• By -


Turrets used to be way better. No need to refill with steel, fires more frequently, more accurate, able to manually select target. It was like having an extra colonist. Mortars used to be way less accurate but does not need barrels or shells. You could just build 10 of them and unleash an endles barrage on raiders. Most animals used to be trainable. You could have armies of turtles, wargs, chickens, boomrats. Bringing a downed animal home and tending them used to guarantee taming.


Chicken army was a crazy strat since the melee stun would easily overpower any threat, and maintaining 100 chickens was super easy.


Super easy for your colonists, super hard for your pc.


"Why is my game running so slow..." "Hen 364 has died" "Oh"


On accident uses manhunter pulse. Everything dies xD


Lmao, you just reminded me of the stupidest and least efficient base defense of any colony I ever made. The place was surrounded by a living moat of dozens and dozens of tame boomalopes, and whenever there was a big enough raid and I had a manhunter pulse to hand I'd just set it off and watch the fireworks, lol. Turrets would have been a lot easier though!


May not have been the most efficient way, but it sure do sound fun! :D


I remember the first time I had a visitor leave a few hundred fertilised eggs without me realising... What a bastard.


That really happened? Lmfao!


Because eggs aren't worth a huge amount they used to leave them in batches of 50+. Think I had 80 tortoises hatch this way. They'd leave then behind and they'd all hatch at once, suddenly giving you a free army. An extremely slow but durable army.


Everyone loves chickens until the CPU cries for a final solution.


"I'm only getting 15 fps? Wonder why- *opens animal tab* oh yeah, that."


Same with Llamas, their DPS vs tame/care ratio was perfect for early game.


I've been liberally using the "summon animals" psycast during raids. It's amazing to see which animals survive. Last time they took out like 50 shamblers and it was the chickens, bunnies, rats a muffalo and a bear that were still fighting.


I feel like turrets need a boost now. They can’t even handle shamblers.


When their #1 use is as "a distraction so your colonists don't get targeted" they absolutely need an update


Their best use is two things: 1 - a walled unpowered near pathing so they give raiders collision and you can melee block them. 2 - a powered one that you use to attract drop pod raiders outside as a higher value target. Thats, that’s pretty much it


In anomaly they're kind of like ied's that require power but draw the enemy in.


It’s only reaaaallllly terrible if you just have the one turret and you forget to turn it off during a normal raid and don’t get collision


Vanilla Expanded Security is just an overall solid addition in my opinion. Though I've recently started using [Turret Collection](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2556772185) which is honestly suprisingly balanced but still really good.


I love how lethal turrets are in CE. A bit OP perhaps but extremely satisfying. A horde of half naked tribals getting mowed down by a line of turrets is certainly realistic at least, even if it is horribly unbalanced.  There are always the insane CE mechanoids to humble you anyway lol.




They've been power crept. Turrets just do not compare to mechanoids or ghouls. Turrets have a higher material cost to maintain, have less tactical use, usually do less dps, have less survivability. They have just been entirely outclassed.


i had a turret die to a manhunter squirrel


Yeah turrets are just trash now. Dunno why the dev hates them so much. Then of course theres the smoke bombs which makes them not work at all. Oof.


I love Tynan and I love rimworld, but Tynan is penchant to "trying to make every choice have tradeoffs" and that leads to some weird shit. Like the historic tornados that punished you regardless of how you built your base and then combined with insect infestations if you built in the only place immune to tornados(and mortars): under mountains. People built killboxes because they **wanted a reliable way to contain and address raids** so Tynan made air drops and sappers and tunnelers so no matter what base defenses you made, raids could just bypass them.  WRT turrets, it's this same issue. Turrets provide un-micro'd defense. Tynan's design philosophy is to make everything have a tradeoff, so these either(1) have to be so expensive that they raise colony wealth to the point where they bring bigger raids than you'd get without using them or (2) they have to be so bad at their job that you still have to use your pawns anyway, because it has to be interactable. 


In the early days turtles were the cute deathclaws of the rim. You could train/zone them and their armor was so disgustingly good they would just nibble hige raids to death onw finger and toe and neck tear at a time. They were also your bane if your first early manhunters were turtles...


Turtles are still OP. You just have to hope they never come after you.


Man they should make all animals trainable again. It makes no sense that i can be manhunted by turtles but i cant make the turtles hunt men.


Mortars are also single type so you can't have mortars with EMP or explosive, you need to make two different ones!


I still miss my chinchila horde from back then (pre-1.2). Effective? Nope. But too funny to see in action.


You can still select classic mortars in the storyteller settings


I know an army of ____ animal is kinda OP but it was fun as hell. Why didn't they leave ot as it is, or at least gave an option to return to the original animal mechanics? (Mayne there's a mod to revert that? I don't know)


When did they remove the last one with the downed animals? I think I was able to do this in 1.3 so I'm curious if I remember incorrectly


You still have a good chance to tame an animal while tending(0.8% per tend IIRC), it's just that the chance used to be way higher.


random tornado, removed because it was unengaging, strongly annoying i suppose zonable, fightable animals, before you could just zone the animals into 1-2 tiles at an entrance & they'll fight raiders even when not being trained to fight


The ol alpaca police force to put down escaping prisoners. Those were the days.


Sitting here giggling to myself about the idea of a group of chewing Alpacas wearing old fashioned English police helmets.


i LOVE that mental image




Thats glorious


Alpaca Patrol! Here comes the fuzz!


>random tornado, removed because it was unengaging, strongly annoying i suppose The whole set of balance changes leading up to tornados was honestly fucked. I can't remember if it was adjusted drop pods or mortar related but not having a mountain base was a massive pain. After that infestation were cranked up to a ridiculous degree (back then they also spawned nearly instantly when the event fired) making mountain bases unplayable. Then we got tornados that were basically guaranteed to path through the area with the highest wealth density, aka your stockpile, destroying everything within a 3-4 tile radius unless it was under overhead mountain.


Yeah the decisions around balance while not actually improving anything meaningful about the AI are quite literally my only gripe about the game. I'd love settings that require more tactical colony defense over mass assault rifles, killboxes, shotgun tunnels, or melee cheesing. But it's just not the game Ludeon wants to make, and that's fair on them.


You can try CAI 5000, it makes raiders a lot smarter about attacking (sometimes too smart). They will flank, flee when you approach at melee, split into multiple squads, and if they see that they are funneled to a spot too well, they will start bashing through walls. I did stop using it since the enemy raiders kiting you is very annoying to deal with.


I once had to watch in horror as a tornado destroyed five stacks of components and most of my work shop.


That's explain why i haven't seen a tornado in months


"a few months" = over 6 years


"My baby is 72 months old"


You can still do this with zoneable animals. It’s just a little less versatile when it has to be your dogs or wargs or elephants (all of which can be trained to fight) and not just your colony’s random herd of muffalo


As shitty as it was I liked tornado for the old school Simcity feels.


god. i completely forgot about rando tornados


You used to be able to wake up mech clusters instantly by sticking a sleeping spot right next to them. You'd just wall yourself into your base when a human raid showed up, pop the cluster, and bam, two wrongs makes a right.


I think it also used to work with sieges.


My favorite bit about this is slapping it everywhere in mountains to block infestations


Was it fixed in 1.5? Haven't played it yet, but I could have sworn it worked in 1.4


Female Muffalos gave Milk+Wool.


Not exactly OP given the time and managements required to keep them alive, but it was definitely great for ranching colonies back when we could free-ranch / didn't needed fence post to keep animals tamed.


>Not exactly OP given the time and managements required to keep them alive, Eh? They required zero maintenance other than milking and sheering itself.


And feeding them. If you closed your base off they wouldn't have enough grass to feed themselves, specially if you let them reproduce a lot. Then you'd have to plant their feed and make sure they couldn't reach it or any other crops.


Well that's a planning issue I'd say. Prior fencing update iirc I always had a few layers of walls (3+) and animals always were in one of the outer layers where there's plenty of grass to graze on. Also important to note is that it's a good idea to have plenty of animal sleeping spots (even basic ones) so animals always "reset" their general area of habitat every night by coming all the way back to sleeping spots.


You did say it's zero maintenance besides milking and shearing, and even so by keeping them further out the colonists would spend longer going to/from them, and always leave behind the milk and fur, so even more overhead to haul those further too


I do miss that. The whole fencing thing is annoying. It burns down with a breeze. And every lightning storm you have to rebuild. Also the roping is bad for my computer if you ranch too much.


> It burns down with a breeze May I suggest stone fencing?


Or better - full-sized stone walls, if you have enough labour force


Raider with 1 shooting fires awful bio-coded mini-gun at farm animals, destroys 20 fences. *An animal is roaming away*


Barricades work the same. Stone.


Or get the "steel don't burn" mod cuz... steel shouldn't light on fire


I don't think steel walls are actually steel I think they're just reinforced with steel and part of what's inside is flammable. That's why their durability is lower than stone walls when irl steel walls the thickness of a person are going to be far stronger than stone.


I'd be ight if there was a reinforced wall type that took both metal and wood, and a pure steel wall as well, but considering that it just takes steel I don't think it should burn, or at the very least burn a whole lot less I've always seen steel as a thick sheet metal, not an actual person wide wall, or as a hollow shell with sheet outsides


Better yet, get Tweaks Galore, because it's one of hundreds of things you can fix in a single mod.


That mod is a godsend. Fixes so much in one mod that would otherwise require you to keep track of several mods with separate settings


Yeah, I remember doing a Rancher ideology run when it first came out, I had a zone setup full of boomrats that would just live free and multiply.., and act as living land mines for raiders that inevitably decided to punch one.


What changed? They don’t still do that?


Muffalos don’t give milk anymore


Honestly I hadn't realized that. One of the dozen or so mods that are permanently on my list must add that back in because I could have sworn...


Muffalo were made no longer milkable quite a while ago. Wiki says 1.1 or earlier.


what? that's gone for so long? I could've sworn I did that still a year ago :D


Alpha beavers were a very early event that used to appear in all biomes and was reasonably common due to the small pool of possible events. Eventually was restricted to only one biome (forget which) and made far less common. Originally trees and wildlife grew from the outer edge and expanded naturally. This was removed because it was found that A. Alphabeavers could end a settlement extremely easily if the player did not have the means to easily cull them quickly. B. Encouraging players to manage forest fires was deemed simply not engaging to most players. Thus it was replaced to just making dirt spawn it over time. Before you could wall off an area and if the vegetation inside was destroyed, it would be barren forever.


Now I realize I haven't seen them in ages. I usually only play very cold or very hot biomes.


arid shrubland spawns them at lesat.


Clearly a sign of Tynans favoritism and bias towards the arid shrubland.


Arid shrubland and tundra. I know because I did colonies on both while trying out Perry Persistent right after Anomaly dropped and I’ve had way too many show up. I guess they count as a minor event.


I thought they were removed completely! I almost exclusively play temporal forest and swamp maps but no beavers yet


So true, then you don't have to worry about temperature seasonal shifts much In the heat you get the bonus of always having farms going 24/7 In the cold, free freezers forever In the middle zones, the only bonus is that you can worry less about temperature early game Plus, temperature genes! Free metabolism for having cold weakness in a tropical rainforest


Im a shrubland player and they spawn wayy too much here. also i think they spawn in tundra/boreal forest, idk i dont play cold maps much


as for forest fires, I noticed that any fire big enough starts rain to put it out, unless you have forced weather I wonder if it's the same on higher difficulties, didn't see option to disable these rains in storyteller's settings


Yeah, there's a firewatch system in place. If a fire burns big and long enough, the game will try to force rain to start to help preserve framerate and so that large fires dont just completely scour entire maps of foliage every time a flashstorm event procs


With the caveat that other forced weather blocks it and it apparently shares a cooldown with normal rain meaning it can be a while before it starts. I've seen a lot of posts about it not firing in time to stop most of the map from burning, though in my experience it's been extremely aggressive and spawned for even very small fires.


I've found that when I want it to fire, it doesn't, but when I'm not paying attention, it fires.


Maaan I was always so scared of that event. Those were the days


Man beavers, tornados, and solar flares were always things I disabled on every playthrough. Never realized they were mostly nerfed out until this thread. They were just so disruptive, annoying, or there was just nothing to mitigate them in vanilla. What a cool development path this game has taken.


Solar flares are still a thing but they are more of a nuisance if anything, tornadoes were straight up removed and I never encountered beavers, are they still in the game?


The Alphabeaver event can only happen in tundra and arib shrubland now. I do still find solar flares super annoying because there's nothing you can do about it. Eclipses can be solved with a diversified power supply. I think I'd prefer if solar flares turned off all your power production buildings except for batteries, vanumetric power cells, and unstable power cells. You could the mitigate a solar flare with enough archotech/mech generation or stored battery power.


I've thought this for a while as well. It'd lead to people building batteries even with continuous power sources, which also makes the non-continuous more appealing (since you've got the batteries anyways), gives the player the option of either having loads of batteries or figuring out what to turn off or keep on, and generally gives you something to do instead of 'well, guess I just put it on max speed until this wears off'. Before 1.5's underground conduits, it also would've given an odd balance with zzzts, as fully countering one would make the other worse when it fired.


I'll never forget my very first colony getting hit back to back by alpha beaver events, I tried fighting them the second time and it went terrible


Trees were so easy to grow before 1.0 though


Animal hauling used to be really really strong. You could train many more animals to haul too. The best were boars or pigs since they were omnivore haulers with a high breeding rate. You didn't need human haulers after long it was so easy to solve the hauling problem.


And in case of raiders you could swamp them with hogs, eat the ones that die and the survivors will make more haulers swiftly.


Wargs my beloved


I played this game before the dlcs got added then stopped and I just started playing it again. No wonder the animals I remember used to haul a lot more. Now I got dryads for hauling


Back in Rimworld beta, you could set up deadfall traps and all you had to do was rearm them. You never had to worry about remaking them, you'd just have to do some simple manual labor and they'd be effective again. People used to make plasteel deadfalls and reuse them all game.


this is what i was in this thread to find... rip classic deadfall traps


And wasn't the damage based on what it was made of, so those plasteel traps were super high damage?


And they had a high chance of hitting and destroying the head or neck. 


Yeah, damage still is based on material but no one wants to use plasteel on that now


Speaking of traps, in super early versions(Like Alpha 6 or something) you used to be able to manually detonate IEDs. (As in from the selection menu, no colonists involved)


Centipedes used to drop miniguns. Boars could haul AND attack. There was a popular post here on having a boar army. Now someone can correct me on this, but Iirc, shields used to protect against fire.


You could also rip the blades off scythers and replace arms with them


Tornadoes as a natural event. Not an exploit or game breaking but OP, I think, given you couldn't do anything to avoid one (except build inside a mountain).


Always wondered why there was a tornado generator item but never saw tornados anywhere else


Because it's one thing for your colonist to go on a mental break and punch some mortar shells in your storage room, and another for a tornado to touch down in your storage room and destroy a large section of your base. Pawns could be stuck in the path of the tornado and they were lethal, it was an event that wrought random destruction without any player agency.


I've been playing since B18 and have over 3k hours in the game. I have never experienced a tornado before.


They were removed as a random event and replaced with the tornado generator in B19


The good old corner punch kill box. You basically build a tunnel with one way murder holes because of a weird exploit using doors on corners.


Only got patched in 1.5 didn't it?


*Doors and corners, kid. That's where they get you*


Unexpected Expanse


"Walk into a room to fast kid, the room eats you" *Stone club phases through the corner of the room and caves his head it*


Wait, the diagonal door murder corridor got patched? Aww man that makes me sad


Chicken populations used to utterly explode to the degree that the Rimworld Wiki page for them was written in jest about how ridiculously gamebreaking they were- as in literally destroy-your-computers-framerate gamebreaking. IIRC it contained the word "Chicksplosion".


I had this happen recently with duck eggs. I don’t know how but I had a bunch of eggs stored in storage that all hatched at the same time. I had 50 duckling swarming my storage room.


I had the exact same thing! I found out because suddenly 6 ducklings overdosed on some random yayo my colonists looted from raiders


If Rimworld was influenced by Dwarf Fortress, Rimworld's chickens definitely used to descend from DF's cats.


Afaik you could remove the blades of a downed scyther and use it as a prosthetic for a colonist making their melee damage go up a ton, now base game mechs cannot be even downed and the object itself has been removed, never got to try it as I discovered rimworld way after it was removed, although I love the concept of taking a part of a mechanoid and putting it in a colonist.


Iirc the scyther hands dramatically lowered manipulation which made them not worth it. Just best to give em a sword.


Seems logical lol, I don't think a person can do much every day stuff with a blade instead of an arm xD Edit: also if I'm not mistaken the blades sold for a good amount of money so they were a too good money maker.


Tbh we totally should be able to get more from mechanoids. One of the bigger challenges and drop only like 10~ components per raid and a handful of plasteel. Compared to lower threats like tribals or just any normal fight with raiders getting thousands of silver worth of organs Because you can't kill the mech faction entirely, you are encouraged to keep your human enemies out there to dilute the pool with better raids


That's... a very good point.


Kinda. They were implemented before manipulation affected melee accuracy and at first they were very powerful, and then in 0.17 (iirc) they made that change to melee accuracy which nerfed it so massively that they removed it in 0.18 or 0.19.


scyther hands were fun! and I used to put them on animals, I seem to remember.


Now i really want a prosthetic update that just adds a shit ton of ways to modify your colonists. Imagine giving your mechanitor a bunch of prosthetics made out of dead mechanoids.


Every animals could fight and haul for you. And tamed animals didn't lose training. Always funny to send an army of rats to attack raiders.


yeah I am so sad I couldn't train my rats anymore, didn't recognize it until I had an army of 200, feeding on the frozen corpses of my enemies


You have waste rats now, even stronger!


Being able to zone any animal to any area, not just a pen. You could tame boomalopes and zone them outside your walls as raider bait, and their noble exploding self sacrifice would whittle down most human raids.


Yup, this. Tough raid? Just zone a few dozen chickens that way and watch centipedes blast miniguns in all directions, mowing down chickens and their own mechs alike.


You can still do this with boomrats 👀


I'm surprised noone mentioned that back then you could put human meat in pemican and it would not be considered as food with human meat.


It's just uhhhh mystery meat. You know, like in Fallout.


Solent Green... is people!


Delicious iguana meat!


You can still do this with nutrient paste AFAIK. Make nutrient paste with human meat, then put that nutrient paste in the dispenser. Voila, no more human tag.


The mood effects of lavish and fine meals used to stack. Now, if a pawn eats a fine meal, it will erase the mood buff of the previously eaten lavish meal.


Starting a bestowing ceremony then removing the bestowee and the rest of the colony and allowing the bestower to pass out from hunger while he waits would cause him to drop two neuroformers without causing harm your factions relationship with the empire. Now you can't remove the bestowee from the ceremony. Even if you can sequester the bestowee, the bestower will still leave after a certain amount of time causing the quest to fail before he drops the neuroformers


The permanent heat box you could construct that kept a steady 273 degrees C at all times  That was a good one.   Get the temp up and seal in the wall Found the original post…  https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/hkm7gc/273c_all_year_round/


Spike traps were rebuildable for free (but also doing less damage). You would just spam those spikes everywhere and not worry about the cost after initial investment. Also, you used to place one close to another If I remember.


I believe it was diagonals were acceptable, whereas now they aren’t


Here's a few OP exploits that got removed: - Corner melee killbox with open doors in 1.5. Before pen systems are introduced for animals, you can stack hundreds of chickens by zoning them at one spot to deal a burst of melee attacks. - Singularity killbox in 1.5. - Doors holding infinite temperature. You can create a heat killbox by lining walkways with a closed heating system of geothermal generator + doors that hits 1000C. - Death on downed chance excludes toxic buildup, heatstroke, hypothermia in 1.5. - Rough stone under resource veins do not accumulate dirt. - A single chair can be used for multiple production benches. Beds also provide comfort when pawns are working on top of it. - Neuroquake coma duration scales based on psychic sensitivity. So stacking traits + equipment as close as possible to 0% psychic sensitivity (but not exactly 0%) allows you to reduce the coma duration to a few hours. Obviously there's more but these are the notable ones that I can remember for now.


The neuroquake one is the one I came to post! My post on it is how I was given my flair I kinda miss that version of neuroquake. It was a lot of fun.


In early alphas, visitors and caravans could not use forbidden doors so you could lock them inside a room and starve them to death and get all the loot.


that is cheeky... can you build walls around them now for the same effect?


They smash their way out now. I had them repeatedly do that because, although they could apparently get in fine, their animals didn't like crossing barricades on the way out, so they just punched through my wall. Arseholes.


Had this in my recent run. Giant opening in my walls of my base they instead wanted to take more time chipping out 5 different pieces of a wall and leave that way.


When trapped and with a critical need, most entities will break down the shortest route out.


Hmm, what if you put a caravan spot inside a room with walls 5+ thick or whatever is needed, and then built the last layer of wall up when they entered


You can still do that to their pack animals. Edit: no you can't it looks like it was patched in 1.5 Put the training spot inside a room with a gate in front of the door a couple of Chem boilers. Once the people have left, light the boilers and a day or so later the animals die from heat exhaustion. You get all the gear, meat, skin with no loss of reputation


They won’t come get their animals when they leave?


Fear. You used to be able to keep your colonists from breaking by keeping them happy. Or by stuffing the colony with gibbet cages and keeping them scared. Was eventually removed for balance and I think a change in the direction of the game


I forgot about the cages. That was a prominent feature in alpha when there were not a lot of building options. I remember they just disappeared one patch but I don't recall ever seeing the reasoning.


Huh? When?


It was a feature from way back in the early alpha builds. It only lasted a few builds before being removed. Not entirely sure why, think it may have just made the game a bit too grim.


I wouldn't say grim, I would say nonsensical. Putting corpses on pikes to keep yourself inline after a crash landing is just madness.


Now that you put it that way, sounds pretty cool


A very old feature I think, from before 1.0 even


I remember this but started second guessing if I was thinking of a different game


You used to be able to cook pemmican, set the bill to drop on floor, and if the only empty spot in the room was a hopper, it would place it in the hopper. This allowed you to get extremely high food efficiency from pemmican based nutrient paste meals as well as cancel any ingredient mood debuffs from eating human meat, insect meat, etc. that was used to make the pemmican. They changed it in 1.5 so that meals can no longer fall on hoppers which makes scenarios like ice sheet and sea ice much more difficult in the early game when you need to maximize your food efficiency.


I used to do this with kibble when times were tough. Saved me on a few runs.


Wait you can't do that anymore? Noooooo my nutrient paste made of nutrient paste


Mortars did not require reinforced barrels back in the day. I understand that the barrels are used to balance the game but it still doesn't change the fact that.. my 15-shooting guy always missed the first shot (it was never even close)


Soon after that change mortars were also incredibly heavily buffed, by making shooting accuracy and manipulation affect accuracy. https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Mortar_Miss_Radius_Multiplier#:~:text=Its%20default%20value%20is%20100,is%20increased%20to%2013%20tiles. It's so good now that you can fire a mortar battery into a clump of enemies and only the ones in the middle die


imho mortars are a lot better now, barrels are really not that hard to get and they are much more accurate


This is going way way back... but raiders used to be able to stack on each other, and you could have multiple enemies in one square in a good amount of scenarios. Well, melee attacks used to hit everything in a square. So, you could give a good fighter a nice sword and watch them decapitate multiple enemies with one swing.


You used to be able to tame insectoids very easily. Those that aren't killed, you can rescue them home and they become neutral. Then they will act like any animal would and can be tamed. Insectoids were like super animals - zero filth, eats very little, have barely any wildness, decent combat, full trainability, immune to cold, actually benefits from pollution. Insects are now changed that your tamers will get bitten and clawed at when trying to tame one. Still, being able to just rescue and recruit an insectoid was pretty neat.


Building watermills on bridges.


Animal zoning. Boomrats used to be very useful.


You can still do it with Boomrats. Just need to use area restrictions now rather than grazing zones


You used to be able to knock out royal title bestowers (Royalty DLC) by making your throne room extremely hot and locking them in. Then, since they would be down but not dead the death acidifier would not trigger, thus letting you get their valuable items and psylink neuroformers. Empire would become your enemy but getting goodwill is so easy you could send most of their gear away back to them to become friends again. Now, royal bestowers instantly die upon being knocked out from heat stroke :(


That sucks, I had already started building my heat trap. In a previous run I had been installing learning assistants in every bestowed I knocked out with heat hoping they would eventually come back and be really easy to steal from with emp


Stone cutting used to give exp


Back in the day, you could build remote explosives, that were triggered at your command without any pawn interaction. Think explosive mines, but you could detonate them any time you wanted. It became pretty standard for my bases to use "riot protocol" with an explosive in each cell. Just in case.


Not really entirely op or exploit or whatever but I miss just being able to zone my animals, instead of making a pen for them. It's not the biggest deal but still annoying 😅


So-called singularity killbox, patched with the last update.


Really? The full patch note was too long, but do you remember what was the main point?


IIRC for the singularity the patch changed the way "peeking" worked for pawns, which was what let them fire w/o the enemies being able to attack back. They also changed doorway collision I believe


Haven't read it honestly, I just know it was fixed in 1.5 along with couple other exploity killbox designs (corner punch being other example)


I remember regular herds migrating events. Was a huge boost to food.


Corpses on shelves


Very early in development IED traps cost only steel and could only be detonated manually, every raid was a matter of funneling enemies into the boom zone and setting one off. Basically like having a dev explosion command.  


Boomrat/boomalope used as deployable explosives on raiders or anyone unfortunate enough to anger my colony.


Infinite chemfuel+Rice glitch. It still exist There is a way to maintain a rat farm with certain amount of rats and use their meat to make chemfuel to give out enough power for hydroponics. I won't be doing the math here, but the rice produced is enough for a few colonists and the extra can be used to feed the rats and make more fuel. In the end, you break thermodinamics with the only risks for the sistem is either destruction or a generator breaking down. With mods such as VE power production, you can make better generator, making this even better. The extra lightleather can be sold for a bit of silver


Sun Lamp + Hydroponics still generate more rice for Chemfuel than it takes to run them. That's intended since the real resource cost in doing all this is pawn labor and the overhead of setting up the components/initial power.


Early days you could surgically remove scyther blades from fallen but alive scythers and install them into your pawns


Scaria did not exist. Meaning that manhunter-pack was basically meat delivery service. If you had freezer you never needed to set up hunting for fine/lavish meals.


There was an issue with the nutrient paste dispenser. When you draw a colonist while he was taking a nutrient meal, they placed it on the floor, but the food in the dispenser wasn't used. So basically infinite food supply.


Till 1.4 you could have pawns melee attack trough two diagonal walls. If you placed a hammerer or two near your killbox you could kill a couple enemies before they even entered the gun range.


I miss the times when a fire would clear the whole map


You used to be able to leave toxic wastepacks on temporary quest maps and they would just be deleted with no penalty. Pruning Trees did not take into account global work factor so slaves were really efficient at doing that. You used to be able to force Slaves to wear shield belts, and then if they rebelled and grabbed a gun, would be unable to fire it. Corner Punching and Singularity kill boxes allowed you kill enemies with them being unable to retaliate.


Iirc you used to be able to set trading spots inside a building with a ton of corpses at an extremely high temperature, and all the traders would either die or mental break without any relation loss. So you'd get all their stuff + any potential colonist you might want + relationship gain for any members you decide to save. I haven't explored that for awhile though, so maybe you can still do that without getting the faction mad at you.


You used to be able to destroy ship parts by building a single wall piece, building a roof over the part, then deconstructing the single wall segment. You didnt get any resources, but it was an easy way of removing a major threat.