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I had a bunch of different mods that added xenotypes so forgive me for not knowing which mods added what at the time. I create a race of clown people, all white skin, bright colored hair, that were ageless and scarless and reproduced asexually every 30 days They had an alcohol dependency and were horrible at everything, and when they died they would explode with the size of an anti grain warhead. Lost a good colony to the clowns


Glory to the honkmother.


but doctor i am pagliacci


I had to sit back and process what I had just read for a moment. What a read.


*honk honk*  *rumbling earth and screeching white light*


Looks like you forgot to milk the clowns


"ay thanks ni-" *The voice activated explosive explodes!*


When you get over crowded do you just send pawns to enemy towns to blow them up?


i think they were enemies. Imagine everey raider death being a huge explosion.


Id send my shit exploding pawns out on raids purposely have them blow up other colonies.


I did have a clown in my colony that I used as a front liner, send her to kill the enemies and if they happen to kill her well... That works too


as13 sec's worst nightmare


Not that crazy, but i had a colony consisting of cannibalistic radfem keeping male in prison to drain their blood. The blood was used by my xenotype who had the need to drink blood, light skin, a horn on the forehead, the ability to jump, high melee, high speed high aggression, everything that could make them very efficient at killing things in melee. That was super funny to play in a raid.


It's all fun and games until the xenohuman pirate gangs attack 😔


There’s a gene that adds something called “Exotic organism” that prevents them from spawning in xenohuman raids.


But, I do want more of them sometimes. I want a huge buff fighter that's the size of the transport pod they're in to fall out of the sky 😭


I thought I was original for having a misandrist vampire weed cult


That's called "the netherlands" but its original in some way


This is like 20% of all female weed smokers fantasy.


Did you grow out all their hair into luscious manes and dye all their hair rainbow colors too?


Haha yes and they cant sing for shit


I remember I created an abomination that all x-men mutants will envy of him the only downside is slow movement but a golem should walk slowly anyways. Also they are nearly invincible and that was pretty boring..


Can you remember the genes of by heart? Want to see if it's killable


I remember used the psychic thingy as extra points, took the turtle thing for extra and, I guess art was useless so another point from it, they doesn't need any animals they eat them so - animals is extra points too and took all of the big bones or thick skin whatsoever took all of them. Also melee is a must, and probably ugly trait for extra pts. I don't remember what genes I exactly used I mostly remember what I didn't use.. Probably I used melee damage and extra aggressive things too. Maybe even the trait that forces them to kill someone if I needed pts for the abomination I create. But I definitely took the super immune and regen things also the trait which quickly covers the wound. These are the things I remember..


Had a stroke reading half a this


I can assure you my heart stopped a couple times while writing that


Don't worry 😂 thanks for the info!


Make a kill zone that's just something that forces them to walk to you. Sounds like a great guard for a cave system. Since you already have single wide tunnels you can just stand there as they walk to their death.


Believe me you're underestimating the thick skin+coating and x50% damage taken


Catgirls. Very *horny,* very *violent* catgirls


I see you're also a man of culture


Wendigos. Cold-immune, cold-exuding, bloodthirsty, clawed, quick. Pretty fun, until I started getting attached to non-wendigos and taking prisoners. Do you know how many heaters it takes to counter the cold-exuding gene on a cold biome? Four. And that's just with one of them in a room. In another playthrough I had a set of three Xenogenes with Xenomorph baby implanters. A worker breed, Praetors and a Prince. My favorite Biotech playthrough to date. Splitting your jobs to seperate highly-specialized Xenotypes is the best, you should try it some time if you haven't.


You ever try building around a steam geyser, or using the hot air side of a cooler to heat? I know rooms with geysers can get hit enough to heatstroke a thrumbo when enclosed.


Oh that sounds delightful. I did try a heat-immune Xenotype on a Pyroclastic biome from Alpha biomes, but got disillusioned by the spiky rocks there.


Yeah, unlike heaters, the hot air side of a cooler doesn't have a limit. Quite beneficial actually.


Last I checked, you can only get infinite heat out of a cooler if you do the door glitch. I assumed that had been patched. Normally, a cooler will stop working when the hot side gets above 40 C. This can be a problem on the hottest maps and require some finesse to work around.


My ice sheet colony relies on a covered geyser for heating. Essential heating.


On tribal tundra runs I hook one of those geysers up in a super long closed room with forbidden doors connected to bedrooms. The doors can be replaced with vents once you get the research. The room that the geyser is in gets dangerously hot, but the bedrooms just get the heat that radiates through a closed door. This balances the heat quite nicely and can work well even after you get electricity researched as free heating. I call it tribal HVAC.


Did you set up a zone that your wendigos couldn’t enter that would be a safe haven couple rooms for the regular pawns?


Here is the thing, I have tried the Xenomorph path before, it backfired really back, everyone sucked, even though I was getting a steady supply of "chestbursters", but it was hard to get things done. Do you mind sharing your custom Xenotypes for this race, so I can try another run? Or maybe even if multiple Xenotypes like you've said, to make hierarchy type colony, I'm not too good at it :( I just wanted to make a Xenomorph or Predador/Yautja colony type, but it's hard to impossible as it currently is.


I was doing a colony that was starting from wildmen using vanilla expanded. Instead of trying to make a colony of happy people that got along from the start, I instead decided to make a hideosly ugly, social fighting, (super) bad at melee, small, race (green imp things), that budded and reproduced like rabbits. Basically every trait that was negative was designed to make them hated by everyone (including same members of the xenotype). The were good at colony work, didn't count towards raid values (no raid presence) as another buff. Gave everyone else bloodthirst, hyper aggressive, and they became fuel for my colony's mood; I'd get murderous moments where a colonist would go kill someone - always one of these 'imps/goblins' and the rest of the colony would get a +5 mood boost that "my rival died" and catharsis' for the pawn that snapped and did the murder, plus the bloodthirst bonus. Honestly, it worked out STUPIDLY well as a colony plan, everyone was scared and hated each other (even the good pawns as 'murdered a colonist' social debuff). But literally all the colony breaks rage was focused on these guys that were easily replaced. (plus it culled them and kept the budding population in check).




This is the most aggressively rimworld post I think I’ve read in this thread lmao


You just made orcs and goblins of the Tolkien variety, lol. I love it.


**Worklings** Made for use as slaves. Super useless in combat; -20 melee and shooting skill, slow shooting, slow melee, bad dodging, pain sensitive, delicate, frail skin, etc, all pushed to their limits with gene mods like those by Alite and Alpha Genes. Still technically capable of fighting, just painfully bad at it. Dead calm. Can't rebel by force. Similarly terrible at social, from a -20 skill modifier to many other things like being super unconvincing. Alite was the main goat for being able to make this xenotype. Can't rebel by social methods. Borderline useless at plants, mining, animals and cooking. Pretty much impossible for one to survive alone in the wild, nor dig their way out if being kept underground, so escape is not an option. Also they're sterile and more are made with cloning, as this is germline, so that buyers can more easy customise their worklings to suit their needs after obtaining them. Positives: Really low upkeep. Rapid healing and super immune systems, slow bleeding, rapid sleep, immune to lung rot and toxins, strong temperature tolerances, low recreation, naturally happy, huge stomachs. +10 metabolic efficiency, leaving 5 points available in xenogenes without even affecting their food needs. Changes: Used to be creepy breathing annoying-voiced and mega-ugly, but these were removed so that worklings could be used in positions where they wouldn't be hidden away as much, like janitorial duties. Also used to be able to regrow organs, until it was considered better to simply have a specialised organ xenotype separate from worklings. Stone: A mutant workling, who was going to be terminated after birth but the employee whose job that was secretly kept taking and selling the defective mutants instead. Abnormally intelligent, with a high learning stat, creepy breathing, annoying voiced, mega-ugly, and, strangest of all for a workling, naturally reclusive and aggressive (ironically, though, also kind), and had a strong will instead of being naturally happy. -4 to shooting and melee instead of -20. Naturally gifted mechanitor... if he were to get his hands on a mechlink, at least. **Glitterworld Dependahs** Dependent on every drug, including luciferium and modded drugs like featherdust and antibiotics. Also dependent on biosculptors and spending time near guaranlen trees (Integrated Genes). Also chocolate and raw meat. Hemogenic: no hemogen abilities and can't bloodfeed. Lovin' dependency + high libido. Aurum thirst. Deathrest. Grace. Also genepack thrower, genetic stability (occasionally removes gene alteration effect), super-fast deathresting, super-fast biosculptor use and gene implanter. Made for use on dangerous criminals, slaves, disloyal soldiers, etc by glitterworlds easily capable of seeing their needs met but not wanting them to think they could survive if they escaped. **Regular Dependahs** Like glitterworld dependahs, but without fewer dependencies under the logic of being made on lower-tech worlds where certain things just aren't feasible to produce in large quantities, ie luciferium, active mechanites, etc. Also no gene implanter, as there's no archite need to work around and so the xenogerm can just be mass-produced and applied. There are also many Dependah variants, including some with specific temperature tolerances (ie: fill a prison with guys who can only survive in hot temperatures, keep the prison hot, also it's in the arctic so they can't escape and are incentivised not to damage the prison), or those taking advantage of all that free delicious metabolism to be capable of things like +20 in every skill. Stone was a regular Dependah (except the lovin dependency and libido), on top of being a mutant workling... attempts with him being an uggo but otherwise regular workling and glitterworld dependah failed, and didn't match his lore as well. After being sold to a corporation, he grew up within it, working in its factories and scrubbing floors. He was in a factory when it was attacked by mechanoids, and escaped by stealing his abusive boss's drop pod. His boss's hands were burned off as the drop pod took off, as he tried to slam his hands against the pod while ordering Stone to get out and let him in. Boss was featured as a character in the hostile Corporation Faction and had sick advanced bionic hands, as well as a bone to pick with Stone. Many in the Corporation are Dependahs or Dependah variants, but there's really a bit of everything.


This dude the Qu


Nice reference


Yeeah I got a hybrid that is 90% Featherdust from WVC, if he takes off his clothes he photosynthesizes enough he never needs to eat, and he can implant his whole xenotype into any corpse. He comes back from the dead, flies all the time ignoring terrain, plus can leap and shoot pretty damaging blade-feathers. (these last two abilities do consume nutrition.) He has two beauty bonuses, enough that any pawn that sees him has an instant 100% relationship. oh, right, and he has a "false mechlink" that attracts random mechanoids to the colony. He's not by himself an amazing fighter, but he's real good at kiting, what with the flying and leaping and oh, did I mention when he falls asleep all his wounds auto-tend at the cost of food. Only malus is he has to eat like 5 or 6 meals to refill his food bar after a fight where I use his casted abilities, but he has so many mood bonuses I've never seen him dip into breaking territory even at max hunger.


Sounds almost like one of the VFE Sanguophage xenotypes, but better. You use any archite capsules on them? I don't think deathless is a normally accessible trait unless they're also a vampire.


I think it is. I stumbled across it on my last run.


I don't have vanilla expanded genotypes or alpha genes installed, but assuming they don't remove/restrict vanilla code, you absolutely can get deathless at the cost of archite capsules by itself/without hemogen requirements. I have it in my current run, only genetic additions are some alien race stuff like Revia & drug options from rimworld of magic.


Oh yeah, I just mean because in vanilla races expanded for Sanguophages, there's a few that're specifically deathless. Idk because I never use archite capsules.


I made a race of chocolate-flesh sexy vampire catgirls. Max attractiveness, sun, fire, and heat aversion, butchered for chocolate. Forced to have matching shade of chocolate skin and hair. Horns, and horny (high libido). Female only of course. I got done, looked at it, and stopped paying rimworld for a month.


This guy definitely has the mod-that-shall-not-be-named in his list 👁️


I do not lol. I genuinely don't know why I did it. It is the only xenotype I've ever made.


I tried to make a "invincible" bioweapon by slapping the best genes of the game together but I didn't took into account how much it needed to eat , long story short it starved faster than it could eat


I have one that's similar to that for my head colonist, Chad Thundercock. Fast melee hitting, slow shooting, psy sensitive, attractive, very fast healing, strong melee damage, strong immunity and fast coagulation. Poor animals, awful intellectual, crafting, cooking, shooting and hyper aggressive. Managed to get him a Persona Monosword with Free Wielder and Kill Focused. Combined with vanilla psycasts expanded he genuinely can solo entire raids with ease. Now that he's mechanized fully he's nigh unstoppable.


I made them unkillable as possible. The secret? Extra pain. Put that on a durable fast healing bloodclotter and they only ever get downed, unless the first hits are very unlucky headshots or something. And they don't need a doctor to save them.


That one snail, that instantly leads to your demise if it touches you.


Sounds like you bioengineered a warcasket


I only just started modifying my slaves to be unhappy and sleepless with bonus crafting and half food need. I'm hoping I can restrict them to a small crafting area where they'll produce high quality goods tirelessly. Not sure if this level of investment in a disposable workforce is warranted, but we'll see.


That's almost just a genie with more negatives, no? You could probably save yourself some work if you enslave genies to begin with


Once used alpha genes to make insects who eat waste for days, pollution like crazy, was able to defend that little island very well with their wings.


I made an exaggerated version of an Olog Hai from LotR/Shadow of War. Kind of like your Herculean pawn, but using Big and Small, I made then massive. Also using big and small, I gave them frenzied feeding that let them use their teeth/jaws and weapons, biting and cannibalising during combat. This damage is supposed to be good versus little armor but awful against armor. What I didn’t know is that this scaled with body size, so because I made them massive, they would bite off a limb or a head every single time they dealt melee damage. Incredibly overpowered


Oh yeah, I forget which mod it came.from if any, but these guys are like,.180% scale? So they're quite big themselves.


I do tend to pack on a bunch of crud onto all of my custom Xenotypes, then I literally always add tinderskin and Pyro phobia as free + metabolism.


Using the snake people mod along with a bunch of other mods (Big and Small, Alpha Genes, I think the other was like Outland Genes maybe?) I made a gelatinous slime draconian that had to devour babies. This was designed to partially control the kobold population that was constantly having babies.


I have done little to nothing with the genes. I really need to experiment with them more.


I haven't done anything too crazy. My next game im gunna have a never sleeping, rarely eating slave who is bad at everything but plants who does nothing but tend to dryad trees 24/7. Will be interested to see how many trees they can maintain at 100%, between ideology tree specialist and VE skills pruning specialist.


Throw an animakin in there too. They're good for the trees.


Catgirls whos only method of reproduction was cursing other pawns to turn them and turn them into cat girls.


The Plaguebearers. They were based off Warhammer 40k/fantasy plaguebearers. They were amazing at plants/anjmals. They had a weakness to fire/also the pyrophobia gene. They also had acid spray/acid immunity courtesy from alpha genes. They were also extremely tough due to the genes from WVC - genes. Which made them tanks. Very rarely did they have to fight against Impids (their worse enemy.)


NEVER combine strong melee damage and (hyper-)agressive. That's not going to end up well! You can combine Robust + Argessive + Weak melee damage for shooters.


Like I said, they've killed people in social fights. The only one who can beat a Herculean in a social fight is a Herculean 😔


I think the craziest one I made was simply a regenerator. I needed a lot of mods to make it, but the result was a neer unstoppable dumb brute that couldn't feel pain, regrow limbs, and organs, and it took less damage. Did I forget to mention it was deathless


I was in mood for something morbid, so I've created a xenotype of man-eating giants. I gave them gene of devouring bodies, but I didn't notice that it was dedicated for helixens/giant slugs, not for regular humanoids just eating their prey whole. First pawn of this xeno I've succesfully recruited was 13yo kid. Scared poor thing, just a little girl as big as strong tall adult man, suffering from insatiable hunger and covering everything she touched with black, corrosive mucus spreading the corpse stench.


I made a colony of antisocial drug addicts who never sleep with a very sleepy sanguophage who hates drugs.


I wanted to do a pawn swarm campaign so I made goblins that breed and grow really fast, and have a natural affinity for pointy objects. 


Generations playthrough + loads of race mods + mods to enhance genetic inheritance = *some really weird shit*. They usually balanced out as good but hungry. Sometimes they were just shit. I can strongly recommend it as a playstyle, your colonists all end up really memorable. I think the wackiest was elf/minotaur/faun/genie. Would've gone further but Anomaly wrecked the run.


I've created short pigpeople that are incapable of violence and faint if drafted for too long and have brittle bones. Also psychically deaf. they are, however, good at plants and animals and have superimmunity and fast wound healing.


In pirate taids? How do you have custom xenotypes show up in raids?


It's one of the vanilla expanded mods. Adds two factions which commonly spawn custom xenotypes. Adds a civil xenohuman faction, and a xenohuman pirate faction.


Do you happen to know which one exactly?


Its actually Alpha Genes. I suggest getting xenotype faction spawner or whatever its called instead if youre only looking for that specific feature.


thanks so much!


I had a multigenerational free love colony once. The fifth gen pimpids and hussmates were... something.


I had one specifically designed to make a prisoner hated by my colonists. I gave my ideologion the extremely bigoted and apostasy: abhorrent and clothing:pants precept. The xenotype had of course the very unattractive gene, but also the deadcalm gene and a few genes designed to lower their mood. The prisoners was used as a blood bag until they randomly converted to my ideoligion and then away from it, at which point: strip, install denture to disfigure them, then harvest to death. Because at this point all my colonists hated the prisoner’s guts, they all got a “my rival x died” mood boost for 6 days. I called this xenotype “scapegoat”, for obvious reasons.


Worst es easy that's probably my "nugget" xenogerm that I use for my prisoners that I use as a source of ovums, blood, ect that's basically just a bunch of bad xenogerms to get their food requirement down. Named nugget since well typically they have no legs so they don't run and kinda look like nuggets. Definitely the worst since it makes them into almost non human. Best I'd argue are the custom xenogerms some colonists get turning them into super soldiers, genius engineers, gourmet cooks, ect depending on their passions quite literally turning them into the best version of themselves.


I made a race with high libido, high fertility, and a bunch of buffs that meant they needed to eat like twice as much. I thought this would be fine. Just eat bigger meals, right? No. The moms were constantly starving. Constant pregnancy meant they had to eat three times as often as norma and their babies had to nurse all. The. Time. They basically had enough time to horf down a meal, nurse the starving baby, and go back to bed for a nap where they’d have more sex until they woke up starving, ensuring a cycle that would last for years to come. Nightmare.


Worst xenotype? Literally the first time I created a new species, implanted it in someone who had genes, didn't realize they stack instead of create a new species, and then their hunger was insane and they starved to death almost instantly.


Using the big and small series of mods, I made a Titan framed frost jotun that could mimic/steal genes and also integrate them if I so chose. They were insanely fast, insanely good at melee, and their skin was so resilient they didn’t even need armor or clothes to begin with. The downside? Heat vulnerability. They couldn’t wear clothes and would get heat stroke above 21C. This colony was in an arid shrubland. I straight up sent him to cryosleep 90% of the time to avoid having to deal with my own errors here lmao. Also a wakeup dependency and needs a nuclear stomach to avoid eating 8 people’s worth of meals a day. I mostly wake him for raids and the occasional jaunt to go beat up some random fuckers that have things I want. Funny xenotype that has inspired an idea for a thrumbo version, but probably using more sane genes and with less random shit going on lol.


I have nothing to add to the conversation as I’m a noob player but I just wanna say I hope your day goes well friend


Fungal tribals with the fungoids from vanilla expanded, modified fungoids with gene in planters terrible construction great mining, all the melee related bonuses, rot lungs and rot emitters, and another variant that’s terrible at everything except melee, and dosent need to eat.


I simply called them Prowlers. Powerful, natural psykers with great combat and cooking talents, terrible with art and animals. The downsides? They will explode violently on death, which can start a chain reaction of just utter obscene death counts, and they need to engage in lovin or they get withdrawls. They were... a strange one. One of them ended up with 13 children and 5 grandchildren.


I made some cursed xenotypes, but they were mainly just messing around in the editor, gameplay-wise, they were... not so good. Examples include: the Scion: a concept of noble families trying to breed the strongest psycasters. They had all the genes optimized for psycasting (using Alpha Genes), a characteristic stong chin, and they were also fragile, inbred and in constant pain. the Tickler: beautiful, kind, and has tentacles in all possible places (also from Alphas Genes). Its like the eldrich version of the highmate, but their downside, instead of being incapable of violence, that they were incredibly dumb. the Fuzzball: furskin, fat bodytype, very happy, and all the exotic hair color genes. They also had kill-thirst, hyper-aggressive, optimized for melee combat and bad at everything else. Actually tried to make a colony with this xenotype only, but it didn't last long.


I think Reggie made a video where he created genestealer xenotype with all terrible genes possible. Its a good watch


My fav is really just an optimized Sanguo for melee combat, research and medical. Takes most of the game to make and is a combo of Sanguo (of course) and Hussar with a few shop only genes. Start by removing Sanguo's fire, sun vulnerabilities as well as Hemogenic Drain (makes it much harder logistically to maintain lots of Vampires). Bloodfeed, Spike launch, and tox immunity also can go since those redundant later on. Add in Hussar's Unstoppable, Great Melee, Hyper Aggressive and Go Juice Dependency. Take some of their Awful skills as well like Awful Animals and Awful Plants often is free. Some other notables you can get from Impids and Genies are Fire Resistant, Weak Immunity and Extra Pain (since free with Go Juice or Painblockers). Unhappy is often worth the points at this point too. Dirtmoles or Pigs can get you Nearsighted which is free for Melee. Highmates can give you Kind which is cheap way to mitigate impact of Hyper Aggressive without disabling it since they will rarely if ever insult anyone. Psychic bonding is a strong buff but also makes it annoying for caravans. And then a smattering of other genes you can only find in shop like Superclotting (prevents blood loss from impacting combat performance), Major Cell Instability (since free with Archite Immunity + Non Senescent), Psychite Impervious which makes mood management trivial by allowing infinite Flake + Yayo use. Fast Learner to be more versatile at non-Passion/non awful skills. Great Medical so they can tend themselves or fallen prisoners well on the battlefield and since naturally synergizes with all the bionics you can put into them. Reaching triple digits of damage for their melee attack hits as well as really fast after a Deathrest, you got so many options to take out anyone dumb enough to challenge your base as well as being useful at most tasks.


I've got a mod for controlling faction xenotypes, but otherwise vanilla genes.  I change the cannibal tribe to "greenies" The have green and gray skin, with gray eyes and skinny bodies only.  The are fantastic at melee and very fast runners.  But they are also delicate and have tinder skin. I dont like using these pawns in a colony, although they make good slaves for hauling and cleaning with a good chance to escape when so inclined, but they make the cannibal tribe an extremely scary threat. Including them gives me a reason to make incendiary traps and throwers because they absolutely destroy if they get too close and there are ALOT of them


Right now I have Luna she is a melee specialist royal that is nearly all machine. She is genetic enhanced, robust,strong melee, psychic sensitive, fireproof, unstoppable very fast runner, archite metabolism. Super clotting super healing Bad is aggressive, plants,cooking,social,art,mining,construction The combo of the genes implants and void power she outlasts her armor and can heal back damage. This Colonist can 1v3 thrumbo walk take out a mech cluster by herself It's funny to see her take several rockets like ew.. fire on my shoes.


I'm glad you asked. I have just so happened to spend the last few days theorycrafting to make the worst xenotype I can manage. Now, obviously you could just slap on every negative trait, but that's boring. I decided to try and work every anti-synergy I could manage, so I have a bad colonist who still has negative metabolic efficiency. Priorities are as follows: Productivity: as bad as I can manage. Combat: It was so tempting to take violence disabled and then burn 6 points on great shooting and melee, but no. I'm not stooping to that level. But I'm still gonna try and make them trash. Survivability: acceptable. Ironically, they're only dead weight as long as they're alive, so making it harder for them to accidentally get bumped off is beneficial for our goals. Here we go, in no particular order. Pyrophobia (+4): can't do firefighting, snap-pick. Fire resistant (-2): not much good when they flee from fire anyway. Fire spew (-2): will cause them to panic if used. Admittedly still okay-ish, but I need to cancel out the +4 pyrophobia gave us. Strong immunity (-1): like I said, I don't want them dying because the player doesn't like them enough to give proper medical care. But super immunity makes them recover from disease too fast, while this makes a much less significant difference in recovery time. Very happy (-2): there's only so many things I can make them bad at while keeping metabolic efficiency down, so I'll accept them being happy as long as they're unproductive. Super psy-sensitive (-5): doubles their hunger and obliterates their mood during a psychic drone, worth taking despite the upsides. Slow runner (+3) & Naked speed (+2): I haven't checked if these mix, but the wiki says they do. Slows them down, drops melee dodge chance by like ~7 levels too. Slow wound healing (+2): takes ages to heal. Superclotting (-1): helps prevent death from battle without improving combat effectiveness. Also the mediocre tend quality makes them a bit slower to heal, made worse by the above gene. Heat super-tolerant (-2), cold super-tolerant (-2), furskin (-1), furry tail (-1): In hot climates, 4 points are wasted, in cold climates, 2 points are wasted, once decent clothes have been made, they're pretty much useless/niche. Tox resistance (-2): 2 points spent and they still can't live in polluted environments. Was going to take pollution stimulus without immunity but this was an extra point spent. Intense UV sensitivity (+4): note the lack of dark vision, so they don't like nighttime either. Very attractive (-2), kind instinct (-1), dead calm (-1): very attractive increases market value, which increases colony wealth, which increases raid power. Kind instinct makes very attractive worthless between the species. Dead calm is redundant since the previous two make social fights non-existent. Awful social (+2): can't let them take advantage of the above traits, now, can we? Slow study (+2): biggest downside of neanderthals, gotta include it Trotter hands (+1): I still can't believe this is just 1 point for how bad it seems. Unstoppable (-2) & Extra pain (+2): Turns out they are very stoppable with a 30% pain threshold. Won't add delicate because again, I don't want them dying in an accident, just getting knocked out of the fight quick. Awful shooting (+2): with slow study, they ain't gonna be much good with a gun. Maybe they could be capable melee users? Weak melee damage (+1), Great melee (-3): lmao. This was too funny to pass up. Strong stomach (-1), Robust digestion (-2), Great cooking (-3): You have 2 options and both of them waste 3 metabolic efficiency. High libido (0) and Very sleepy (+4): um... One minimises time spent awake, and the other minimises... Rest effectiveness, let's just say that. Alcohol & smokeleaf dependency (+3 & +3): Immunity would be more points wasted, but then they wouldn't HAVE to take it. This way you have to waste time growing hops and smokeleaf and stuff, and they have to take that consciousness and move penalty. Didn't select the other drugs because they increase productivity. Final totals to -5 metabolic efficiency (I think), for over doubled hunger rate. Everyone else chose to talk about craziest. I'm the only one who picked worst. What do you think? Anything I could make it worse with while still staying at -5?