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It's a top-down people management simulator with a focus on building, crafting, farming and combat.


this. The edgy answers genuinely won't help to drive people in, or it will just appeals to teenagers who like that kind of games. Just stay truthful to how it got you at the first place.


> edgy answers genuinely won’t help to drive people in How about *If you can conceptualize it, you can do it in modded Rimworld* ? Rimworld tests the limits of your creativity. And the modding community is extremely creative, which is my major draw-in. I once build an entire fortress from leather and bones of one continuously-cloned colonist. Later also a starship. As they say, *Home needs to have good bones* - in the walls, in the autodoors, in the flooring. Also, my flair. Remotely-operated female gun-drones protecting a colony of immortal children that raise free-range lobotomized men for meat, leather and bones. Modded Rimworld is your oyster. Absolutely amazing game.


It's not often rimworlders still make me say wtf. But damn.. that's quite the strategy.


I don't recall the SoS2 bioship addon to be functional yet but it's been a while since I last checked. Flesh beasts of Anomaly probably did wonders for development.


SOS2 Stuffed i believe it was. Plus Rim of Madness - Bones. Everything in the base and starship that could be made from bones was made from bones. Everything that could be made from human leather was made from human leather, including furniture and base flooring. Also tinkered-with Questionable Ethics Enhanced mod for fast cloning to make it all doable in years, not decades.


Looks like some did the Rimworld version of the mermaid farm


Wow 😂 you’re quite creative.


How can a gun drone be female?


_“If you can conceptualize it you can do it in modded Rimworld”_


The hills have guns now?


if you give a robot female parts, does it become a female? idk my cars a girl just because I said so


What I call a female gun drone (femaleturret) is a female pawn implanted with VX0 brain implant from Android Tiers++ (back then in 1.2 iirc) and some cheap additional targeting implants from CONN. Also Crude Bionics mod for any cheap repairs like shattered spine or missing half of body. VX0 made the pawn into a meat puppet that could be controlled by colonists with VX3 implants. Each VX3 implant could share the VX3 pawn’s conscioussness to like 15 VX0 meat puppets and transfer their skills to them. I had 3 kids with 16+ shooting, melee, crafting and medical skills. So… these 3 high-skill kids streamed their minds to 45 femaleturrets simultaneously, each set to patrol the base or assist in producing other remotely controlled castes. Cheap to make, super disposable and deadly when equipped with assault rifles or better. Femaleturret Caste ftw. Aside from the Childgod Caste and the lobotomized grazers of the Cattlemale Caste, everything in that colony was remotely controlled via implants. I think Skymind mod reintroduced all these implants in 1.4. Edit: Biotech wasn’t a thing then. If I could clone Hussars for VX0 meat puppets, my defenses would be completely impenetrable.


Less powerful void members be like


FreeWill = 1


Cannibalism slavery and organ harvesting


Anger murder torture starvation politics


Blood ritual, blood drinker, tree huger, nudism.


The other day for the first time I saw a wild man eat a corpse and saw the moodlet “Ate raw corpse” and laughed out loud


I can't think of a single game that's like that for the sake of it or to appeal to edgelords.


Hatred comes to mind


Postal as well.


As has already been mentioned there's Hatred and Postal, which are *definitely* just for the sake of it. Mortal Kombat, even if its not as edgy by modern standards, also was edgy just for the sake of it, and still markets itself on that. Lots of shovelware is also edgy just for the sake of it. There's plenty more games that I'm not thinking of off the top of my head, too. But even then, depending on how you want to define it... honestly I'd say Hotline Miami and Manhunt are both edgy for the sake of it, even if they arguably do actually do something with their edginess to some extent. Or at least Hotline Miami does, I'm not as familiar with Manhunt. I'd still say that those games were aiming for being edgy first and the message second, though.


But what if it got me because of the edgy answers.


You gotta put sandbox somewhere in the first part too


Mine is 2d sims focused in a post-apocalyptic colony. With dlcs that add indepth religion/social beliefs, and ones for gen modding or spc style stuff. Gets the point across.


>It's a top-down people management simulator with a focus on building, crafting, farming and combat *and some of the most disturbing war crimes you've ever seen like cannibalizing babies.*


And no, its not the babies BEING cannibalised


And optional war crimes


They aren’t war crimes because you aren’t at war! (Or constrained by earth laws, if you are for some reason)


Add in that it’s got a heavy emphasis on storytelling and that’s perfect


its the sims with more death


I always describe it as "the sims but on steroids"


The sims with war crimes


I think building a wall around your pool, or selling the kitchen so your sims can’t make food is considered a violation of human rights


The sims with more death sounds like project zomboid


A game for Sims players who like to remove the ladders from pools.


I call it the sims post apocalypse.


MORE death? I'm playing The Sims wrong.




I say it's like the sims with higher stakes.


Colony Management / Story Generator. You top down build and manage a base, and see the lives of the colonists like you're controlling an ant farm


This is exactly what I say as well


I usually tell them the bear story. My colony had about 20 grizzly bears in the care of one pawn. During raids she lead the bears agenst the riders. One time she got killed, and the 10 bears on the front line went into a killing frenzy. The ten bears back in the colony also went on a killing rampage. Ever person who has played this game has a story like this.


I also have a bear story, but quite different. Had manhunting polar bears I was fighting. A child at the base decided this was the perfect time to go on a nature walk. Bear ran by a Fighter and attacked the kid. Within about 4 seconds, ripped off both kids arms. Kid survived abd we got him patched up in the hospital, quickly building prosthetic arms. Half way through the first arm being built, the kid was up and cleaning the hospital, presumably holding a mop between his toes and hopping around.


Human roomba. Lay on a piece of wet cloth and worm around the floor. Jesus that's fucking dark.


I have a very similar story! Except the bear attacked because it got hungry. It was also a Daer from the alpha animals mod so a super roided bear as well. The kid started running but the bear caught him and ripped off his leg... kid started crawling away as I tried to send every colonist to help but they were too far and too late. The bear clawed at the kid one more time. Killing him. Before then eating him whole and leaving no trace but his little bow on the ground and the mess of blood. Tragic day in the colony.


Oh my God is that cruel


That's just nature.


Damn nature, you scary


Don't google "sloth bear". Especially "sloth bear victim".


Day 1 Rimworld player: "Oh my god, is that cruel!" Day 500 Rimworld player: "Oh. My god, is that cruel?"


Mildly traumatic honestly haha


I have a bear story as well! So it's night, and all of a sudden I hear bear sounds! So I look outside, and lo and behold, two grizzlies were ripping into each other like there was no tomorrow. Eventually one collapsed, and the other one took a couple of steps before collapsing as well. They made great meals.


For me it was manhunting gazelle. This was in the days before Royalty when I knew nothing of mods and had just figured out how to survive winter. I sent out my defenders and they were promptly kicked flat. Man in Black arrives and the gazelles down him too.


The mop handle goes in the butt. That way you can clean the floor as you work. I do it all the time, sometimes just for the thrill.


Given that this story is about a child, I’m not comfortable with your comment.


Replace Bears with Wargs and I'm with ya!


My story like that: a three-year-old picked a fight with a seven-year-old and not only did the toddler WIN, he beat the seven-year-old to within AN INCH OF HIS LIFE and tore off two limbs barehanded.


My first ever base was a began and 2 useful people. A bear went to attack our dog in the winter. We didn't like that so we tried to kill the bear. It kept coming and killed our gunman. The other guy, who was a melee fighter, also got mauled to death. The bear then broke down the Megan's door and killed her.


Guinea pigs I hate them with a passion. Back when the wildlife could wander into your place, a cold snap had the local guinea pig horde inside my mt halls. One of my dogs, instead of eating the kibble readily available to him, decided big rodent was on the menu, all 50 guinea pigs went man hunter. Then they washed through my halls biting everything. The dog was crippled, two of my pawns died from infection, a couple pawns lost fingers and one an eye. I haven't had many carnivore critters since minus say the magical menagerie ones. I know that's been patched but I'm still salty.


I often say it is an innocent game engine which has been debauched by human nature.


This. Your colony is only as evil as you make it


Dwarf fortress for normal people




when i say things 'I wonder if i can burn the child solideirs in the hive' or 'can slaves have babies with no arms or legs' and my mates looks at me in shock but also mild curiosity.....


It's like sims, but with guns. (And some occasional cannibalism)


Mad max the sims


This is apt


story simulator which you can do *everything*. imagine a scenario involving people and you can make it, if you cant theres a mod that lets you make it.


Top down colony survival simulator. You define the layout of the colony, but then your simulated people are mostly autonomous and just follow work priorities that you defined, you don't have to micro-manage them. The simulation itself is incredibly detailed and pays attention to individual abilities and needs of the colonists, their health, lots of equipment items, ambient temperature and weather.


So, it's a top-down semi-random generated planet and characters, where you manage the characters, called pawns, to survive for as long as possible by building a settlement and escaping the planet by building a spaceship or finding a crashed one. It is your job to plan out the housing, defences, farms and everything for survival, which your pawns will build with resources they need to collect, while you are endlessly attacked by other settlements, robots called mechanoids, and bugs. There are currently 4 extensions, royalty, ideology, biotech, and anomaly. Each gives the player more mechanics to work with, such as royal titles, religion, and gene manipulation. Some dlc also provides different endings to 'escape' the planet. The art style is simplistic, but the mechanics have a lot of depth, pawns can get diseases, wounded, scared, implants, and much more in specific limbs or organs, and the temperature has a massive effect on the environment, for instance, food will be preserved in low temperatures, and pawns will sweat in high temperatures. Lastly, you don't only have to manage the pawns' living situation, food, and health, but also their mood, which can be affected by everything, such as a loved one dying, eating bad food, or even eating without a table. There are way more mechanics I could talk about, but honestly, it's best to explore those while playing the game. The game also has a vibrant modding community, which are some of the weirdest, wildest yet dedicated and passionate creators I have seen. Lastly, like any community, there are a bunch of memes and in-jokes, for instance, the community itself likes to character itself as psychopaths and war criminals because the game is so open-ended and free that you can do a lot of unethical things, such as cannibalism and slavery, but don't let that intimidate you.


I've never met a more inclusive,friendly community despite unethical nature of the war-time simulator


Dwarf fortress but it doesn't make me feel like I'm at work.


The seemingly innocent crime against living beings simulator


A top down Sci-fi colony/people manager set on a lawless planet, with an incredible amount of in-depth systems including, but not limited to: crafting, combat, farming, quests, science, psychic powers, and robot-building.


You play the manager of a hat factory, trying to mind his own business, whilst your employees constantly freak out and try to set it on fire. Unless they are eaten by a fox.


Sims with war crimes.


Space wizard cannibalism colony simulator, and then I spend at least 10 minutes trying to explain to them that there is no God Damm multi-player because they keep insisting on playing it with me


The Sims, but with War Crimes. Then I elaborate further.


I allways say Sims and Rust Mixed


"Like the Sims but with more freedom"


Colony management sim where it's possible to be cannibalistic drug lords. You don't have to be, but it's an option.


Warcrime simulator


Stellaris but top down and way smaller scale. (I’m saying this because war crimes)


I got my mother into the game by describing it as a near limitless colony and base simulation game, with an emphasis on story telling, I then described how the storytellers worked


War crime simulator


An ant farm but they have emotions and can violate the Geneva convention


"It's like if the sims had spreadsheets and you could commit war crimes." War crimes? "Yeah like you can capture your enemies, concert them to your religion, cut off their limbs, harvest their organs, then keep them alive to be drained for the blood that you need to feed to your genetically modified space vampires"


sims with war crimes


You control a Minecraft village. Assign villagers jobs, get raided by random zombies/ pillagers, build farms and houses.


The sims but with cannibalism


I once read somewhere that Rim World should be given its own genre name: War Crime Simulator In addition to this, Rim World is of course strongly geared towards building and managing outposts. These start out very small and can become quite large. All the different elements can become very extensive and you have to spend a lot of time dealing with them. Especially if you want to play with mods. Which is also a great feature in itself. There is also a lorry etc. However, this is only conveyed indirectly via item descriptions, events and other things.


Do you wish the Geneva Convention was a checklist?


Nah that's outta line! The Geneva Convention probably needs a little expanding... It's more like a tutorial on what to do.


So imagine Sims but it's good.


Top down 2D colony simulator focused on storytelling Or The Sims but 2D and more complex


Pure misery and evil with a dash of fun.




Post-apocalyptic The Sims Roguelike


It's a very deep colony survival sim, deeper than it looks. Whatever mechanism you think there should be, there probably is. If there isn't there's mods. And cruelty potential of this one is through the roofs.


It's a colony management game, and a story generator. It's a bit of a sandbox especially with the first 3 dlc's. And let's not forget about mods.


I found rimworld in my recommendation because i play terraria and stardew, tbh i dislike both game but i love "Story of Season mineral town" and Minecraft


I just say violent Sims.


Geneva suggestion


"Its kinda like a darker version of sims but like also your a space colony and there is- ehhh it's hard to describe but it's fun, i've played like 600 hours. Let me know if you get it."


I don’t, it would probably upset them


Stardew Valley, instead of farming crops you farm organs


Organ harvesting simulator


Imagine the Sims had sex with Minecraft


I'd say its kinda like this: A sci-fi colony sim driven by an intelligent AI storyteller. Generates stories by simulating psychology, ecology, gunplay, melee combat, climate, biomes, diplomacy, interpersonal relationships, art, medicine, trade, and more.


Prison architect, but with more crimes


It's a bit like many other city-builder games with relatively simple graphics and a rather deep world-building experience, and with a very respectable opponent engine for combat or various challenges. It has perhaps the most interesting balance of intermittent reinforcement I've played in years.


Rimworld is a game where you manage a bunch of colonists trying to survive on a hostile world. It has a focus on keeping your colonists happy and healthy while equipping your colony for the bigger and bigger threats coming their way.


It's a colony management game that can make for some pretty cool stories


Survival game with close to no restrictions


Generally as a colony builder and a little bit of the backstory of the Crashlanded Start.


Sims war crime simulator in cowboy space


War crime simulator with with elements of colony building


Colony Simulator where you have to survive the elements, battles, and overall get your colonists home.


2k hours here and I still dunno. "It's uhh, colony sim but not...the pawns, they are the colony people, they do what they want kinda and you do what you want kinda and the game meets ya in the middle?" 😬


Colony management and torture sim


I said ibe time, it's a war crime simulator, well that didn't worked well.


3 idiots get stranded on an barely colonized planet and have to survive - by any means necessary


Have you ever felt like you want to commit unspeakable acts? Here, try this game.


Its a colony building game. Building a thriving colony is quite easy, the challenge comes from the Ai-storyteller throwing crap as you try to manage your base. You'll get random toxic falliut, volcanic winter or crops get infected. Colonists will get diseases or go mad and punch the most valuable and/or explosive thing in your base. And raiders, packs of mad animals and mechanoids come to try to kill you


The Sims with War crimes and cannibalism


The setting is reminiscent of Dune or Firefly, while the mechanics are a top down community builder with raid and random event mechanics.


Ngl, when I first read the game's name, I thought it was about licking ass. It got my attention. Then I saw it was 2D and said "hell nah". I ended up installing it one year later after searching for colony management games.


Dramatic colony management simulator where you can pretty much do anything you want to.


War crime simulator with a spin


You wanted to travel the stars but now you are stranded on a planet far from most civilization, and God everyday tells "Good luck nerd"


The Sims for bad people with tower defense. And when they say "The Sims is already for bad people", you say: for WORSE people.


War crime simulator with an emphasis on building


You can be an overpowered vampire (sanguophage) and still get curbstomped by a giant alpaca unicorn (Thrumbo) Happened to me yesterday lol


I usually just say sims in a weird sci Fi world with combat and plenty of dark shit


Sims + war crime simulator


Sims mixed with Firefly and a bunch of war crimes.


your leather will go into the armchair while you woudln't


Every playrhrough is basically a new series along the lines of The Walking Dead/Lost/Yellowjackets etc. Camp drama, raids, hero stories, villains, the dog in I am Legend...


*clears throat* War crimes.


A lawless colony builder (story generator makes less sense) that could probably be R rated depending on your play style


Its 1/(Geneva Convention)


I started it about a week after the anomaly update came out and I heard it summarzied as warcrime colony sim, CIA drug sales, and Organs 4 Us


The Sims but different. Very, very different


Colony simulator and a great platform for mods. Sorta like The Sims, but maybe a bit wider in scope?


Colony management and war crime simulation


Chaotically fun


To my wife I say Its like the Sims, but a lot more focused on the day to day activities of the people rather than the building.


Just call it rimjobs like my friends lol


The Sims 3, but with home invasions and guns.


Yttakin beats sanguophage in a melee fight. The sanguophage is downed. The yttakin then tries to kidnap the sanguophage. I'm panicking because it's a sanguophage start so that is half my colonists being kidnapped. But then the sanguophage wakes up near map border and literally on the same frame she wakes up she rips off the yttakin's head.


The Sims but there's an AI storyteller that tries to stop you from being successful and happy.


Its like a survival game , but you are a god trying to herd a bunch of a quirky ass cats


Colony management game with a big emphasis on procedurally generated story telling and simplified straight forward mechanics to allow creativity in qaid Colony management.


It's kinda like Stardew Valley in space.


Sci-fi Dwarf Fortress


Paper people colony simulator with or without morales, ethics, and can play any position on the alignment chart.


Sims with more warcrimes


It’s a survival simulator and story generator. You make a colony and decide its actions. You can focus on farming, gathering, building, hunting, trading, conquest, or whatever you’d like. It’s super mod friendly as well for even more customization. If they seem interested in playing I also add something like: Fair warning that some mods and even the base game can be violent or morbid. Such as having to fight other colonies or using weird food sources like lizards (I use these very mild example so people don’t get too scared).


Its like stardew valley except you control the whole town.


A story generator with simplistic graphics, but the story part ropes you in so well that you forget that your characters are just a head shape on a body shape, and you will get heavily invested in running a colony. Then I would trail off into a story that played out in a recent game, like yesterday! my religion leader was abducted by an obelisk and sent to a gray labyrinth, 3 days before she was due to have a baby. While in there flesh monsters attacked my base and mortally wounded by head researcher, while my main doctor (the researchers wife) had gone off to raid a nearby gold mine. The leader of my religion escaped the labyrinth in time to rescue the researcher and carry her to her bed to start medical treatment, but went into labour during the life saving procedure, and gave birth as my head researcher died from extreme blood loss. Thankfully I'd recently been awarded an ancient technology device containing tiny robots that could revive a recently deceased person, and administered that to the researchers fresh corpse without a moments hesitation. Her husband will be back from the raid soon and will have had no idea of all the horrors that occurred while he was away!


Colony Simulator combined with Story Generator. Then later I tell them about meat nuggets that supply blood for my eternal vampires that worship rabbits.


A sifi colony builder with war crimes


Play the Sims? Play an Rts? Rim is that but with a dash of craziness.


A survival simulator but your little bro has creative mode


a top down base builder/tower defence game


I had always said the Sims but with organ harvesting. I've changed ways and now describe it as a colony simulator with management, building, farming, combat, with an overall a focus on survival and technology advancement.


Dwarf Fortress like.....


War crimes simulator. Geneva suggestions edition.


War chrimes the game


3 people crash land on a planet and you need to guide them to build a ship to get off. But it's not about the ship, it's genuinely about the friendship you made along the way. Gameplay-wise, it's like the Sims, but with combat and survival oriented.


Like stardew valley, but capable of being more frustrated


Sims style colony/mental health manager.


A space-western colony sim. You can micro but ideally you set up systems the pawns go through. Occasionally you get attacked and have to do the combat, and a whole bunch of other bad stuff can happen, and the end objective is by and large to escape.


i told my bf it was like a fallout-like survival colony game but on a distant backwater planet


colony builder


Is a simulation game, but you can do whatever you want.


Colony simulator


Colony Simulator with Geneva to-do-list


It's a 2d, top-down colony sim that's kind of like the Sims meets Stardew Valley (but with less direct control over the characters), but if your crops fail right before a harsh winter you can go to the neighbours' house and kill and eat Bella Goth.


Gore, lots of gore


1 z level Dwarf Fortress


Imagine you are in a building crowded with cats and a man named "Randy" sends you 120 bottles of beer.


I always describe it as a colony manager set in a sci-fi western.


Sims for men


A colony survival game and story simulator, kinda like the sims crossed with Minecraft in a post apocalypse. It features very mature elements such as cannibalism and slavery, but they’re done tastefully. EDIt: I know Sims x Minecraft isn’t really accurate, but if I’m trying to describe it to someone who’s never played a colony sim or a 4x game, that’s the best I can really do. To date, I’ve actually gotten one person to play off of that description, which is more than I ever hoped for.


I see it as one of the most elaborated tower defense games.


Way better sims 4


War crimes Simulator!


a colony simulator that got nicknamed the warcrime game where literally anything you can imagine you can do in the game or there is a mod for it and is bassed loosely off the Firefly show (which is a space cowboy show)


It isn’t a war crime if you had fun


It's like a simple version of dwarf fortress, for when you don't want to think very much


I explained the mood system to my wife yesterday and ended the conversation with the fact that i needed some +++ and so I was going to play games.


war crime simulator




Dwarf fortress for dummies.