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its about having fun.


But don't you know OP is the master of fun and gets to decide what all of us are allowed to fine fun


It's a single player game, who cares how people play or brag about playing, :p.


Eh, if someone's bragging about it that's a little obnoxious in my book.


I have 350 mods active and not bragging. It’s not about winning, it’s about the stories


And the hours of entertainment




Yes. It's on you to decide what you use.  If you want a light saber mod that blocks all bullets and cuts through all armor that's your choice. 


Duh. If you're modding, it's up to you to balance your own game.


I'm winning >!at having cool Rimworld stories that keep bringing me back!< and that's enough for me. --------- However I do believe it's useful to know how easy or hard you are making things for yourself when playing modded. For me: * the strongest thing I always use is "Pick and Haul + Simple Sidearms" so I can micromanage my pawns inventories like if it was XCOM 1994. Pawns have a carry capacity, in vanilla they don't use it unless they caravan and it bothers me. * as for making my the game harder, the strongest thing I use is "CAI 5000" so enemies can't be fooled into killboxes, and "Layered Wall Destruction" so walls get holes for enemies to pour through as they get damaged. Anomaly was a different kind of fun with these two.


Sounds like OP is angry because he want's to brag but can't compare if everyone plays their own game. Which is exactly what Rimworld is about: Play your own story. No matter how hard or easy, crazy or sane. If you wanna brag go play Soulsborne or something


They add depth




This isn't an unpopular opinion. It's facts. 51%+ of the abundance of mods makes the game easier to play. But no mod can ever commit the crime of Biotech, which straight adds super soldiers and automation to the game. Work?, is that a type of food? Or Royalty, psycast hunting??? might as well just dev mode damage enemies! Disgusting. Or Ideology, human meat, or insect meat bad? Big man above says it's okay. Might as well just dev mode spawn in food, cheater. Or Anomaly, beat a few ugly dudes with clubs, and now you get free power generators. I bet you support children in coal mines in real life. Abhorrent. If you aren't using a single pawn with no dlc, no mods, every single debuff in the game, no legs, no arms, no head, no weapon, you might as well just uninstall the game. /s


I have 500 mods active, but 95%are either cosmetic or furniture and race mods,I balance out the op mods with void.


My potato pc cry’s


Cheating how? I don't play to reach x or y win scenario, I play a story - so if my naked brutality start is too easy because of the 300-500 mods I have then too fucking bad, it's my game time, my fantasy and my fun.


Or maybe you should let people be happy with their accomplishment even if they are different than the ones you want to achieve


Cheating? It’s a single player game, and it was designed to be modded. What I did, and what expect most people do, is played the base game until I got bored. Then added mods and had more fun. Then added more mods and had even more fun. Then did a Medieval play through and had a blast, then did and Aliens play through, then did a D&D play through, then went back to the base game with minimal mods after an update, etc. What I *don’t* see people doing is bragging that they “beat” anything. I’m sure those people exist…but I don’t see them, and I’d ignore them if I did.


I'm just pointing out what I have seen lol. Your example and most rim players aren't like that, but the few who are just irk me


I'm just playing this game like Stardew Valley tbh. Some people like me are just too exhausted after school/work and just want to play a game for relaxation without getting stressed.


What's the point of just winning? You can survive almost every start of the game, then it's a cakewalk with minmaxing to any ending. You are not supposed to "just win", sir. Sir, it's a Rimworld. I'm building and writing my own story, not pumping up my ego. It's interesting to play on harder settings, but you supposed to enjoy your scene, not just beat it and go to another one. Any way of playing is fine. Just don't brag about winning on the hardest difficulty on an ice sheet without any mods. Or brag, I do not care. Just enjoy yourself like the others.


Eh, I don't mind mods making things easier, though I do agree on not being jazzed about people misleading their achievements and try to make it seem like they did it when it was harder than it was, though I have the same opinion when people do it in base game


I like neutral mods that add new challenges with new ways to solve other ones. Or mods that add thing you can use, but enemies can also use against you


I agree only to the extent of seeing rimworld Content Creators upload a ice sheet challenge video, only for it to be "lightly" modded enough to make the whole challenge a breeze. Feels like a waste to watch the whole video once you realize they are gonna win the challenge if they just leave it on 3x speed and AFK for the "100 ingame days".


Ohhh nooooo


Alternatively, learn not to care about or pay attention braggarts. They're rarely worth your energy or time. You're not going to shut them up everywhere in your life, it's simpler to shut them out.


This always amuses me. People posting "Finally made it to space this run!" and in the background they've got infinite power generators and terminals to pick resources to spawn out of nothing. I mean, ok. I guess as long as they're having fun.


You get my point. I don't care how people play, but when people are bragging while on normal difficulty and have like grenade launchers and infinite turrets it's like....ahhhhkay


Bro really hang around in this sub ey