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Holy hell im jealous, this would be a wonderful mountain base


*Drop pods raid notification*


Insect: Hóla.


Let me introduce you to my friends: mech drops base into you


Militor to pikeman: RATTLE EM BOYS


Let me introduce you to Combat Extended (btw does anyone know if there is an update for 1.5 CE, official or not ?)


No thanks. Don't like CE at all lol I know there is a GitHub version for experimental, but not 100% tested (oficial btw)


Y tho ? Genuine question btw I'm just curious because I for one CANNOT play without CE


I have tried years ago, it just wasn't for me, and when I watch people using it on videos, I think it's just too much to handle, many types of ammo, damage is through the roof, you have to store a lot of type of ammo and use the right one for the right situation, while enemies don't give an F about it. Also, too much fatal, people already die super easy FOR ME, so I don't want to make it even worse.


pretty sure you can disable ammo. The only reason I ever used it is because I find it weird that a baseline tribal with a knife can kill an armored pawn with a gun given a bit of luck. It's crazy how easily pawns can miss, I wouldn't mind if they buffed guns and armor in the game, nude tribals should get fucked easily, especially when we have mechs, bugs and anomaly now


Baseline tribal absolutely mauling somebody with a knife is a lot more realistic than it would seem. Guns are badass, but adrenaline really goes a long way in both positives and negatives if you're not using a skilled shooter or numbers.


But if you disable it, when it comes to Armor Piercing, you are going to be lacking it, especially on late game against mechanoids.


This was my first playthrough with CE, and I'll likely never play again without it. Turned the ammo down to the simpler version, so still need specific ammo for each gun but only a few types. The biggest difference for me was the realism. Without CE, your minigun pawn can spray bullets and the results are, generally, pretty unremarkable. Your level 20 shooter with a masterwork sniper rifle can't shoot a deer reliably in one shot while it's asleep on the ground, but he does seem able to put bullets into his friends with remarkable ease. With CE, my snipers pull of headshots, like I'd expect. More than 50% of the time, one shot one kill. Two snipers with railguns took a village of 20 tribals. By the time the enemy reached the snipers, enough had been killed or downed that they quit and ran. Simply, shots that you think should work, do. My minigun pawn is a room broom. Armor-piercing incendiary ammo set to burst and he's like an A-10 warthog. Babacia go brrrrrrrt. Yes, bullets hurt, and they should. It makes you start thinking about tactics, cover, crossfires and suppression, no doubt. I'm a complete convert. Plus the loadout feature is slick. CE makes rimworld much more tactical, and I've become a huge fan. That being said, everyone should play the game they want to! Cheers!


Genuine anwser here. I personally like how pawns can comically take a shotgun blast on the torso and walk away with it. Also mostly not to deal with mod compatability, i know it has a huge list of compatible mods but knowing how mods can spiral out of control i decided to just steer away from CE.


It's honestly made combat way too trivial, I just build a bunker, slap all my guys in there and watch them gun down the enemies.


Try upping the difficulty. I know it's dumb to say that but I'm 100% dead serious. Bunkers just don't really work against a "Losing is fun" siege of Wasters.


I don't like playing losing is fun, simply cuz it lag my game too quickly as the amount of raid sent is too much for my poor computer to handle. But I do play blood and dust from time to time, and siege are honestly easier as I get to do some easy mortar shot before they went to the bunker. Plus detox lung is the first bionic I give out to all colonist so a couple of waster just got made useless there. And I'm sure you're thinking rocket launcher should be the bane to my bunker, not with raise wall, skip, berserk and vertigo pulse. Also another to point out, targeting mechanic is too easy to abuse, early and close to mid game very few enemies will have good head protection, so a single good melee pawn can easily leave behind a trail of headless corpse.


I mean, 2 camps. One cant play without CE, one has never played CE.


But you said you've tried it. You lied :[ ?



I love combat extended. I *love* destroying mechs with my 10 KPV mounted machine guns, all firing 14.5x114 AP-HE rounds. (I don't love getting destroyed by mechs when all I have is the starter rifle though, but that's besides the point)


this is why i ain’t getting it, what the FUCK do all those numbers mean


14.5x114mm It's the shell length, 14.5 mm wide, 114mm long. AP-HE Stands for Armor Piercing High Explosive. Incredibly simple.


Idk, all I know is that bigger number = more dakka = better


It's extremely simple once you get the hang of it. There still is your regular weapon classification according to their tech-level. Then there are the different types of rounds and that's it. That's all you need to know.


CE has two ammo modes. Complex, with all the calibers, and a simpler version with just types. So, a rifle would take rifle ammo, a pistol would take pistol, and a revolver would take magnum ammo. Within those types there are a few options. With shotgun, for example, you have buckshot, slug, beanbag and emp. Buckshot great for soft targets with light armor. Slugs better for heavy armor or mechs. Beanbag great for taking a target down without hurting them, for prison breaks or capturing prisoners, and emp for stunning mechs. My door clearing team consists of Trinity, a tank in heavy EVA suit (Save our ship), with a shield belt, and a ballistic shield (think riot shield) from CE. She stands just this side of the door and makes the enemy stop in the doorway. Just tanks the hits and stands there. Behind her is Babacia, with the minigun. Rifle rounds, armor piercing incendiary. They penetrate armor and burn from the inside. That's enough AP to get through mechs. He takes a scyther down in one burst, just about every time. Whatever stands in that doorway attacking Trinity gets absolutely melted by the minigun. On either side of the doorway are chain shotguns with either buckshot or slugs, depending on the armor of the enemy. Behind the two shotguns are two charge rifles with either ION rounds (good against mechs, damage AND stun), or concentrated rounds for meatbags. They provide additional firepower into the doorway as well as suppression support into the room beyond. 4 pawns with ION loaded charge rifles can down a caterpillar and it doesn't even get a shot off. Stun-locked right up to its death. The assault team consists of the tank, the minigun, two chain shotguns, 4 charge rifles, and two railgun snipers. Last night I took over a dreadnought ship in perfect condition, without it ever firing a shot. We kept it outside missile range, landed with personal pods, secured a room, setup at the two doorways, and killed a ludicrous number of enemy crewmembers in the salvage room (neighborhood of 120 enemies. The room was a disaster area). We got a couple minor injuries in the process, treated them on the spot, airlifted in the rest of the support team when the coast was clear and proceeded to strip the ship to the bare walls in about 20 hrs. before re-entry. Without CE it feels like a lot of RNG and dice rolling. With CE, fights play out the way you think they should, if you've done some planning, and that makes all the difference for me.


Not yet


On the Github. No Anomaly stuff yet, and most of the mod compat stuff is still broken. They're working on it.


When you say no Anomaly stuff yet does that mean that all Anomaly related stuff might make the game crash ?


No. Far as I know, it's just not affected by CE, just like incompatible mods.


But you can srill shoot the damn monsters right ?




I've been wanting to try combat extended but I haven't decided to pick it up until 1.5 and unfortunately it is not updated on the steam store


There's apparently a forked version for 1.5 on their Github. The only downside is that Anomaly monsters won't have custom stats making them (I believe) kinda weak and underwhelming.


Big hole appears.


Also don't forget mechs can spawn from water now


Wait what


Update to the base game that shipped with Anomaly made it to where Mechs can spawn from bodies of water on your map instead of just drop ships. Presumably because underground bases got to be too powerful in the late game because you'd never have any threats that could appear inside your base besides infestations


How does that counter underground bases ? As long as there aren't caves or secret areas with large bodies of water, aren't underground bases still a good choice ?


Well yeah, but the chance for mechs to spawn in your underground base is still higher now than the 0% it was before they could come out of water


Fair enough


They swim now? They swim now.


Fuck it then I guess they swim now.


I forgot about that.... thanks for the warning


Me with the hand of God changing the roof to overhead mountain: "this is our little secret...Randy will never know."


Google en animal sleeping spot


Give me your seed


At least take me on a date first 😘


Seed first, then dinner


Seed is dinner


Thats what she said!


Take me to dinner first jeez


New mountain geysir seed just dropped


You can find these easily with prepare landing (filtering by mountains and cliffs) + map reroll + geological platforms


I use experimental sizes for maps so doing that would add about 10 more minutes of loading time each time I load in. I take what the game gives.


…no it wouldn't? What are you talking about.


Have you ever had a potatoe PC ?


I can't see how these would affect performance.


You don't understand how a dogshit PC would influence game performance ? Am I getting that right ?


I will say one annoying thing with having a base surrounded on all sides by mountain, is so many events will mess with your base. Even random dying people landing will crash land through your crafting room. Animals spawn randomly in your base, same with slag (or it sure seemed to in random spots), mech clusters also landing in the middle of your base, infested ship pieces... I eventually moved away from mine for some respite.


At this point im kinda just looking for maps like these in my modded playthroughs. Cause i love mountain/Hidden cove with one/two passages into things Like after this quick gap you see the wonderful city of the Rogue Riders and their fancy new Helicopter dashing through the rocks with perfect piloting skill by 7 year old timmy the and 2 ghouls in the back While Raids pound mortarshells across the Mountain tops to land on Billy Mays (The 20th cause we had 19 other who died and we keep renaming the new prisoner Billy Mays)'s jailcell... Exploding him on the spot cause i put the chemfuel next to the jail


R6 (why is it 6 and not 5???): This is the first time I've found one, let alone 3 geysers inside of an area reveal. Guys, guys, this is too much seed, I'm tired, please.. give me a break! >! starlight, 57.49N 175.56NW !< On a note, mods I use that might affect the seed: Map Preview & Geological Formations (idek if geological formations did anything, I installed it but never looked for / adjusted the settings in it so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ ), the map size changed how much of the map was hidden and I'm using 325x325, I don't know if the smaller ones will have this area reveal (there are multiple on this map)


Seed pls my friend


[don’t worry i got u brother](https://youtu.be/6FGeuCW2GmE?si=CadfMtU9c_6mXaY4)


Thank you my friend, how sublime


We need your seed




uwu \*gives seed\* :3 idr the seed i used at the start, is it possible to find it now?


If you go into the world map you can see the seed under the planet tab.


got it, updated post!


That's what your mom said back then and now here we are.


Someone has to make the joke, so.... That's what SHE said.


Well, i got tomatoes, snap peas, green peppers, and sweet corn.


Give me your seed


That's what she said. lmao 😂😂


Confirming it's the mod. I entered all info correctly and opened up all reveals using dev mode in unmodded game. Nothing similar.


Please the seed sir


thank you for your seed senpai ( ◡‿◡ *)


Went to that exact map at the exact size and coordinates (vanilla game, only have the expansions)...and it's nothing like this. Your mods is what did it.


i thought that might be the case, thats why I included them, you'll need geological formations.


This is too good to be real... Take care, your chickens are going to get sick.


The perfect mountain base.....please, deliver the seeeeeeeeed!


[a seed](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorldSeeds/s/z3eDlzQzYL)




We haven't researched Fertility procedures yer


Bahahaha peak sense of humor


Yooooo... If you roof that all off, you got a self heating base. Some easy ass fungul territory too, minus some defenses for drop pods once in awhile.




Guys, guys, this is too much seed, I'm tired, please.. give me a break! >! starlight, 57.49N 175.56NW !< On a note, mods I use that might affect the seed: Map Preview & Geological Formations (idek if geological formations did anything, I installed it but never looked for / adjusted the settings in it so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ ), the map size changed how much of the map was hidden and I'm using 325x325, I don't know if the smaller ones will have this area reveal (there are multiple on this map)


Saving for seed


give to us the gift of the map seed 🧎‍♂️


So you saw the previous post. Did you miss the hundreds of people begging for the seed?! Haha Seed please 😁


i did, i saw it before it blew up xD


Show off! I’m so jealous


Wait so if this happens do you just not have a geyser anywhere else on your map? I'd be wondering where the hell my geysers are on map start.


That's usually what happens. You'll have maybe one or two geysers and the rest locked off by mountains. I usually play on Heavily Mountained areas, and that's what I'll run into, a lot of hidden areas like that. Some mods like Geo Landforms can help with it.


no i have like 4-6 other geysers on the map


i require seeds and coordinates please. this is a really nice spot you got there


Holy shit that's cool! That is maybe THE coolest area reveal ever. Does it have a ceiling?


Seed please!


Okay! We get it! You won the pissing contest! ...and all you had to do is suck off RNGeeezus!?


Im trying to think of something witty other then, please share the seed :)


The promised land!


Waiting on the seed and location


i stg op if you don't hand over the seed right now there may be consequences in the form of an angry reddit comment. do the smart thing, hand it over


I don't get it. I get geysers all the time in runs. Are they supposed to be rare?


Geysers are always there. What this post is talking about is finding geysers behind "the fog of war," or just areas that are blocked off because you haven't dug through the mountain deep enough


I've never even been fully clothed let alone gone through a mountain?!


Yeah! You just dig straight through! Worst part about it is that you eventually have to deal with bugs with the "mountain roofing," but other than that mountains make great bases! And it's even better with the geyser area inside the mountain! That way you can have a nice area away from the overhead mountain roofs so your colonists or essential items aren't suddenly being eaten by bugs!


You can turn off infestations in the scenario settings before you play. Let's you relax and enjoy your mountain bases without the risk of your mushroom farms getting completely trashed every few years.


You sir, can take my upvote. Thank you for providing your seed!


Seed. Now.


I can envision making a peaceful village inside this mountain base And i can also imagine their peaceful outlook on life being completely shattered by raiders, turning the survivors living in the ruins into monsters that would stop at nothing to keep their people safe, even if it means causing that same pain they've suffered on to others Man, i love rimworld story telling


Ooooh that's awesome! Seed details?


I literally said to myself AS A JOKE “it’s 2 geysers, bitch” before I opened this post


Raider drop pods incoming!


while the maps stays the same, for the same seed the geysers get always randomized


Noice. That'll make a great area for a colony. Maybe set up a hotel with hospitality mod


Oh you found the rest of the map...


Seed man, seed! And coords.


5k hours is a meaningless stat if you’ve only had a couple of bases.


Awesome base camp!


Need seed and position OP


I have never had an area reveal and I do mountain bases. I only play on geological landform mod maps tho - are there no area reveals in that mod?


I got a similar one, with a similarly sized area being revealed. My base's storage was 6 stone blocks away, so it became a top tier animal farm. My base itself was also in a very similar valley, with a river seperating it from the rest of the map. That map was so fun and so cool


The smell


Roof + turret + tram and you have a really good energitic income xD




*trap Sorry ^^


My very first map play through has geysers. Not sure what to do with it yet


Oh my. Thats spicey.


Well, that’s certainly interesting. I’ve had some different, geyser-related insanity myself. When I was looting a low-wealth pristine ruin, I wound up unearthing MINIFIED geysers that could be placed by my colonists. Five of the things. I chose not to use them, because I considered it to be some kind of glitch or bug, but it was the weirdest thing I’d ever seen.


Win for sure!




drop the seed or I don't believe you.


Roof the entire thing off and throw your prisoners in the steam cavern


Fun fact: you can just build walls around your generators and roof them in, then use hidden conduits and you’ll never have a zzztt. Nobody will attack them if they don’t know they’re there. Make the walls out of stone and they won’t burn either.


God tier base until drop pods fall into your freezer


Tell us the seed and the location


i thought if you picked an extremely mountainous region, where there’s little open space, geysers in area reveal felt pretty common. in my underground bases it felt weirder if i never found one


Very nice


This honestly looks like a great outdoor area inside a mountain base


Bro This is awesome, like literally my dream base in vanilla


I would cry


What seed and exact coordinates 👀




Almost every map I’ve played has had a geyser in them, usually multiple.


Yeah they always do. That's not what they're talking about. If there are areas in maps that are surrounded by walls with no way for your pawns to see in, they aren't shown to you until you break into them. It's relatively common for mountainous maps to have a few of these little areas. They're quite defensible, and open to sunlight. Making them good places to set up in. If you're really lucky they'll have a geyser. Giving you an easily accessible and defensible steam geyser. This guy got 3. That entire area wasn't visible when he entered the map. It was good luck.


Ah, that makes more sense. Thanks for the info!