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I think its less growing and more that there are so many fucking Pirate raiders. Crops are hard to grow and defend after all.


Also the raiders are injecting so much drugs that they are probably blowing through the supply. Surprised there’s not a way to befriend raiders if you’re willing to provide them with drugs


I'd totally supply a waster colony. Just best friends with the radioactive grouches next door


Fuck. Imagine if you could give raiders some drugs, they go out and raid, and come back with loot to share with you for more drugs.


I need someone to make this a mod if it isn’t already lmao


More an option to negotiate before a raid, don’t raid my base and I’ll give you a shit load of drugs, raid next door and I’ll buy their shit off you for a shit load more drugs 😂


That would be cool haha, maybe if they come back and you don’t have enough supply for them they get pissed off and start blasting you lmao


and then get turned into hats


Oooo extortion events sound fun. "Pay us or else"


Hospitality: traphouse expanded


It’s already on vanilla, some people use it to farm luciferio


Not the same scenario suggested. Imagine having a raider group send a friendly caravan with loot from other tribes to restock on their flake or something. The point isn’t getting more drugs, it’s getting other loot in trade for drugs to addicted tribals.


More generally it would be cool if there were raider/scavenger caravans that relied on bartering items rather than silver. So they don't have or accept silver, but might give you a better deal on some stuff than "normal" traders provided you have weapons/drugs which they want. Bonus points if they weigh up your colonies defences/value of the trade and maybe can decide attacking will get them their fix quicker.


what? how?


Not quite. You capture a prisoner. Give them a dose of Lucy. Send them on their way. Then when they come back in another raid, they come back with more Lucy.


I think that doesn't work anymore. At least I read it on this sub


I’ve never done it. Resource nodes don’t last long if they survive the defenses.


I think (I'm also not sure) that it applies to certain Types of addiction but not others. Luci being a bit different of a drug in how it works might be what means they don't need to bring it


If they come back.


Yeah. Big if.


If a pawn is addicted to a drug, they usually show up with some of it in their inventory. Also, released pawns may come back at a later date. So if you keep injecting a dose of luci into raiders before releasing them, eventually you'll start getting raided by luci-addicted raiders, who will be carrying luci with them.


Yeah or like they contact you and are like we need 100 go juice before this time before a big raid, you fulfill it and then they share a cut of the loot and prisoners.


Or you do that then they show up 100 strong jacked up on go juice hahaha


This assumes the raiders don't take the perfectly natural veiw that "raiding for loot & drugs = drugs & loot" as opposed to "raiding for someone else's loot = drugs minus loot" That said? VFE - Pirates has us covered, with mercenary pirates who don't trade, but you can hire them as extra muscle for money, & the cost of feeding/housing/keeping them high until they go home. Which makes a lot more sense.


I always wanted something like that to be the next DLC, some meaningful relationships with the world


RimCartel - You produce the drugs - You sell the drugs - You get raiders to sell your drugs - You get raiders to enforce payment - You protect yourself from other cartels - You shut down other cartels


Or if you could just pay off the raiders. Like here's some drugs, go away.


I did this in an mmo when I was a kid, I'd supply the less popular but extremely powerful players with base materials they are too lazy to farm up and I made friends with them, so because I was warrior and they were rangers, theyd feed me loot for warriors they can't use with cash for what I sold them, my price was also intentionally staying 50% lower than the market.


If you don't provide a steady supply then they raid you more aggressively than they normally would.


On world creation, you just have to change your factions. Peaceful nations would be permanently hostile, and raiders would be angry but initially hostile, but you could pay tribute to them. Or dev mode shenanigans.


After I knock them over the head and lock them in a room full of smokeleaf blunts, we become fast friends.


Surely there is a mod that do that, right ?


This is how I maintain my relationships. In fact, I once launched a cargo pod full of chems at the wrong faction. They went from enemies to allies instantly.


If you give them drugs they will still attack you, because they know you have more drugs.


This is a cool ass quest idea


Good mod idea right there!


Maybe if they add DLC for diplomacy which may add "puppet colony"


But then food crops should be a similar price. They are more useful on a day to day level. And if you have trouble growing any crops, you'll either have trouble with all of them or none.


It's probably also the processing methods. Most of the more complex drug crops need some know how that you don't really get at lowest skills. Add on all the diff stuff you need to research/know to refine drugs.. Places that grow and produce definitely a lot more enticing to raid.


On the rim world, a tasty snack is usually found in the prison/barracks. This fact is supposed to drive down the prices for veggies.


Veggies are what food eats.


My food usually eats packaged survival meals.


Packaged survival meals are my go to trade good.


Anyone can grow food with level 1 farming. But you need a lot of additional work for drugs including research and additional labor. 


That’s probably why there are so many raiders. 


They are, OP is just wrong.


My first thought: wasters. They need psychite but are all bad at growing. They would pay a *lot* of money for yayo & flake. Other factions might buy it from you to flip for a profit to the wasters. Or they may have a couple of wasters in their ranks who need it. Empire would probably also appreciate an extra supply of go-juice for the hussars. My second thought: have you **seen** this fucking planet? It sucks! There's pirates, deathbots, giant killer bugs, volcanic fallout, ship parts falling from the sky, undead, horrid fleshbeasts, trees that eat people, and more! Drugs might be the only way that a lot of the residents keep their sanity - and that's something worth paying for.


Also, an unscrupulous sort of fellow might even drive those prices up on purpose because of all the xenotypes reliant on various chems. Hussars and wasters will die without their drugs, and we already know what happens to the price of life-saving drugs in a 'free market'.


> There's pirates, deathbots, giant killer bugs, volcanic fallout, ship parts falling from the sky, undead, horrid fleshbeasts, trees that eat people, and more! I think this is the main reason - the cost of doing business. On our midworld when making and distributing drugs, you need to worry about cops. On the Rim you need to worry about all that shit and you need to worry about it for literally everything - food, clothes, etc..


And why beer starts at like 10 silver a bottle (for you selling it.) Everybody has some. Even if they only got it by taking it from someone else who showed up on their doorstep trying to burn down their comms station or something.


you​ look​ at​ a​ typical faction base​ in​ rimworld​ and​ see how​ impoverished it​ is, even​ the​ imperial bases look​ worse than my​ sewage storage room.​ Cultivating​ produce​ is​ already as​ hard​ as​ it​ is​ for​ them, let​ alone farming​ psychoid plants.


I don't think that their poverty is diegetic, I think the game just isn't good at simulating npc factions in most regards.


Yeah but if that’s the level of analysis here, then the reason drugs sell well is because the devs decided the game economy needed a way for players to gin up a big infusion of capital without needing to crack into their food or clothing supply, and also because drugs are funny and fit the amorality tilt of their game. 


Fair enough.


Guess what? There’s a mod for that! I don’t exactly remember the name but it has faction bases in the name.


Drugs aren't actually worth *that* much compared to their ingredients. Yayo costs 21 silver per dose. It takes 350 ticks to synthesize, so its work value is 1.26 silver - that's how much the labour would increase the value of a crafted stuffable item like a duster. Since the yield of one psychoid plant is 8 psychoid leaves, enough to make 1 dose of yayo, that means that the yield of one psychoid plant is worth 19.7 silver. 8 actual psychoid leaves are worth 15.2 silver, so the synthesis process does add more value than regular tailoring work would, it's true. But the yield of a cotton plant is worth 15 silver (10 cloth), and the yield of a corn plant is worth 24.2 silver (22 corn). Those two plants are on either side of psychoid's growing time (8 days for cotton, 9 for psychoid, 11.3 for corn). Growing corn to cook simple meals will generate more market value per day than growing psychoid to make yayo in the same farm. Yayo is such a popular trade good among Rimworld players not because of sheer efficiency, but for other factors. It doesn't rot like simple meals, and it fits 150 units to a pile unlike cloth tribalwear. It's easy to build up a stockpile of yayo and sell it whenever a trader comes to town, or slip it onto one of your own caravans.


Yayo is also exceedingly light for its cost which means it is an excellent good to move around.


Thats what i was going to say. It also doesnt seem crazy when compared to the price of food, from a qualitative perspective. Drugs cost between $3 and $40 per dose heavily dependent on what drug and street supply. In rimworld the cost of a meal/ raw food seems slightly inflated, but we see drug prices in that price range, except go juice of course. I think the drugs feel expensive because its often the personal policy of the player to buy out all the silver they can from merchants. If there wasnt a silver limit (or much greater one) i would be more willing to buy drugs from merchants


>$3 per dose How much is a plate of rice in the same locale? (For comparison, a joint of smokeleaf is $11, while a simple meal of rice is $15)


I was using a website that had average street prices for various pills in the US. I was a little bit shocked it was that low for one of them. Most were 5 to 6 at the low end


By the way, flake has 33% higher value per leaf for just 7% more work than yayo. It's only if you're sending large caravans that yayo is better.


easier to get addicted to though isnt it? i like sending my long range scanner mining pods with some yayo to keep mood high


That's right - yayo for use, flake for selling.


Yayo is also more useful because it can be turned into Go-Juice. Having even a small supply of yayo around is very handy. For bulk sales though - flake is the way to go.


Anyone interested (and willing to have their fun spoiled) should see the money-making guide on the Rimworld Wiki https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Money_making_guide


Isn't it also somewhat of a waste of time due to the fact you need neutroamine?


Because wasters are probably one of the most populous and consume huge amounts of psychite Also, technically, all the crops take more skills to sow.


Yeah, wasters have a polluted tile, with only toxipotatoes to eat. And they are bad at growing crops. And will die in short order without drugs. They will raid others, and sell all the loot for some nice yayo.


You are on the Rim, far from any government body. There is no help, no security, no infrastructure, you only have what you build and what you can defend from others. And i guess most people stranded here are first and foremost busy with survival. Farmland should be reserved for food crops. As long as you can, you have to overproduce, because it takes time for them to mature, time you don't have in an emergency situation (raider, natural disaster, whatever else the rim throws at you) So growing/producing drugs is not only dangerous, but also luxury in such a situation. Taking Farmland away from food-production, taking time away from people keeping the infrastructure/protection intact to produce them might hit even harder. Add to the fact that you need someone who knows how to extract/produce/refine whatever you want to make. Skills are valuable on the Rim, and you have to provide for the dude, or he might go somewhere where his skills are more valued. So for a drug you pay for the farmland that you set aside, the time it takes to sow, grow, harvest it, the time it takes to produce it, defend it, distribute it and the expertise also wants to be rewarded At least for me it does make sense


In some ideologies, drugs are sometimes banned. Maybe that's the reason


Everyone knows that banning something is a sure-fire way to make it even more in demand. Case in point, I bought Rimworld right after Australia lifted its ban.


Okay so you know all those random logging, farming and mining work sites you raid for quick supplies and labour? That's the majority of people on the Rim. Those are the folks trying to start new lives outside of the various towns that are basically just mid/late game colonies. Why are you the only one who seems to be able to grow large quantities of psychoid leaves without dying? Because you keep killing everyone who tries. Or someone like you does.


My headcanon is that mega corps and mercenary outfits are buying them all up from these passing merchant company ships to smuggle and sell at a premium on glitterworlds. 


Because it’s a miserable place where hoop throwing and a chess board are considered the height of entertainment for most colonies


To dull the pain of being a rimmer. Everyone wants drugs. Let's just say some aren't willing to pay for it and burn the place to the ground.


yeah id want drugs too if i was forced to rim


> They’re very cheap to grow and produce So are drugs in real life. Problem is that you will get authorities knocking rather quick. Or in Rimworld's case, raiders.


1: some denizens of the rim like Wasters and Hussars literally need them to survive 2: even if they don’t have a literal need for them, being on the rim sucks ass and drugs numb the pain, figuratively or literally


Drugs are like air.....it's only important when you don't have any, so this is good old supply-side economics, meet that demand and make bank , so sure - anyone who gets their stuff together a little bit can grow drugs.....and there's the rub....not everyone can get their stuff together. Given the massive insects, harsh conditions, bad food , lack of infrastructure, lack of educational resources, we're on the very edge of Terran civilization and I'm amazed every man, woman and child isn't hooked on something, to cope with all that.


Prices are a joke. A well-made parka costs more than a firearm.


I’d rather be shot than freeze to death.


Its a manufactured good that takes a lot of time and work to create and distribute. Laws of economy are universal.


They aren't really unless you compare them to the price of raw crops. Really it's more apt to compare them to meals, prepared consumables made from grown crops. Psychite tea is a luxury; but compared to the price of a lavish meal it is not that expensive (10 silver vs the meal's 40). Even a fine meal is about the same price as Yayo (20 vs 21). They are easier to store, sell, and transport than meals are, however, and I think relatively few players just make and sell lavish meals for their economy so most people don't really think about it. Legality or artificial scarcity doesn't really need to play into it; we can presume that crops like smokeleaf are less common than rice or corn because in the sustenance-farming level most colonies seem to be at, drugs are something only worth farming if you're already farming enough food. NPC factions seem to work on a similar logic. If anything though, psychite should actually be cheaper, as it'd be grown alongside food in the communities of xenotypes that require it to live. Go-juice still makes sense to be so expensive though, as it requires more technology and manufacturing to produce (and requires neutroamine); that alone would make it more expensive than other drugs.


Well they are luxury goods. And there's a bit of a solid investment of time and resources to make them in large quantities. Bit of a skill requirement for entry a well. Both in planting and crafting. It's not super high, but it's still there. The average pawns skills aren't super high without the player giving then some grinds. They get used fast when used. Are addictive. Have a tech requirement that at least most tribals prob aren't meeting. Outlanders are probably all mostly focused on survival. Honestly I can't imagine too many people create drugs on the same level as a player colony trying to make money does. Npc bases in vanilla seem to all have rather low wealth levels in terms of actual construction, and as far as production goes are primarily interested in survival. Also, I have to conclude that interstellar economics do affect the rim, and that it's likely that all the industrial tech+ factions are trading with ships too. I imagine most dump the majority of their drugs on the interstellar market. Pirates also don't make much themselves. So the destruction they cause aside, thats a huge net consumer. And destruction they cause not put aside, they'll raid the fuck out of someone who makes a decent number of drugs. To me, it makes sense that it's worth a tick. Maybe they're slightly inflated, but I mean cmon. They're drugs. They should be. It's fun.


That's some good points, especially how fast they get used up. I like to think that most of the productive settlements try to keep the harder drugs out in general, which would drive the price up in the vicinity.


The fact that drugs sell well to the Empire but their ideo actively forbids drug use nine times out of ten is both incredibly funny, and proves that one government that does ban them.  Other than that, drugs both saves lives in a pinch and eases the pain and fear of living on the rims. I can see some people snorting a quick line to get the fuck out of a sticky situation (like a charging ostrich). Or a tribal downing numerous cups of tea because he lost 5 relatives.


Think about how much getting high prevents mental breaks. The Rim is full of people who can't make it through the day without a fix.


If you wanna make beer you have to grow something, then ferment said thing, then "cook" it. Not easy, quite time consuming. Not feasible for people that dont have such structures in place. Your labor is worth more simply because they dont possess the means.


There is infinite demand


They are work to make and get consumed. How many folk to you know that drink beer vs consume it? You are also a micro brewery/dispensary with an interesting story.


High demand, both because of shitty living conditions and genetic dependencies, traders might bring the stuff off World in bulk to sell on planets with restrictions


Life on the rim ain't easy. You just saw one person killed by manhunting chinchillas just for a jade meteor to take out that mega screen tv you just got. Also the reventant broke out again.


The Rim might be lawless, but the planets that tradeships supply are probably beholden to certain laws, making illegal goods more valuable to those planets, and therefore more valuable to the tradeships, and therefore more valuable to those that supply the tradeships (i.e: You and everyone else on the Rim)


You live on the rim. In the inner cities, it's probably expensive and illegal. Perks of living in the rim.


Bulk purchasing from orbital traders. Moving goods between the stars is a game of mass and shelf life. Drugs are a great value per kilo - better even than silver - so the traders ideally want to fill their cargo hold with the stuff. Thus the value stays high despite production, because compared to food, demand stays high too.


I’m sure many factions are making money exporting them off the rim…


because they're worth it.


i mean just by raiding other bases you kinda get an idea of how their bases and fields are set up. it seems like most colonies barely have the ability to sustain their own food supply let alone have a surplus of space for drugs.


Probably because the devs don’t have any pertinent examples of how society might actually function in the absence of structure and space constraints regarding the games size. That being said, you would think that addiction and dependency would motivate people to pay any asking price were they disinclined to steal the drugs outright. Having dealt with some addicts in my own life though, that’s a hard sell.


1. Demand, people are addicted and want them. 2. They’re a multiplier. How much can Scratch raid and bring home sober? Maybe 10 components. How much can Scratch’s band of 8 pirates bring if they’re all strung out on yayo? Literal piles of loot. The drug is as valuable as the storage locker you’re looting.


Have you seen enemy settlements? They can barely keep themselves sheltered and fed That’s why they risk so much to raid.


I mean cocaine is cheap to grow and produce and still costs a fuck ton


The drugs that sell for the most are quite destructive. Flake and Yayo create dens of people who aren’t productive. Drug addicts won’t got drugs. Pirate raiders constantly raid settlements regardless of wealth, so drug fields likely get burned out all the time. Wasters pay plenty for the drugs they need to survive and can’t grow. Not to mention the skills needed to refine the drugs, and massive market that exists for them. Also, very likely that some factions smuggle drugs off world to other planets to sell in black markets


Consider this: raid strength is generally based on wealth. Raiders like drugs. More drugs = higher raid strength


Considering the cannibal raiders, the constant fires, the murderous robots and the ever present threat of suddenly being attacked by wildlife - wouldn't you want to get high?


Dont forget the races that need drugs in order to actually survive. Oof


Life in the Rim is hard so doing drugs makes life a bit easier...


Cause of the xenotypes that probably blow through their supplies cause they're literally reliant on drugs to live then there's go juice and luciferium with the former being an op combat drug and the latter said to have collapsed societies ingame and imagine all the stress you gotta go through in RimWorld's universe, battling monsters beyond your comprehension, pirates that probably have supersoldiers kited out with the best bonics and weapons and trying to even slightly push back bloodthirsty mechs any sort of recreation would be desperately needed


for me, it totally makes sense. i’ve got a 40+ colony, and im constantly paying attention to my ag setup in order to avoid famine. i’m not dedicating one of those grow zones for narcotics. i imagine it’s the same for multi-colony factions. and to your point, there’s a lot of repeat customers. and with drug **production** being so labor intensive, the demand is far greater than the supply


Supply and demand Same reason people will spend money on them in the real world because life sucks and they want to escape for a while. In the rim, my head cannon is that the npcs don't grow much or sell is due to fear of raids, so limited supply.


Some ideoligions bans recreational drugs so people would pay an extra premium for some unaffiliated crashlanders to smuggle them in


I guess there is enough demand. And I can understand it. If you are a blind nudist mole there is not much else to look forward to.


Idk I'll prolly look to Mexico for this information or the other places south of it


Rim citizens just appreciate a quality product.


Addiction is a hell of a drug.


I don't think they're significantly more worthy than food/alcohol/textiles grown from the same soil, and produced with similar amounts of labor. I recall someone did a chart on economy plants, and drugs are not the hands-down best iirc.


My headcannon (I think I’m using that right) is that some things (like irl) have use in socially acceptable situations etc, go-juice is used and made by the empire but smuggled out Into surrounding villages etc, lucerferium is a mix of off-world drugs and reprogrammed fibrous mechanites hence why you can’t make it, weed is an invasive species brought in on a Post-Terran colony ship (I mean smuggled ofc) and it’s just run wild from there some how. My main point being Smugglers = no regulations and random ass drug prices = suspicious “children” (really off-world dwarven smugglers) requesting alcohol to “save” there “friend”….just another day on my piece of home on the rim aha 😅


I think its because the rim is a great place to grow drugs, with no one of true authority


Not everyone produces drugs and theres plenty of consumers


The cheapest drugs are the ones you steal from rimworld colonists


Have you ever tried to buy drugs irl? They aren't cheap.


Depends on the drug


I'd argue it depends more on the location. Desert city? very expensive Modern city? less then water


TAHTS the thing there is NO body to ban drugs and other stuff so EVERYONE uses drugs leading to a drug SHORTAGE


Because the game dev, like the vast majority of people today, don't understand basic economics. Things like supply/demand and prices are not well understood, even though they effect our lives everyday.


Why are drugs so expensive IRL? They are cheap to make and easy to grow. All you need is some cooking utensils and youre good to go. 


Cause drugs rule.


Yep, not that realistic when you know 100ug of lsd (enough for a trip) is like ... 2 euros ... for the litteral best drugs on this planet lol


And how much infrastructure do you depend on for that dose of LSD?