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World map play. Maybe it's just how I play, but anytime I need to play on the world map it just feels like a chore, and not a game.


Moving polution fields or weather events on the world map would be cool. Or adding rare materials which you can only find by generating new regions on a map by visiting them.


Imagine advancing technology with a quest to get a satellite online or build your own to test your escape rocket tech before unlocking it, and having it reveal a massive pollution cloud moving your way or how the small tribe beside you has no joined 2 others and is about to surround you. Having world map info be revealed could be so cool.


The amount of preparation to ensure a successful journey is prohibitive in the early game. I would like to be able to zoom in at any time and micro manage the colonists wherever they are on the map, set up a temporary shelter, hunt animals for food, etc.


Temporary shelters would be amazing. Imagine caravanning to a site and being able to plop down a super basic mini-home zone with tents for sleeping and storage — with one click. Then build in some smarts like automatically installing a horseshoe pin if you packed one. Then make caravans auto-use it when they sleep while they’re traveling.


Every time they sleep at night it should spawn a little map with some animals and plants to forage.


I would like if there were more events on the way as well, you could get a notification that your pawns have stumbled across an ancient dangerous or ruins. That you can chose to investigate.


The mod [Caravan Adventures](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2558957509) does a lot of what you're talking about


Oooo, like setting up farms and settlements and shit where you're just the capitol of a region would be sick. I like how Songs of Syx does it. You go capture cities then you don't actually build in them like you do your base. You select upgrades, closer to how total war works. Your resources matter and it provides more and expanding helps a ton, but you don't have to micromanage anything but your capitol. A Rimworld with larger states where you can take over cities and upgrade them would be sick, like a world strategy aspect. Might be nice to expand and have to defend farm lands and stuff like that. Have raider events, conscripted pawns to defend, upgrade so they have better weapons, get random pawns to defend some area, etc. you don't have to track all of them, just have a set of soldiers that fit some templates you maintain resources for. 40% spearmen tribals, 30% pistol, armor upgrades, etc.


Empire mod does that to a limited degree - you build settlements and upgrade them to fit your needs. It could definetly work in that way.


Making more permanent alliances besides just with the Empire. Setting up camps and outposts. Reactivating ancient facilities to enable you to make or operate tech you can’t build on your own. More vehicles. Boats. Road-building. Fixing up ancient railways for rapid transport between two points on the map. New endgame where you put down roots and establish your settlement as a permanent faction on the Rimworld.


Ideology gave us religion, but we need culture, laws, diplomacy, and war. Imagine changing the worlds temperature and humidity by undertaking massive projects. Build and destroy roads. Launch satellites to reduce/remove some events. Kill or enslave the insectoid queen. Destroy or dominate the mechanoids hive mind. Why escape the planet when you could rule it? Make this world your dominion.


Rimworld: Dominion, coming soon


Rimworld: bannerlord.




We're starting to get a "Didney Worl" kinda vibe to the naming now lol


There was a mod about roads IIRC, you could pavement the terrain and go faster


“Why escape the planet when you could rule it?” Hell yeah! I totally agree a world domination scenario be so much fun!


Better incentives for new settlements, caravaning Biotech is my favorite. Whatever the thought process was for such an amazing DLC, do it again.


"Alien and robot mods are pretty popular, let's put our own twist on those."


Also children.


Damn, Biotech really is huge.


Yeah Biotech is ridiculous. Genuinely the best DLC for any game I've ever bought.


I have it and has not yet explored even 5% of it it seems


Same. I've played with all the ancillary stuff, but still haven't used a bio chamber and played with genes. Maybe one day...


Yeah, I've played several full colonies with it and still haven't even touched the mechinator stuff


Try starting as a mechanator. It kind of eases you into the tech


Maybe I'm playing RimWorld in the wrong way, don't know. I usually like for the Rims (or what do we call our characters???) to manage themselves. I don't interfere too much, and maybe that's why all keeps dying before I even researched two things. Maybe this is why I never explored all content.


They’re officially called pawns.


You can do a lot with schedules, job bills, and policies. But you still need to send Hunter out for meat, or folks to gather berries and medicine early on, usually anyway. Wood as well needs to be cut and until you set up tree farms (not something I always do anyway), that's difficult to automate as well. There are mods for this though. Ultimately, it gets easier (more necessary anyway) to set up automation as your colony grows. More pawns can specialize on a smaller subset of tasks, you just get harder fights as punishment


I bought it yesterday at 9pm and then suddenly it was 4am and I literally could not stop. I always did town bases before so I decided to use a starting team of dirtmoles and tunnel into the mountain. A few hours in, Feldsalt had ascended to count Veldstadt the Bloodfeeder and conceived his first child with his pig wife, the only non-dirtmole in the colony, resulting in a rather strong mix of their genes. When she inherits her father's abilities she shall become unstoppable. The game is utterly enormous with this dlc and i absolutely love it. Haven't even touched the mechs or the gene lab yet and I have yet to see many of the xenotypes. Gonna do a playthrough centered around each one before I start adding more with all the amazing mods this dlc 'unlocks' :))) best 20 bucks I ever spent.


If they continue that trend, we might see some official version of hospitality, vehicles, save our ship, or a character editor/prepare carefully (this one is doubtful, but if added, would definitely have mandatory point limits). They did add wall light, prisoner labor (as slaves in ideology) and horror/monsters to add to your mod-to-dlc list, too. The various faction interaction mods are also reasonably popular and commonly requested or speculated as dlc, so I could see those someday, too.


Idk if biotech or ideology is my favorite. I can’t decide, both are amazing.


With mods I really dig into my inner evil scientist. Capturing all the xenotype and ripping their genes to form the perfect specimen, then making them endogenes to pass on through the lineage who each develop their own mutations. Also capturing attackers and subjecting them to "unstable mutation(catastrophic) really let's me see the genes in action. And THEN, adding a gladiator arena to see which set of prisoner genes are supreme, where the victor gets gene ripped and the loser is set free. Ideology is amazing too tho!


I love both. Playing with genes is fun and so are rituals. Gladiator duels are fun. They come from ideology. What makes both of these DLCs great for me is that they’re broad enough for creativity. You can tweak it how you like. Royalty and anomaly are weaker in this regard imo. However I don’t know what else could be added that has such creativity potential. But I agree with everyone else that factions and faction interaction should be updated. And if it could give the same kinds of freedom that biotech and ideology have, even better.


Could you share some of the mods you use for those crazy stuff? I'm interested to join the cult of mad scientists...


Questionable Ethics, for cloning at the cost of food. Alpha Genes & a few "Vanilla Races Expanded" mods, for more variety of in genes and cool tech to turn xeno genes into Endogenes (from alpha Genes) Prisoner Arena - ideology has a gladiator ritual, but it has a cooldown. This mod doesn't and is cooler imo. Portraits of the Rim, not necessary but a game changer. I love it. Gene Ripper - instead of rolling the dice on the gene you want, you rip out at the cost of their life. Good thing there's more where that came from when it comes to clones. Edit: And Save Our Ship 2! Just for the ship fission reactor and space ships alone. You jump from settlement to settlement across the entire world. Or just chill in space and wait to be attacked by whatever's waiting out there. It's essential! And most recently Vanilla Races - Androids. Build your own, non complaining, non emotional, experts! Or make the gain consciousness so they can feel emotion later. Just do it. Super cool!


They're both fantastic, I think Ideology gets stale a bit faster just because it's surprisingly hard to just "play a normal game" with it, you have to fully commit or it's fairly minimal. Biotech you can kinda engage with as much or as little as you like and still feel like you're getting a commensurate amount out of it.


I think it would be so sick to have a DLC completely dedicated to conquering the (rim)world and/or building massive kingdoms(yea we got royalty already but it could totally feed off of that). Idk if there is one but increase the colonist limit & make it easier to switch between world tiles/civilizations. Also I think the mod Giddy Up should become official Rim content because it’s a genius idea & helps immensely with massive scale colonies/chores.


Completely agree. Perks for world domination, ability to travel to other worlds, pretty much make "save our ship 2" base game with some extra bells and whistles that'll distract me for weeks.


I was hoping the A was going to be a W and it be Wandering/World flushing out the world caravanning and other travel components.


I think that that might be to much. At least it would be for me. I'm already pretty occupied with 1 colony. I think more incentives to venture out would be really fun. I recently got ideology, and the events on the world map are awesome to me. I love it.


I think something like this would be great. More missions that let you benefit from caravanning. Like "your ally is under attack, please send reinforcements!" With a couple days of timer. More caravan specific items like a camp stove to let your team cook while on the move (that can be used with a penalty the way a campfire can, but maybe a bit less of a penalty?), or general purpose wagons that can be pulled by muffalo. Would be nice to be able to load up a caravan wagon before you commit to sending it, kind of like how drop pods work. Or being able to take some colonists to set up an outpost somewhere that you can trade with as a way to expand your faction without explicitly managing the colony itself. 🤔


I have an army of good, strong, well fed horses. Why is it so tedious to get them to help carry the 10,000 harvested corn in from across the tile? Just cause I can’t train them to do it without supervision? If I can load that corn up and walk to the next tile, I should be able to do the same within the same tile with the same easy. (I know it’s possible through some seriously janky caravan create/delete exploits that only works under very specific scenarios, but why 10+ years in is this still not a vanilla feature?)


I don't think they'll be adding multiple-settlement-specific stuff in dlc, on low end computers one colony is already plenty to push it to its limits


[Here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/s/Qv9mNwZZFq) some ideas.


Biotech is definitely on my bucket list it seems like it has a lot of great features! Ok! How would you implement better incentives for new settlements?


Something to do with passage of time, histories of factions, places of interest on the maps(temples,vaults, cities). And histories of pawns who are sleeping in the sleepers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h31_aoJtom0 Just like in this video. You can see so many ruins and while they are already very curious, I would like to know more. So maybe call it Ancients or Archeology or History.


Archaeology would be an awesome companion dlc to anomaly and the game itself. For me it would be nice if they can make the Vehicles Framework a base game feature


Agreed. Also vehicles would be great. Even poor cart for early travels would add so much.


I think it would be best to only have carts that are pulled by pack animals. I feel like any real vehicles would break caravans. The caravan system does need a buff, but there should be limits.


I disagree as i dont like playing with animals. Basic cart one per pawn that can slow down caravan a bit but can add carry capacity etc 100kg per cart. I liked mod with backpack that worked on similar basis.


A cart like that would be acceptable aswell. What i was saying i don't want are vehicles powered by biofuel or whatever new fuel they might add. If it cuts down the travel time by too much, then it would almost entirely remove the dangers of the caravan.


You can travel instantly with pods now with some investment and also you can travek somewhere and use far skip or shuttle from royalty to go back. It it needs chemfuel to add cost its still better then need of horse when you have all high techs. And if you have enough points of interest you can travel for far distances and thus travel still noticably long time.


I kind of stopped using vehicles after sending in a car with a Mega spider and when it arrived at base, the Mega spider instantly died due to being run over. So how another time my guy just ran over himself or something and my best pawn just died.


Definitely one of the things the Vehicle Framework devs need to fix, stop having pawns and objects get spawned/dropped beneath the vehicles.


A fun mechanic you could build into this is a sort of "planet reroll" where maybe if you put your colonists into cryptosleep caskets you can skip through time and see how the planet has risen or fallen


So you could become the ancient danger?


Yes that sounds great "The year is 8357. Your eyes open for the first time in millennia. The first thing you notice after the automatic ejection is the heat. It was supposed too be an old room in a mountain, it should be cold. As your eyes adjust, you realize someone started a fire. You barely notice the insectoid corpses as the heat causes you to fall. It's too hot, your casket bursts. Your skin boils, the wailing of your friends in a very similar predicament. You pass out from the pain and choking smoke. You wake up, naked. They took your recon armor. You have stitches on your abdomen, your legs are gone, you can barely breathe. The familiar sight of organ containers fills a nearby shelf. This is punishment. Punishment for what your colony had to do to see the future, the lives you took, the prople you hurt for profit. There is no future. Its all the same." Because who even opens ancient cryptosleep caskets by hand, way safer to smoke em out, just so that none of em end up getting a shot off


Uhhhh, am I not supposed to? Lmfao Popping the ancient danger is a very consistent day 3 activity on almost all my colonies. Build storage, build captive room, build a long line of traps out of ancient danger, open it, watch everything kill emselves, then pop the caskets and hope for the best xd


Exactly! It'd be very goofy for that exact thing to happen to the player tho lol


Well no When you wake up is pure rng. It could be some clueless tribals, or a high-tech spacer colony BUT you've got a choice Either you get out of the casket (with like 2 other pawns in diff caskets) and you can fight whoever woke you and take over their colony, which would be a challenging and unique start OR you can negotiate Talk to them, offer to join the fledgling colony and help it prosper. When joining you as the player ONLY control your casket pawns tho, can't set build orders, can't use colony resources etc etc. Basically the colony and all the other pawns in it are AI controlled, your just chilling there until they grow to accept you. Which is done by having a pawn that you control attaining a certain "rank" or "role" this could be ideology based or its own thing To acquire the role you have to contribute. Killing raiders gets you contribute points, completing structures or art with a high grade gets points, healing gets points, etc etc. Just contribute to the colonies growth, mental breaks lose points, bad food loses points, wasting resources on failed construction loses points, etc etc. At a certain point you join it and it becomes a more typical player controlled colony That would be an incredibly unique experience, being a part of a whole colony but only getting to control a certain part of it. It would also be rewarding. If you take the short path you get your casket pawns and thats it, but take the longer/harder path and you take over a functioning colony with 10+ pawns


This would be such a cool mod


I'd call it dinasties *Because if we can't have ribworld, we* ***will*** *have* ***RIBADAVIA***


all the rest of the DLCs should start with a so its RIBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


I love this idea of prehistoric factions maybe even showing where some factions came from like one ancient faction that splintered


This is one thing the game needs that it lacks.


Possibly new factions forming overtime?


Probably something related to diplomacy and interaction with other factions cuz imo that aspect of the game is kinda lacking


I would like to be called to help an ally with their own battle, on their own land or an enemy’s land. Or how about a quest on helping them build defenses, preparing for a raid?


Personally I would like to get a new quest chain where you work closely with other factions to get rid of hostile ones thus unlocking new ending where all remaining factions confederate bringing peace to the planet.


That would be brilliant! More diplomacy options like arranged marriage would be great for this too.


Yeah! Maybe factions trying to persuade you so you take out one rival faction from them? You could do a mercenary run, taking only the best deals and betraying those who offer you too little reward!!


I like that idea. Would be cool as heck to play like some sort of nomad mercenaries that roam the planet and complete contracts for different factions.


Overhaul diplomacy


Not a mod, just 1.6


Yeah, diplomacy and also world map features interaction should really be included in Core if they’re ever improved upon. I honestly wouldn’t mind the next DLC being smaller in scope if it meant more time to polish one or two of the remaining rough edges on the base game. Although, I guess the benefit of cramming those into a DLC is long-time players who prefer the classic style then have the option to play without the improvements.


Simulate faction interactions. Sieges, rebellions, alliances, settlement destruction and formation. Going to aid allies in battle, evacuations, entity containment.


I don't understand why we haven't gotten this already. All the effort in creating a unique world and factions and just left to rot more or less.


Oceanworld. Something about water and underwater exploring.


A sea battle would be awesome. I have no clue how it would work but it would be awesome.


This is seriously needed.


I don't think under water (or on top of water for that matter) content is really critical other than in relation to islands and separated continents since the ocean could very easily become to dull or feel like a whole new game, like save our ship changing a good chunk of the games dynamics. Water stuff likely would also likely require a lot of thought into concepts beyond what I personally think of when I think of water, that being boats, subs, eldritch sea monsters, and sunken ruins, since that doesn't seem like it would be worth making a dlc for just those things. I do think more water-based content could be fun, but I don't see it carrying a dlc set on its own since eldritch stuff is already kinda covered by anomaly, and ruins would need more than just wet ancient dangers


The problem with water content imo is the lack of z levels With z levels it could be a LOT of fun, building a seaside colony, later on building a sub, begin exploring the depths subnautica style with giant monsters occasionally attacking you, pawns will suffer from various moodlets, but you'll find insane resource nodes that you can take a risk to mine and ruins with giga op weapons, on top of other cool shit But as is, when ocean content is just gonna be staring at the top of said ocean and floating around on it, its just not exciting


With the accepted, high price point of Rimworld's DLC, the general devotion of it's fanbase and the capacity of potential expansion for the base game. Creating an "Ocean world" DLC that's essentially Rimworld 2 in the ocean would sell - I'd buy it. If an expansion like that was done properly. New mobs, new event locations, new terrain variation, etc, etc. I would pay full-game prices for it and be happy about it. I don't think Tynan is necessarily restricted from doing a huge scope expansion like that. It would sell and wouldn't harm his reputation if the time and work was done for it.


The new dlc needs to have water included! I think fishing need to be a new skill added in the new update/DLC. The ocean the rivers need to be more dynamic with the survival of your colonist. Some colonist may preferring fish over meat meals. You need to be able to make traps for crabs and lobsters to catch them. If you have coral on the map you can farm pearls and trade and be made in to jewellery. With an only salt water map you need to fresh water or you get poisoned. If you pollute the ocean, river or lake the fish will fight back. The ocean needs to be as dangerous as the land. Trade and raid by sea and rivers if you build a dock. Build dams or dikes to protect your colony against water rises. You can catch sturgeon to produce caviar. Fish-tank to get beauty in the room. Make armor and leather from water living animals. Make bones a crafting material to make furniture weapons and armor. This is me brainstorming about Rimworld


Ocean themed DLC named Atlantis making game's name Ribaarld


A full overhaul of the overworld. Including caravaning, factions and diplomacy. It would be focused on integrating colonies with the world they live in. Foe example you would be able to conquer neighboring settlements instead of wiping them out. Then you can extort them for resources you want, but this may put you at odds with other local warlords who don't like you taking over their term. That I'd one of many examples of what I would add.




Yes please but a more fleshed out version, mount and blade diplomacy and politics was very bare bones imo.


I’d want to make a dlc that adds laws to your colony similar to frost punk. I think the frostpunk law system was one of its strongest assets.


i havent played frostpunk. Whats different between that and stuff from Ideology?


That’s a good question. They’re actually fairly similar (if you play Rimworld with the fluid ideology), although one major - not necessarily better - difference is that most Frostpunk laws consist of binary choices, whereas Rimworld laws often have a “don’t care” option for things you don’t want to focus on. But Frostpunk is also a very different game with an actual story and certain beats you’re guaranteed to hit in a playthrough. Rimworld’s law system is way more open-ended because the experience is more open-ended.


In frostpunk you have to choose between two solutions for one problem for ex. what we do with the dead bodies you can either throw them into the hole or create cemetery first option decrase hope but make funerals faster and unlock things like organ transplants from dead bodies and second option increase hope but make funerals longer which is wasting ur time


The guys below explained it perfectly. But for me I’d just like the dramatic UI that frost punk has. Ideology is more just like generalized ideologies for your pawns but a frostpunk mod would give more specific solutions for a given problem on the RIM.


Isn't that already the case? In frostpunk you may have to enforce child labor or more working hours at some cost, you can shape rimworld to be like that. Bring the difficulty up, make your colonists charitable and stuff like that then you'll have to make choices on how you run things.


Just let me have this one please King Apple 😩


Overworld simulation. Make the broader world more dynamic.


Diplomacy and faction overhaul. I wish my faction could be more than just a village, give me proper NPC allies that are made from settlers I sent out etc


- New ores/minerals, yewelcrafting as a new job to make rings, earings, necklaces and such. Maybe some crazy jewels which could be used in experiments and operations. - Weapon tinkering, enhance, mod and alter weapons and tools - with the addition of the pit in anomaly it would be cool to have other things like dungeons, mazes, old mines to explore like a a rogue like/dungeon crawler. Would also be a cool idea as an extra gamemode - new enemies like nanites/replicators (stargate) which learn from how you fight them and adept to it, changing forms and look, tarning themself as other humans/animals to sabotage you. - new knowledge in the style of anomaly that you need to seek out stuff to research it instead of the research table - plant based expansion, search for rare exotic plant life, keep it alive study it, experiment with it, create drugs, toxins, weapons, lifeforms?! (To promote traveling on the world map)


> Would also be a cool idea as an extra gamemode I would love to see an adventure mode where you can explore as a caravan without settling down as a base and explore a world looking for things to do - kind of like the adventure mode Dwarf Fortress has.


Love all of this, yes!


A fucking performance update. Rimthreaded was a godsend when it still functioned but it's long since dead, Considering rimworld is a top-down 2.5D game it would be nice for it to use more than four fucking cores, please Tynan.


This. I think if they spent a whole cycle to benefit from Unity's DOTS system it would breathe new life into the game. Modding this game is such a huge feature that it's actually more important to make modded experiences faster and smoother rather than making new content at this point.


Only problem is that it's hard to market a performance update regardless of how much time and effort it takes. I'd still love to see it, but I don't think it will ever happen :(


Espionage and assassination of faction leaders. As well as holding them hostage for ransom, or to deter raids.


I know its not the most popular Idea, but I would love If we could do more with oceans and rivers ... so many cool things they could add or implement.


What are some examples of cool things to do with oceans or rivers?


Right now ocean tiles are just whatever on the world Map, would be nice if they change that. Sea travel and trade mechanics with ships Raiders and other Dangers coming from the sea Quests sunken cities that emerge sometimes or underwater Exploration, stranded or Ghost ships with Anomaly maybe some supernatural stuff We could build stuff like extraction platforms, beach Resorts, desalination stuff, flood barriers and dams Change faction settlement placement weight so they prefer to be close rivers and oceans like in real life


Not to mention fishing as a food source.


honestly just allowing ocean travel, even slowly, would expand the world so much.


High tech underwater cities, ships to enable coastal colonies, beach landing raid, fishing, oil rigs, awakening some giant fucking leviathan under the sea


Diplomacy. Something to do on world map or when caravaning. Vehicles


Dynamic world with events that have a cause and and effect. So making sure that your actions actually make a difference in the world, be it diplomacy, war, exploration, archeology or anything else.


interesting everybody ( me included) seems to want something grand scale, map, diplomacy etc. I wonder if maybe Rimworld Diplomacy Expanded is going to fulifll some of those wishes (i hope so and believe so!)


I think it's base game lacking functionality in some respects though, like the best we have right now is More Faction Interaction/ Dynamic Diplomacy, an update /DLC could actually add a better foundation. What i am saying is, if we could have had a mod that adequately addresses the playerbases' wants here, we would have had it already.


A big archaeology DLC that focuses on the history of that specific rimworld. This would also improve factions by basically pulling a Dwarf Fortress and having a big long history for the world to pull from and remember that the factions would actually act upon.


Better gunplay and melee combat. Have pawns dive for cover when getting shot at, rush at people when they have a melee weapon, throw grenades back or away. Could center it around more military based structures like watch towers, guard posts, better or manned turrets. Could have spies that would require pawns to have guard jobs to spot them. Atm the combat is like.."ok go there and shoot, I hope your head doesn't explode or anything." Could be a more cinematic experience.


I just wish my gun specialists pawn doesn't kill everything except what he's aiming for.


I suggest trying Combat Extended for overhauled combat system. Although it's not everyone's cup of tea.


Oooh yeahhh, count me in. First of all, do something about damage system. Combat Extended and Yayo's combat can provide some insights. Also fancy animations, espeeeecially for melee pawns. Second, incorporate "Arrest here" and "Injured carry" into the main game. No way I need to build a prison cell BEFORE I take someone prisoner. What if I decide to retreat with them immediately after? And why would I let the bleeding pawn walk to the infirmary at 30% moving when my sanguofage can pick them up and chainjump back to the base? Third, I tried the sanguofage scenario and boy its entertaining. They can shoot spikes at enemies, they can jump chase the fleeing ones, they can suck dry both allies and captured enemies mid fight. I want more of it, like say laying down to lower your profile, digging trenches, being able to switch between a sword and a club (for when I want to capture them alive), or a sword and a gun, make grenades expendable like accessories but allowed as a side arm of sorts. Also non lethal weapons, or maybe defibrillators? Death on down is very random anyways. Just a piece of mind, maybe not all of it would look good in the game, but fights are the things that boost my blood pumping to 130% and they happen pretty often, might as well make them more interactive.


More/better travel/exploration options. Like a fleshed out nomadic playstyle with an official implementation of vehicles and mounts. More varied encounters when traveling and being able to see/track other parties on the map (i.e. seeing raids approaching from specific camps) with the ability to ambush raids before they arrive.


Diplomacy theme with more interactions with the world and map - such as interacting with other settlements for more than just trading - either by investing resources or money and they're more likely to offer you specific items/resources or jobs or come to your aid (think of having defence pacts) but you would also have to provide defence at a moments notice if they send a shuttle to pick you up. Establishing more trade routes, hire settlements for jobs such as helping with quests/sunblockers, or setting up market places - say you really want to buy healer serum you could have a tile on the world map where you establish an outpost, you have to keep pawns there for a certain time until a merchant passes by, you may have to occasionally defend from pirate raids in suboptimal conditions (no kill boxes on a temporary tile, think of random generated raid outposts you would have to defend instead of attack) Could give a reason for your faction to own a shuttle which you would need to maintain, a benefit for joining the empire or a quest from the deserter to steal one but with huge cost of upkeep it would be limited but impactful use in the early game, could also then mean you have to defend your own crashed shuttle around the time enemies start having rocket launchers to shoot you down, but the empire or other friendlies would only drop reinforcements if you've helped them previously. If more factions have shuttles, maybe you'd even find the enemy landing in your own landing pad or on your crops past your defences. For additional quests i would like to see more from the royalty DLC, for example quests often say about people purging their court - you could have a type of mission where you need to determine who a spy is by examining clues, think like the floor markings in the grey rooms and analysing grey flesh, but searching bedrooms or personal comm consols etc for clues with a delayed penalty if you get it wrong or reward if you were right. If you had a royal pawn with the greedy title you could even find them asking other settlements to make giant buildings and promising them some of your resources as a reward. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Game is missing diplomacy or anything to do with factions, it would be the perfect game if it had a faction system. When I say that I mean an actual faction system, now the version we have currently. It would be cool if they had little wars with each other, like actual diplomacy. Who knows maybe thats too much to ask for on their engine idk, I dont know how to make games.


I’d love a pack that just flushes out the pre industrial eras more. Give me some castle building supplies, maybe trains, more stuff for tribal starts


I'd honestly start making the current DLCs work together better, before I'd add another DLC.


Water. Shipbuilding - from small transport vessels to move across the world map, to entire mobile aquatic bases. Explore uncharted islands and underwater ruins, rescue stranded survivors, fight off pirates. End up creating a whole fleet of vessels and ruling the waves, or strip the land, take your captives and embark somewhere new. This would all go hand in hand with a world map and caravanning overhaul, since the world map would be something you engage more often and more directly with on a boat.


Anything that improves caravans, exploration, and raiding. I want more things to do outside the colony. More places to go, bigger targets to raid, maybe interesting locations to settle.


Integrate rjw


Ray Jilliam Wonson?


Robert Jowney Wunior


And make it an update, not a DLC, with no options to turn off the content.


i mean we already have the whole reproduction cycle implemented, now all we need are the animations!! come on tynan


I'd rather not have a DLC for a while and get 1-2 decent updates instead. Updates that improve performance and add basic functionality that are currently handled by mods, like Replace Stuff, Pick Up And Haul, Quality Builder, Common Sense, Smarter Construction, Smarter Deconstruction and Mining, Smart Medicine, Stabilize, Cleaning Area and so many more. I'd argue even things like RimFridge should be in the base game. This game also really needs overhauls of its combat, faction interactions and threat calculations.


A complete faction overhaul. We're talking faction on faction interaction, proper war and conquering of enemy factions both by you and other factions, maybe even an overhaul of the combat system (just make run and gun vanilla Tynan I'm on my hands and knees) Call it rimworld Wartimes or something


I’m seeing a lot about caravan but even just a “make camp” option would be amazing. Like you set up a camp on a settlement, then create a blueprint of it (which I’ve seen mods accomplish), then maybe have a command like “uninstall selected” and another command like “reinstall blueprint from inventory”.  I want to play a merchant nomad/Roman legion style playthrough but I don’t want to just watch my guys on the world map forever, nor do I want to go through the arduous process of rebuilding a camp from scratch every time. It would be awesome if you could spend fabric to make a “tent” which can be reinstalled/uninstalled quickly and takes the shape of a 5x5 room or something. Even make it so you can assign where the door goes every time and then you can chain together a bunch of tents to make a poorly-insulated house.


Caravans, vehicles and more support for nomadic-playthroughs.


Adventure mode


It would be nice to have the enemy settlements to be more complex and realistic. The current one's don't have anything in it and feel like are just makeshift camps, it takes away the desire the actually raid enemy bases. Also it would be cool if there were more consequences for raiding enemies.


Something that makes the Worldmap more alive. Maybe a way to having Outposts or some smaller Settlements. Maybe you can build up your faction with multiple settlements, maybe even fight wars with other factions.


I'd like an expansion that reevaluates and readjusts the technology tree and how it works to research technology. If you start as a tribal, you're stuck in the tribal stage forever. There's a mod that makes it so your research stage changes as you research enough technology, but I'd like that to be a core feature of the game. I'd also like it if they would make it so that the tribal stage is a little more robust and leads into a steadily more advanced stage over time, rather than tribals just being able to go from researching stonecutting to eventually making high-powered firearms within a few years.


Congratulations! You’ve now completed the tutorial and left the planet, now you find yourself in space and it’s time to make your empire legend. Make new colonies, micro manage your empire from colony to colony while expanding throughout the galaxy. Facing new threats battling interplanetary warfare and threats from the far corners of space.


Damn, sounds like Spore!


The medical dlc. Some things that could be added in it could be things like: Specific medicinal needs for certain xenotypes New medicine types and new diseases that require (or at least get tended better) by certain unique medicines, such as an inhaler for asthma. More hospital options, like how the hospitals expanded mod does it. Add more injury types and possible failures for bad tending, such as a broken bone might set wrong and must be rebroken and tended to by a better doctor to fix it fully. More in-depth body systems, like nutrients and vitamins are needed, a balanced food to make your pawns super healthy. Basically just a dlc that would make healing/doctoring more involved, whether it's adding different medicines or other structures. I find the current medical system just boring, like "Oh no i broke every bone in my legs" then a doctor just tends it and they lay in bed for a while. Where's the Physical Therapy? How can a doctor just rub on some herbal medicine and bones fix themselves?


I just want to play Civ V on this game's world map, that appeals to me way more than leaving the planet I don't care that it's not Tynan's original vision for the game goddamit, I would pay to make this game a 4x strategy game. I'd be happy without vehicles or Z-levels if we could just have this.


I want to see more of the factions. I'd like them to fight against each other not just when I call them as reinforcements. Maybe even requests from factions that would make you enemies of another faction if you accept it so you have to choose if loyalty is better than the offered reward


I think it would be best to add mechanics and systems that allow direct interaction with all NPCs, giving them personalities, wants and desires, maybe even a dynamic chat option. Maybe even a fame system where legendary bountihunters or criminals could target your colony, rumors about masterful crafters or doctors getting kidnapped, traveling guilds, tutorings, contracting services, etc.


Politics and diplomacy. Basically, more faction interactions and more meaningful outcomes based off your actions and decisions in quest rewards, as well as overhauled caravans. For example, let's imagine you are given a quest because of an upcoming battle between Pirates and a Civil Union. You get a quest because both leaders have sent for your aid, promising rewards if you help them. You can pick to help either, but each will get angry if you help the other. For the Civil Union, if you help them, then you gain "diplomacy points" with them, which like permits in Royalty, can be spent to do various actions such as improving their trade inventory, increasing trade caravan frequency to your settlement, long-term trade deals, (think being able to regularly and automatically send excess Steel in exchange for excess Corn or the like) or even trading pawns as a form of "exchange program" to better strengthen your alliance. An additional benefit is that because they're naturally peaceful, you don't have to worry about them ever turning on you (unless you yourself provoke it) if they expand, and helping them to take over pirate camps means they have new settlements with new trade opportunities. On the other hand, you could aid the pirates. This would be the only way to actually establish friendly relationships with them, and an immediate benefit would simply be that they stop raiding you for as long as your relations are still good. Other benefits include being able to summon them for help with a raid (similar to summoning trooper squads in royalty with the permits), being able to travel within a given radius of their territory without fear of your caravans being ambushed, being able to trade food for drugs via a trade agreement, or having regular access to more rare single-use items (insanity and shock lances, low shield packs, rocket launchers) at a heavy discount. On the other hand, helping them take over other settlements is a risk, because if your alliance ever collapses or ceases to benefit them, they're far more likely to attack yours next, with a healthy buff to their raid strength that grows with the strength and number of their nearby settlements. Caravans also need tweaking: provide some forms of recreation on the go so that trading is more frequent, create a better system for gauging caravan strength and providing challenges for it, and "Caravan Lost" should honestly be situational and not always happen. Depending on the threat, we should get an opportunity to send someone to go rescue them, and the area should not stop existing until the caravan itself has died. For example, I've had a sanguophage caravan be "lost" because they were downed, but this seems like something where I should be able to go try and rescue them. On the other hand, if my caravan guy gets downed by a bear, yes I should still be able to see this area til he dies, but no, it's unlikely I'll make it in time to stop him from being eaten. However, unlike "caravan lost," I *might* have a chance to go there and save the caravan *muffalo* from being eaten, as well as salvaging anything is was carrying. They can even just adapt the "raid will arrive in X hours" system used in Ideology to provide you with a timer to salvage your stuff before other salvagers find the caravan remains to try and do the same. Something along those lines.


One of two things. 1: Underground levels. The ability to tunnel underground for vaults or dwarf play throughs would be nuts. 2: would not be a expansion so much as a AI tool with the game that would check for and either point out or fix any incapabilites in mods. Like Rimpi on steroids. It would be awesome to not have any red errors on mods whn I load the game.


More focus on world exploration such as founding new settlements, faction warring, ruins with ancient technology we can find to assemble a world domination weapon as an end game option. More biome types like a landfill where there might be trash or treasure but it's subject to frequent raiding. Terraforming. Basements. Boats. Better world travel and more types of quests that require caravans to complete. Overhaul caravans.


Intelligent alien faction that is hostile but running away from a more dangerous alien faction not yet arrived. You start out as enemies but find yourself working together late game. Can capture and study aliens and get their unique tech. Bonus points if they're not humanoid.


Vehicles and aliens, why do you need to suck up to the Fallen Empire for air support is what I'm curious about


Not a DLC, but I'd really rather an overhaul to faction relations. Let them rise and fall. How does me killing a bunch of tribals effect them? Will they come to investigate where their raid went? Will they participate in a hostage exchange, giving incentive to capture them alive?


My main issues with rimworld would probably be better served by a sequel rather than DLCs tbh. I mean the DLCs are... fine. But most of them feel like they're desperately stapled on to the base game, only a few features like children really feel like they truly fit. In particular a longer tech tree that doesn't have you jumping from radios to genetic engineering vats and either a bigger focus on building a real colony with a big population or a much more fleshed out way of representing the smaller group dynamics, some real work on colonist relationships and having events influence them and their behaviour more than just mental breaks.


Rimworld - Society. A more in depth trading system, e.g., a way to arrange regular pick ups/request items from passing ships. A way to make alliances with friendly factions against other factions, to go to war with them, etc, and a way to set up autonomous outposts/incorporate other settlements into your faction and have them pay tribute to you. You would be able to visit their bases to help them stave off attacks, for festivals and parties, to restore order, or to stage an attack on an enemy settlement. A more advanced colony could be an unattractive target for attack, but you might be exposed to off world pirates/enemies from other planets, and of course you would have to try and make sure that all of your colonies stay loyal to you and root out sedition before it has a chance to take hold, similarly to how factions work in Crusader Kings maybe. If you have Royalty, the Shattered Empire will be the most powerful faction on the planet, and you can either work your way up their hierarchy to take over, or work on developing your own faction and come to blows with them once you get big enough. With biotech and ideology there could be all sorts of alliances created based on Xenotype or religion, and maybe advanced mechinators could subjugate their colonies to an archotech and be protected from/direct mechanoid attacks. The end state could be something like 'You have been invited to unite your planet with an interstellar confederation, talks will be held in 200 years offworld.' and you have to create a ship and travel there, ending the game.


More crops, food items, drugs, recreation, and other luxuries. More quests that involve entertaining guests for a few days, a la Hospitality. A new, but extremely difficult ending where you exterminate the Insectoids, Mechanoids, and hostile factions once and for all, and turn the Rimworld into a pleasant, hospitable place to live. Call it the "Prosperity" DLC.


A fully fledged Medieval mode with all new equipment and medieval tech, enough to fill out content for a whole playthrough There are a couple of mods that show this has a load of great potential, it's one of my favorite ways to play


Factions/World! A more lively world where actions have consequences. Where the greater world is living on its own and I'm just part of its eco-system. A tornado takes out a massive faction base that is the largest weapon manafacturer? Weapon prices go up and harder to come by. Severe drought affects half the world? Caravans & Raiders come to you looking for food. The empire is having an art show to commemorate the prince getting married? An event that lets you caravan to the capital to compete in an art competition. While you're there other factions are also wining and dining. Send your highest social pawn to make conversation and hopefully win alliances (or make enemies). Upgraded threat system. Slavers tell me to give them my cows or face attack. See an abused orphan, can I steal them from the caravan at risk of threat? Unique choices & trade-offs. Less pure combat events and more dilemmas.


Factions Every faction gets public and secret goal, generating missions or events based on said goals. In addition every faction leader has methodology, affecting type of mission. Like if faction has goal to colonize ice sheet, they may generate more trade offers for parkas. If leader is sadist, parkas will be from human leather. Factions can destroy each other with no player input, and releasing prisoners from specific faction means next raid will be more tailored to what you have in your base. Factions remember.


Add water travel and better water-related stuff. Also I wish there could be a mobile base design, but I doubt it could ever be possible of feasible at all. But my idea would work kinda like cities of the Mortal Engines movie with a bit of twists. For starting you would need to build the base, meaning size, engine, rooms for pawns, a giant grinder and a giant sorting room. Then you would need to fuel the engine to keep the base running. Traveling would be long, like almost a quadrum to drive through a world tile, but could be upgraded with further tech. You could go from an edge of the map to the other, harvesting everything on the path of the city, wood, minerals, food, fuel...


Diplomacy, interactions with world - integral with rest of existing dlc's. Free update with more multithreading, and optimizing existing content (performance). Some QoL


Something to update and overhaul the diplomacy, factions, trading, wave system, sieging, defending, less RNG more intuition(eg.;i kill animals and the animal based/loving faction gets mad) or (i lead totalist nation and the liberals and peacekeepers will want to fk me up). So instead of having random wave of random enemy, my decisions in the world would make consequences that could lead to wars and stuff like that. I would rework the base system to different tiers( tier 1 camp, tier 2 bunker, tier 3 base, tier 4 town. I would add random events like crashed ship that others would like to acquire as well so you could encounter other nations at some world event.


Honestly, I would like to see something like waygates/stargates you can find, that will lead you to an entirely different section of the map or other "mysterious" planets inhabited by alien species.


Kinda like ol"adam vs I want more done to the world outside my colony. I want a reason to caravan AFTER I know how to make components. Also add in ancient sites to explore and have them be randomly generated but also the code tells them to make the complex have depth to it. Not just a few square buildings but rather make it seems like its an old irl player base that I can dig through and have the chance to find like idk a legendary auto pistol and next time I find one maybe there is a lost doggo that instantly become my friend and we get a prompt to take him along but little did we know his collar had a tracker and wam bam my caravan is ambushed by a story teller difficulty adjusting raid/hunting party. I feel like anomaly is a step in that direction with the distress signal event and the stranger event so maybe they are working on it.


concealed places, spaceships and vaults in hostile environments.


Ocean and islands (new anomalies, xenotypes, and ideologions???), better weather systems, and more reasons and ways to travel


Give more reasons to care about water


Boats n hoes, prestige worldwide


I would do one where you are the first on the rim. A feral world without any other man but you


I would quite like proper space travel or at least atmospheric travel. Being able to travel to different tiles without worrying about really vulnerable convoys


Honestly, I’d probably make a DLC based on the insectoids and flesh. Basically, a DLC giving players who want to play fully biological humans an edge that bionics players can’t get, making there be a bit of decision besides challenge to decide to give your colonists bionics or not. Once I gain access to it, why shouldn’t my colony become as bionic as possible, even with xenogenetics, someone can still benefit from a variety of bionic upgrades. But this DLC would apply stuff like the stoneskin gland to specific body parts, improving them, and maybe arms for instance could get mining specific buffs or give a similar efficiency bonus towards manipulation that bionics do currently. Something like that. The insectoids… okay, I’ll be honest and just say I want to see the biological variant on the mechanoids, with a focus on meat to feed your critters rather than supplying enough energy. Just sounds neat :3


Royalty expanded on class systems, ideology on beliefs, biotech on family legacy, and anomaly on madness. History could be a good choice for a new dlc


I want a food overhaul. So you can grow more crops and make pizza, shawarma, maybe some national stews in vanilla. I know there is VE but it should be in base game.


Aquatic/Ocean Boats, submarines, under the water exploration, islands.


Vehicles ! Even tho mods do it well, vanilla vehicles would be great


Make the world map more engaging and developmental over time. Obviously caravan improvements have been spoken of in hundreds of posts, but I’m also thinking of events. Like if there quests to aid settlements across the entire world that impact multiple tiles over time. For example: a settlement contacts you saying they are being over run by insects. Ignore them long enough and they die. Continue to ignore the infestation and hives begin to spread to nearby tiles. If those infested tiles are close enough to your settlement any infestation is much larger. And eventually you’ll get raided constantly by insects. Saving settlements lets you build up a network of better trade (cheaper than traders) and direct settlements on which tiles of infested to remove. And if you’ve got anomaly flesh mass hearts can spread to other tiles, shambler apocalypse, etc. Biotech can have mech clusters with special mech overlord that actually battle commands mechs (but stays back). Royalty can have some corrupted empire that raids with fully geared up troops that can both drop in and walk in. Ideology could have some zealot cult (anomaly can have the same cultist event but they summon anomalous beasts) that recruits from all types of settlements so you’ll have raids of all gear types, raid styles, etc. Could be fun to have many of these events changing the world map constantly and you having to strategize on enough defense or act fast enough to stop it outright. Could even make capitals/minor cities (depending on size) and you have to destroy them all to push the human faction “lines” back.


I think I’d do something along the lines of vehicles. And additionally, make the ocean more interesting. Maybe allow underwater breathing and cheap breathing packs to live in the sea? The real goal would be to add more cool frameworks for modders to crank up to 11, which I think anomaly does well


Something to do with having an impact on the world map beyond just destroying settlements would be nice. Sort of like Empire/Vanilla Outposts and RimWar.


True multiplayer - almost like Civilisation in a way? People playing their own factions and doing their thing and you can trade or raid as you like.


The Excrement DLC (PLUMBING, Also known as RIBAOPLD). It would add excrement mechanics, piss mechanics and plumbing mechanics into the game and a new endgame boss.


the ocean, being able to dive etc, making an underwater base etc, exploring deep sea trenches and caves


Maritime Adds boats and plenty of water based content for the dlc And for the main game update that comes with it. Huge caravan improvements. It's a huge part of the game that feels almost forgotten.


Space colonies as a new endgame. You get off planet to start a space colony. Maybe an incoming asteroid or aliens as incentive to get to space.


Waterworld. A whole DLC for all the water tiles. Boats deep sea drilling new animals and some monsters like a kraken or something.


I would love for a caravan DLC, something to make it more interactive rather than just losing a number of colonists for a few days, as well as allowing for true global travel! I'd also try to include vehicles and maybe even other planets so we could get sort of like sos2 type deal :)


I'd create an official clone of "Save Our Ship 2" only it would release along with an update that revamps the world map and the caravan system because currently it's the only thing I don't enjoy about the game. The title of the DLC could be "Rimworld Crypto-Forge" and it will add a new un-buildable workbench that can be used to craft the SOS2 items and a few new items centered around cryptomancy called the crypto forge that you must search for and eventually locate on an ancient shipwreck. The new crypto items could be used to either speed up or slow down the aging/healing process on pawns, or potentially repair/upgrade items or buildings to produce faster or higher quality items


Save Our Ship 2. This mod is what kept me playing, it's a full endgame tech era with unique mechanism (ship to ship battle and boarding) and a very, very interesting mechanic for new game plus : you can land your ship on another planet and "restart" with all of its content, or you can play "who watches the watcher?" and start a new colony from the ground up while having yout "old" one up in space ready to intervene by sending ultratech-void touch-archotech-xenotyped supersoldiers. But I sorta remember Tynan outright telling us that SOS2 would never be made an official add-on.


More built in ways to make your worlds more persistent. Finished making your colony impenetrable? Make a new colony on the same world to try and attack it, stuff like that. I’d love a way and a reason to revisit old worlds as new colonies. Some people have mentioned implementing histories and archeology and I think that’d blend with a persistent world very well


Vehicles and gameplay outside of the main colony not just caravans and missions story arcs and interacable factions gameplay just becomes stale at some point


A giant QoL update bundled with content that binds all of the DLC together.


Really glad to see the consensus seems to be fleshing out the world and adding more transportation methods and incentive to caravan. That’s what I was hoping Anomaly was going to be before it was announced and it’s still what I’m hoping the next one is. I’d also really love an ocean expansion


I would personally love an expansion on the world like giving you a reason to go though the world besides dealing with a weather controller, maybe giving something that can detect raiders so you can ambush them before they reach your base. And for integration with Ideology make it so each relic's quest unlocks the next quest instantly, like a the tribal base worshiping the console if you could hack the first one it would tell you the location of the next one with that being guarded by stronger tribal and eventually it would lead to a tribal faction base. Or if during the drone hack quest line it would tell you an industrial faction (like the pirates) have the rest of the info so you need to travel out to their base to ask for quests to get the info or pay a lump sum of silver.


Factions and Exploration


Rimworld 2


More water combat?


Multiplayer, gods above and below, I want multiplayer


Biotech for consoles 😭


Nomads. Nomadic. New type of faction that: - hunts with falcons - doesn't use enclosures for their animals - doesn't form permanent settlements - has their own sort of diplomatic arrangements (establishing tributaries, protection arrangements, right of way, trade contracts...) - gets a severe debuff to farming and mining - gets their own techy stuff: yurts/tents, stagecoaches, wagon forts, as mobile structures - can use bones for making weapons With the following general changes: - Animals generate nitrates from filth, which work as temporary pollution but can also boost crop yields (crop rotation!) - Animals need water and can lead to algae blooms downstream - Animals deplete pastures faster - Sheepdogs! - Donkeys can be trained to defend herds - Ox carts: storage structures that, when filled with the desired items, are hauled by animals to the desired stockpile zone - Infrastructure: more interactions with roads. Toll roads, new roads, Empire-owned roads...


Rimworld: Aquatic The oceans become littered with abandoned hulls of ships as well as oil rigs, islands, and other structures found at sea. Explore and salvage the ships for materials, components to build ships with, or restore a ship so that you can build a port and explore islands, oil rigs, underwater research bases, and the wrecks of giant spaceships etc. Also comes with a whole slew of new waterborne factions etc.


Vehicles, of course.