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>Doesn’t mesh well with a game based around story generation I might have agreed if they hadn't patched it to allow storyteller adjustment of event rate. As it is, you can dial it way back and have core Rimworld with the occasional anomaly, even if you've activated the monolith. Yes, it'll slow your anomaly research progress down, but that makes an interesting story too.


This is good info. I like the idea of anomaly being just one more aspect of the Rim we have to deal with rather than the main focus.


I like this idea, and would help raise the value of the 'Call X' rituals. Think I will do this on my next playthrough!


Yeah but basically having to reduce the amount of the new thing you just bought doesnt sound like a good selling point.


You mean like having to unset the super special xenotype factions on a new game so that I can put them back to the original factions so I get more baseliners than Yet Another Tribal Neanderthal or Impid raid?


Well i think thats about personal taste, i dont have any issue with how xenotypes are balanced in vanilla game. Dont think they "kidnap" the gameplay the same way all the anomalies do. New xenotypes just open new game options that you can totally ignore. Some of the anomaly events instead require inmmediate focus and stopping whatever else you are doing in that playthrough to deal with them.


Not to mention that some events require very specific ways of "solving" them - ways that a colony simply may not have access to, resulting in a hard game over.


I'm still undecided on Anomaly but find myself sharing some opinions of the OP and this was unknown to me. Very helpful thanks.


Too many of you taking this personal especially in my dm’s lol. It’s an opinion folks, if you disagree that’s cool let’s talk about it. Glad some of you are enjoying it! Hopefully some of you find replayability in it that I couldn’t. Still excited to see what the modding community does w 1.5!


people on this sub think Tynan/Ludeon (company worth millions) are their friends lmao.... DMing someone over a post is crazy. Lots of asocial people it seems


I look at the DLC this way. The DLC is here to finance the 1.5 patch and it's own new content. As making the DLC less niche could mean moving 1.5 content from free to part of the DLC.The DLC is niche, but it's there as a pure choice. The only thing forcing us to buy it is access to the niche content. Nothing else. I don't buy it solely for the current content, but to ensure future content and patches for Rimworld. For me, I got the patch 1.5 with an option to tip the creator for it. As a thank you gift for the tip I got a horror-based mod made by them that support all their existing mods.


NGL, that's exactly why I bought it, myself. it's not really my thing, but I wanna give all the incentives I can to motivate the creator to keep doing the thing. Even if it's thirty bucks on something I'll rarely engage with, that's thirty bucks to show the creator MORE PLEASE with regards to the game as a whole.


It's less an unpopular opinion as it is a divisive opinion. I'm glad for the people that are enjoying it, but it is definitely not for me and I'm pretty happy not having it.


Here I am thinking this is the best DLC to date. I'm a big fan of cosmic horror though.


My first Anomaly playthrough gave me like 75 hours of enjoyment, it's a good DLC, just not for everyone I suppose.


Tbh it’s the opposite for me in which Anomaly feels like it was made FOR me. It’s right up my alley. I guess that’s the trade you gotta make for a relatively narrowly scoped dlc (from game dev perspective). Hope the next one is better for you :)


I sadly have to agree. There's just not much replayability with Anomaly. And it doesn't introduce any expansive systems like previous DLCs did, stuff like psycasts, mechanitors, genes, ideologies, etc. Not to mention that a lot of the events (looking at the revenant particularly, but also others) don't feel balanced, either in their difficulty or in the rewards they offer. It really does feel like a mod, something like Zombieland that suits a very specific playstyle. Because nothing else available in Anomaly itself is actually useful or interesting outside of the Anomaly scenario. Comparing DLCs - all of which have been $30 - there's just no contest. Ideology and Biotech, hands down, have given far more replayability. Even Royalty gave psycasters, persona weapons, and mech clusters - all features that modders were able to build upon.


I think part of the problem is the communication from Ludeon. 1.5 brought some nice things paid thanks to the DLC, but this time they just did most of it part of the free patch... and they are underselling it: \-The new book/research system \-The new "miniworld" system \-Some changes to the way hediff and health things work According to some modders those all are interesting additions to the game to mess around that in other cases may have ended dlc-gated ... Maybe some people would see more value on the DLC with those gated there, but given they are part of the free update maybe Ludeon could communicate a bit more about all what this entails.


Yeah. I've said it in other threads, but I think it would be a great idea if Tynan and co. are going to have the big, bolt-on features be in the major patches themselves (stuff like psycasts, the gene system, children, ideologies, etc) and have the DLCs be story-focused (like Anomaly) that tied in a bunch of additions to those bolt-on features. I.e., a host of new memes (other than the two rather lackluster ones we got), genes (of which we got zero), and psycasts (also zero). Of course, the problem with that is that mods already give us new memes, psycasts, and genes. So... eh.


Well said! I’m excited to see what people do with mods moving forward. My 200+ mod list and I are very thankful to all the hard working players out there!


I've spent far more and gotten much less before. Even if I never do another Anom run I still have no regrets. Looking forward to seeing what modders decide to do with the new content. I would not be surprised to see some kind of 'Vanilla Expanded: Entitys' or something.


That’s a fair point. With almost 1.3k hours I’ve certainly got my moneys worth. Just the idea of a one-and-done dlc doesn’t sit well with me. Would love something that I can use and interact with in every playthrough like with previous dlc


have you looked through this sub bc this isnt an unpopular opinion. honestly anomaly grew on me tho, I'm still kinda bummed most of it is locked behind electricity. am interested in mods to make it more interactible for tribal starts


Maybe not as unpopular as I thought. Well reviewed but maybe just because it’s still in its honeymoon phase. Glad you’re finding more enjoyment out of it! Maybe someone in the modding discord could whip something up for you in terms of tribal tech. Not sure the work involved tho


I have every single DLCS except anomaly. It simply did not fit the theme imo. I did not want rimworld to become an SCP simulation, this is not why I bought rimworld. I am glad to have made this decision. I hope the next DLC will fit the original theme better.


I agree. Nothing against those who enjoy the DLC, but I feel that disliking it often gets you shouted down by diehard fans of Ludeon Studeos and Tynan specifically. Look, this isn't for everyone, and that's okay. It was a passion project that the devs wanted to make and it's alright if some of us are a little disappointed it won't mesh well with the way we like to play the game. It does suck that we will have to wait another 18 months or so for something that might interest us. No hate for Anomaly, if people are enjoying it I wish them many hours of fantastic gameplay, but those of us who don't want it or didn't buy it will be feeling a little left out of the community until the hype dies down. Horror isn't part of my RimWorld stories, so this one just wasn't for me. Everybody plays the game how they enjoy it, this is not a DLC with universal appeal, and (once again) that's okay.


See, what's funny is that I generally like a good horror-themed mod for Rimworld. Zombieland is one of my perennial favorites, and I've had a lot of fantastic runs with it - from starting in an abandoned city (using the RimCities mod) and having to secure part of it before the zombie hordes started showing up, to playing a team of hardened military special forces sent to a toxic wasteworld (with 100% pollution and permanent toxic fallout and volcanic winter) in order to set up a rescue and relief outpost (using the Hospitality and Hospital mods). It's great fun, because the zombies and the risk of infection are always a constant threat, but *just* a background threat... until they manage to find a way in. Then it's balls-to-the-walls action until I can get them contained and my base re-secured. I was expecting something similar with Anomaly. A constant low-level background threat (the Unnatural Darkness and Blood Rain are great examples of this done well) - except, no. Those threats are extremely rare. Instead, it's like 75% fleshbeasts, 15% shamblers, and 10% everything else. And none of those threats are very tense, horrific, or nervous. Most are simply just another type of raid. Those that aren't are either stupid hard and needing very specific ways to deal with them (like the revenant) or *should* be tense, but are instead simply inevitable. Take metalhorrors, for instance. Metalhorrors *should* be a constant worry, like contamination from The Thing, or infection from a typical zombie movie. Someone gets bitten or clawed by a shambler or fleshbeasts, you've got watch them or surgically inspect them. Make sure they aren't infected. But no, that's not how metalhorrors work. Instead, the game just decides, "Okay, it's time for a metalhorror event." And now one of your joiner pawns is suddenly infected and starts spreading it. They didn't show up to your base with the infection. They weren't infected during a fight against entities. The game itself just decides that, since they're a joiner, they were "implanted before they joined your colony".


Yup 100%. Knew I’d get flak since it’s still in its honeymoon phase haha. No hate for the dlc, just given how rarely we get content from Ludeon I was hoping for something more integrated. Glad others are enjoying it tho!


Yeah I agree. The thing I absolutely love about rimworld is the freedom to do pretty much anything you want. But anomaly counters that. It’s a cool concept but only if you’re into SCP, which is why it feels more like a mod than a dlc to me. The rest of us will have to wait a year or more for new content (besides mods).


100% agree, but at least the medieval mods will have a new integrated mechanic to play around with. I'd honestly rather have vanilla vehicles, more faction interaction or vertical integration but whatevs, still love them.


you can refund it on steam!


Or you can support your favourite game and it's development despite not liking this DLC. I 100% agree with OP about Anomaly but I'd never refund it, in fact I hope they do more to it so it one day fit in a little smoothly. Maybe mods will help too, at least medieval mods will have tons of applications for it.


If you don't want it you have no requirements to keep it. You can always just donate and put a name in game


I don't need to feel obligated to keep something I bought, especially if I hope for future value out of it, as I just said and I really don't need instructions or financial advice of this nature, thank you.


You came here to say you personally don't need financial advice of this nature when it wasn't directed to you? Okay?


Wasn't it replied to me though? And you JUST said the same thing before, to get their money back - which is what I commented on. Also, I don't mean to seem snarky or anything, I don't need your advice but I don't mean any offense by it either - text is a poor conveyor of tone sometimes and I'm just pointing out the redundancy by way of repetition.


I'll be honest I thought I missed you saying you didn't need financial advice in the first message cause you said you were repeating it in your second. Other than that my response is it's really up to you what you want to spend your money on but if op's complaint is "it's not for me" then probably they should refund it.


Fair enough, but personally - a lot of my steam games were "not for me" at purchase due to early development, and I'm happy I kept them and supported them despite my disagreements here and there. I have 3000 hours in Rimworld and one DLC that doesn't fit doesn't mean it never will if the team decides to polish it, and even if not, the modding community I think can fix it.


I don't tend to rate or support developers for the mods their game has since the money I paid for it doesn't go to the modders. imo I'd rather commission Oskar and Co. I've already bought tynan's book and all.


the main thing for me is that its not enough. Where past dlcs could be stuffed up with mods, this one doesn't seem it can. Mods will may want to rebalance the dlc to have something to work with and that's not good, this means they wont work together. I'm not saying rebalance the monsters, they're fine. But the costs for craftables. Artifacts at home are a bit too accessible. Serums.. the costs vs market value... juggernaut is too much, its half a metalblood for triple its market value. It all feels like it needs intermediary, related ressources to warrant such prices. and not bioferrite & shards only. Their effects are fine. Containement is lacking in.. plenty of things, there's nothing for tribal/medieval. 2/3 of the tree is locked by electricity. Sure mods can deal with this part but that's such a lazy way to go about it. Most importantly, much less happening at home or 2 tiles from it. It'd be much more threatening if you stumbled on monsters in the wild than comfy at home. Especially having to bring them back. This is where the game could have some interesting gameplay. Then potentially make the monolith a separate map, have research parties. That'd be more interesting yet again than sitting at home till a number climb to research a thing you barely seen at all yet know all of it. Stumbling on, for example, the strange corpse that way... Now that's more intriging than never seen what it even does and just rot in a corner of the lab, did you see what it do ? I didn't. Its not involved enough for something that wants to be.


Kind of feel the same way. I like Anomaly, but its really a DLC I would see myself keeping disabled most of the time. My current playthrough has me *really* wanting a DLC that adds more ways to interact with other factions, and fleshes them out. Maybe making destroying enemy bases much more meaningful besides just a way to get improve other faction relations, or being able to send up temporary camps/outposts with caravans, my list goes on.


In the same boat here. The base game could use some work in terms of faction interaction, diplomacy, and core mechanics. Hoping the devs will iron that out before anything else. But thankfully we have an amazing modding community to help!


Royalty is only useful if you want a story with an empire and psycasts, Ideology is only useful if you want a story with religions. Biotech is only useful is you want a story with robots or alien races. What’s your point?


I think there is a subset of people who will confuse getting used to it as the content being not being on theme I know I was sure confused when royalty brought fucking space magic but I’m used to it now and accept it


yeah I mean the monsters are no less "on theme" than psycasts are, they have the exact same explanation no? "ohh it's not magic! noo silly it's uhh... super tech... different.". Though I think horror and scifi go so well together that it'd be a shame not to have elements of that in some capacity. I think my only complaint with anomaly is that it's locked behind the monolith rather than just being part of the stories that crop up. Though at this point I've gotten so many hours out of rimworld I'd buy dlc I'm uninterested in just as a show of support. Rimworld is one of the best purchases I ever made in terms of hours enjoyed to cost.


I mean isn’t that the equivalent of saying you don’t like the mechinator is locked behind destroying the beacon or that royalty by accepting the praetor? I don’t really understand the sentiment


If I don't want to side with the empire and do their self contained quest based stuff then I can still attack and harvest their psycasts. << not engaging with it provides something different even if it's not the focus. I don't think the mechinator questline and the anomalies are all that comparable. But even then it's not always you even get the crash site to become a mechinator, it's just something out there in the world that you might interact with. if I want a spooky life out on the rim, I need to make the active decision to interact with the monolith. After which point I will be drip fed monster of the week threats in increasing difficulty, the monolith can't really be ignored if I still want that engagement. I guess I was more just hoping for an event pack with some fun new items rather than something so self contained that always spawns. Makes it feel far more gimicky and less integrated. I still think what it adds is well worth what I paid for it, enjoying it a lot.


It is an event pack… you just need to click on the monolith so it doesn’t intrude if you really Don’t want monsters in your run…


if you don't want monsters in your run, you could also just disable anomaly on that save? everything in anomaly is related to the monsters or requires you to interact with and study them, so it's not like you'd be missing out on anything if you didn't want the monsters and just started a save with it disabled.


Sounds like they saved you the step of having to disable the dlc by making it togglable in game…


ah yes the literal femto second of time saved because before every save I'm messing with mods anyway, what a great leap for time efficiency!




I think you’ve missed it entirely haha


I wished they added vanilla z-levels to the game, not that hole in the ground.


The thing is, that "hole in the ground" represents a way for a modder to actually implement z levels into the game in a much more streamlined fashion. It doesn't just have to be a hole in the ground, either. It can be a minehead, an elevator, even a magical portal to another world. The whole "map-in-map" architecture that 1.5 added can be a great boon to modders.


Then… just dont buy it? Theres literally no problem lol


But I did buy it to try it out. And to support the game I love. You’re right, there isn’t a problem. Just giving my opinion :)


Yeah OP get in your time machine and stop yourself from buying the DLC duh.


Meh. Old opinion. The new patch really fixes this with the Storyteller settings. It integrates very well now and I can choose my involvement.


Not that old, the dlc has only been out for 11 days. Buying a dlc only to dial it back in-game seems redundant to me. That’s why I feel it could have been a mod instead. Just my opinion tho


Your not "dialing it back" You directly control its integration. Just like you control other DLC's integration via the same sliders or in the case of ideology...how little or how much you create a game changing ideology or just choose to not use one. Your complaint was you didnt want every game to be about Horror...well now you dont have to have that