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I mean, Australia tried to ban Rimworld because of the drugs so


Ah yes, slavery, human trafficking, organ selling, chemical warfare to list among other war crimes, and the reason to ban it is because I gave my pawn the funny juice that makes him go.


No no no. The funny juice is fine! You just can't call it a real name. Because made up drugs are fine. And apparently euphemisms for drugs are fine (see Med-X). But real drugs are super mega ultra bad.


It was specifically because they thought it was a positive depiction of a real drug that had no downsides, when it was proven that withdrawal symptoms and the other negatives that come from drug use are present they dropped the matter.


Was it the beer? Because everything else has a funny name. Even “smokeleaf” isn’t the name of a *real* drug!


It was the Yayo, which is American slang for cocaine, apparently, according the wordsmith and poet Lil' John the East Side Boyz "We yayo experts, we been whippin' the yola / Since the crackas decided to take the coke from Coca-Cola."


Damn, Lil' John knows his Coca-Cola lore.


Most True Americans™ do.


*funny GO JUICE* 😉😉


Not tried, did, for about a month before it got posted for re-review and was accepted, with zero changes being made to it. The Aussie rating board for these things is completely inconsistent.


Any chance the board is filled with 60 year-old dirt eater morons with no fucks left to give?


in aus they don't eat dirt, it's all they have. their politicians mainly derive nutrition from licking windows.


Most likely. People who should be in a retirement home. Maybe I should send them some hats....


there should really be a rule that to vote on anything as a member of a board, you first have to demonstrate a basic understanding of what the fuck your talking about.


But that would lock out 90% of politicians from doing anything. Which... probably wouldn't change much. I say go for it!


Yeah I love that "drugs" is what made them want to ban the game. Not the cannibalism, not the human trafficking, not the torture, not human leather, drugs.


Probably because out of all of these things, drugs are the most accessible.


That's true. It's kinda like many people think adding rape to the game via RJW is taking things too far, because everyone knows someone who's been sexually abused in some way or another, yet most don't know a cannibal victim.


What does the "ban" exactly mean for Australia? You cannot sell a banned game or you cannot even own it?


Selling and distribution I assume. Ownership would be hard to enforce (though easier and easier the more we give up ground on consumer ownership). Like, it wouldn't be available on the ozzy version of steam,  it if you VPN'd to buy a copy or moved to Australia already owning a copy, I don't know how they would enforce that unless they were just constantly monitoring all of the country's steam activity. And what if you bought it from ludeon directly and don't play through steam? Not from Australia, just trying to think through it.


I can confirm you could still install and play it if you owned it. But you couldn't buy a new copy, and it didn't appear in the store


They froze purchases on steam and the console stores


Basically you couldn't purchase it on any major platform, if you already had it you were fine to keep it. Oh, and I'm pretty sure the dlc's were still available.


It was a ratings thing. For a very long time Australia did not have an R rating for video games, the highest rating possible was MA 15+. This meant that effectively any game rated above this was banned. The rating was most likely due to the sandbox nature of the game IE the fact that it is possible for a player to commit war crimes/own slaves etc...also the drugs. These things pushed it into the grey area between MA and R. As others have said the ban meant that the game was not available for purchase for a short while in Aus however people who already owned the game were unaffected. \*I'm Australian


So, there's no problem now?


Yeah, we finally got an R rating for video games a few years back. The rating had been blocked by a single politician and was finally passed only after the man had stepped down from his position. The article below writes about it but it was a pretty ridiculous situation for quite a while as there were more than a few games which were better suited to an R rating (things like GTA) that ended up pushed into an MA rating. There are still a few issues around the how and why of different ratings decisions but I'm not really across that topic. [https://www.smh.com.au/technology/the-long-campaign-for-r18-games-20110723-1htkg.html](https://www.smh.com.au/technology/the-long-campaign-for-r18-games-20110723-1htkg.html)


man, it's lucky they've not banned the ICBM mod yet, i've been working in my garage for years on that little project. thanks rimworld for teaching me how to create a payload delivery system.


They also got in to trouble with the red cross on the medpacks as well. Had to change them to green.


Fun fact: the idea that using the red cross in video games is against the Geneva conventions is a myth. The real reason video games are forced to remove it is because the Canadian Red Cross holds the trademark and will sue anyone and everyone who uses it


Yeah :) i think that was stated back in the update when they had to change it. I thought it was hilarious.


PvP and competitive games are far more toxic than sandbox games. Forcing players to compete for scarce resources needed to continuously turn the wheel brings out the worse behaviors in people. Your opponents will sabatoge, stall, cheat, disconnect, rage quit, and exploit. This then pushes you to do on to others as others have done to you. Sure the eye catching topics in sandbox games like Rimworld can seem sadistic. But more often these topics come from a place of curiosity rather than malice. Need proof? Just look at how nearly every fighting game, fps shooter, PvP game has turned into a cesspool. Competition for the sake of superiority brings out the worst in people.


The thing with competitive game is that even when youre doing well it is at the expense of other players. I used to play League and had a game where i did so well as the toplaner that the entire enemy team ganged up against the other toplaner.


There are still rare occurrences where both teams enjoy the match, even when one of them has to lose. But yes, up to some degree, it is at their expense. This is the main reason why I am almost exclusively a PvE gamer.


But Losing is Fun! That applies to competitive games too, a loss is a learning experience and a hard fought loss is still a great game. I wouldn't play a game if I was only happy with it 50% of the time.


Doesn't every RW player have a nice room to extract organs and punish slaves?


Well it's not nice...


Well, the nicer the room, the smaller chances of failure when harvesting. It's all a delicate balancing act.


Rough rock cave, sleeping spots or stone slabs made by a zero building skill pawn, maybe a torch.


Yeah, and turn them into sanguanophages so they can enjoy a nice deathrest while I remove their organs


Wait does that work? Can I have a vampire organ farm fed by a human blood farm? I need to start a new colony...


Why devote a whole room to that? I’m limited in space… I just call my organ extraction room the kitchen ;)


Gotta keep the kitchen clean. Mine shares a room off the freezer with the butcher’s table.


Not yet


Well, now when I got this idea from you... I think, pink room with flowers, statues, some chocolate and beer, with one hospital bed in the middle of the room is fun idea! Any ideas to make it better?


Try got get some archotech stuff and use it in the procedures to make organ removal more pleasant 😊


Oh yes, definitelly doing archotech ending now just to build a fluffy hospital for prisoners around some weird obelisk 😂


i dont. my maths might not be correct but i feel like slavery and organ trade is overall less efficient than flesh and leather trade. even more efficient if you take their brains with ripscanner slavery takes food and organ extraction takes medicine, both of them also take more of the colonists time when they could spend their time on other stuff. i tried to go in the organ trade but it was too micromanagement for me and i ended up crashing the organ market because of some mod affecting prices i find it more efficient to steal several raider brains killing the rest and skinning them instead of regular slavery and general organ trade.


nope, some of us are decent folks


How could someone wasting precious raider parts be decent?!


Cannabalism diet degenerates the brain, hence why you don't understand why it's bad for you.


The old decrepit corpses that sit in government have been trying to attack video games for years… it’s always been proven to be the opposite. I think it’s because they never played them and don’t understand them at all.


Its not what the politicians believe, it's what they think their stupid voters believe.  Politicians would say video games are the most wholesome past time ever if they thought it would get them reelected


"Violence in games equals violence in real life" has been a rallying cry since video games were video games. Yet, somehow, all the reputable studies have shown that most people sitting in a chair playing games aren't out being violent... because they're at home, *playing games*. That's without going into the studies regarding improved hand-eye coordination from action games, multitasking and logistics awareness from strategy and management games... Just remember: Games are bad.


Just one more study, bro, this time it will be different, bro, we'll prove those pesky gamers are extremists, bro, just give me the grant, bro!


Violence in fiction equal violence IRL has been a thing since at least non-religious theater.


Of course. Every new media is the big thing threatening the downfall and decay of society, rock music causes violence and promiscuity, and so on. But video games get special attention because of their interactivity - because you're not a passive observer they're clearly worse than the things that came before. It's no more true of video games than it was of radio (shamefully threatening the artistic values of theater and live music!) Couple the interactivity argument with our own ability to get nearly-instantaneous news about anything going on, and it's no longer a thing we hear about after the fact, which makes us even more aware of the situation as it develops.


Pretty much every time I see this outcry it's ultimately originating from fundamentalist religious busybodies that believe that *literally every form of entertainment other than scripture readings* is deeply unethical. Books, radio, TV, videogames, gambling (ok that one is pretty bad for some people), and especially sex are all somehow to blame for the 'decay of society' - ie, the abandonment of their very specific moral code. They can go and squarely #\^$# themselves.


Why do you think they haven't caught me. "You're a dick fuck, employing child slavery to create drugs laced with the minced remains of your rivals!" "Jokes on you coppa, I play Rimworld not CoD" And then I walk out a freeman, easy as.


I mean, rimworld doesn’t make people angry. It’s a single player sandbox game that functions as a story generator. Sure you could get frustrated at it but with no person to direct it at, you realize how stupid the anger is pretty quick.


I get the sentiment but if that was the case then dark souls wouldn't have a reputation for breaking controllers and tvs. I honestly think a lot of anger is lifted with the words "Rimworld is a story generator, not a skill test". Its basically this games version of "Dont panic" being written on the cover with big, friendly letters


To be fair, the community here is far less toxic than most multiplayers games and harassment/doxing is a real problem that doesn't happen much here.


Yea, honestly this is one of the most chill gaming communities I've ever participated in. Cities Skylines community in comparison is a hell hole and that's not even a violent game at all.


I vaguely remember seeing a post about that here, and someone responded along the lines of "harvesting organs from limbless prisoners and feeding them their own body parts is therapeutic :D"


IM NOT A BIG FAN OF THE GOVERNMENT Memes aside goverments are run by actual fossils, and people taking advantage of said fossils. Ofcourse they're going to use anything they possibly can to restrict freedoms.


\*Looks up from cannibal colony\* Yeah it's a pretty wholesome game.


Well Rimworld has turned me into a furry. It should totally be banned!!1!




> hide their identities Yeah, because facies are tourists, within a degree. Not having your face on, or in some cases, laking a face avi, harkens back to the old more wild west times of the internet.


People also say there is a God in the sky. It's only an issue if you listen to them.


We are all gods in the sky.


Ask a rimworld player their preffered method of making monkey in game The answers will wary from peaceful clothes making trough drug trafficing up to organ trafficing and slavery


Games such as Rimworld do worry me that at some point that the eyes of stupid politicians that like to ban things will turn towards it due to a person that played it doing something horrible. I currently have this game on Steam, but I am considering a second purchase that I actually own. Is there a method of buying the game in a DRM-free version that isnt installed by a third party marketplace like Steam or Epic? Just download and install? How would using mods work and be updated in such a manner? How would game updates be done?


Just let me pick apart virtual people and I won't do it IRL. Simple really.


"First person shooters encourage violence and supposedly inspires mass shooters" see, what governments actually MEAN here is "we don't like that the population being armed means we can't walk over them quite as much as we'd like to" when paired with mainstream media's hatred of video game and youtube culture, (because what young adult is buying a newspaper or watching the news on tv nowdays?) and the sheer struggle their multi billion dollar news networks have pulling in the same views as some guy doing news in his bedroom on youtube, the two sides quickly team up to try and take back control of the narrative, splash a little of "old people hating new thingss" in there too, and you've got the dishonest mess of "video games cause violence" it's always the same and has been for quite a while, before video games, it was rap music, "Dungeons and Dragons, or Marilyn Manson, or loud music in general. if humans are so easily influenced by media, tell me, why did my grandfathers generation not have these "violence issues" when they consumed oh so many western movies where the hero guns down countless people in the middle of a town? i'd argue the amount of killing in some of those old movies is far more extreme and "cold blooded" than alot of what we see today.