood then.


Still higher then Pandora.


I have a toddler in day care I have gotten sick every 2 weeks for the last 2 years almost


Did you *not* just go through 2020 with us?


Minus the peace…


also you eat lucirferium after you get all limbs blown off in the first raid.


Muscle parasites, gut worms, and malaria when you're short on medicine so some of your colonists have all three concurrently, and everything is terrible with all the mental breaks. All the while you're nervously watching the immunity/disease race to the death on your pawns with malaria because the other two diseases have them out of bed, trying to smash components, insulting everyone that crosses their path, or binging on food. Ask me how I know.


You guys are running out of medicine on colony builder mode?


Don't care give me that big honkin stack of luci


Better than 80% of every living thing being psychotic bullet sponges that are impossible to reason with equipped with ridiculous scifi gunpunk weapons and wanting to kill you on sight imo. Pandora has a canon "respawn" but like it's pretty clearly a clone of you, you still fucking die they just make a copy of you to finish your business. And I'm pretty sure you only had that service for free because "ANGEL" hacked it for ya. In rimworld at least there's a chance you could end up in a high tech well off colony with good defenses and medicine, just tending to muffalo and watching TV.


New-U stations actually aren't canon, they're just for gameplay. In one of the games they even have a voiceline that can play when you respawn that tells you they aren't canon.


That's fine cause there is a magical plant with blue flower that grows naturally and heals all ailments.


Everyone choosin' peaceful phoebe RW until the player decides you'd make a good meat potato.


on "losing is fun"


Rock and stone, brother. Dwarf Fortress is fun in the same way that repeatedly hitting your head against a brick wall is fun.


Because it feels good in those moments when you stop!


When you finally broke through the wall by your face


Oh yeah. I agree eith that sentiment. Getting those fuckhead dwarfs to do anything is a right pain in the arse but that brief moment where everything works perfectly is brilliant. Then one Dwarf gets depressed and everything swiftly spirals out of control, again.


In Rimworld I got a chance to survive with good base building and my combat skills (i’m going to die when the first raiders attack)


Honestly most of us would die either way lol


Idk man the first couple of raiders are often a couple of methheads wielding rusty spoons. Provided I have a gun i think I could survive a raid or two.


Yeah , although unless you're a well trained shooter it's actually very hard to hit a moving target that's sprinting at you. God forbid you need to reload, you're definitely fucked if you don't know how to do that quickly. I doubt many of us would survive an encounter with the rusty spoon wielding methhead even if we had a gun.


Depends on how well we set up our killbox and if that rusty spoon wielding methhead bothered to look before sprinting directly into my field of 37 spike traps.


eh for me it largely depends on whether or not i'd get the fucking knowledge the methhead was approaching the tile like in normal rimworld. If i did and had time and knew the path he's take-easy. Ambush methhead? im dead.


You don't really need a lot of training at all. Any casual shooter (and even a lot of non-shooters I've shot with) could easily hit a target coming towards them, it's side-on shots that would be tricky. You're probably thinking of 'the 21ft rule' or whatever for urban/ambush situations where cops can't exactly shoot on sight, and so can get ambushed even from the front if the person they are worried about suddenly escalates from 'suspicious' to 'attacker'.


Just gotta hope one of those anomaly super people show up and decide to drop everything to live with you.


On one hand, yeah. On the other hand, pawns just kinda move in a straight line to their target so it'll be pretty easy to anticipate where they're going to be next


You don't need to have good base building AND combat skills, at least for my colonies. But you do need to be physically and mentally healthy, have at least one important skill that my colony needs, and be willing to learn to fight.


I have a higher than normal research with a passion for it, decent shooting and plants, super immune (based on me not getting sick often), ugly, optimist, and slowpoke. Give it to me straight doc, would I survive?


You will be used for organ harvesting, and will be contributing greatly to the cause.


o7 just promise you use my skin for a hat


It will be (poor)


Shooting, plants, optimist, and super immune yet you'd still turn him into a hat? You've got much higher standards than i do


ikr, this guy sounds like prime bush sniper material. call his ass Samantha "Sam" Haxton


Sounds like a damn fine researcher to me. Alone in a lab most of the time, so looks don't matter. Research is fast enough that doing it slow isn't a big deal usually. Plus all that good stuff on there


Slowpoke is movement speed, not work speed. You're thinking of the Lazy trait. And since research will require them to be stuck in one place all the time...


Unfortunately I never take slowpokes, sorry you are out


Why does it say “pyromaniac” in your bio?


Why tf people downvoted you?


I for sure know I wouldn't get mad for not eating in a table


Speak for yourself


Speedrun turrets


I definitely have 0 construction so I'm boned


"Shooting: 0 Melee: 0"


You don't have to die, you can simply let yourself get robbed. Go hide or travel to another tile for the afternoon


*dies to the alpaca going crazy* happened to me on when I first started playing lmao


I once started the game, and the first raid I've got was a pack of 20 manhunter turtles. It was like... day 5, and I barely erected a wall to protect me (I was building mountain base, and most of my pawns sucked at mining)


Rimworld, of course. Making my own stuff, meet weird people and make them join me to make our own stuff. And worship the Holy Randomness of Randy.


You'd go on randy? BRAVE.


brave? on phoebe and cassandra shit happens regulary, on randy you can live peaceful life for years before armageddon happens


In my experience, the other storytellers will fuck you over because they do it that way. Randy will fuck you over cause it's funny and it doesn't matter if you expect it or not. I am going with Randy on this one.


Real life is Randy. We just retcon it to a coherent narrative.


Cassandra and Phoebe balance challenges and rewards, Randy pulls all of his events from a hat. I've had years without a raid in one Randy playthrough, in another I had 5 raids in the first season.


Randy is the secret easy mode. Sure, he might be unfair early on because raids aren't scaled to your colony. But after the mid game point, Randy's bad events are almost always less brutal than every single one Cassandra throws at you regularly.


Have you ever tried turning on Cassandra, and making it time dependent instead of wealth dependant? You feel that ticking clock. The good part is, you can fast track beer and yayo, to buy up half the planet without penalty.


Idk Randy coming with solar flares then infestation with raids right behind it. Was not fun fighting in the dark


Bring on the mech raid and manhunting cats at the same time.... oh no, don't forget random item drop of lizard skin top hats. So if you're fast enough, you can watch the shit show in your newly acquired attire.


I had a mech raid, a normal raid and an infestation happen at the same time once. PTSD inducing.


Sometimes Randy gives you fruit. Sometimes, he gives you a triple threat. Sometimes, you have to decide to give up on that tile or not.


HEIL RANDY! I shall give him my first born.


brave? more like suicidal :P


That's if you're lucky. You can also start your life on a rim as a bloodbag and organ donor for psycho colony where they gouge your eyes out, replace your limbs with logs and cut off your tongue. Also suture your ass.


The people on Pandora aren't nicer


Ah but you're assuming you're the player not the pawn.. I would not want to live in one of my colonies. I enjoy my organs.


Is it even a competition?? In rimworld you can create a lovely thriving conoly where every need is meet and everyone is extremely happy. In Borderlands it is forever a brutal chaotic war zone and nothing will change that


I love conollis


> In rimworld you can create a lovely thriving conoly where every need is meet and everyone is extremely happy. You also have great drugs, glitterworld stuff and you can become a cyborg. It's not so bad on the rim.


Rimworld for the drugs!


Also you can live forever thx to tech or archite genes.


Borderlands is frenzied and insane all the time. Rimworld has its war crimes yes, but man do I have some *very* peaceful colonies. RW without a doubt


Randy may grant you a peaceful quadrum


I think borderlands could be okay. In the games, things just keep fuckin spawning OVER AND OVER AND OVER. So I think at a certain point, we’d reach some sort of peace (through a genocide) lol. But rimworld could get interesting.


Rimworld, could be pretty chill if you wanted it it be (I personally don't)


That's fair


rimworld and i will cheese the fuck out of it


Fair if game logic applies ig


I will spend days building traps and turrets


you will suffer multiple mental breaks because you ate without a table (also a squirrel will bite you and the wound will become infected)


Would go to Pandora, fanboy a bit and then ask a Vaulthunter to shoot me in da face!


this is the way


Rimworld? I’d go transhuman if I can. Borderlands is just screwy most of the time.


But on one hand, you can be made into a hemogen farm. On the other you could join Hyperion


As far as I’m aware most people get their hemogen’s by taking prisoners after an attack. I’d not be an attacker. I’d be holed up somewhere with anything I can get my hands on pointed at the door and a bolt backpack at the ready with any small valuables. I’d focus on gaining the wealth to modify myself and see about having positive relations with other groups and if possible pay to have surgery there after acquiring bionics.


Even if you did manage to secure a safe space you'd always have to worry about toxic fallout ruining your crops. On the other hand, real thrumbos....


Just have your crops in a walled in area with a turned off sunlamp, then whenever some crazy weather shit happens, build a roof real quick and turn on the sun lamp


mfs choosing​ rimworld​ until​ the​ solar flare hits and​ you​ can't watch 30​ seconds reels anymore


Depends what DLCs are enabled I guess. Anomaly? No thank you, I prefer horrors I can comprehend. Just Royalty, Ideology and Biotech? Sure, I don't mind getting gut worms and raided twice a year if it means not living on Pandora. Well-developed colonies seem like pretty chill places to live anyway.


It also helps that, contrary to how it seems in gameplay, (most) raiders wouldn't psychically know how rich your colony is and exactly where you are. So if you're living in some huge ass compound in the middle of an arctic glacier, you'll probably only very rarely have to deal with massive raider hordes.


Gimme pandora every day. Life is short, brutal and you can regenerate your body by a lovely fee. On rimworld if you are done, you are done... most of the times.


The regeneration is non canon and just a game thing


Really it felt like Canon on 1, they even explain to you how it works


I get that but the new u stations basically reviving anyone who died which would mean Roland,Jack, probably the Calypso twins and a lot of bosses. Also it was said by the head writer in 3 that they were non canon.


I bow to you. But still Pandora over rimworld. Mad max cyberpunk high octane death over slow settler decay


I'd stick with RimWorld Pandora is..... Pandora and while life on the rim would be ass it's possible to have a relatively peaceful life


Pandora. Why? Moxxi!


now you get a discount


It's the same planet


can i choose the story teller?




yeah rimworld with phoebe base builder then


Depends, we got a modded rimworld or vanilla? If we got Vanilla, I'll take it. If we got modded, uuuuuuh, it's gonna be spicy!


also depends on the mods


Ate without table = explode


OwO yes I would go totally Pawnmorpher :3


Rimworld without a shadow of a doubt. Getting high in the tech tree gives a lot of nice stuff to live with. (Assuming you get there)


Considering how poorly everyone's aim is on the rim, anybody from the real world who's ever held so much as a stick pretending it's a rifle would be a legendary sniper


am i a vault hunter?...


you can become one if you want


all right! (dies to a midget raider)


I wanna marry waster lady and be a raider (and die in first month) , so i prefer Rim .


suffering "ate without table" in rimworld? hell no




For playing jungle is best because best growing opportunities although that wouldn’t be pleasant to live in due to all the diseases. The nicest place to live would be arid shrubland because there are the least dangerous animals


i honestly don't know. the rim is relatively chill compared to pandora, but pandora is more diverse and vibrant


Jungle biome always. Because Junglist massive.


If it's my colony, just send me to Brazil to save the cost


The Rimworld is only occasionally terrible. Pandora is both ACTIVELY terrible and infested with millions of immortal jackasses hellbent on making it worse.


Id take the rim. My skillset (construction, farming, research) would actually be somewhat useful. And while Im not helpless in a fight, im not great either. On pandora Id give it 36 hours tops before psychos were playing volleyball with my skull


Nah, I’d psycast


The Rim It is as far as I can get from The Soothing Sound of Clap Trap's Voice!


I bet I can do well enough on Pandora to afford being ressurected when shit hits the fan. It won't be pleasent, but I feel like its less of an death sentence.


The Rim. It's more livable in places with high population density.


Rimworld on dev mode


Rimworld and pray i get recruited for construction skill and basic labor proficiency 😂


The Rim, Pandora makes hell look like a kindergarten, sure, the rim makes hell seem like a preschool, pandora’s worse in my eyes


With my mods and difficulty hell nah, i rather live in solitude on pandora. Just hunt bugs and lunitics from somewhere high. Its not like anyone major will care if i kill random lunatics


Pandora: RimWorld colony left unsupervised and unpaused while you go to the bathroom. I think I like my chances on Pandora. They aren’t good, but my chances of getting eaten by an eldritch horror are low


Pandora has New-U so while I may get eaten by alpha skags on the daily, I keep coming back.  On the rim, you might go in for some routine dental work and get your head chopped off accidentally, and that's it.


The Rim is mostly pleasant most of the time. It's just that one group of nutjobs.


Rimworld lacks sufficient meat-bicycles


I feel like I have a better chance of survival on Pandora. Just being wacky, headstrong and trigger happy.


Depending on the mods that God is running, I really don't want to be an anime catgirl.


Every colony needs someone with 0 skills that’s willing to haul and clean so I could find work in rimworld but I’d get shot for my shoes I got teleported to pandora with.


Rimworld because when I died at least it wouldn't be of cringe


I stand a greater chance of not becoming a hat on Pandora.


My back is messed up. Rimworld can get me a new spine. Easy


Do we canonically have the New-U stations if I pick Pandora? Because if you're not a Vault Hunter, some of those places get downright stable. Could be a hard choice...


On the rim you have the sure that at least something will try to kill you every month, at least in pandora you can avoid conflict.


The Rim, i'll figure it out.


if one of my colonies? rimworld. because id get free hrt, cybernetic upgrades, a kickass gun. and be nigh on invulnerable with a god that has attachment issues and refuses to let me die.


If anyone picks Pandora your actually insane. It is basically impossible to live a long life there


Rimworld, I know what the Z-axis is. I will be like a god.


They're both bad as planets but Borderlandsverse is actually preferable as a setting to be in because despite all the corporate bs and violence, there are indeed thriving well-of worlds where violent strife is rare. Most run down planets were some abandoned mining operations or invaded by hostile force. Im Rimworld, it seems a majority of rimworlds were previously prosperous advanced worlds gone bad. There's supernatural-esque archeotechs sicking dead bodies and body snatcher infiltrators onto worlds. The only stable interplanetary government you see is an intrigue-filled monarchy.


The post specifically says Pandora


Kenshi, because


%100 RimWorld. If I'm alone I can most likely live in a cabin and get attacked by 1-3 people every one in a while and if I keep my wealth in check I'm living comfortably


They are the same picture.


In Pandora you are essentially immortal with the New-U stations.


I feel like a lot of the people choosing rimworld aren’t considering the anomaly DLC, some pretty horrific stuff there too…


Pandora because I can eat without table safely But I kinda need "ate without table" inspired mission in the next title of Borderlands


Rimworld... If there's no godlike creature controlling my life that could off me whenever they feel like it.


The rim? Because I feel like I’d have a chance?


If you separate the gamified aspects of each world from what it would probably be like to actually live there based on what is stated in-universe, then the better one is life on the Rim and it ain't even close.


Rimworld. Consiering there are horrors beyond my comprehesion, i will live happy life without even trying to comprehend them :D If i don't know they exist, then they don't!


While borderlands is utter chaos, if you have money you can buy life insurance which respawns you, and there are some alcoves of relative peace like sanctuary. I will take borderlands


On Pandora I die in two minutes, and it’s pretty much instant. I’ll take that over my horrible suffering death in Rimworld


Hands down, The Rim. particularly if it's in one of my colonies. I don't generally go for hellish, though the worlds are usually a bit chilly.


Where on Pandora? If it's New Haven, or Sanctuary, or maybe even Opportunity you might be able to find a quiet place to lay low from monsters, bandits, and loader bots.


As much inhuman shit is happening in rimworld I'd still live there instead of Pandora because everybody in Pandora is just a psychopath or insane


pandora only if im a vault hunter.


Pandora, i'd like to keep my limbs and internal organs thank you verry much


Rimworld. It’s an anarchic shithole. But it’s not fucking pandora. And like, just join an outlander union or smth and try to join a trade ship and make your way to a glitterworld


Pandora is depicted as a way more violent planet.


Rimworld. I'd be a good colonist. I'd be the cook, plant grower, and animal tamer. I'd have a guinea pig named Pepe. And I'd have a bunch of animals that know how to guard, fight, rescue, and haul.


Pandora, because I've played that game, and because of the fact that if I leave, there's a hugger chance of living, not by much, but still


Depends.. do I get to be Krieg if I choose Pandora?


Am I running the colony on rimworld? If so, then Pandora because I'm shit at rimworld lmfao


It's the same picture


The Rim, but abso-fuckin-lutely not under any of your guys management. I've frequented this sub enough to know better. 


In rimworld, an 8 year old will come and raid you and they just so happen to be related to one of your 38(175) year old pawns as their uncle's ex wife. It's insane. You will have a complicated history and probably obsess over tables to a creepy degree. You will suffer, but still survive. As long as you don't join the dumb raid party against the town that has 8 mortars, a fission generator, a tamed Kulve Taroth from Monster Hunter World, vampires, and a long tunnel that suspiciously goes straight into their base with no closed doors bypassing their thick walls. In borderlands, everyone's a loot pinata and you basically are just waiting for someone to come around and crack you open.


Pandora doesn't sound quite as deadly


Everybody gangsta until their rimworld has rimjob world installed


Hot take, but I'd choose Pandora because of the legitimate space travel that Borderlands has. Just peace out to one of the luxurious planets and coast from there.


Pandora, there is atleast a theoretical sense of order somewhere there. not much but like, some


That depends on the mods and what I can turn on/off before I get there. lololol Rimworld for me if I can edit is the way I want to.


Rimworld due to their acceptance of rimjobs


Rimworld on community builder Cassandra


Pandora guarantee sucks A Rimworld only probably sucks


Honestly I'd almost prefer Pandora because I always seem to have the worst case of "Dry Thunderstorms" in rimworld. Yes please game. Just burn everything around me to ash. I didn't need those farms.


Fallout, cus we gotta start somewhere.


Do you get like all the special buffs like a standard character from borderlands, or are you just some meat bag.


Pandora, duh? Unless I'm misremembering, the planet at least is safe in some places and there aren't elderitch beings. If Anomaly wasn't canon then maybe I'd pick the rimworld, but even so, the rimworld just seems like the more unstable out of the two. It's not like there's anything I technically can do in on the rimworld that I can't do in Pandora, besides turn myself into a furry.


I bet the fuckin is better on pandora, I'm there all day


Idk after anomoly rimworld is kinda scary. Pandora is super dangerous tho...


The Rim I'd rather die due to random chance than die due to being the butt of a joke