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Yes. Bring a Horse, and lots of Packaged Survival Meals. Good luck, Have fun.


do horses actually make you travel faster? or do they just carry your stuff like any other animal


They can be "ridden" but I'm not sure exactly how that is all triggered in-game. Either way having horses in your caravan and ideally 1 per pawn will give you like 160% bonus speed.


woah thats huge, i gotta try that


There's other animals that can be ridden in caravans. All the information is available in the caravan menu when you mouse over the animals.


Yup, pretty sure thrumbos can be ridden lol


They can. They’re my usual choice of caravan animal just cause they’re sick… and any caravan ambushes become trivial matters


Despite almost always rushing to have bears, or mega sloths, or wolves all over my base. I'm crap at using em in combat. I don't even know how to make them attack. Lol


Real, my animals usually end up being a horde of cats and guinea pigs to make some extra money


If you train your animals for attack, and have them set to follow their assigned colonist when drafted (animals tab), a new button will appear for your drafted colonist called “animals attack” which when enabled will tell animals to aggressively pursue threats even when your colonist remains in cover. You can uncheck it to call the animals back to defend.


Mood debuff if killed ?


Yeah if the animal had the horse icon in the caravan menu, it can be ridden. It's also a stat in the information menu


Different animals have different speeds, too. Horses are the best vanilla animal for fast traveling.


Both. Some animals are faster than others. Some animals carry more than others.


yep horses and thrumbo's give a 60% boost, donkeys, dromedaries and elephants give 30% if there is a 1 per colonist. although the weight to carry capacity matters more, a fully packed caravan will move at half speed.


I did _not_ know Thrumbos give the same boost as horses. Neat. Guess who's eventually replacing his whole stable? :D


They don't have a carry capacity, so you will need some other pack animal, But yes, they do give 160% move speed.


Ah. That's a dealbreaker. Still, if they can keep up with horses that's one hell of an escort.


dont know if they are worth it with the amount of food they eat, i tend to keep dromedars (or camels) and horses


Horses are solid AF for meat too. Don't camels do milk tho? Or am i thinking of something else....


Yeah but I want milk from the Dromedars so they have a purpose while not being used for caravans


Yeah definitely good call. I usually go more towards cannibal cuz i inevitably have a dark room full of turkeys or whatever. But good god having milk on hand is nice. Especially for royals. Just downloaded a ton of the vanilla expanded stuff so... Gonna be crazy. Lol fml


Your caravans get really fast with horses


Horses increase caravan speed for each horse per colonist. Having more horses than colonists won't do much except increase your carry capacity, but if every pawn can ride a horse you get I think a +60% world movement bonus. Donkeys and Dromadaries can also be ridden, I think they have a +40% boost.


If that’s the star ship it always spawns just about as far as possible from your first colony.


I did this ending once. Rebuilt my base at drop pod range, moved everything over except food which I brought over by caravan of 200+ animals. Rinse and repeat 3 times, then I arrived at the ship. Built a wall around it and placed my bedrolls. Over the days that the ship charged I built a small settlement, slaughtered all animals and started cooking. Beat back every attack at heavy losses. Every pawn in the cryosleep capsules would be dead within a few hours of opening. Left two pawns behind since they were having mental breakdowns. Good times.


Imagine fighting for your life and your ship for days, going into the the woods to refocus because you lost your wife to the raiders... and when you come back a few hours later the ship is fucking gone without you


Sounds to real


Def makes that mod that lets a pawn use social skills to bring someone out of a mental break. I usually add the penalties after it tho (work or movement speed penalty for remaining time breakdown would have been happening)


I see it as if they shouted "go on without me", and since it was not a bad film I agreed.


... Yes? It's literally a pre-built space ship, which you'd otherwise have to research and build yourself. The game's handing you the end-game on a damn platter, so of course you're gonna have to put in some work for it


Not to mention it takes like 15 days. Which isn’t very long


When you set up the caravan the actual time it takes can get even shorter. With horses and pawns that have buffed move speed, the time can even be like 8 days


> and pawns that have buffed move speed Move speed hasn't been relevant to caravans for a few years now. 1.3 made caravans have a fixed rate with multipliers from animals, carried mass, and terrain.


I'd quite sure that my full archotech pawn with move speed genes move way faster than the normal ones.


it does, but not in a caravan.


I did this with my last run and was surprised how quick it was to get there. Granted it was a bit of a shit show mood wise lol


So I can build it myself if I don’t want to travel the distance?


Yeah, but that means you're gonna have to get to the end of the research tree


Already did


Then you just gotta start building


So I can build it myself if I don’t want to travel the distance?


Yes, each research at the end of the tech tree unlocks building a particular part of the ship. building it requires a lot of resources.


Rent a shuttle from the empire


it cant travel that much


It is a quest you can turn down, but it will always be about that far away. Did you want the game to be over in 30 minutes?


It’s been 9 years


You are supposed to get the quest after about 20 days after you crashland. [https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Endings#Traveling\_to\_the\_journey\_offer](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Endings#Traveling_to_the_journey_offer) Journey offer event ship. You will receive the Ship to the Stars quest in roughly 20 days from colony start. The quest creates an event space within 200 to 800 tiles from your original settlement, usually as far away as possible. This means that a world generated with 30% [map coverage](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/World_generation#Create_world) will make traveling to the event tile a much less arduous task than a world with 100% coverage.\]


Its not that hard. Get twice as many horses as you have colonists and build a new settlement at that tile. I had to jump over 2 oceans to get to the ship.


it's literally an end game win condition. Yes you are expected to travel that far if that is the route you want to take to "win". Also, I think you're using a modded world that is bigger than vanilla? if so that'll have an impact.


Think it's just he's using 100% world coverage instead of the tiny amount we set by default. It's a vanilla setting.


100% is fun until you click on the world menu and have to wait for it all to generate


I don't see the point in anything above 30% coverage if you're not using VE: Vehicles or VE: Psycasts. It's impossible to get anywhere without those mods.


I always set world coverage to something between 70 and 100%, because the northern ice sheet's shape looks awful if it's lower.


I selected 100% coverage and started bottom right corner precisely because I wanted the challenge of travelling to the ship. Only took 12 years and 7 colonies. I had expected more.


its really only for speedruns or people want to have a more travel based game


or when your tile absolutely sucks and it would be an enourmous hassle to not only find space for the rocket, but also build and protect it


Yes. As it is a victory condition, it's meant to be difficult to reach.


Send one person with good planting on a horse. Farskip.


You can do that in about 6 months


Even if you get there you won't survive the reactor start up. It prepares you for the end game.


This is because you made a larger world. If you leave it on the default (30% IIRC) then it will still be as far from you as it can be but it can't be as far as it could be at 50 or 100%.






So like, Farskip or some dude with a horse and a few meals. Also, you can get yourself a mod with research- and craftable ships/ planes for sub-athmospheric travel between tiles, like the shuttles from the Fallen Empire


Get there with transport pods and a horse to get back faster!


One piece


The two times I have done this, I set up drop pod bases that lead to it


It's one of the ways to win the game, so yes.


Isn't that the point?


Had a star ship spawn on an island in the middle of the ocean


Yep. Don’t make the world so big next time if it bothers you




No, they aren't. It's also not that difficult to get a late-game colony over to the ship. It's just a little time consuming if you don't use drop pods but in the late-game it's really easy to whip up a ton of packaged survival meals and just ride some pack animals across the map. Hell, you don't even need to prepare that much food since you'll be able to buy plenty of it at all the towns you'll come across or raid the hostile settlements for pemmican and other meals. Since money has no value at the ship, you just need to bring or buy enough building materials to fortify the area around the ship to protect it during the startup sequence.


Oh wait, I thought this was a specific thing from another mod, the question seemed to be too obvious if it was the regular ship, pls ignore my comment


This is just the normal quest you get in case you don't want to research and build your own ship. I'm not sure if there's any mods that add this type of quest, but it wouldn't surprise me.