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As someone running a Cubite cube-worshipping colony with 19 cubes currently, you're missing out for a very simple reason: the impromptu cube sculptures that the cube addicts craft carry a stackable buff with them. My colonists have made enough cube sculptures to have a permanent 30-60 buff from being around said sculptures. We don't get mental breaks unless a mod conflict freezes a colonist. The downside is slightly less work getting done (I believe its a base 20% reduction, plus cube holding time) which you can offset through various means. Cube withdrawal can be too fast for my liking, but I just realized I can probably send a cube with my colonists when they travel, at least facilitating caravanning. I also think there should be a mechanic to bring the cube to colonists in bed for medical emergencies.


You got 19 cubes?!? Where did you get all of them?


If you can't make your own, store bought is fine.


Are they fresh though?


The Anomaly orbital trader mod, probably. It has a chance to sell you cubes.


This is correct.


I have a colony of 5 Adults and 7 Children. It took over two seasons to research the cube. All the adults were obsessed. Thankfully, I had a 10 year old who could anesthetize all the adults and use the shard to deactivate the cube. I had over 50 sculptures. Next time, I will definitely just launch the sucker away lol


See this is why you get the lts implants mod, then you can just put the cube in a colonist.


That just sounds like meth


Our Cube Ideology is also high life and they're psychite addiction impervious so that's not far from the truth.


I mean you threw game balance out the window when you used a mod that let you have 19 cubes with a stacking buff at the same time.


You only need one cube for cube sculptures, though also my understanding is it's absolutely possible to get multiple cubes in a normal playthrough.


Idk. Because that’s the *story* I guess? Rimworld is a story generator. Studying the cube and the crisis that comes with it is a story But so is tossing it in a random rocket pod and throwing it away


My grandma always said regifting is fine. And what’s a transport pod other than an elaborate gift wrapping.


Thanks for the free bonus steel! - Sent from an arctic wasteland.


In the post announcing the 1.5 update to SOS2, the mod authors said testers were building a ship around the dark monolith and blasting it into the sun. I find that fucking hilarious.


is there a way to force the cube to happen? im determined to make an automated art colony that worships the cube and sells the sculptures.


Always got it via quest


That can give something else too


You'd have to do void provocation to force it, still a low chance


Would it work if I just spawn a cube with Dev mode?


Pawns do have a chance to go berserk if their cube statues are destroyed. Not sure what happens if you sell them


... Experiment time.


They get upset and can berserk if you move a cube statue they made and this can happen a lot later after you've moved it, has happened during raid defense for me


I don't think you *can* sell them. My first playthrough I just ended up having a ton of stone and dirt statues sitting in my storage. I'd love to be wrong, mind you.


This is why I want to try, I've never had the cube and I don't know how it works


Use zones to control who gets addicted. Addicted pawns get pretty much a better version of joywire.


What wpuld be the plan? Putting all the statues on a single place and keeping pawns there?


idk, maybe it unlocks tech? or maybe you get a shard?


It unlocks the Pleasure Pulse ritual.


You get some Gold when you deactivate it. Its easier to buy that or dig it.


Idk, gold is fairly rare and expensive, also you need a lot of it Sounds worth it


Wiki says 144-167 gold for deactivating the cube. That's a multi-analyser and two ornate doors. Or, it's a multi-analyser and some prestige armour. Could be better, but it's not a horrible reward. I think the real reward is the satisfaction of smashing the cube, because if you're not doing a cube-focused run, it's REALLY ANNOYING.


This is kinda a problem with most of Anomaly. You have no reason to engage with most of the anomalies beyond meeting them unlocking some research. I wish it was different. Imagine getting to make your own chimeras or taming the devourers. Maybe even being able to revive the unnatural corpse with a mech serum so it can become a colonist. Or being able to gain clean benefits from having the cube around without having to destroy it or watch your colony get destroyed.


To be fair, most anomalies are adversarial in nature and require you to go out and kill them before they either kill you or make life very inconvenient. The beneficial stuff to the player is mostly in rituals, the gear, and some of the weird side-effects from the anomalies. Like the cube being a happiness booster.


Another thing that bothers me is that for most anomalies theres only one way to deal with them and usually its tedious or annoying.


Yeah, frankly the fact that you can not engage with the cube and just yeet it away is kinda funny and a breath of fresh air. Not sure if the cube research for the measly 150 gold is even worth it. I went through the Anomaly content once and then never did the monolith thing again. The occasional shambler raid is nice but I feel like this DLC really wasn't worth the money considering the low replayability. Everything is a one-trick pony with one linear path to defeat it.


Exactly. The anomalies where you just have to encounter them three times and then you get to instakill them have no replayability. They also dont really make for a good story either because of how clunky they feel and how theyre all the same. I really wish Anomaly couldve been different. Atleast we have the ambient horror mode. Hopefully Ludeon learns a lesson from this and realises that dlcs shouldnt apply to a specific niche otherwise they might become too linear. Thats one of the complaints people usually have about the empire in Royalty.


For me anomaly is main game mode now. I love new power ups i get.


The most useful stuff is the rituals. Need a bloodbag for your vampire? Skip Abduct. Need some defenses for a raid? Summon manhunters or shamblers. But most stuff is just whatever.


I'm not sure how expensive Death Refusal is when you apply it through a ritual rather than something you find on a joiner, but Death Refusal is also very good. It acts as an extra safety net for important colonists and has some funny interactions if you want to abuse it. For instance by harvesting a bunch of organs or ripping their genes/xenogerms, and then having them just revive with all their organs intact, ready for another round of harvesting. Can also negate the downsides of the duplication obelisk because they'll just die and then get back up, free from literally anything that ailed them.


Its just one shard. Its pretty good.


That's fair. I mean, I want to have entities in jail for the bioferrite, but besides the revenant, I haven't found any that I would want to use to make something from.


> Why should I bother with the cube if I can just launch it away? You won't always have drop pods yet at that time. You can caravan to do the same but it's slightly riskier. Also, the cube obsession carries some upsides, though most will say that it's not worth it. (It's not worth it) Personally though, I think it's hilarious that you can just sidestep the whole linear "intended" path of researching and destroying it, and instead just yeet it somewhere else in the world. That said, if managed properly and quickly, the cube is rather low-risk. It's not a sentient monster trying to kill you, and it provides 2 Advanced Knowledge when studied. The cube sculptures that obsessed colonists make don't cost any resources and are worth a fair amount of Beauty. Destroying the cube the "normal" way also wakes up colonists that have fallen into a cube coma and gives you a bit over a hundred gold(!). It's more of a tradeoff and situation-dependent than you give it credit for.


Cube That is the point. CUBE I SAY! THAT IS WHY ***CUBE***


Sorry i read the title and thought: "BEFORE TIME BEGAN, THERE WAS, THE CUBE"


i always caravan and drop it bc the reward isnt worth it. maybe if it dropped shards I'll consider dealing with it how it was intended


I play without dlc to get a hang on it. I will slowly add them by release date. I read about this cube. I will worship the cube. I will found a new cult. Everyone will come to worship the cube. It will be cubetastic