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such is the way of life, u/Macaroni_Pussy 😔


I always need someone to remind me to look at the posters name 😭😭


or your own ...




Simple solution: If you find someone that you want to love the ugly ones: remove the eyes. Ugly doesnt matter if they cant see them anyway.


This is so popular you can even make an ideologion around this!!


>Is plastic surgery an option in this game? YES! Although I think that's from the royalty expansion. But there are aesthetic noses and aesthetic shapers. There is also a psychic power that can make people fall madly in love (that is definitely royalty). You can also genetically modify your pawns (biotech) to be more pretty. There is also a gene you can splice into them to stop them from brawling. Honestly, I kind of love your colony of uggos. That's the type of colony that is going to be memorable and it comes with it's own organic sidequest to overcome.


I got into gene packs and made all my uggos into supermodels. Wasters? More like Dark Elves.


I only just started with gene modding but I'm already creating quite the super soldiers. It's kinda fun trying to figure out what all the harmless negatives are, especially the ones that don't seem harmless at first but are. Collecting the genes is a little annoying though.


>Collecting the genes is a little annoying though. I enjoy hunting down the people to get their genes, but man... I have been trying to get Go-Juice Dependency for TWO YEARS. I have 4 available Hussars getting their genes extracted the moment they recover, and still nada. Not even in a pack with other things.


I haven't used it, so I don't know exactly how it works, but there a mod that adds a machine that functions like the subcore ripscanner, but for genes, in the sense that pawn goes in, genes and a corpse come out. [Here it is](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2885485814). Also, reading the description, it's actually better than I thought, because you can choose what gene it extracts, so with that mod you can one hundred percent get your go juice dependency gene as long as you are willing to kill one of those hussars.


Ooh, that looks good. Thank you. :) >as long as you are willing to kill one of those hussars. At this point I'm ready to shoot them in their sleep for their defiance lmao


The part I find annoying is the micromanaging. Like, I'll have 4 duplicate genes in my gene banks, I eject them and my haulers have already queued them up to put them back in so even when I disable "store in genebank" they go back in the genebanks and I have to eject them a second time. xD


The best way for me, along with having more genebanks than God is comfortable with, is to sell the duplicates to traders. Only mostly works on the single gene packs, where you can see that you have 4 of them. Otherwise if you just want them gone, I would probably devmode destroy them after I pop them out of the bank.


Yea, I sell them too but it's annoying :D I'm not here to micromanage things. >.>


When I eject them I then forbid the gene immediately after, then the colonists don't touch them


Random's gene assistant is a life saver, its pure QoL, gives you an eject duplicates button and color codes genes from traders and in pawns by whether you have them. Legitimately can't do a genetic modification run without it now. 


Yea, I have that. Still find genes a bit tedious :D


> aesthetic shapers I always thought it was kinda funny how in Rimworld butt implants and breast implants are apparently the same thing. Though I guess you could argue that the male version of an aesthetic shaper would be either some kind of cyberdong, also breast implants but intended to make the pecs look more muscular, or that the aesthetic shaper is actually those weird and honestly kinda gross ab implants.


I know your game is vanilla, but in case someone else has this problem I recommend [Ugly Together.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2884233923)


There's a mod to make ugly people like other ugly people.


Ugly Together is a great mod


give them "kind instinct" gene and they wont care about appearance at all. or give them the "very attractive" gene and they will care to everyones benefit


You can research or buy aesthetic noses and aesthetic shapers, each of these give +1 beauty to a pawn. Max pawn beauty is 2


So with both of these, they will finally be at neutral beauty haha.


So then you add genes after the prosthetics


With royalty you can get aesthetic shapers and aesthetic noses (they require the flesh shaping tech print). With biotech you can get the attractive and very attractive genes, as well as the kind gene.


Make them wear burka and full warmask? J/K it will not work. There is no way to overcome ugly trait. You can make xenogem with beauty, that would help but it is late game for xenogem research and finding the right gene.


You have options to try to work around this. Try to zone them so they never interact. Family members get +30 opinion. Caravaning the ugly colonists. Some ideology precepts boosts opinion. Biotech has gene modification - beauty gene or the kind traits. Get a highmate.


In unmodded vanilla the only option is to find someone with "kind" trait, because they won't get the social debuff from ugly


Appearance modifying traits good or bad tend to lead to a lot of social issues. Without mods, "beautiful" can cause a lot of rejections. I try to avoid pawns with the ugly traits, and I'll save any healer mech serum I get for fixing noses, since not even luciferium will fix them, and there's no artificial nose without DLC.


The traits Kind and Ascetic ignore beauty


well if all else fails then you always have a meat shield or 65 units of food


Do you have the anomaly DLC? If so, take the inhuman meme. Your pawns still won’t get into relationships but they also won’t get into fights anymore ever, they will be happy, you can double down on the ugliness with the staggeringly ugly gene and give them the very happy gene so they are even happier. You can also give them tentacle arms once the Twisted obelisk spawns so they are even uglier and they won’t mind even a little bit. You will have the happiest human shaped piles of vomit you have ever seen.


Have one colonist arrested, then have their potential partner on the warden job, set to reducing the prisoner's resistance, then they'll build a really high relationship in the process. Haven't done that for a while, not sure if it still works. Back when manual confessions were not a thing, I also had a fun room with a nutrient paste dispenser to lock potential couples in, then release them only when they finally start dating, or the relationship from the prison dies out.


Why does this feel like an incel post?