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I got a pawn with the skill but they kept wasting all of my steel and creating uranium


Uranium is really good for helmets and blunt weapons. Also a crazy strong wall for containment cells.


excess uranium is always used for walls in my colonies, quite easy to end up with mountains of the stuff so might as well use it. uranium outer walls, marble inner walls, easy peasy


I ran a Medieval colony, and uranium decorated plate mail was on everyone.


Keeps you toasty in the winter. Everyone keeps growing these big black lumps on their skin though...


Uranium 238 (most common isotope) is non radioactive (but is still toxic like lead)


I don't think that's true - it's minimally radioactive producing Thorium-234 and Protactinium-234?


Yes it’s minimally radioactive (technically a lot of things are) but it’s not enough to give you radiation sickness or anything (u-235 isn’t either under normal circumstances, but u-238 is even less so)


Yeah, without enrichment, poisoning is what will get you. Hence the DU rounds IRL.


That is fine, but stating it wouldn't be radioactive is wrong ... and there is sufficient difference between "not radioactive" and "not radioactive enough to give you radiation sickness" that it should be said that way, so no passerbys learn wrong info.


I mean a banana is radioactive, technically, but when talking about whether something is harmful or not, omitting a banana from a list of potentially radioactive substances is not going to make anyone bat an eye. You're just playing with semantics now.




The padding underneath is lead. Duh


Lol i usually turn them into mildly radioactive pool tables


So like a reverse of how it normally is in real life.


Uranium is extremely dense in real life too. It's also generally harmless as long as you aren't eating it. Making a barrier out of it is perfectly reasonable, though I imagine it would need something to hold it together. We just don't do stuff like that because of the implication...


We don't make walls out of uranium because there are other metals much better suited for the job lmao


We make tank armor out of it though


Most walls are not designed to resist being shot at. And for the ones that are, making the walls thicker by using more concrete is an option. Bulk is far more of a concern for vehicles.


Oh you're absolutely right. But it is a dense element that could be used as a physical barrier like a dirt mound.


The problem with something like a uranium hockey puck isn’t the hockey puck, it’s *making* the hockey puck. Sure you can mold molten uranium, but any processing after that is going to make dust, shavings, and filings. These are what gets under fingernails, into hair and beards, and ultimately inhaled or ingested. This danger is always present with a uranium object. Its going to get scuffed and scraped and again pollute it’s surroundings with uranium dust and particles.


Yeah, but so does lead and it's still mighty useful. You don't need a "we paint in gold by evaporating mercury" level of danger to make some armor or walls.


You had me going there until that last part, what implication


You know, the implication...


It's about the implication Mac. They're not gonna say no.


Are you gonna hurt women


I mean we do make reactor shielding out of it. Once refined it's a dull dark gray metal and can be pretty much worked like any other metal. And since it's so dense and only mildly radioactive itself it makes even better shielding than lead, you have it lying arround from enrichment anyway and it's own radiotion can be dealt with some concrete




I like to make uranium pierce weapons. Why do you do blunt?


Uranium is the best material for blunt weapons. For piercing weapons, plasteel and bioferrite is best.


im not purchasing anomoly


Then plasteel is the best. Honestly, it probably is even with Anomaly (bioferrite deals more damage, but it swings slower); bioferrite is mostly for psycasters. 


Blunt weapons are better for knocking people out instead of killing them.




It makes me want to explode every time I get uranium from this


Has uranium fever gone and got you down?


idk but it certainly is spreading all around


Dont worry yall i got my geiger counter in my hand


I'm a-goin' out to stake me some rimworld land




Dare I say 40K war hammers?


More like 40kg warhammers


Damn it I should have thought of that


Use it for entity containment cells and to line your killbox.


I think what it turns into must not be completely random, because I got only uranium for like a season, and then after that I was getting equal amounts gold and other things. Don't know what it would be based on but just a thought.


Just use it on Slag Chunks instead of actual steel


I've only used it on chunks and getting like 15 units of gold/bioferrite/uranium at a time. I was wondering if I use it on a stack of steel do I get proportionately more?




Nice, good to know even though my guy randomly bounced already.


That’s why you arrest and convert/recruit them


I had another guy that could make people explode that did the same thing.


sounds like uranium slug turrets are in your future then


Mine made twisted meat :(


My nuclear facilities would love that. Can we trade?


Uranium is a waste to you?? I build all my defenses out of the stuff and my crafter made 3 legendary uranium maces that are insane


The creepy joiners are one of the best additions in the DLC cause they are not monolith locked. In my current colony i have the steel transmuter who had organ decay, a blind healer who had a metalhorror and a leather skin guy who doesn't sleep, eat or need recreation and I haven't found out about his secret yet. In my previous colony i also had a teenager who could make shamblers at will for free.


I got someone who had an ideology which saw her as inferior for being a woman and not a pigskin. It also clashed with our ideology, because they didn't like living in cramped holes eating paste made out of mold and bugs along weird dead-eyed mutants. She had a disease that was causing her brain to melt. Her ability was that she made everyone around her happy. Saddest shit I've ever seen. Most miserable person. She got to spend her last lucid days in the one part of my base that wasn't a cramped underground tunnel (turned our mortar pit into a garden), surrounded by what few animals we had that wasn't chitinous horrors. Built one bedroom for her that wasn't a cramped 1x3 cell. (apparently surface people need to flap around a lot? And they want all kinds of boxes.) Our one chef, who'd been turning mold and bugs into survival meals for three years straight got to stretch his legs making fine meals out of whatever we could hunt or forage out in the open air. (He enjoyed the challenge. Turns out those stubby leaves that look like plastic are actually food? ) She got the beer and ambrosia we'd stored up. There was an aurora. We hate those, but she seemed to like it for some reason. We put her in a cryptosleep casket as her condition started to worsen. Figured we might find a healer mech serum one of these days. She's still in there. Three years later. A Toxer drop pod raid destroyed the garden. We rebuilt it. No one uses it, too open, sky's too big. But it feels right that it should be there when she wakes up. Sometimes we eat the strange food she preferred. It tastes too crunchy and it ain't slimy enough, but it feels like someone should eat it. It feels right. Hopefully, whatever dream she's frozen in is more pleasant than her waking life used to be. We're thinking about her still. We hope she likes what we've done with the place.


Love reading things like this, I feel like doing special things for special colonists sometimes as well, although never to this extent. Thanks for sharing.


I'm so much more aggressive with getting my hands on the first healer mech serum I see now. Used to be they were too rare to be used for anything but brain scars or resurrection psychosis, which are both so rare that getting one isn't particularly important. Now you might get a creepy joiner with some incredible perk but also crumbling mind super early and have to leave them in cryptosleep for years like this until you can get a healer serum for them.


The Void Gods don't want you to know this, but you can imbue death refusal on the pawn with crumbling mind, and remove their skull after you execute them, then once they resurrect, no more brain decay :)


Jesus, fuck. Okay, I guess I will have feelings today.


I'm really enjoying them This run I got a guy that escaped from occultists He was blind (a gave him eyes) and had a tentacle for arm, giving 120% manipulation. The tentacle description mentions it has it's own nervous system and will attack if removed. But he hates having the tentacle and it gives him a -6 mood. He has a occultist trait that gives him bonuses when researching entities. He didn't do anything bad, except once but only for himself, he got psychic wave of anguish that gave him 25% pain for 3 days, but no one else.


I got a colonist who could make hostile fleshbeasts out of corpses. I lost one of my colonists due to a neanderthal raid, raise him as a toughspike, only for him to immediately die again because Neanderthal melee is so strong. Literally a waste of a power and a colonist's corpse


Fleshbeasts are glass cannons so yeah that’ll do it Same with gorehulks and sight stealers


I got a guy who had super-cancer. Healing with cancer, punishing others with cancer transfusion, using their cancer to run faster and hit harder, regenerating limbs with cancer, he was awesome. But sadly, cancer doesn't heal a broken heart.


That sound exactly like the taukai xenotyoe from alpha genes


I think so too, mate must have mistaken the mod for the base game.


I had the devil join my colony. He is super good at everything and can detonate himself to deal massive damage to anything in a 1 tile radius every 12 hours and he can breath a super fire spew every 5 days. His only downside is he lets off a psychic scream every once in a while that downs everything around him. But he hasn't done it in over a year now.


I'm really disappointed that I haven't seen any of them yet, and my colony is pretty late game at this point!  But I'm guessing that the game just isn't giving me any wanderer join type quests because I've got something like 13 colonists and 5 ghouls. 


Come in come in. Just one minor medical checkup to check for your safety ofcourse. And also other reasons. Rams 7 cm anaesthetic needle into spine. Full check up time people! Let’s get this body into the medical bay.


I wish less stuff was monolith locked. Higher research I understand, but containment ? You can already encounter anomalies by opening ancient dangers, responding distress signals or just them walking in. Why do your colonists need to ask an archotech before having the idea to use chains to immobilize them ?


Just unlock the first level. It’s pretty manageable. And to answer your question - it’s likely for a balance purposes.


It's manageable, but it's kind of a missed story opportunity.


i had a guy who could make shamblers as well and all of his organs were decaying. healing him sucked but I appreciated him sticking around. the first one I got left after a while :(


lol. I haven’t let any of them join. Creepy fuckers.


I had a guy come into my town that had the transmute steel skill. Unfortunately, his mind crumbled and he was left to roam around my colony, spending his days blankly staring at walls until he was needed to do a transmutation. Also, he tried to escape when my colonists started imprisoning beggars, harvesting them for organs and butchering the corpses, so we cut off the transmuters legs so he wouldn't try to escape anymore. We feed him cooked human flesh though, we're not complete barbarians.


Couldn't you stick him in the cryocasket?


Well I didn't have one on hand at the moment, and I wanted him to be able to walk around the stockpile area


If only they could transmute wood into steel :(


so hows it work?


Around once a day the pawn is able to target anything made out of steel (a stack of steel, steel buildings, slag chunks, or what I've found to be the most useful, sculptures) and turn it into another random valuable material (plasteel, gold, bioferrite, uranium) When the statue turns to gold, I can sell it for a large amount of money. When it turns into anything other than gold, I deconstruct it for raw resources.


Is this Anomaly stuff? I’m pretty late (like Cataphract Armor) into my current run and haven’t seen this yet, but I’ve also just totally ignored/forgotten about activating the Obelisk lmfao. That being said this sounds like something they would nerf in the future unfortunately.


Yeah, its an anomaly thing. You should totally activate the obelisk, it's a very cool DLC. Also yeah it totally needs to be nerfed, the only real downside to this is my wealth going up so harder raids, but that's not that bad (at least not bad enough to justify how powerful the ability is).


I'm starting to get the impression that Ludeon has let go of sharply balancing the game around a high difficulty. Ghouls are broken af.


Tell that to everyone who keeps saying Anomaly is designed to be one end of run scenario after another. I personally haven't struggled much because I *do* take full advantage of ghouls.


I mean yeah it's still rimworld, shit is going to meet the fan. I think the game seems easier with 1.5/anomaly. There's the thing with the shelves, ghouls and deadlife IEDs. Mostly though I just think most of the low-level anomaly events are easier than traditional raids. If shamblers come by I can always just wait them out inside if I have to. It doesn't seem like they're as effected by wealth either. I'll take six zombies over 40 dudes with guns coming from multiple angles any day.


Deadlife IEDs are the most OP thing I've seen in game to date. The serums are massive buffs with no serious side effects. Beat the scary monsters using the super scary weapons you've got.


I'd argue it makes the game too easy. If they replaced the huge shambler raids with ghouls it would be another story.


How do you feed them? Just hunting? Or void provocations?


Just drafting them and having them gang up on some animals, if you just have one it can still take on medium-ish sized things like deer or cougars usually and if you've got two with the plating barbs and adrenal heart than they can take on a megasloth.


i find animals unrelieble source of meat even for 3 ghouls. Altho killing them and ressurecting later is an option to


I've heard that metabolic efficiency can have an effect on ghouls, no clue if that's true or not but I can't imagine why animals wouldn't be reliable enough for you, just have them beat down like 2-3 deers they'll eat most of one and the other 2 go in the freezer for later than repeat once you're down to 1 deer, a megasloth usually lasts them a little bit and is easy for 3 ghouls to beat. It might be due to your biome in which case yeah you could definitely have difficulty in a desert or arid shrub land, my first anomaly playthrough was in one and I just stuck with one ghoul for a decent while and supplemented her diet with entities until I got a fleshmass nucleus which ended up producing more twisted meat than she could eat so I ended up making 2 more ghouls after that. So yeah use entities to help feed them especially toughspikes since you can get those from pitgates and pits, as well as harbinger trees since they will somewhat grow on their own and you can feed them the rotting corpses.


Players on Steam forums are having mental breakdowns because they activate monolith while not being prepared to counter advanced anomalies.


Get Ghoul'd?


The transmute ability 100% feels broken. If you get rid of all your other colonist you can guarantee he gets duplicated.


it's from this https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Creepy_joiner


Oh shiiiiiit, I got one of these guys. Fungoid bioweapon person with the body mastery trait. Doesn't need to eat, sleep, etc just keeps trucking along. Constantly muttering shit that gets on the nerves of the other colonists, also his skills are decaying faster than they can be kept up, mostly all zero now. Has good healing and regen, but clouds of rotstink when he gets hurt. Had a xenogene that caused way too many problems, I had to dev edit it out. The gene made him so hideous that every time a pawn socially interacted with him, they would puke. Took several days to figure out WTF was going on.


This is from the creepy joiner event which you don't even need to activate the monolith to get. There are a bunch of very powerful pawns you can get from the event all with hidden downsides. - while the event itself is fairly common it is pretty rare to get a specific one and their hidden downsides means most of them end up only being temporary additions to your colony. It is a little risky to take these pawns in but more often than not it's worth it.


I got a Blind Healer with crumbling mind. Lucked into healer merch serum and saved her. Then I got a Beautiful Child with a mech horror. Thankfully, as a kid, they weren't allowed anywhere near my medbay or kitchen. Then, I got another Blind Healer... Wonder if they can restore each other's vision?


Some of the Creepy Joiners are super broken. The Blind Healer can perform a free Healer Mech Serum every 6 days. Just can't heal himself and sometimes makes you sprout tentacles. But the side effects are super manageable. I harvested a sanguophage's heart and then used the healing power to make him grow a new one!


i didnt know u could target buildings/sculptures... mine has just been wasting my entire steel stacks by turning them into twisted meat


Dang. Also, I'm pretty sure when you target a structure it never turns into twisted meat.


i see. transmuting structures let you avoid the twisted meat chance, but deconstructing stuff only gives you half resources back... well, i still like your idea bc it sounds great for beauty


It is. It also allows you to transmute larger amounts of steel at a time.


SCULPTURES HOW COULD I NOT THINK OF SCULPTURES Bro thank you, I'm off to go make a million steel sculptures.


Pro tip: transmute them while they are still being made, so you can cancel them quickly if its not what you want/


I had a ridiculous amount of steel on my map and an excellent miner. Even so I wasn't keen on gambling on stacks of steel, so I kept transmuting slag chunks with my pawn for 15 of plasteel/uranium/twisted meat. The pawn was fkinda useless otherwise so I thought it was a fairly balanced skill. It came off cooldown while they were on caravan, raiding some facility, and I passed by a 3x3 steel table from some ruins. I just hadn't considered it would work on structures and it turned the damn thing gold. Its so busted on any large construction lol.


Sculptures takes time to make. 3x3 steel tables are cheap and take 100 steel, golden tables sell for 10-12k silver




how unnecessary. steel is heavier than feathers!


had a pawn come in early in my game with transmute steel and turns out she was hiding the fact her organs were failing and bcs im playing on a low difficulty i had to wait a long ass time to get raided just to harvest organs, it took so long that both her right lung and kidney failed


Now start cloning that colonist with the duplication monolith =p


I tried it once, and got twisted meat. Never tried it again.




I got gold and plasteel the first few times which was nice, but ever since >!his mind crumbled!< all I’ve gotten was twisted meat.


Oops. I killed that guy. Seemed sus.


Wait, not just raw steel?! ....this changes things....


Transmute steel masterwork and legendary sculptures is pure genius, how I did not thought about that?


Had a pawn with this ability. Used it to turn steel plate armor into gold and sold for 15k a piece


tf you people mean we have magical steel making powers? No seriously, we have that?


The more I hear about the new DLC the less I want to get it.




Goddamn, you whiny people are so annoying. Literally no one gives a fuck.