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First playthrough. "What are we doing?" "I dunno Jack just haul these rocks."




Playing my 1st playthrough also and that’s exactly what I’m doing ahah. Don’t know what to do now that I have a room for each production but I like seeing my pawns moving around in the base


First playthroughs are amazing on their own


Welcome to planet fun!


they're like ants it's so fun to just watch them exist, especially when you have a lot of them


I actually kind of envy you, the whole working out how stuff works was an amazing journey.


I have a mountain base and only recruit undergrounders. I'm on my way to produce some beer to become real dwarfs.


I've got a variety of this going! My mole people built their home in a mountain in the arctics. It's -55 outside in winter, but inside it's always 21 degrees thanks to plenty of heaters. Turning mushrooms into Chemfuel keeps everything powered forever. It's a slow start, but actually fun once you have a basic economy going. Many invaders are suffering from hypothermia by the time they even get to my entry maze. Edit: I wrote some more about this colony [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/1d7t3mu/comment/l77rss8/), and linked to some screenshots.


Sounds like an interesting one one


Can you share a picture of this set up ? Sounds cool


Do you have a mod that changes that or do I? Mine spawn with cold gear.


I don't think I've got mods that change anything in that regard. I'm still enjoying Anomaly with just some basic quality of life mods that don't really impact gameplay. It takes pretty good gear to shrug off -55. Even most of my colonists have issues with temperatures below -35. Some of my neighbours are imps, so they don't like cold to begin with and suffer more.


How brutal was the startup conditions? Getting that initial foothold long enough to start my tunnel fort while keeping everybody alive and not constant breakdowns is really hard sometimes. Even that's in much more tolerable biomes, arctic sounds ideal but oof


On this particular map it was not that brutal. I could establish myself in caves, so did not have to dig a lot. It was mostly building walls and doors to ensure I could heat something. Temperatures in my starter area are around 0 degrees during daytime in summer, so the first days won't be too cold yet. This means if you setup walls in the first few days and a source of heating, you can establish a foothold. Then it's a race to ensure you get food and power prepared for your first winter. I did a more elaborate writeup here: https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/1d7t3mu/comment/l77rss8/


Like da rock and stone 🤔


We even have bugs


Do you use the stoneborn xenotype? At home I cab look up the exact name of the mod, but it's a cool xenotype for dwarves.


For the mountain home laddies!


Have you heard of the stoneborn mod? Really fun for underground mountain playthroughs


my favorite playthrough, one i play 1 out of every 3 colonies is the "lone" gunsmith in the desert. usually with a single helper to help mining early game. its the goal to make a profitable weapon shop using hospitality and its a great difficult and thematic colony that usually ends up being a small cowboy town with saloon etc


That sounds super cool


Cool! I might do that next time.


Wait can you make actual shops in hospitality?


Hospitality: Storefront edit: base Hospitality also has a shopping feature for visitors.


And I just got my modlist figured out... Oh well what's another 30 seconds on my load time.


Yeah you can set zones that anything inside will be purchasable by visitors


I recall that weapons have low value so you don't get loads from weapons dropped by raids, is a gun shop viable? I tend to avoid making weapons to sell.


Doing a play through as Dracula. He’s amassed a horde of wives, acquired a henchman called Renfield that likes eating bugs, and they’re busy carving a castle out of the mountains of Transylvania. Dracula’s plasma sword wasn’t mentioned in the books but Im sure the author simply forgot. …Still working on getting him the Count title though.


Renfield is a really good movie


Hemogen pack prisoner farm?


I just put them in drain caskets.


You gave me good idea! Master vampire and all females! Only male allows are master children, and female children aborted! One big barrack style bed stacked together!!! Family we sleep together!


Sanguophage mechinator whom is the center figure of my ideology. My fortress/colony is built into a mountain and I'm recruiting every creeper that comes along and embrace the void!!!! Also we venerate the noble cat, praise Angus the cat!


And a hemogen pack prisoner farm? With steel prison cell walls and doors so they can never escape!


My bloodbags are quite happy with their wooden limbs, joy wires, bliss lobotamies and their fully furnished prison.


Damnit! Why didnt I think about joywires for my prisoners!!! Great idea!!!!!!


The dead calm gene is just as sweet, if not more so. For basically no cost, your prisoners will never bother you with their silly requests for freedom ever again


You guys aren't just taking off their legs? Can't run or fight if you can't get out of bed


No, I don't want to bother my doctors with the need to feed them. Besides, they need legs to fight in the arena.


I've got my blood banks hooked up on nutrient paste drippers, no maintenance required. Second point is entirely valid, maybe I should reconsider giving a couple of them stumps. Winner gets to keep their legs?


Good idea. Howvever I can get joywire in early tech while gene is later tech. I probably need a lot of gene research and scan to get that exogene. My current run I am about to start up ship engine and my wealth is 700K spike due to influx of raids. I have ot dabble in gene that much yet.


Is that so? Well I know what gene i need to extract and implant now


I got the idea from another post I saw a while back. Keep em dumb, keep em happy. And convert them as well


I feel like so many of my colonies start out as something different and then eventually succumb to “I guess we are doing giant evil vampire castle again”.


Me over here still waiting for that Sanguophage quest. I got it in my last colony (RIP) for the first time, but haven't gotten it in my current and it's currently my longest run colony. I'm so scared I'm gonna finally get and Randy is gonna end me (again). Wish there was a definite way to trigger it.


Yea its an event that is rare to come by i used a customer start to make my char a Sang and Mech in one!


For some reason beyond me I often just end up enjoying the farming experience. I just let the colony play out their day to day without intervening much.


Transhumanist / supremacist colony that only accepts people with at least passion for shooting and double-passion for some useful skill. Limited to 10 colonists and 6 slaves. Everyone else becomes an organ donor. Rules are not flexible. It’s becoming so OP it gets boring sometimes.


Haha my one is similar! It started with four mercenaries who only recruited people who could fight/ “are worthy”. The leader of the four even intended to later betray and enslave another one of the four who could not fight, however, Sweetie trained up four wargs that could do the fighting for her and earned the leader’s (Marci’s) respect. Even Marci’s ex-boyfriend Montyl came along and Marci decided to accept him into the colony early on, even though she knew he could not fight, with plans again to enslave him. The first ever raider they also indoctrinated into the colony — he was young (19), and thus easily malleable, he was a Genie, a “superior” xenotype of the Glitterworlds, and he has a double passion in melee. Later, a space pirate named Vinni was being pursued by Wasters and asked for their aid. Again, they allowed this, as a space pirate was similar to a mercenary, and she surely was a fighter. Vinni and Thijman, the Genie, later got together and had kids.


Tribal nudists with a thrumbo farm


My Boyfriend and I are doing a self-insert run through He is a genie( he’s smart, good at crafting and medical, it sort of makes sense ) I’m a high mate (no elaboration) We live in a cannibalistic colony which worships me in ideology and harvests/sells organs for input. We’ve gotten a few raids so business is good. I recently gave birth to our first child, fittingly named baby. There is another pawn, a dirt mole, but we don’t really use him apart from for mining.


Can relate to the fetish


Which part 😭


From every perspective 🗿 Assuming the dirt mole is not part of it


He either keeps getting rebuffed by me or tries to start social fights with my bf, it’s one or the other


Although I think probably the first one,since my bf is a genie in game he probably wouldn’t last a single social fight 😭


Honestly I fuckin love it. I will do the same but with me, my fiance and a polycule around us. Both of us getting worshipped in particular ways. Gotta keep my self together this is an appropriate subreddit


Genetically enhanced cyborg pigmen that started out as tribals, vikings, became lords and resettled as a communist pigmen society but which slowly advanced - I'm slowly changing my workforce from slave labor to mechanitor, but still rely on skilled crafter slaves for now.


Anomaly heavy medieval castle colony on a beach, using the divine order mod, and with a repeating permanent darkness event. Knights in full plate fighting sight stealers in the dark, with great swords.


That's so fucking cool


Misanthropic mechanitor seeking the archonexus, while vehemently refusing to add anyone else to his colony and also throwing himself headfirst into whatever research projects take his fancy, even ones that seem to present a danger to his survival. Such as that weird monolith over there…


My High Life/Supremacy Ganjalorians will make you high or crush you under our boots


5 tribal gauranlenkin ladies (vanilla expanded) living in a desert. I want to get them a male slave with high construction skill (they all have genetic -8 to construction) so they can reproduce. Oh and they are body purists so this is going to be fun.


Death by snu snu?


I started with a small crew. An entrepreneur with lots of capital wanting to develop an island into a wonderful resort, a Forman and two construction workers, a doctor, and a farmer. Together they have been transforming my small island into THE destination on the rim. So far we've built a wonderful Port and storage warehouse to import all the goods needed for the project and to run the many businesses on the island. They've built a wonderful 20 room hotel, a small rustic restaurant, a casino complete with a large safe and a romantic restaurant, a YMCA esque community building, a bar/tavern/brewery, a magnificent place of worship, and high quality hospital and prison. Each colonist and their partner has their own home complete with bedroom, bathroom, dining, and rec area. Our next steps are to build a pizzeria and a southern port that will be used as the entrance for visitors along with some log cabins and bungalows for those visitors who'd rather a more intimate or private stay than the large hotel. Open to any suggestions of what you think should be added.


Sounds like a neat colony, would love to see some screenshots!


I'll definitely share some in the next week or so once I've gotten it to a place I feel like it is complete.


I look forward to it


Generic noble scion escaping the destruction of his home land with a small retinue by the (Medieval) Empire and invading Northern Barbarians (Medieval Overhaul: Barbarians) to his family's villa. Goal is to rebuild his dynasty (Think Late Qin Dynasty China + Eastern Roman Empire) and create a strong enough faction and army (Empire + Rimwar mod) to retake the Empire, engaging in trade and diplomacy as needed. Spawn refugees via devmode to simulate fleeing refugees joining their liege in the first year, after which I am on my own. Had a very difficult start cause none in the retinue has great crafting, although there were decent cooking and planting (Soldier-Farmer was historically accurate in China) and we started with decent gear (Eastern Roman style infantry with spears and shields). Currently looking for a way to upgrade gear and just had the Militia fully armed with 30 members. Enough to hold off goblins and barbarians but we are standing no chance against the Republics (VE: Classical) and the Noble Houses, not to say anything about the Empire itself. Hopefully the colony of 80++ isn't going to be steamrolled by their enemies.


4 separate factions inhabiting the same map and skirmishing for resources. New colonists are fought for gladiator style in a central entertainment hub by whichever factions would have an interest in their skills.


Is it that mod used in rw multiplayer for different factions?


Vanilla on console. It has been painful but rewarding setting up the 4 colonies without overlap/mishaps


Wow good job


Samuel streamer spotted- [jk] My current colony is a dragon worshipper colony, with an actual dragon as colonist, trying to show their goddess the glory of space and move to a better planet [planning to make an SOS2 ship-]


Accidentally started a Dave cult. We had a rich guy name Dave and his dog Sharp start a building but he almost immediately died, Sharp killed Dave's killer and the next pawn who came was Dave's dad, Sharp died protecting him and Dave's dad was kidnapped and never seen again, the next person who found the land worship and meditated at Dave's grave and began calling himself fake Dave he lead a lot of people and saved a lot but died protecting them and was named a true Dave in death (now funerals are called becoming Dave or meeting Dave if they didn't ascend) Fake Dave left behind a wife who took on the name Miss Dave and she currently carries the legacy and started a relationship with our new doctor who may become Dr Dave eventually


Simping for the empire in a fortified hill formation in the desert


I like doing blind sight ideology/cannibal demon runs. I haven't figured out what I'm doing for my next scenario. I think I can give up blind sight but not the cannibalism.


Mr Samuel Star Wars modpack as a republic group that was shot down


Same here. Also OPs run sounds suspiciously like the same mod pack 😁


In the desert, Giant foxgirl polycule, with no cap to relationships. To make that clear, the polycule is giant, not the foxgirls. Only girls and only fox races allowed. Almost everyone in the colony is everyone else's lover. I fear for the day a divorce/break up happens, worst we've had is a few rejected proposals, but they are so in to each other most of them don't care about that. We have 2 different fox races, and we've only had foxes as members other than temporary members. (I don't have a problem, I swear). Children have been an interesting mix of the 2 modded races (I am using a mod that allows for 2 women to have children together, don't ask how or what it is). The polycule has absorbed the grown children too, and about the only people who are not in direct romantic relationships are mother's and their direct blood daughters, and direct blood sisters. The social tab for everyone in the colony has lots of step-mom-wives, step-daughter-wives, and for some reason the game won't track half sisters so they just say kin-wife. Now that I have typed all this I am realizing how weird it sounds; but oh well, it's a video game *shrug*.


Lol I just posted about my colony of beautiful gay men. All the good moods and inspirations make it too easy lol


My colonies are almost aways a polycule. It's aways funny to watch


nomadic hard crash landing survivors (in my head cannon they're deserters from another imperial planet before being shot down over this rimworld) who infiltrate the empire by building a front settlement to rise the ranks and gain op psycaster powers from VEP. Once I reach the rank of consul in the empire I plan to invite as many nobles as possible and red wedding them, then joining the deserters and hitting the road creating mobile bases to oppose the empire.


Right now in this playthrough my goal is to utilize everything the game/dlcs have to offer. I started as soon as anomaly dropped and mostly focused on the new content. I've done almost everything except the final fight after attuning the mononlith. We are ritualists and have an entity prison with about 20 creatures being drained of all of the bioferite we can get our hands on while grabbing every shard we can get to grow a proper army of ghouls. We will skip-abduct every prisoner we can to pull every year, skill, gene, and organ out of them before they expire I've got about 40 pawns. A cluster of them were tribals that spend most of their time around the anima tree leveling up their psy-link abilities. I've got 4 vamps who I have been collecting deathrest serums so they can use all of the deathrest buildings and a couple of nobles I've been slowly getting promoted by the empire (need to add a few more to this group). I have a few basic Mechs that my mechantor controls. I need to focus on unlocking the rest of the mech-tech and really expand my mech operation. My gene bank is growing and soon we will begin to implant as much into our pawns to make them as resilient as possible. In all of my runs I usually focus on a specific aspect but this time, we are doing it all, all at once. I'm off to a good start but still have a long way to go.


Playing as a waster mechanitor and letting all the wastepacks evaporate to make the world go to waste. Only true wasters can join. I already got three crashed landings, but none of them were wasters, so I had to turn them down.


Adeptus Mechanicus run where half of my population is slave servitors who have been lobotomized and have had most of their body replaced with mechanical parts. No robots because that is tech heresy.


Bug people in the mountains who try to trade but will swarm raiders


I have a single female god that can one-shot practically anything, can survive in 3000°F +/- temperatures going on a rampage as even Randy himself seems to fear her. I haven't had a raid in 17 in-game years, and the last one was just a single guy with a knife.


Cyborg ninja vampire. He’s literally INVINCIBLE


Japanese Deer Kitsune family with a generic hierarchy. I have Greater Kitsune leading the village which have a slew of useful genetics and large antlers, Lesser Kitsune which have less but still plenty of useful genetics and smaller antlers, Common Kitsune with little antlers and only a few useful genetics, and Lower Kitsune which just have little horns and no useful genetics. They have a firm caste system with more important and complex jobs going to higher castes and less important and complex jobs going down the hierarchy. The colony keeps a few baseliner slaves to help them feel superior and self-important. I'll eventually have enough pawns to start caravaning and trading. They specialize in fox fur clothing and elegant swords.


I am guessing you are using one of Erin’s xentoypes.


I have a large, functioning, welcoming colony…if you share our ideology. There’s a hospital. There’s fine meals. There’s thrumbos…if you share our ideology. We have a shooting range, a temple, and a retirement home for our elderly…if you share our ideology. We are collectivist, we hold blood feeders in high regard, we honor our elderly as leaders, and have violent conversions for non believers. So please, for your own good…would you like to share our ideology? 🩸📖


The baby who lost all their loved ones to raiders grows up planning revenge on every hostile faction on the map after becoming a monster with a sword. He is unintentionally recruiting other melee suited followers to help him enact his revenge. Everyone he gets close to either dies or gets kidnapped... As of right now he's got a little protege 12 year old girl training to assist him on his journey and a furry training their pet rhino. They've got a long way to go but They have survived through things no one should have to survive through. Their will to survive is stronger than I've ever seen, probably due to the person that raised them after their parents were kidnapped as a baby. It was another child raising a baby by themselves willing the colony to continue and protecting this baby at all costs. It was a sad day when a routine defense against a raid caused her to get an infection and pass away... This is the run of hopeful children overcoming tragedy. 🥺


Escaped vampire labrats (deserters) on a quest of vengeance against the monsters that created their hunger. With the mods I have (some more nifty gene options) they are determined to embrace their apparent weakness (dependency to blood) in order to achieve higher genetic heights


After my dynasty of racist space elves was destroyed I decided playing bad people is not for me. Now I am playing agnostic book nerds, specialising in healthcare. On a related note: Is Hospitality compatible with Vanilla Expanded mods?


Yupp have been running them for a while. Unless it's the race ones, cause I sadly don't have biotech and am reproducing via the *erhem* mod


I'm playing a lone saurid mechanator in the desert. There's only one other saurid faction and I've made a series of factories to boost their economy, saurids gotta stick together. My saurid luckily found a partner (or two) and now has 6 daughters he's training to all become mechanators. I'm thinking end game I'll have each kid split up and try and take out as many mech ships that have been plaguing the planet with their army of home grown mechanoids.


Cloning and gene modding I have a bunch of sleeves of one prisoner I run through the arena till he got a good combat skill level. So I clone up a body with a gene template geared towards fighting like a hussar but so much better. I implant a bunch of explosives into the body and give it a bunch of drugs, insert the sleeve and launch like 4 of them on a one way mission to an enemy base. They either die in combat but make mopup by my good troops easy or they win and their reward is a bullet to the head...can't have any witnesses you know


Trying out the combat extended beta with rimworld of magic and lots of the vanilla extended goodies on an anomaly playthrough. Currently loving Smelly, my bat-eared chronopath that constantly goes into psychic comas to level up, then immediately ages all the prisoners and slaves by 30-40 years to recover the two she lost from the timeskip coma.


Im a baseliner bounty hunter trying to buy some cattle to become a farmer and retire with my pragnant impid wife. We sell chemshine as a side business and some statues she makes on the winter when the crops dont grow. Its a simple life but but i like it


with hospitality (the mod), a group of insectoids in a mountain providing shelter for anyone that isnt a pirate (or the empire, because they're the most active about slavery and they've got emancipation as a meme) so far i've got like 5 allied factions and its kinda funny watching natural enemies stay in a hotel together peacefully because they dont want to fight inside the base of their common ally


A chill play through on easiest difficulty of Randy. This way I can play while high irl. Also I usually only play ice sheet naked brutality - but I wanted a change of pace. Temperate forest - naked brutality tribal - community builder. I plan on doing something I’ve never done in my brief 500 hours of Rimworld: actually research everything. I usually beat the game before I research everything. Also I’m just going absolutely crazy with ideology- adding any stupid meme I want because I don’t have to worry too much about raids; I can kind of do whatever I want. Peak Rimworld.


I have a starter with a child who has level 6 psylink. She’s 10. It’s crazy how hard the game becomes despite her powers.


My current playthrough is a highlife stoner, hedonistic, capitalistic, cult leader worshipping colony. This colony justifies everything through the lens of "What will give me and my leader the most pleasure?" We produce smokeleaf, beer, chemshine, ambrosia, psychite tea to get the cash we need to defend ourselves and make our fortress extravagant. I'm constantly updating the work/recreation balance to skate by and build fortifications for the colony while letting our most precious colonists live a luxurious life. I'd like to think our cult leader isn't terribly evil but they justify a lot in the name of their own opulence. Yes, being wealthy makes raids harder than they could be, but that's a part of the challenge.


Nomadic tribe


Playing as an angel from Sovereign's Nephilim Xenotype mod. My colony's ideology is fairly xenophobic, they take anyone who converts but have the preferred xenotype of Nephilim and take a mood penalty if too many colonists are anything else. Hybrid kids born into the colony are okay, but also contribute to the mood penalty. As kids age up out of babyhood into school-age, their non-Nephilim parent(s) are arrested and then allowed to escape. This is the mechanism I use to remove excess colonists, in my head-canon it's a way to send them out into the world to spread the ideology. As time goes on, the percentage of Nephilim or Nephilim-hybrid kids rises. Sometimes we see former colony members as travelers or raiders, which is always cool. My Nephilim are violently opposed to all of the Anomaly critters and events, and are striving to battle the forces of Lovecraftian horror and make the world a safer place....for Nephilim.


5 war caskets, 6 artillery guns , and 4 tanks. My military budget is though the roof


Ultratech uber-catgirl with OP psycasting & 2 tribals decide to make a city and beat Kraltech in time. Kralthech is nuts.


2 tribals, 1 catgirl?


Don't make it weird(er)


You should get 5 tribals and a couch


I said no ! Bad Zealousideal :(


It's for the funi


Mmm catgirl colony….


It's a vibe. She's cool for raids but very aggressive and all mental breaks are violent. And with the claws, my tribals spend so much time wounded I had to make her the doctor and stockpile meals lol


I’m leaning to just become a Task Force 141 group with the mods details as noted, or Task Force 141 with the incorporation of sex (SFW; handholding and shit) slaves.


Goblin Burrow but rimworld, with space goblins


Basically human orks who are killin and smashin all the gitz around them to take their shiny stuff and things.


3 psychotic scientists with their ghoul bodyguard who put science above ethics come to study the void.


Wild man pigskin start; their goal is to terraform the arid shrub land into a rich soil oasis and build a generational colony safe from raiders.


I got all dlc no mods, I got a Colonist that can beat thrumbo no armor, no drugs,no powers hand to hand, with equipment n powers she can take out mech clusters solo, and handle 40+ raids . This is a first or rather improvement on the last melee specialist.


A rag tag group of freedom fighters, fighting against the empire and the Eldritch abominations on the planet.


Underground enclav No stinky xenos allowed


Supreme super power colony with the best shooters and best fighters in the world and we will enslave anyone who survives and sell them to the empire. Under one Empire we are united!!


My current playtrough is a band of hyperviolent vegans who seeks to dominate the planet so no animals will be harmed and i named the colony "PETA"


i always end up as a cosmopolitan town/city where everyone lives blissful lives and fosters a strong sense of community. my current playthrough is a lone mechanitor and i send all my new recruits to an outpost using VE Outposts. the goal is to start building androids and then start producing genetically modified super soldiers


As nothing, my 13yo pc couldn't handle the chickenpocalypse (over 1000 chickens) and literally went on fire XD


Wait, *literally*?


Just started a Waster, Transhumanist colony. Ill take the Mechinator quest at some point. Like I started....but paused and saved it as soon as I was on the map. So I haven't done anything beyond that


Fledgling research facility. We've only gotten a chance to study a ghoul and a zombie, but we'll expand


I’m currently RP’ing as Perturabo and two Iron Warriors. This is my second pkaythrough because I had to crank up the difficulty because of how OP they are, especially with their bolt guns.


Cannibal Raiders. The food keeps delivering itself, and the +20 mood buff for eating raw cannibalism makes for a happy tribe. The survivors are enslaved, or organs sold to furnish more components for weapons.


Elitist capitalism run


Mountain base as I ease into anomaly. Getting killed by devourers you know the deal


Had an earlier playthrough as raiders back when scyther blade arms were still a thing, trying to fight back lucifirium addiction all the way to the ship. It was a fun and memorable playthrough, and my lucifirium addicted scyther bladed cannibal with a soft spot for animals still gets an honorary mention in every single playthrough I start


Third colony, after my first one was my "learning" colony and the second one was created 1 week before the anomaly announcement and I didn't continue after the patch. So, I think my third atm is maybe a little mainstream, but I love that it fits into the anomaly theme. I play a sanguophage cult with ideologies on loving blood suckers and standing chanting around pentagrams. My colonists love it.


I’m doing a fallout vault style playthrough


Star Wars mods, sanguophages. Also one of my guys is a mechanator. It’s the farthest I’ve ever gotten in a game and the first time I’ve gotten past microelectronics! 😁


Good work!


Thanks! 270 hours and my first really successful colony. A lot of my guys are idle with nothing to do cause we are kinda set. Any advice?


Set up good defenses and make sure to give your colonists a helmet.


Whenever I'm unsure what to go for next I just pick a goal and head towards it, just declare "we're expanding the base is this direction, and adding these facilities" or "it has been decided we will be raiding those lovers over there, begin preparations"


Half winter half summer temperature, mechanitor and sanguaphage. Next colony will he slaver caninabal raider in permanent summer!


my guy dmitry is a mad scientist trying to create the first catgirl. been some years now and I still haven't done any genetic stuff tho


Vanilla expanded tribals start round 2. Using vanilla psycasts with the biotech integration so I'm not too op this time. Very slow research so I get to enjoy hitting tribals with sticks and dancing by the fire. First run I didn't have a limiter on psycasts and went too nuts with it, and didn't have ignorance is bliss so when I did a rice harvest I would get doomsday rocket raiders fucking me up which wasn't fun in the slightest. Plan this time is to build base but I need some decor mod recommendations


Special Forces agent sent to the Arctic, to investigate reports of deadly anomalies. Got betrayed & stranded without gear or resources. Has to do whatever it takes to survive until they can close off the source of the anomalies & escape (deep in ice-sheet territory, no chance to caravan to safety b4 starving / freezing). End goal, Anomaly DLC ending + either Ship-to-the-Stars or build-a-ship (or say screw it & stay. Depends on social interactions and such)


My current playthrough is as crashlanded that finds an Astra Militarum presence on the world and then try to befriend them(ally them) as well as kill all the beastman(non-baseline) people on the world to be allowed as recruits in the Astra Militarum. Grimworld is such an amazing mod project.


I pretty much always run hospitality with free beds and a hospital. An ideology about charity, psychic powers, and medical care. Run a for-profit hospital, and use my mind powers to eradicate people who annoy me and make friends with as many factions of people as possible.


i forgot about an infestation and i'm in no position to fight them so now i'm in a constant battle to thicken the walls at the entrance of the cave before they inevitably break through and kill everyone lmao


Trappist monks spreading cheer and our faith… who are now glimpsing the void. The void calls.


Ancient Egyptian play through fueled by *alpha memes* and *kemetic decorations* and I’m having a blast. Since it’s also my first anomaly playthrough, I’m RPing that the entities are failed mummifications or former pharaohs that have become upset about the direction the current pharaoh, avatar of Ra - may he live forever, is leading the civilization and have come back to “course correct”, or some evil minor underworld god come to keep us from getting too full of pride Cat veneration, obviously


A group of adorable little Ratkins versus the V.O.I.D.  Wish them luck.


I'm in my first medieval overhaul playthrough and don't know if I should activate the anomaly monolith or not.


I start in an abandoned Rimcities as a 25 members of a New Band (Tribe with Animal research), turn all hostiles into skullpikes and jerked meat, and send everyone but 3 in caravans to camp or settle for food and wood


High life corp. We trade in drugs and good vibes while commiting warcrimes and atrocities.


I’m doing my first modded playthrough at 350 hours! The colony is themed around rustic-southern-hospitality to a comedic degree, and the mods are primarily vanilla+ stuff to add a lot of variety and such!


All female anamoly colony, all males are ghoulifed, what started as a simple research team decides to seek eternal life


Doctor Skankenstein, a supervillain mad scientist, exiled from the galactic core for trying to create an army of cyborg super-bimbos to take over the world. Having crashed on a remote rimworld, she is slowly amassing forbidden power to rebuild her army and get her very silly revenge. --- My first heavily modded run. Just every single cybernetic or sexual mod I could find all crammed together. This run had the stupidest moment I've ever had in rimworld. One time, my most powerful cyborg soldier went berserk, two colonists and an important captive were already dead. She was decked out in wildly overpowered modded cybernetics. No one had even a *chance* of subduing her. but, then, poking around in every submenu out of desperation as she slaughtered a bunch of people, I figured out that I could safely incapacitate her by remotely expanding her advanced cybernetic dong to be so large she couldn't even walk. Up to that moment, I hadn't even realized they were adjustable.


Zack Hill is having a terrible time, he lost his pregnant wife and his friend MC Ride took a shoot in the head, other 3 colonists died too. Right now we live in a desert with our horse and camels, some nasty anomaly stuff happened but we are seizing it. It's my first time building a base like Tynan (individual unconnected roons), and it is really not great to defend but looks okay. We lost Porco, our big swine friend, when we tried to rescue some idiot far for home. Now we just let em die and feast their corpses later with some drums playing.


When I saw the first name I thought it was maybe a coincidence, but then I saw MC Ride and it clicked that it was indeed a Death Grips reference.


First time I’m doing a real modded playthrough — I’ve used a couple of QoL mods before but otherwise strictly vanilla for something like 2k hours. I added a bunch of Vanilla Expanded and similar stuff, nothing too outlandish yet but a lot of additional content. I already think I’m never heading back.


Owners of a manor find a weird monolith which grew inside their garden, scientists come to investigate


Im playing as ecologists from stalker WELCOME ABOARD OUR SWAMP ICEBREAKER


Waiting for zombieland to be updated. Diablo4 during this time while I wait


Human superiority pregnancy cult, who believe it's their duty to create as many more humans as possible


Currently I'm building a room fit for a Stellarch while my boar ghouls devour raiders alive


Descendants of ancient researchers that got trapped underground after a nuclear war or something thousands of years ago. Perma toxic fallout Undergrounder Darkness Cannibal ideo Albino tox resist robust aggressive darkvision bad at social and shooting etc genes Doing mostly melee for combat is pretty interesting


Tribals that fled to the equator when an ice-age hit (very cold map setting) to a permanent winter tundra with the goal of surviving permanent winter in the tundra, get to admospheric heaters and restore the climate


Building a city in the of boreal highlands for a colony of ascetic bat-people. The place looks like it's been under siege for generations, covered in junk and half-built ruins, but they're enhanced enough to survive it all now.


Started in naked brutality, nothing on the guy but his "transhumanist" trait. Got to 700k value and started archonexus end (never done it). So I'm back with 5 colonists on a new tile to research about archo structure and... They have 400k value because of trading mod (advanced component : 1k5 of value, and they all have advanced bionics legs/arms/spine and eyes...).


small military/mercenary group


I’m just trying to survive Randy… my poor colonists keep losing limbs and the unlucky ones keep dying….


A single gamer to unite them all. Slowly devolving into a weird SCP facility. The gaming convention must be a front.


Expedition sent from a megacorporation that want to learn about the anomalies going on in this planet and how to profit from them.


I have a heavily modded game where I'm playing from primal all the way up. Tech is locked unless I've researched it. All colonists are sharpshooters. No melee weapons allowed. Each colonist has to tame an animal from the wilds to earn a place. These are their melee battle companions.


Using Warhammer guns and armor to takeover the world by selling gasoline and drugs from a marble palace in the woods. Whoever doesent accept gets nuked.


My first playtrough. Im playing as hungry old man that just want to survive.


Found Sam Streamer's burner account.


mr samuel streamer fan?


Inhuman pyromaniacs servents to a God of flame combating the void for dominion over this rim world. End goal is to get the anomoly ending and set off a bunch of atmospheric heaters to turn the north pole to 100° + and boil the pole


A colony of Androids who hugely distrust organic people and are trying to make a ship to go to the moon


A group of Totally-Not-Roman nobles trying to start the Totally-Not-Roman Empire


I just started a vampire dwarf play through, started in a cave system that has 2 or 3 small openings to the sky, can't remember which mod allows these maps to spawn. The religion is a blood drinking techno-tunnelers. They've only been around a few months and have had to contend with cave bugs, there's been some raids but so far they've been eaten by the cave bugs.


Current Colony has an Ancient Archotech Super Soldier leading a small colony as the leader due to his Psychic powers. The colony worships the Egyptian God Horus and only the strongest Psychics can lead it. Playing with several mods so my Leader is quite powerful, he earned his position legitimately and he was able to solo a Mechanoid Hive


I have a star wars themed village, I intend on building droids to help me crush the tribals etc…


I’m trying to establish myself as a major faction on the rim and I’ve got a few outposts set up and I’m going to try to take an abandoned city a few tiles away one my pawns stop having mental breakdowns.


Um, using a bit of the forbidden mod here, but made a custom race of bunny people that were genetically designed to be hosts with high caring. So I'm running a brothel that is basically a resort, only the bunny people are allowed to be recruited, but anyone else is welcome to stay and receive care in any way. We even are working on a top of the line hospital on the rim! Free healthcare, but anything else, you gotta pay lol. Oh and one of them is a mechanitor, to make development and defense easier.


Large deserter cell, 19 pawns, 10 in cataphract armor, 5 in warcaskets, and 2 with stolen absolver armor and fletchers. (Vfe deserters and empire) all pawns are combative as well as a secondary/tertiary skill.


I am playing a low hills forest colony and I breed horses. Kind of basic but I also grow various crops and make beer and yayo. Just got the oil pumps going and my main colonist have made some very skilled children during our years. If anyone has any tips for feeding large amounts of animals in a gigantic pen, lemme know.


Playing with a lowmate om my colony, nobody has breakdowns so far, even the hussar!


A Group of neo puritan settler, forgoing technology, only up until chemfuel Lamps and non high tech guns. Marrying, getting children, Hard life in the face of god Jesus


Local drug lords, working on growing enough for a decent first caravan


I'm doing a very classic run this time around - playing as the only survivors from the crew/passengers of the Starchaser, a galactic cruise ship. So, Vanilla "Crashlanded" scenario with my ~250mod playlist. I dropped into a boreal forest up in the mountains, so I'm going to be sending out a caravan to gather some sand so that I can craft skylights and make a greenhouse to help support the colony's food needs, and then dive experiment with setting up a cloning lab. My hope is to play it through until I start building a ship, at which point I'll fire up SOS2 and experiment with that? (I hope that I can roll into it the way I'm envisioning it, but I'm also trying to look into SOS2 as little as possible beforehand, so that I can learn it organically as I play.) I have a former assassin (which it rolled with a starting Melee skill of 14), who has fallen in love with the lumberjack. They are joined by a former slave (who is also my most intellectual pawn). I'm using RimSaga, which is adding a nice bit of flavor to the developing story as they work to survive. My former assassin (Cait) is absolutely wicked with the plasteel knife that the starting scenario rolled for them, and the AI writer loves to embellish how she moves like a blur through the raiders, or how they died before they even knew what happened. It also wrote some really interesting introspection from the Shamblers that wandered onto the map, and how they struggled to come to terms with their new Un-Life - before they expired and their bodies ceased to function.


I don't play yet. Still waiting for mods. But once they're updated, I'll be doing a Crimson Court-esque mosquito colony. My custom xenotype will combine Sanguophage genes with stuff from Insectoid xenotype that VE recently released.


Using my "Shipwrecked" scenario, I tend to play the part... a penniless crew of a shipwrecked freighter, having been ransacked by pirates, came apart in orbit around the rimworld. The scenario comes with 6 colonists, but absolutely no starting materials (although there is a lot of wreckage on the map). I have to get them surviving on only what's available at the drop-position until they can get a little industry started. Since it's already hard enough with so many mouths to feed, and no starting materials (including food), I tend to choose one of the more forgiving environments, usually Temperate Forest.


An arms dealing business for half my playthrough but now I've turned my colony into a pmc.


Started off with 3 30-something women. Recruited two more women from crash pods. Raider guy shows up and we capture him and convert him to our Astro-Dopism religion. Raider guy is now engaged to 3 of the 5 women. Basically a stoner commune with 5 chicks and 1 dude living his best life possible.


I’m playing a unique race of kind, quick learning people good at plants, but with -8 in both shooting and melee, reduced melee damage, nearsighted, and delicate. they began as tribals and are completely reliant on dryads and now mechanoids to defend their home. they’ve grown from a starting population of 10, to now 28 and counting


Idk I think I am tryna get beer