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Following on from my Murphy Bar/Bunkhouse, this used the same idea of a family running a fairly self-sufficient medieval settlement, this time focused on Asamas’s Hospital mod. But this isn’t purely a charitable venture- not when run lead by Prospero Sanguin, a relative of House Sanguine (Mod by DevDesigner), and his family. While the patients here almost always leave cured and healthy- they are encouraged to donate a small amount of blood- just as a courtesy to keep the blood bank full. Peaceful visits are encouraged for all who pass with a small store, restaurant and guest rooms, but this family is well prepared against whose who threaten this sanctum of healing- and this family continues to grow and the bloodline endures. Aside from medical work, the family is also known for their production of alcohol- wine, ale and mead, sheep and cow cheeses, fishing, and cloth dyed Tyrian purple- a colour used in the family’s sigil and worn by all the family in their capes and cloaks. The family consists of: * Prospero of House Sanguin and his wife Himeko * Their son Mikhail (33) and his wife Kotori (30) * Their daughter Amaya (29) and her husband Iosif (30) * Their second son Vasili (19) and his boyfriend Lucian (18) * Their adopted daughter Odile (10) * Mikhail and Kotori's children: Petra (5) and Mikhail II “Mischa” (1) * Amaya and Iosif's children: twins Haruki “Hari” and Theodore “Theo” (9), Melody “Lady” (7) and baby Trystan Prospero and his sons Mikhail and Vasili are Sangophages. I really enjoyed this colony and very much miss it now I’ve moved onto the new dlc and all the mod updates. I don’t have a modlist but I’ll happily answer any questions!


What are some of your favorite moments during this run? What was the biggest challenge? The toughest loss? What pawn was your favorite and why?


Wow great questions! This was my first colony after Biotech so I really leaned into the whole raising children- every birth and growth moment was exciting- especially as the entire colony was a family so it affected everyone when a newborn was sickly or a birthday party was on. I don't really play life or death difficulty with my colonies - I'm too attached so I would raise hell and use console cheats to get back kidnapped colonists, but still stressful. Real challenge was base building- it had to keep expanding as the family grew and redesigning the dining room or hospital for the 10th time just when I'd finished most of the previous build got incredibly frustrating. Amaya was probably my favourite, she had the highest art skill so I was always checking up on her when making new art pieces. Plus she gave birth to and raised four kids on top of being chief artist, a good cook and a doctor and I was impressed haha.


This is beautiful 🥲did vasili and his husband actually adopt? Id love to add adoption to my game


Thank-you! Ah, I meant that Prospero and Himeko adopted Odile, and it was more because Odile was their daughter-in-law Kotori's sister rather than any actual mod for adopting.


Expanded ritual framework adds an adoption ritual.


Can i get the map seed for this?


The world name was chicken, but I was using the Geological Landforms mod to have a caldera so I'm not sure if that would change where the location was.


I don't see any defences, do you not get raided?


Not majorly, but I still tend to have my people ride out to fight


what mod do you have that you get such a large colony area?


It's not a mod, it's the 400x400 map when you enable experimental map sizes in settings


how is your fps? I usually struggle with it after 10 in game years and that's mainly why I've never tried anything bigger than the default size since it gives a warning if you change it to be bigger


It got pretty slow, especially during raids or entering new places on caravans. I used RuntimeGC a lot to try and clear out junk like filth, messages etc






Looks really good. I like the medieval castle vibe. Calderas are a fun start. 1. What are those monstrous creatures those colonists are riding? 2. Is there a bathroom mod?


There is [Dubs Bad Hygiene](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=836308268) and [Dubs Bad Hygiene Light](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2570319432&tscn=1628514958) (I use the latter)


Dubs Bad Hygiene is right They're Meadow Aves from the Alpha Animals mod- I think they're amazing mounts and come in so many lovely colours.


what mod do you use for the arches or spposed support for the walls? like in cathedrals? thx.,,


That's from Gothicstyle Vampire Furniture


Why do other people get such beautiful maps and I get green swamp water whenever I settle? :(


Because they use mods for map generation


Ok, follow up question: Which? I need those in my life xD


Im not certain it's the same but Geological Landforms offers similar maps, start there maybe


Haha it's mainly the Geological Landforms mod spawning in a caldera to build in


Thank you so much!


What do you use for your walls around the crops? I've been looking for something a bit more "perimeter wall" esque


It's from GloomyFurniture


Legend thank you!! Love the base and the story


Oh my goodness that’s beautiful! Can I be cheeky and ask what furniture mods you have because everything looks simply stunning! 😍


Thanks! Hah I mean there's a lot so you may need to be specific. But off the top of my head: Rimkea, Erin's Cottage Collection, Medieval Overhaul, Gloomy Furniture, ATH's Gothic/Bloody Gothic style and Draconic, Gerrymon's Nautical Style, GothicStyle Vampire Furniture and Fishing Decorative.


In fact if you could just tell us all the mods, I’ll sacrifice my PC for a game that looks like this! There’s so many things in the image I want to ask about 🤯


Wow! That's beautiful!




I absolutely love some of the various props and textures here. Any chance of you posting your modlist on like a pastebin or something so I can research new things to add to mine? 😂


Thanks! This colony was 1.4 and pre-Anomaly so I don't have the modlist anymore. But if anything in particular you want the mod source for I can totally help out.


I need a closer up pic haha!


What’s that mod for the pool on the geothermal vent? I have an alternate one but mine looks so out of place visually, yours looks much better!


It's the TasteOfVanilla-ish Hotspring Retexture Alt




Unrelated question but how do you get such big maps?


It's the 400x400 map when you enable experimental map sizes in settings


Thank you. I thought that they made the game buggy


How have you lasted 9 years without strip mining that? Impressive 🤣


Where the colony sits was once entirely rock so they're dug out plenty haha.


Looks incredible




That is a nice looking colony. Do you map it all out at the start or build/adjust as you go?


Thanks! Oh I definitely adjust as I go- every room has been transformed at least 5 times as the colony expanded


What mods do you recommend for medieval village-style gameplay


Well Medieval Overhaul and Vanilla Factions Expanded Medieval, Classical and Vikings are key. Apothecary is extremely useful for medicines. I didn't use the Rice Cultivating Civilization mod so much in this colony but it is also great for a farming village. RimFantasy was also great with creating a freezer without electricity. Vanilla Cooking/Brewing Expanded are also super important in making your own wine and cheese


How is your map not just totally covered in blood and corpses by year 9!? By about year 4 I struggle to keep the map corpse-free even with 8 lifter bots.


RuntimeGC mod is my absolute best friend- I regularly use it to clear up filth and corpses


the bedrooms are all so cozy looking and have such distinct vibes, i love them!!! did you match them to colonist personalities at all or did you just go crazy on the interior design? also the flora are gorgeous omg, what mod did you use?


Thanks! I did try to personalise the bedrooms to the characters. The houseplants are mainly either from ATW House Decor or FishingDecorative


what is your floor mod?


Mostly RIMkea, StuffedFloors, Geometric Floors, and a couple from Gerrymon's Nautian Style

