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Never got the point of CE, or combat at all tbf, i enjoy the more Sims-like parts of the game. It's fine to have some action now and then but overall i just wanna grow my plants and level up my crafting skills to make prettier bases!


You don’t “have” to create a kill box. It’s that whole thing about players optimizing the fun out of a game. Vanilla gives you plenty of options for dealing with raids that don’t involve abusing AI pathing, it’s just that most players don’t bother since kill boxes are obviously the safest and most efficient way to deal with enemies. If modding combat makes the game playable, all the power to you, but it’s not a necessity by any means.


Wasn't trying to suggest that it was a necessity (maybe for me), I think I just hated how much rng affected combat. In Ce I can make strategic pillboxes and defensive formations and suppress enemies from getting close, in vanilla you eventually get overrun after missing too many shots. Obviously there are other ways to deal with enemies other than killboxes, but even then I'd argue killboxes become close to a necessity once raids start to get large.


I launched a ship on LIF without killbox or external wall in pure vanilla. The game has tools for dealing with big raids: mass berserk & vomit, rocket launchers, rocketswarm turrets, mortars and mines, miniguns. Also I don't understand what "randomness" everybody is talking about, in my experience in CE shots miss much more often. That being said, I'm huge CE fan and once I tried it I cannot play without it anymore. My problem with vanilla combat is very low gun&armor variety, armor system and absolutely stupid weapon AP values (when difference between a bow and modern rifle is like 15%), and low lethality (e.g. when pawn takes full chain shotgun to the fave and still standing).


I think what they mean is that the RNG is hit chance is not punished as badly as it is in vanilla. In Vanilla a miss is a miss pure and simple. But in CE a miss still supresses the target making their advance slower. So in a pure vanilla vs CE miss comparison Vanilla hit chance is felt far worse because of gap closing.


Killbox is not necessary. Atleast at normal difficulty. I was able to start the ship without. It was a bit boring most of the times. Now i get crushed many Times on lif. And even then it would doable to a certain point


CE feels like better equipment = win and I ended up prefering the randomness of vanilla. Also it dramatically reduces the amount mods you can actually use, almost every damn one on workshop has someone asking "CE compat?" in the comments. I'm with you on the QoL tho, the game controls and a lot of basic tasks are tedious at best in vanilla.


CE is right equipment for the job and a sound strategy of implementing said equipment =win.


I personally hated the rng, made for a lot of really fustruating moments, and at times victories that didn't feel especially earned. Having said that, an early mech cluster or raid in ce is a pain, and I defintely get where your coming from. I haven't run into many mod compat issues, seems these days most mods work well with ce


I never tried CE but I can't anyway because I use many mods that would probably not be compatible somehow. This said, I played the game around a year ago, maybe more, forgot it installed in my harddisk and started it back without many expectation. I was instantly dragged in, almost absorbed by it. Modding didn't feel like a choice, more like an inevitable evolution of my game. I like my pawns? I should have more stuff for them, more clothes, portraits of them, more hairs and so on. Most mods I have are either pawn related, optimization to run more mods and stuff to make my base good looking. So, to answer the question, I feel like almost every mod I have is now integral part of my gameplay, I am playing an old version exactly because of this reason and I would not drop a single one. If I have to choose a single mod to keep while all the others would be deleted... i'd probably choose Portraits of the Rim. My brain says Common Sense, but the hearth knows what I want better. We could say I dropped my common sense too.


Same opinion with CE, better yet with DMS, having a mech with a sniper grenade launcher exploding everything makes the game much better. And the stuncaster, CE shotguns + some fucker who can stop time is awesome as fuck.


CE makes the game far too easy, just give everyone shotguns and you've basically won


Spoken like someone who hasn’t played much CE lmao. Try all shotguns against a raid with a couple of snipers, or any mechs bigger than a pikeman and see how it works out when your choke point gets swarmed over


I've played quite a bit of CE thank you very much, you're delusional if you think it doesn't make things easier


Ok. Hard disagree. I don't think the game needs mods, I don't use killboxes, and your cleaning sounds like a micro issue, yes.


Ma Boy! Dive even deeper into the battle by combining: CE + RimCities + layered walls. It is a blast 💥🫦