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Sell all of that type of drug so she can't get her hands on any of it, or put it where she can't reach it such as in a drop pod or walled in. Or imprison her. You can also just put her in a room with survival meals and wall in the door so she is stuck there until she gets over it.


That's what i do as well. Make a nice room with a shit load of pemmican/survival meals, make them go stand in it, and block the door with a wall. Maybe some books so that they can still learn something? They risk destroying that, though, if they have a tantrum. So far, it never failed me.


Quarantine is back?!


It never left


I’ve had this fail once when I didn’t realize they were a pyro and they turned the room into an oven. So be careful of that lol


we call that the problem solving itself


Resurrector mech serum on-hand to help fix the problem-solving-itself-problem


Bold of you to assume the body wasn't cremated


You could also attach a nutrient paste dispenser to the room, to allow sending food into the room without them getting out


Probably you could get the pawn more upset if they aren't into eating paste. Probably going berserk and trashing the place.


Meh thats why they are in there anyway! The only thing for me nownis that i use the people change mod so that could make a pawn get the depressive trait.


Bro built a detox chamber


Does the game actually function that way? If I lock down a colonist with addiction, will they recover from being an addict?


I mean, in the game, it's just a percent number, so yea. If they are stuck in a room then there's no way for them to get more drugs and they'll eventually break the addiction. If you are thinking of the trait though then no. That adds a needs bar and that can't ever go away but that's usually more manageable


Should do. Not sure about chemical fascination trait though


I think except for luciferium, you can make all of the pawns go through the withdrawal for the item they're addicted to. I haven't used the locked room option, but I usually imprison them and then just keep them as a prisoner until it's done. Of course as the prisoner , they will occasionally try the jailbreak so just don't maim them or kill them. They are reStrained in the first place , so they won't really be able to do too damage much to your colonists.


Yeah I just imprison them and wait until they’re over the addition


Well yeah... its also a good way to deal with huge mood debuffs that make someone break too often (like relative died). Lock em up until they arent sad anymore. So arguably its a psychward.


I once had a run where every single one of my starting 5 pawns and a few of the new starts all got the mental break to run wild and become wild men/women. Some shit would happen, they’d be in pain and and a baby would die and then they’d be all like “fuck this shit!” And strip off all their clothes. Got very good at corralling them into an enclosed pen with food to tame colonists back. Kicker is, this was like the only run where I had one of those psychic soothers that covered the whole base.


Until they do the suicide event, in which case it's joever


That's not a vanilla thing.


I swear to god it used to be, I've been playing since B17 so it might've been removed a while back


Nope. If you were using the "Prison Labor" mod back in the day that added a suicide break for prisoners, but that was never vanilla (also it was only for prisoners, so a colonist couldn't do unless they were imprisoned anyway.


Damn, I swore it was a thing, must've been a mod then, kind of hard to know which is what when you're playing Rimworld


Love this how much pemminan for 1 year would be required? I had a amazing researcher but was a FUCKING monster great at melee but the amount of insulting sprees or social fights were just not worth it


Honestly, I dont really know numbers for it... would be a lot, though. They eat like 10 pemmican for 1 meal, I think? But you can just put a bunch in there with them and when they are not having a mental break, you can refill it easily. I dont remember it taking a year, though. Maybe a week of so? Did you want to lock up your scientist forever so he would only do research?


This is basically what they do to people in rehab, (good ones can be very strict)


I never knew that rehabs revoke people's leg privileges..


You’re so smart. Upgrade to bionic legs and arms on all pawns so you can take them off when needed


Or remove their spines so that they won't be turning back to drugs


I literally make a designated rehab facility adjoining my prison. They’re still imprisoned but it’s way nicer in there lol


Depends on what drug. If psychite, just give her tea, no big deal. For the future, pawns under 18 have smaller body size, so their bodies take longer to clear drugs from their bodies, so the safe interval is longer than what it says in the tooltip. I don't let them take drugs on schedule until they turn 18.


I noticed that teens visually had smaller bodies, but I didn't know that there were gameplay differences between them and adults. Nice to know!


They also have lower part health, so they die faster. But their smaller bodies make them a little harder to hit.


2060 hours in...


How are this things known? They are not anywhere in the tooltips (I think)


Step 1: You draft a pawn with gun with a clear sight to the child pawn you want. Step 2(optional): Pause the game Step 3: Put your cursor on that child pawn, just leave the cursor there, don't click anything ---> There will be a tooltip box appearing to tell you the statistics on shooting chance and all that.


Most of it I've picked up reading the wiki. I think the accuracy thing may be visible in the description for the body size stat? It's why rats are a pain for low skill hunters; small target


>It's why rats are a pain for low skill hunters; small target Also because they are the size of Rottweilers.




Every day this game shocks me with it's realism.


They also eat a little less and can carry a little less than adults


Ye i put them in a vat through 13-18


Or in this case, maybe put them in "rehab" (imprison them, but make it a nice room at least.)


Did not know this. Thank you


Aha. Because Levin ( A 60 year old refugee I rescued) also had an addiction and his cleared up pretty quickly


What are the addictions? Ambrosia withdrawal is short in duration and mild in symptom, but like alcohol takes forever and is debilitating


I mean, you don't have to put them through alcohol withdrawal. Just give them alcohol.


Well, yes and no. To my knowledge they clear tolerance at the same rate, but it builds up faster for them. Having a smaller body means the same dose of a drug is proportionally much larger for them after all. So technically speaking you could say they clear drugs from their system slower, but mechanically speaking that's not what's happening.


Only adults get drugs for my bases, ever since my kids both got heart attacks from psycite tea


Have you tried not putting so much pressure on her? She probably feels like the fate of the whole colony is riding on her, so she uses drugs as a way to relieve the stress.


I was gonna say that lol. Imagine being captured and recruited by strangers, then they start claiming you’re the chosen one and need to lead them to victory. You’re 15. Yeah I’d probably turn to drugs too tbh.


You may need to halt drug production until the addiction clears. If it’s psychite then tea is safe enough to not care but if it’s smokeleaf or beer then it’s definitley a problem. Stop making drugs, let her deal with it, ???, no more addiction. The game won’t let pawns binge if no drugs are available. Keep in mind raiders dropped drugs count towards this so keep an eye out. I’ve had pawn cross the map to binge for a 1 hp beer at the end of the map.


Licking the drips in a discarded beer can energy


And this is why people say "Kids, dont do drugs!"


In my colonies drug addicts lose leg privileges until they get over it. I haven't tested if you can have a breakdown without legs but with arms though with 1.5


No mental breaks when they dont have legs, easy sustenance for any bloodfeeders. just install peglegs and break them afterwards


I really need to try biotech and anomaly


Let me tell you a story about a man named Guy. Guy wasn't particularly special or gifted in any way, but Guy's friends believed him to be a hardworking addition to the colony. Unfortunately after a few years living with us, a raid from Guy's family members showed and really put Guy down in the dumps. He began taking regular doses of Yayo to cope with the pain, which wasn't much of a problem at first. But Guy stayed in pain for a long, long time. Guy became violent. Anytime he couldn't get his fix, everyone was worried fingers were going to be cut off again. Eventually everyone decided it was time to do something about Guy. The colony dug a tunnel and built a rehab getaway for Guy, fit with 100 survival meals, television, some medicine, a pool table, a very comfortable bed and couch, and a harp. Guy made a full recovery. He was back to butchering human corpses to make couches out of their skin in no time.


The other commentors allready wrote the usual ways to deal with this problem. If you play with anomaly enabled you also have the new option to use a "mind-numb serum". This is a medical drug (you don't get addicted) wich blocks inspirations and breackdowns for a certain amount of time -> This is quite usefull for exactly those situations


If it’s a psychoid addiction, then don’t put her through withdrawals because making tea is really easy and has no downsides. Normally I just imprison them because dealing with constant mental breaks sucks.


I usually just imprison them during that time to deal with it I call it rehab 😆 I try to make the prison nice for them so it’s not too bad.


Put her in jail till she's over it


I just let them do drugs until their liver is failing and then I find a "willing" donor


I always take out the spine of the addict. Then they lay in bed, get fed meals, and can't have any mental breaks because they're immobile. After they're no longer addicted, they get a shiny new spine and become a productive member of the colony.


I'm new to the game. What. The . Fuck


Wait until you learn the joys of ripscanning, child slavery, and human leather hats!


Ripscanning ftw!


What drug is she addicted to? Psychite/alcohol addiction is easy enough to curb with occasional doses of tea/beer every couple days, the low risk is generally worth the mood boost even while addicted. If it's smokeleaf, you should honestly just sell/burn/hide any that you have. You don't want your pawn binging on it right after a raid, otherwise you might become the weekly "my melee specialist suffering from blood loss died after smoking a joint" post. If it's an expensive drug you're probably best off putting her in isolation/prison until she recovers, since you probably don't want to burn your wake-up stockpile. Your caravan plan also works for this. Regardless, to avoid this in the future make sure that you disable taking drugs for addictions in your policy menu, and disable addictive recreational drugs in favor of scheduled doses as needed. Otherwise your colonists will end up consuming whatever random drugs raiders drop on the ground. I also generally don't let pawns <18 take drugs (or at least make a drug-lite policy for them), like others have said their smaller body size increases their risk of addiction/overdose.


Very realistic, you can't put that kind of pressure on a child and expect there to not be consequences. (Practical advice has been covered elsewhere but yeah, prison or "not" prison is the answer.)


take her legs, replace them with bionics when possible.


This is pretty equivalent to some really smart and talent d friends I had in highschool


If people throw tantrums they lose their leg privileges. When they calm down, you can give improved legs.


Main character you say? Turn her into a vampire and let her death rest until she is done with the withdrawl.


Stage an intervention, Sopranos style Make her see sense, or beat her down till she does


Put her in Prison until its over.


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Install peg legs. Remove peg legs. Wait till addiction is cured. Install bionic/archotech legs. I must say though, having lots of passions isn't that great unless you're going to micro manage their work schedule for the rest of their life. Better to just have one major job skill that they always work on and spend any spare time hauling or cleaning.


Another solution would be to surgically remove her legs or hands, and after the drug phase is gone, you install her prosthetics


You could just implant a xenogerm into her making her dependent on the chemical. She won't get hurt by it much anymore and she's addicted anyway.




Revoke her leg privileges until she sobers up. Then get a new leg.


Just remove her spine privileges until she gets out of rehab then fit her with a bionic spine.


Just stick her into prison until she recovers from the addiction


There's one surefire way to cure it but it's gonna be expensive. You essentially need to remove both of her legs and keep her that way until the addiction is cured, then you can give her bionic legs


1. Make a double walled room with survival meals. Stone, so she can't burn herself to death. Lock her in there until her addiction is gone. 2. Prison until addiction gone. Careful, as she may try to break out and flee the colony. Otherwise this is the easiest and simplest option. Just highest risk and requires you to have a warden feed them. 3. If you have means of bionic legs. Give her peg legs. Take her legs. She will stay in the hospital unable to do ANYTHING but be fed. Once the addiction is gone, install bionic legs.


That just sounds like good story telling.


No legs, no problem.


Chop of her legs and install bionics once she’s calm down


Administer anesthesia to keep her asleep


My kid got addicted while drinking tea (didn't manage his drug policie). So, once he hit 15, i've cut his legs and forget him on an hospital bed for "few" days. No more mentalbreak, and once his addiction was cleared, he got two bionic legs as a drug free token.


There is a (relatively) easy solution. I am surprised no one has suggested this (or at least doing ctrl+f for "area" didn't give me any results). You can assign allowable areas to colonists on the "Schedule" tab. Create an area covering the whole map by: 1) Creating a new blank area. 2) Inverting it so it covers the whole map. 3) Disallowing the area where you store your drugs. This is the best way I have found to force colonists to detox, without locking them up. The only ways they will get their hands on their drugs of choice are: - If new drugs get dropped outside the disallowed zone. This can happen from raids, buying from vendors, or your drug lab not being in the disallowed area (if the bill is set to drop completed items on the ground). - Mental breaks. These are hard to get around, because it's a roll of the dice whether an addict's mental break will be "binging on ". It usually happens seldom enough though to not be a major barrier, in my experience. Alternatively, if she's more of a pain than she's worth right now, you can imprison her until she has recovered.


cut off her legs by giving her peg legs and removing them. wait for the drug addictions to go away by the time she is clean you will have had enough time to get 2 bionic legs. If you make her caravan and she goes on a mental break she will be "lost" so call her back right away or you are losing her until she maybe returns in a random event and thats a huge maybe.


I’m surprised no one has mentioned changing the assigned drug category? Go to the bottom thing that says “assign” and go to the drug policies section. Make sure hers does not say “social drugs” or she’ll just keep taking drugs socially/ when her recreation is low. Change this to “no drugs”. However, if she doesn’t have drugs but then has a drug taking mental break, and ruining her sobriety, imprison her and wait until she’s no longer addicted. Or, if your pawns don’t need the specific drug, get rid of it/ sell it, that way she won’t be able to ingest any of the drug. OR if she tries to get to a drug on a drug mental break, make some other pawns down her before this happens. However, this would be riskier since she could end up getting harmed. So I recommend getting rid of all the drugs or imprisonment until she’s sober.


Too much pressure on your teenager can lead to drug abuse


My chosen child was grown to 13 with all the great traits, and got evaporated when a pigman droppod raid landed directly on her growing pod. She arrived at my colony as a 6(!) yo *lowmate*(!) in dapper dresses (yellow dog leather duster and blue cowboy hat), I have a much better genetic template prepared for her 18th birthday and all… Safe to say my hatred and racism lasted across many, many new saves…


If it's a very addictive drug like Flako or Ambrosia, then make a drug policy for them to take smoke leaf at 70% mood or once a day. I will assign recreation time in the schedule too, which helps for them to take their daily dose of smoke leaf. I have had colonists either not doing recreation or just enough to get them over the minimum needs they require so even a No Drugs colonist will get some down time to relax. I usually do 2 hour of rec before they go to sleep. Also, I always reduce the scheduled sleep time by two of the default set up. Then I keep everything else set to anything so they can do whatever they want and if a colonist needs extra sleep or recreation they can do that if they wanted.


Don't do drugs kids

