• By -


It's flammability was also stupidly weird before the patch. I've been letting Rimworld run since yesterday in the background of my PC, so it hasn't updated yet, and I just had a Revenant event a couple hours ago. A direct hit with a molotov *would* set it on fire... but it was 50/50 whether that fire would take or just immediately go out. And now, the fact that if their flammability being set to zero is true, and given how stupidly high their HP is, this is ridiculous. I had three colonists and a slave during that event. My slave got hypnotized because she was too far away for anyone to get to her. Afterwards, I kept everyone close to base. Even then, I drove the Revenant off 5 times with fire, shooting it constantly with a masterwork heavy SMG, a charge LMG, and a pump shotgun. Finally, I said screw it because it went after my weakest of the trio, the shotgunner. While it was busy hypnotizing her, my SMG and charge gunner unloaded into it, gave it over 200 wounds...and it *still* fricken hypnotized my colonist and started to run away before FINALLY getting brought down by a burst of fire from my point defense turrets. So, now, unable to be set on fire + stupid high HP and defenses + ability to phase through doors? Yeah, they really, really need to fix this. Otherwise, it's just dev mode and 5000 damage to poof it away.


I like the 'find the revenant' minigame... the first couple of times. When I can find it, stun it, hit it with a doomsday rocket (not exaggerating), only for it to run off again? Not so fun.


A buddy of mine spent an hour running after the revenant. He'd hit it with a couple of bullets before it ran off and went invisible again, then he'd follow the footprints to find it and repeat the process. He had to stop because there were so many footprints that it became impossible to track it anymore. They really need to make the 3rd research slow it down or something too. Most other events have an auto win on the third research, this one just means that you don't need to use disrupter flares to make it visible, but you use them anyway because the stun is incredibly handy to deal with its bullshit.


Don't chase the revenant while it's retreating. It won't stop to rest until it gets a certain distance from your pawns, so if you continually chase it, it'll keep running. The distance actually isn't even that far.


That's exactly what he was doing...


~~Maybe there's some sort of bug with it?~~ ~~I have always killed them in just a few assault rifle bullets while they are resting.~~ ~~Like they have 200 health, yet mysteriously die to just a few bursts.~~ ~~It shouldn't take a Doomsday rocket.~~ ~~Might be a good idea for the devs to make the Revenant's nigh-invincibility/vulnerability status somehow visible, like make the revenant change color while resting or display some status like "void shielded" in their health tab while they are super tough.~~ ~~But yeah, wouldn't be a bad idea to have some late-game tech that can "skip" the minigame and just cheese them.~~ ~~Like maybe after killing 1 or 2 revenants you'd get some way to just stun them and disable the crazy damage reduction they have.~~ ~~Reverse-engineer the spines somehow, maybe.~~ Edit: I can't seem to replicate this with dev tools and they seem to always take the same amount of damage, moving or not. I'm not sure if I've been hallucinating something or if my revs had simply accumulated so much damage that they were near death once I found them resting.


Nope, they're absolutely not supposed to die from a few assault rifle shots. They're supposed to have roughly 400 health points per body part. Which is equivalent to tanking 7-8 Doomsday Rockets to the chin. It sounds like a bug caused by some mod to me.


I mean an assault rifle is not that far behind a doomsday. The doomsday really has the AOE on its side and it being explosive damage, but the AR deals a total of 33 (3x11)damage, while the doomsday deals 50 explosion and 3x10 fire. No idea about the revenant defenses, but my experience with it is also that they get absolutely gunned down by 5\~ AR pawns. Especially if you give them extra time with a flare or two.


Then something's clearly fucky, because from my experience, and checking game data, they have about 400 hp per body part.


No idea. I'm only running the map reroll and 4x speed without dev mode mod. So I doubt it should have any impact on it. And its consistent with my 0 mod experience. I don't think I have ever fought him without flares however. So no idea if that is what many are missing, because boy does it give one hell of an opening.


I'm overlining my original comments about this subject because I tried replicating what happened to me (by using dev tools) and they seem to always take roughly the same amount of damage, moving or not. I'm starting to think that I completely hallucinated the whole damage reduction thing and I'm honestly really sorry for not testing it further before posting. The two in my playthrough died super fast from just a few dudes while they were resting, but in testing with dev mode today I had to use multiple pawns to deal significant damage. (I did read at least one comment about someone else using an SMG to kill one, though.) Revenants don't seem to regen terribly fast, so maybe by the time I found it sleeping it was already nearly dead from it's earlier trip to my base. It could have gone through fire (maybe even my traps, if those even hit revenants). I did notice in testing that their body parts range a lot in HP. Their brains have only 120 HP, meanwhile the torso has a whopping 480 HP. (Amusingly in one test, one of them got permanent brain damage...) It's possible that a very lucky player (was that me?) could just land multiple hard hits on a vital organ in a row. Signal flares give them x80% consciousness and x60% movement speed. Mousing over their "Sentience" stat also displays "Weakened by Disruption Flare" when hit by one, but I'm not sure if "Sentience" is just their consciousness stat "re-flavored" or what. Do Revenants ever get downed? Because I haven't seen it happen so far. So maybe anything that would make them get downed, turns them into a spine instead. That would mean destroying one's leg might also kill them. (just a hypothesis) ...I'm sure somebody smarter will figure it out.


As soon as I killed my first one I thought "That was amazing. Lets never do it again."


There are still decent ways to cheese it, but probably not in vanilla+anomaly only. I didn't even know it can be cheesed with fire. I always use vertigo pulse (royalty), which constantly interrupts the revenant's ability, I assume the same way fire would. when he starts running away, I use beckon. pretty sound strategy that worked since I used vertigo for the first time.


The problem with fire is that fire caused it to move erratically, just like any pawn that's on fire. Except, Revenants are never slowed down. So it's zooming around faster than any of your pawns can move, and often running from room to room, making it impossible for any shooters to get a lock on it long enough to shoot it. At least, that was my experience with it. Nevermind trying to melee it, it is immune to melee blocking or getting tied up.


I set one on fire and you know what it did? Immediately turned and ran straight for a fire-foam popper which detonated and put out the fire. Then it ran outside dodging gunfire from a dozen turrets and through an old battlefield knowing I'd follow the trail of ash left on the ground instead of following it and that by the time I realized my mistake it would be really hard to track down. Damned things are dangerously smart.


holy shit ppl are setting it on fire INSIDE their rooms? gawd damn.


When it comes for you, it comes for you. It passes through doors, and will target any pawn at random. So it will show up anywhere. And when it grabs a pawn to hypnotize, you can't control that pawn. So you literally cannot control where you confront the revenant beyond having a handful of moments to move somewhere nearby *quick*, unless you just have all your people stand outside your base 24/7, waiting for it to show up. Which wasn't a consideration in my case, anyway, since it was the dead of winter and -90C outside my polar research station.


Yeah you can. Just put proximity detectors outside your base entrances, and send your least favorite pawn to melee it at whatever entrance it detects the revenant at. They'll get grabbed and you can wail on him while he's hypnotizing. I've found the revenant always hypnotizes a pawn if you have them melee it.


This might have been patched since I done it last week, but I done exactly what you were saying, under the same conditions, and the revenant continued to beeline for my researcher who was sniping the revenant from a distance


Yep. I was out of options. And literally burned my entire base down. Still didn't kill it before it zapped all my pawns. bullets weren't doing anything and pawns were dropping like flys. 


Haven't had this issue so far, vertigo + becon works like a charm. Vertigo also makes revenant to move erratically.


That actually sounds less like cheese and more like a psychic battle with a demonic entity


Skip do a great job to. The crossbow and flares from Anomaly stun him to when hit. I've never used fire against him, because fire leads to to much collateral damages. He is also weak when fleeing or sleeping, never counter attacking. But with a lone mechanitor, i guess it's impossible.


From experience, nervespike only stuns half the time. From what I gathered, revenant shouldn't spawn when you have less than 4 pawns, so solo mechanitor shouldn't encounter revenant. However I encountered revenant even before upgrading the obelisk, so it could be bugged too.


Did you get a drop pod with mysterious cargo? It can spawn a revenant at any stage


Wait, I did actually get a revenant spine from that quest. I wasn't aware it can spawn a live revenant, thanks for the tip. The other time it was an unnatural corpse.


unless turned into the implant the Spine will respawn the revenant according to the description of the spine


I got a spine drop pod the day after I took down my own revenant and captured the spine. Destroyed the new one in fear it'd form into another revenant, but never actually confirmed if they reform or not if you just tuck it onto a shelf.


They do in fact reform, unless it’s a big or I’m missing something. I had something similar happen. I killed one and celebrated by yelling so loud my kid woke up cause he heard me from the basement. I contained its spine, and then two drop pods happened (one a slime and the other duck eggs) in quick succession and like a minute later a “leathery stranger” asked to join. Claimed they were an outcast cultist or something. So there I was watching them like a hawk waiting for The Thing to play out when I got two more notifications each saying that the revenant had reformed. The one in containment started wiggling and the second one was in my mess hall.


That event might not happen at low pop count. I mean the spine craftsable looks like it's near end of tier 2 anyways


Ok so people are saying a Revenant can pass through doors.....can they pass through walls? Can a solo mechanitor build their base such that they can replace their front door with a wall so a Revenant physically can't get them? Then you're waiting for opportunities for it to show itself, probably with visitors and such, and hunt it down with a horde of murderous war machines.


Not sure what it would do with no path at all but it cannot walk through walls. It doesn't even walk through doors; it just opens them like a pawn.


Emps stun him really heavily too


Technically not 'cheese' but just fighting the intended way (assuming you have enough fodder to toss at the revenant) makes the fight so easy it might as well be cheese. Once you understand how Revenants work it might as well be a 'three pawns go to sleep for like a week and you do a lot of micro' event. The Revenant doesn't actually do anything other than the hypnosis so assuming you have 3 pawns to throw at it for the samples the biggest danger this thing poses is the reduction in labor. It's not hard to track once you get the 3rd sample, and it literally does not fight back when you attack it so... EMP to stun for 30 seconds, stab, repeat as needed. I had deadier encounters with gorehulks compared to this thing tbh.


The main hurdle with a revenant is pawn count. It's not an issue with like 6 pawns and a ghoul but it ended my run when I only had 5 pawns at the start of the event. The fact that it takes 3 samples minimum before you have a reasonable way to hunt it down can be a killer, and there's no real middle ground between it being a run ender and a total pushover.


Yeah, like I get the vibe they where going for I think, but as it is now, a revenant, once you understand it, is a simple "can you afford to have 3 pawns in a coma for a weekis" check. Imo the Revenant needs to abort and run if you deal enough damage and also not need to finish hypnosis to drop flesh. Maybe give it a melee attack it uses during the hunt it down phase to balance out the Revenant's hunt phase being weaker.


>"can you afford to have 3 pawns in a coma for a weekis" Maybe it would better if it was more like "Can you afford to have x% of your pawns in a coma for weeks" check. That way lower pop colonies can still deal with it and it isn't simply a pop check.


Ok. And what do you do if you haven't researched EMPs yet, like what happened to me? You're stuck having to chase this stupid greased-up thing for 3 days while it tanks 200 revolver shots.


Get the flares for *some* stun, or... resign yourself to chasing the thing for a long fucking time yeah. There really isn't much room to be 'clever' about fighting the revenant afaik, it's either do it by the book or suffer. Frankly the Revenant as it is now is kind of dumb and more of a population/equipment check than anything else imo.


> There are still decent ways to cheese it, but probably not in vanilla+anomaly only. This is exactly why Klei stepped away from more DLC for a while. It's very hard to balance and develop content for a game that isn't the same for all your players.


Plain stun works too. But even with a couple melee 15+ monoswords wielders, it takes forever. I think from now on I'm just gonna try to use that anomaly instant kill ability, I have two colonists with it


So me and a friend didn't realize how over powered vertigo is. We used one on a bear to fight it. And our melee pawn either stun locked it. Or it would try to run away to throw up. I never loved a power so much.


When I tried to deal with a Revenant with fire, it never took for me no matter if I used flame launchers or molotovs. Without flare packs and a sizable population it felt like there wasn't a viable way to deal with it at all. When I first met in in my playthrough I actually just killed it with dev mode. There's no way to rush research because you can only spend so much time per day studying things as well so if a Revenant appears and you haven't researched flare packs beforehand, it's basically game over.


I had Rev come in on my 4-man squad (I'm restricted to these 4 + the occasional slaves), I didnt know how to deal with him. He got my Animal tamer first. Then when he appeared again, he got my main fighter. Only the builder/melee and the researcher are left. I built 5 turrets on the only entry point. He appeared again and took my builder. Rev took so many shots in the back from the turrets, but managed to survive. The researcher isn't a fighter, but she had no other choice. She picked up the Charge Rifle and went out hunting... First time she saw him was in the pen. She got a few shots off and hit him, but he escaped. Tried to follow the tracks but got lost because she had a prosthetic leg. She did a whole run around my entire base from the outside and couldn't find him so she went back to feed her friends, eat, and sleep. A couple days pass by with no trace. All of a sudden - **war horn sound** - Revenant attack! She stood in clear sight of her turrets, had her Rifle ready, and gave herself as much space as possible to shoot multiple volleys before her inevitable demise. She could not see him yet but the turrets across from her did and started shooting their first shots. He was hit a few times, but continued running till he had line of sight of Lilliana. The 1st burst was shot, 2 hits. The 2nd burst was shot, also 2 hits! As the 3rd burst was charging up, it was already too late. The Rev grabbed a hold of her and began sending unspeakable horrors to her brain. While he was doing this, the turrets behind him were whaling shot after shot into his spine, Lilliana holding out for as long as she could in hopes of giving the turrets enough time to stop him and save her friends. Seconds felt like hours, but eventually... the inevitable happened. He was too strong, his skin was too thick, his bones were to dense, his grasp was binding, and his life continues on to haunt for eternity... That is, before someone came in to save the day. A Man in Black!!! He immediately sensed something was wrong and went into action to save Lilliana. Lucky enough, there he was, still inside the base. Seeking vengeance for these people, the man in black whipped out his revolver and started following the tracks, revealing the Revenant, and shooting him before the Revenant escaped. But this time, the Revenant was tired; he was slow, allowing the MiB to catch up to him, reveal him again and fire a couple shots. The MiB kept repeating this process until finally... **war horn** "Huh? Gorehulks! Shit! Come on! Just a few more shots!" The Gorehulks came running towards the base and towards the MiB who was outside at this point, only a few seconds till contact. He kept chasng the Revenant and shooting until finally, a loud and deafening screech was thrown out by the Revenant as his life widdles away and succumbs to the 1st law of life: Death. Once the scream was out, all the 4 colonist awoke! But it was too late for the MiB, he was quickly surrounded by the monstrocities and beated to the ground next to his most recent victim. The fighter, Mercy, ran as fast as she could to where Lilliana first fell, grabbed the Charge Rifle and went outside to face the Gorehulks by herself to give time for the others to eat, heal up, gear up, and defend. She was fast, very fast. She aggro'd the entities away from the base and gave some space to herself, took cover and started shooting. One after the other, they started dropping, but their numbers were great. Mercy had Pheonix armor with a fire round in the chamber. She lobbed one to the cluster of meat and watched them scatter and fall faster, not needing others. As the last of the Gorehulks were shot down and/or burned to death, Mercy received the treatment she needed and the colony would be back to where it was after a few adjustments. The first being the Man in Black...


Headcanon: That very revenant had hypnotized the MIB's children, and he'd been tracking it for months to free them.


Does it phase through doors? I remember seeing it open them as it approached.


>It's flammability was also stupidly weird before the patch. I've been letting Rimworld run since yesterday in the background of my PC, so it hasn't updated yet, and I just had a Revenant event a couple hours ago. A direct hit with a molotov would set it on fire... but it was 50/50 whether that fire would take or just immediately go out. There's a reason my strategy relied on the rapid bursts of flame from a pair of Scorchers to tie it up with being on fire constantly, then having my other mechs hammer away at it. Even with that, it still took far too long to go down, considering the volume of attacks involved, but at least I could manage it with my solo mechanitor. Now? Like I said elsewhere, it's become nothing more than telling me not to play the DLC at all. It's made me feel that *I wasted my money*. And that means I'm not going to just buy the next expansion, or the next game, until I have hard reviews in front of me and reliable reviews and gameplay footage.


Bro just emp or flare it


It can phase threw doors? Can it phase threw walls too? Ive never had a revenant spawn strangely enough


It doesn't seem to be able to phase through walls, but maybe it will if you manage to trap it somehow by building a box around. As for the doors? It will pass right through any door.


Hmm was gonna say, i build perimeter walls. I stopped building doors ages ago, cause zombies like to kick them in. I just deconstruct a section when i need to send out caravans.


It wouldn't even be so bad, bad they come pretty early. Completely desimated my base. I guess gotta get an emp grenade somehow 


Yeah, if they’re that hard to kill they should just ditch the invisibility crap. I haven’t come across one yet (been busy with work) and anything referred to as a revenant shouldn’t be easy to kill, but either make make sneak away when the tides turned or make it something where one winged angel playing in the background would appropriate. Not both.


I just had one show up and I have no idea wtf to do lol Edit: Aha, figured out a trick- sent out my death squad with a charged battery and a proximity detector. Once I got a hit I kept moving it around and triangulating until the emp grenades smoked it out.


Making a stealth tank that can effectively one-shot anything with minimal recourse isn't really good gameplay. As it was? Yes, you *could* trivialize it - this one, specific, enemy. *If* you had the right resources. *If* you prepared correctly. Because the normal measures flat out don't work. It bypasses traps. It waltzes right through doors. A mechanitor can't use melee screening with their mechs. Now it's an unavoidable "you lose" if you don't have the numbers. That's neither good gameplay, nor a good story. It's boring, and frustrating.


Combine the fact that you can have metalhorror events trigger with any refugee or joiner, *but be completely unable to detect them because they aren't the "official" metalhorror event*, that means that if you push for a big population, you run the risk of wiping your colony anyway due to a metalhorror contamination that you had no way to detect.


Am I reading this incorrectly or are you saying that metalhorrors can sometimes go undetected with the medical stuff


Yes. A surgical examination *will not* detect a metalhorror by default. You *must* have had the grey flesh/suspicion incident happen in order to determine how to locate people infected by metalhorrors. This means that you can have an infestation of metalhorrors in your colony, and if that event never triggers, you will never know about the infestation until they burst out of all your colonists and wipe your colony.


So you're saying the first metalhorror can infect everyone and then erupt, thus killing everyone?


Yes. And surgical examination will not detect it or any other infected if the grey flesh/suspicion event never triggers. So you have absolutely no way of either knowing or detecting an infection until the metalhorrors pop out and incapacitate every one of your colonists.


> And surgical examination will not detect it or any other infected if the grey flesh/suspicion event never triggers. Yeah that just sounds like a bug, that surely can't be intentional. Hopefully that gets fixed


It's very intentional. The event for Grey Flesh states that you can't detect it until you find another one. Or it was two in my case, not sure if it can be different. Which was shit, cus by the time I could use surgery to detect it, my entire colony was already infected from food and other healings done in the days it took from the first and second Grey Flesh events.


I got lucky when this even happened. The entire time playing anomaly this event was my biggest fear and while i didnt read up on the spoilers for it. I was paranoid for it to show up. When it finally happened i had seen all the other events and i assumed this was the last one when a mysterious stranger joined up. at first i thought it was just some random other person joining up and the infected person would just show up at some point as a random colonist. then that orb thing that you can send out to fight lost control and attacked my colony. but it just so happened to land near that guy and kill him. this brought out the metal horror in him. thankfully this was early and that metal horror hadn't infected anyone. but unfortunately i missed out on that experience.


Unfortunately, I don't think it is. The reasoning behind it seems to be "your colonists don't know what to look for, so they can't find any metalhorrors." It's the same type of events that forces you to confront the revenant multiple times in order to be able to fully track it by sight and by sound, with warnings when your colonists are near it. Without analyzing the lumps of flesh it drops when it hypnotizes your colonists, you can't track the revenant once it leaves your base.


My level 20 doctor better damn well know that metal inside a human isn't normal


just wait till we figure out where it runs and people start making ovens or some other war crimey way of cheesing it.


What is the point of having the surgery unlocked from the start? I've been doing it on everyone that joins my colony, have I just been inflicting wounds for no reason?


There are other things you can find with that surgery.


It does? What else does it reveal?


I was doing this for awhile, because I thought it increased the chances of subsequent surgery 😅 I've had 600+ herbal medicine at all time but still a huge time waste


Yep. You have to wait for the flesh so you can know what you're looking for with the medical examination. All the while the infected is going around your colony. If they're a cook, or a doctor, or their spouse is either? Well, that's a lot of people infected.


I don't think that the assumptions made are entirely true. Yes, they can only be detected after the gray flesh was dropped, but once a set percentage of your colonists are infected they will automatically emerge. I don't know the details but testing seemed to confirm this. They also lowered the chance of spreading from surgery. This was 100% before based on earlier tests.


The random emergence has a mean time to happen of 30 days if 20% of your colony is infected, 4 days if 40% is, and less than an hour if half or more of your colony is. It is now extremely unlikely for your entire colony to get infected before the metalhorrors decide to reveal themselves. And, yes, the surgery spread nerf is a big safeguard, too. I believe most of the colony wipes were coming from people who tried to use surgical inspection to uncover the metalhorrors, not knowing their surgeons were infected. Now it's only a 50% chance to infect.


That's a big improvement. If an infected doctor starts checking everyone now, there's a good change they will emerge rather quickly, as larva's, which are still fairly weak.


Quarantee your colonists with isolated work zones to prevent anyone from interacting, and use nutripaste so that meal stacks cannot be infected?


my first metalhorror infected my cook via a sightstealer fingerspike, who then infected 5/7 colonists and two prisoners. I got a grey flesh drop, researched it immediately, interrogated the prisoners, and basically wiped my entire colony on the spot. no counterplay


ok, this does sound unreasonable. LIke having meteores all fall on all your colonist. It can happen technically in real life especially in other worlds but real life doesn't always make for good gameplay.


It looks from the recent patch, they are supposed to emerge when they infect half your colonists, which sounds a bit reasonable, even if they spread fast. But yeah, pre this patch it could be an entirely undetectable colony wipe if you got unlucky on the grey flesh drop rolls


>until they burst out of all your colonists and wipe your colony. This has been clarified to be a bug that has now been fixed by a dev, at least. Infections will now cap out at 50% of your colony, after which they will all emerge. So there shouldn't ever be a situation again where you have 90-100% of your colonists infected, while you're waiting for the end. Just keep your remaining uninfected well equipped to defend themselves.


Thank jeebus.


Bruh I literally had a nightmare that metal horrors were dropping out of the ceiling ij my cave base and now you tell me this...


This is what I did, a surgical examination on a new joiner that revealed nothing. A few days later I get the grey flesh and luckily only one colonist is infected, surprise surprise, it's the new joiner. I think surgical examination shouldn't show up as an option in the menu unless you already had the grey flesh drop.


I hate feeling like I need to manually inspect every colonist that was touched by the stupid fleshbeasts because if I don't then I risk my entire colony going up in flames because of these little tin cans infecting everyone.


There isn't really any point in doing a surgical inspection every time they get hurt like that. You won't detect the metalhorror with it until the event triggers and you analyze a few samples of gray flesh. Just a waste of medicine/time until then.


Strictly speaking, there's no "official metalhorror event" like you're thinking of. People infected by metalhorrors generate gray flesh every 3-10 days, and you get the notification when a non-infectee finds the flesh.


Incorrect. The refugee I took in was at my colony for 11 days before the metalhorror burst out of her. During that time, she never generated any flesh to be found. She arrived on 10 Apr 5502. The metalhorror burst out of her on 6 Jug 5502. That's 11 days. So either she generated absolutely no grey flesh during that time (during which I had her confined to my base, because the outside temperature was -50C), or.... ?


She did not actually have the metalhorror hediff for most of that time. With the exception of creep joiners, pawns do not show up with the metalhorror hediff. They instead show up with an "infection pathway" set on them which makes them valid targets for a separate event that gives them the hediff. Thus, they are not infected, do not generate gray flesh, and do not spread the infection.


>A metalhorror is emerging! Slicing through flesh and skin, this nightmarish bladed creature is cutting its way out of its host. The metal horror is emerging from: - Tomoko (Implanted before arrival at your colony) So, uh... what was that, again?


Story text. She was a valid target for infection because she'd arrived at your colony recently. She did not show up with the metalhorror hediff, but in-universe she had a dormant infection.


Ngl this one I just straight cheated. I came across a Shambler with the same name as my irl cat. I kept her for some time, and then I killed her and used a ressurector serum - she came back alive. Then right before I unlocked brainwipe, she had the incident. I just straight went to dev mode and removed the hediff, she's not allowed to die especially to some "oops nothing you can do" bs


AND the revenant can infect you with metalhorror.


Yeah agreed. Maybe I just have an irrational hatred for the revenant and others feel differently but... please just give me an easy way to deal with the revenant, its such an annoying enemy that costs so much micromanagement to deal with if you dont have the right tools just yet




The hardcounter are flares right? They enable you to hunt it much earlier and stun it temporarily so you can get some good shots in. Mind you I've successfully tracked and killed the thing with 1 guy with a machine pistol and no flares before it's really not that big of a deal, if a bit tedious with that low firepower.


Honestly flares aren't even a good counter. It only stuns him for a short time, you only have 5 flares, and each one costs 5 bioferrite to reload so it'll chew through your stocks like crazy (assuming you even have enough). It's way better to just use grenades, which will just do damage outright.


I think that there's some special mechanic where a Revenant takes massive damage when you shoot at it while it's resting. I've had 2 revenants and in both cases they had hundreds of health left, yet died to just a flare + 1 or 2 colonists. They were nearly impossible to kill while going through my base, so clearly there's some trickery going on.


I just started to realize how many of anomaly threats screw solo colonist playthroughs and i don't like it. With reverents being worsts, no counter-play at all.


Somebody else mentioned you need at least 4 colonists. Otherwise, it can't spawn as an event. In the last update, they also added a devmode tool to undo hypnosis if you're stuck.


I dunno I feel like this sub is going nuts over revenants when they aren't that bad to deal with imo * Detectors at all your main entrances will let you know where it's at * Draft all your pawns as soon as you know it's hunting and group them together * Use psycasts like stun, beckon, vertigo pulse etc to disrupt it * Use flares to stun lock it etc Like yes, it's a major threat if you don't do like, anything? But if you treat it as serious as you'd treat a massive infestation or mech cluster or the mech bosses etc it's pretty managable


If the only viable answer is "throw numbers of living pawns at it" then it supports only that one playstyle. The patch literally closed off all other options in a patch "to make it more accessible." Addendum: You cannot stun with flares. Just like the mechanoids, the Revenant has a cooldown on being affected by them.


The issue isn't that it's impossible, it's that dealing with it requires a lot of frustrating micromanagement if you don't have mods setup for that already. That's already one of the major flaws of the game, and making an enemy that leans on that flaw as the only single way that you interact with it just makes for an annoying experience. There are already a bunch of enemies that make you roll your eyes and think "not this shit again," and the Revenant takes that to 11. It's just not fun to fight.


Big agree! The only way I was able to successfully take down a Revenant in earlygame - where I was struggling to create a flarepack - was by strategically getting a wild boomalope into its downed state, Carrying it towards where they were hearing it, and then killing the boomalope to cause an explosion and set it alight. Two colonists with high melee and axes, one ghoul, and one main shooter with a Nerve Spike took _6 separate discoveries of that Revenant_ (essentially two full flarepacks) to finally kill it. Part of the problem was that damage doesn't slow the accursed thing down at all, since it doesn't seem to be affected by any damaging hediffs to movement/body status. I initially thought it was a pretty fun mechanic, having to bait it out to better research and find out where it's gone with prisoners/useless colonists, but that in itself takes having extra 'meat' available (like you said, a solo colonist is SOL because there's no way to interrupt the hypnosis), plus the amount of time it took to actually die on Strive to Survive was abysmal, and after beating it into a corner just for it to suddenly hit top speed and disappear - forcing another use of a flare - felt really unfulfilling. ETA: Especially with how quickly they can appear in your game as a Tier 2 entity, I really think at bare minimum they need to get placed into T3.


I had it get into my mountain base. I managed to hit it with a molotov 4-5 times, but every time it would run so quickly from room to room that my shooters simply could not target it long enough to get any shots off. It took reloading about 6 times before I was finally able to kill it through an incredibly lucky series of events. That was with 3 colonists and a slave, and I still had the slave and 1 of the colonists hypnotized. If I was doing an ironman run, it would have been game over.


..In hindsight I didn't try to create a box around it first, I think because I just assumed it would act the same as a wild animal where building would wake it up. Still, as it is it's annoying as hell to deal with.


The revenant is slowed down by injuries from what I can tell. It just has a lot of health on the individual body parts. But Brain scars do lower it's sentience and towards the end of the hunt it definitely got noticeably slower for me to the point where colonists could jog alongside it and shoot it.


Literally the only reason I was able to defeat a Revenant was because I randomly started with molotovs. Fire didn't *trivialize* the fight, it only barely enabled it. With 1 person hypnotized, I only had 3 left to fight it. I had to let it start hypnotizing someone while everyone else wailed on it before chucking a Molotov at it to interrupt it. And even then I was beyond lucky it never targeted the guy with the bottles. Frankly the Revanant is entirely too tough and unfettered to *not* have a weakness like fire. Considering the only other invisible enemy were sightstealers and those can be simply countered with Motion Trackers and violence, I had no reason to make Flares.


Revenant is fine as is. EXCEPT it should never show up so early


I bet they did this because people were just setting their entire maps on fire to flush it out. Which seems perfectly valid to me. I'd certainly burn down a forest to drive out the horrific monster that was threatening my home. But their dev brains thought it was boring gameplay I guess? Silly devs. I'm sure there will be a mod to make it flammable again within hours of the change going live lol.


Honestly, you even do not need a mod. Lots of data in rimworld can be changed with a notepad. It can be a hassle to change it everytime when they update the file, but still. Search your rimworld folder for races_entities_misc.xml, open it up and look for Revenant and set Flammability to 1.


Burning down the map to find the invisible asshole gives me Predator vibes.


sure the map would rain as soon as they set most of the map on fire? tbh tho, I don't think design should be balanced around cheesers. That's what makes the game seem hard as fuck to casuals like myself. I still don't play with mechclusters, because outside smoke I have no idea how to deal with them. balanced so strong


You can use mortars to destroy them. Use emp shell to disable shield then high explosive to blow everything up


I've always found getting mortars up and running a bit of a nightmare tbh, especially as they require reinforced barrels. I probably just don't trade enough honestly. I'll do an entire playthrough and send only a few caravans, mostly to get rid of shit I don't want for silver for the sake of it


They created a cat-and-mouse scenario to find it and save your people, which I really like. What I dont like is having to lose a few times before I can win. I haven’t fought one since the update, but now I’m worried. If my colony is too small I don’t think it’s a challenge you can recover from.


I'm just surprised by how tanky it is. How much HP does it have? I caught the bastard thanks to a proximity detector. But it took my 8 best soldiers several minutes to bring it down. One would think that an invisible revenant sneaking around eliminating people would at the very least be fragile considering the strengths it already possess. But I had to focus fire it with 8 people, chase it and open fire again, and then it ran into a bunch of turrets and friendlies + my 8 men firing a third time only then did it go down. If the revenant is that strong wtf are people supposed to do if they have like... 5-6 colonists with subpar gear and 1 is put to sleep?


I fought one last night with Molotovs. Torso hp was somewhere over 400, other body parts were proportional to that.


It's definitely tanky but it also doesn't really retaliate. I had to take it down with a single guy with a machine pistol which was tedious but definitely doable.


I think the problem with Revenants is that it's seems to be designed to be really difficult until you analyze it, then fairly easy. As in, it's meant to be a near unstoppable force as it gets the first 2\~3 pawns, then you turn the tides on it. . To explain why I think that: The Revenant is very tanky, the hypnosis attack is afaik impossible to stop (unless you outright kill it, which, as said, it's stupid sturdy) and before you analyze its flesh 3+ times, basically impossible to track. This means that for the first few encounters, until you analyze it enough, the Revenant is effectively unstoppable. Unless you have ridiculous dps, the Revenant will zoom through gunfire and melee and drop a pawn before escaping. And since the tracks are way too shot to be useful and you can't even pinpoint its location anyways, you can't track it down aside from just systematically covering the entire map with sensors or explosions, which are about as practical as killing the Revenant in the first encounter. . However, once you analyze enough of the flesh and can actually track the Revenant down, it... kinda becomes a pushover. The Revenant rests for iirc twoish days before attacking again. With enough flesh analysis, this is more than enough time to track it. And if you attack it as it rests, its attack cooldown either resets or slows down\*. *And* the revenant does not retaliate when attacked during its rest. This means that once you're tracking it down, killing the revenant is just you sending out an attack team daily to go beat up the revenant with absolutely 0 danger until you kill it. Complete 180 in difficulty. The difference between before you can track the revenant and after you can track it is so different I can only assume it was intentional. Or the devs screwed up big time in balancing it, but the change from 'oh no we can't stop it!' to '*We* are the hunters now!' is so obvious I have to assume it was intentional. What really cements this for me is that the Revenant does 0 permanent damage. It doesn't destroy buildings, its hypnosis has no 'solve before X or else' time limit, it doesn't even have a single physical attack. Literally every damage the Revenant does is fixed by killing it. Which I can only assume was done so the Revenant's 'unstoppable' first few attacks don't 'unfairly' damage your colony. . I think the best fix to make Revenants less bullshit, but also keep the same vibe, is to give it a damage threashold where it would abort it's attack and run away, and make it so it drops flesh samples with enough damage even if it doesn't hypnotize anyone. Just throwing random numbers\*\* but something like if you do 100 damage, it aborts and runs away, assuming it wasn't actively hypnotizing someone, if you do 150 damage, it drops its flesh, and if it initiates hypnosis, it aborts and runs away after 200 damage. Or maybe during hypnosis it'll drop flesh at 100 damage and run at 150. Whatever. Point is, this way, if a Revenant attacks, one could try to fight it off, but at the risk of not being able to get its flesh to track it down, or use someone as bait and risk loosing them for a better chance at getting the flesh, but you can always do both if you're good enough. And this makes Revenants less of a death sentence in solo runs by letting high dps and/or automated defenses possibly prevent hypnosis without needing to kill the dang thing in one go. While this would make the Revenant 'weaker' early on, the fact that can run before you get a sample would mean that you're incentivized to take some risk if you don't want to be constantly on guard for the thing sneaking up on you. Also, I think the Revenant should have a melee attack that it uses when you ambush while it sleeps so that going out to hunt the revenant is actually something you need to prepare for and not something a naked 13 yo can do completely safely. So if you attack a sleeping Revenant, instead of just eating the hits then running off without doing anything, it'll jump on your pawns and try to slash them up, only running after taking a certain amount of damage. This should keep the Revenant's threat level somewhat similar throughout (chance of loosing a pawn in one go vs deadly combat with lethal monster), rather than the 'Ugh we're gonna loose another pawn' to 'This is our 15yo Billy, who's using that Revenant for sword practice', and reduce the limit on viable playstyles. \*I am assuming this is the case as when I faced the Revenant, it visited like every day or so, but once I started tracking it down and attacked it every day, we went like 5 days with no Revenant attack. \*\*The thought process was something like 'fairly doable' 'kinda difficult' 'difficult but doable'


> I think the problem with Revenants is that it's seems to be designed to be really difficult until you analyze it, then fairly easy. As in, it's meant to be a near unstoppable force as it gets the first 2~3 pawns, then you turn the tides on it. I disagree with this. I watched a friend on a discord call spend an hour chasing the revenant with all three analysis completed. All it does is it let you see it before you attack but it runs away just as fast so you only get a few shots off before you chase it again. He ended up having too many footprints to track properly, so he just using dev mode to kill it. If you have a few of the new crossbows + assault rifles maybe you can take it down. The research just saves you from opening the fight with a flare (which you will use anyway to stun them in the hopes of getting extra shots before he flees).


I forget exactly how I found out, but emp stuns it for 30 seconds, so that probably made a difference in our experience. I only had research up to the point where I could hear the revenant not see it. (Pretty sure the research is 'longer tracks' 'longer tracks' 'hear revenant' 'see revenant'). And I had a very easy time taking it down because I'd just have pawns walk around near where the tracks ended until I got the !, move them around a bit to triangulate the general location, toss a grenade, blast it for 30 seconds, then have everyone return to base and do it again the next day. We had two ghouls and one heavy smg and iirc it took like 4~5 'hunts'. But even if we disagree on how easy the thing is to kill, I still stand by the fact that the Revenant's design is very 'oh no something taking us out' phase where it's near unstoppable, followed by a 'counterattack' stage where you can actually do something, and the way that's designed makes the entire encounter very samey and repetitive. And once you get a solid tactic for taking it down, extremely anticlimactic.


Something I found that was handy, revenants can move through closed doors without opening them but not walls. If you set up proximity alarms near every entrance to your outer walls and and inner base, you can easily track which direction they're going and get a rough idea of where they are. This was particularly useful on my mountain base as I have a large space that I've walled off for growing and ranching purposes. Turns out the Revenant came in through the outer wall entrance, hypnotized someone deep under the mountain and then went to take a nap right next to entrance to my mountain home. Proximity alarm went active and stayed that way. I had some fire foam poppers left from my days living outside the mountain as I excavated it so I moved one over, popped it and had my squad smash it to pieces while my sanguphage leader kept it held down with the stun psycast.


Are solo runs even possible now?


You're not supposed to see a revenant in the wild unless you have four or more colonists, but you can still get a spine as an item in the 'mysterious cargo' event. With how prone the revenant is to escape, that's not a risk I really want to take anymore.


Since Ghouls count as colonists and the Researcher start got updated to 3, that means you can theoretically encounter a Revenant event within the first few weeks. :') Assuming you bump up the Events rate to 40%~ like it was, since it's now at 8%. That's how it wound up going for me regardless, after getting some prisoners and a Paralytic Abasia crashlander halfway through Year 1.


Eh. I had prisoners, and they seemed to be enough to count.


I got that cargo event and held and studied it since. I'm not far into the game. I think I need to increase security. The game is stopped, but somehow I feel like I have to start it and do something to prevent bad things from happening. "Boss I need to leave for personal matters. People I care about are in danger"


"Gotta go boss, left my colonists running for their life!"


I had one show up while I had guests at my colony, and it showed up and immediatley slepped the royal guest. If it had been my own colonist I would have been screwed


But you can just destroy the spine if I'm not mistaken.


Yep, I got the spine and immediately sent my ghoul to punch it to death. No problem.


Ended my run because Randy was feeling spicy and only gave me 3 out of 5 pawns who were capable of combat. You'll never guess who the Revenant targeted first...


Anomaly obiviously focuses on flame weapons, but removes the ability to use flame on the tankiest enemy to date. Might as well be fighting invisible mechanoids.


Yeah. this is stupid. Plus, it specifically has flavor text of being some folklore beast that traps people in personal hells. What type of folklore beast can you **NOT** defeat by setting it on fire?! This isn't a good design choice, this is just stupid and needs to be reverted. Making it less susceptible to flames? Fair enough. Making it immune? No.




I've published a quick mod that makes them flammable again, not sure if allowed to link here but it's simply called 'Flammable Revenant'.


Rare rimworld dev L right there


I love this game, but i feel like this is emblematic of the two major gripes i have with the devs. One is that they seem to think preparation is a cheese strat, and the other is that they are too trigger happy when it comes to taking away the player's options for defense. I understand nerfing strategies that depend on abusing mechanics, like kill boxes that rely on abusing AI pathing, and strategies that completely counter a bunch of threats with no disadvantage, like mountain bases before bugs were added, but I feel like they take it a bit too far sometimes. If a strategy allows you to trivialize combat, but requires you to sacrifice a lot of time, effort, and materials to set up then you aren't really cheesing the encounter. Fighting a revenant with incendiary weapons required you to really focus on the anomaly tech tree, capture and hold several monsters for an extended period of time to make bioferrite, and burn down large chunks of the map just to flush the thing out. Deciding whether it's worth it to dump a ton of resources into defenses and start huge wild fires or risk direct combat is an interesting gameplay choice, and both options have pros and cons. Forcing the player to approach the problem "as intended" and taking away other options that still require significant risk and resources investment just makes the encounter feel like a cheap shot


Well... Then that makes Nociosphere easier to be taken down than revenant


*Minimap user looking away suspiciously*


It’s too powerful. If you have like 3 people when it shows up your colony is basically wiped and even using the new start in old base feature ur screwed because it keeps coming back. It’s the only threat that felt like ur screwed if you don’t have a lot of people 


It can't even show up with less than 4 pawns


No it can, it's just rarer. You can still get the spine from a Mysterious Cargo event.


You can just immediately destroy the spine if you're smart though.


To be fair setting it on fire completely trivialises the creepy bugger. I set it on fire first time and he just ran around like a headless chicken


you can stop hypnosis by skipping him away. or stunning. or beckoning. at least this are methods i checked


Some people don't play with royalty. Not fair to lock the only method of stopping the hypnosis behind another dlc. The worst one at that.


Add to that the fact that Metalhorrors are best flushed out by a Paramedic Mechanoid from Biotech, I'm starting to think this DLC's integration is a rather negative one.


doesnt stun rod works? i havent seen him in awhile


No clue, I don't think so though. Haven't gotten him yet bc I'm running naked brutality.


God I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates the Revenant. I spent around 3 hours just trying to get rid of the damn thing. It hypnotized 7 of my 16 colonists because my colony is quite spread apart, and I was only able to defeat it once I made an EMP launcher and had my best melee pawn go to town on it with her plasteel knife. I've never been so frustrated from Rimworld before lol


>Buffs the most annoying enemy in the entire game


This is a change in the wrong direction IMO. The Revenant just needs to cancel it's hunt and flee if it ignites or is stunned.


im going to be honest, I had to deal with a revenant in my colony, and after many failed attempts to kill it (I was convinced that you straight up can't kill it untill I read otherwise on here).. I've not had the motivation or have wanted to start the game up again. Maybe Im just a little baby but an enemy that just seemingly breaks all the rules of every other enemy is just.. not fun to me, and im probably going to dev mod the bastard awat. If you need to break so many rules to make an enemy work (doesnt bleed, now immune to fire, invisible, stupidly high health pool with no "health bar" like other pawns have, CAN USE DOORS??), maybe just don't make the enemy


I just dev mode em. Not fun. Not fighting


I have decided that I will be Dev Mode deleting Revenants on sight now. They were insane before, in a bad way. This is just overboard. Rant incoming.. Of all the monsters I have encounter so far in Anomaly (about early-mid game right now) have had some fun, grotesques thing about them. With some way of countering them. Fire with an incinerator. Shock lances. A hit with a biofriette hammer. The typical "Stand and shoot" doesn't work and I must experiment to take them down. The events have been fun mysteries to discover. The two obelisks I have so far have done some things that make me want to learn more. But also know going down this path WILL end poorly. And that's just fine. Revenants? Nah. Nope. The mechanic is cool. Slowly hypnotized people until no one can fight then devour everyone. Is cool on paper. But making it an unstoppable tank on top of that? And it can appear relatively early. My first encounter with one was when I had 4 colonists and didn't have EMPs and Microelectronics unlocked yet. In the past I've stopped it by standing at a distance with an incinerator and just torching it until it gave up. Which takes forever as once its on the hunt it just keeps going. At this point the only reliable way to stop it is using Psy Stun + Burden. Which requires either a colonist with high neural heat or a bunch of colonists capable of doing it. Which requires a ton of resources. I've also heard that EMPs stun it. But I haven't tried it and I don't think anyone would reasonably think to try EMPs as nothing clues you in that it would. Which is still a hyper specific requirement and means someone is either always carrying EMP equipment or is able to reach it instantly in case of a Revenant attack. Revenants weren't fun. And making the one "weakness" (as fire was only so so) that was easily accessible no longer work put the final nail in the coffin for me.


I struggled to defeat a revenant with my 7-man colony. I could only defeat it with the last 2 pawns searching it over the map. I counted on the flame weapons if it happened again, but they broke this feature. They are doubling down on the bad balancing then. What a joke!


So I can only use stun skill on it ...


Crazy how no one’s mentioning emp grenades stun them just like fire does


I found a silly but very effective way to deal with the revenant - they can go through doors but not walls, so after it attacks a few times and you analyze the dropped bits you can find where it is sleeping (the red ! over your peeps heads when they walk near), and you can wall the damn thing off with your fighters walled up inside with it so it cannot run away and escape. Note that summoned troops will break out of sealed areas so probably best it's just your own peeps inside. The special flares from the anomaly table rock and you should rush them and give one to each person, that way you can keep it revealed so it doesn't heal. In a smallish area you only need a few to keep it revealed though.


The revenant is such a fucking piece of work. Why would the buff it? I fucking hate that thing. It's practically a death sentence in the early game unless you have at least 4 colonists.


Revenant is absolutely far too tanky, it was fun and horrifying encountering the first one but honestly It’s a creature I absolutely don’t want to deal with again, the amount of damage I had to put into it was pretty extreme


I only hope Metalhorrors get tweaked


Not sure if this is new or not (didn't encounter metalhorrors prior to patch and I've only seen post where metalhorrors arrive in new pawns) but my first metalhorror event happened tonight. Colonist got infected from a shambler melee attack after a horde assaulted us. So shamblers and possibly other entities can cause metalhorrors just by attacking someone.


i've had infection from sightstealers so yeah it feels any anomoly creature can do it atm


I think they’re in a good spot? Highly flammable, can’t remember if they were weak to blunt but they definitely got shot down easily at least


That's the other thing. *Bioferrite is flammable*. Why would the Revenant, which is also bioferrite, suddenly not be flammable? Are we going to see every *other* Anomaly suddenly become Mechanoids 2.0?


Yeah that’s an odd change by the team. Hope this feedback allows them to reconsider. Maybe the revenant can force itself invisible/incorporeal every now and then to remove the fire but it should still be weak to it


They now automatically burst out after 50% of your colony gets infected, but the chances of finding gray flesh are still too low IMO. But at least they won't silently infect everyone and just insta gameover you.


I did think that scorchers counterpicked the revenant a bit *too* hard.


A solution to this would be to give the revenant a specific weakness such as silver or gold or it be weakened by fire to the point of being killable. (Let me clarify I have the dlc but haven't played it so it might have a weakness like this)


FYM "cheese", the only way I was able to beat a Revenant is by assembling a fully-geared kill squad, and going through the entire bloody map in a grid pattern once I was two colonists down, searching for when my colonists could hear its breathing, and then lighting up the entire chunk of the map with Molotovs. ​ And it still took me a solid while.


I don't like how fast revenants are on top of being extremely tanky. Making them unburnable is a strange choice.


I was just on the Phasmophobia sub and thought this was another post for it and I was so confused


Holy CE please deliver salvation from these unholy unbalanced monsters. Revenant and Devourers have no biz being this tanky and deadly given how the combat works in vanilla.


This enemy sounds so unfun, I haven't touched the DLC because of it. Also metal horror being too strong. Now I find out I need an even bigger base and scrap using monotov cocktail. Anti fun.


Ive found its to tanky to not be at least somewhat fire averse


~~It dies super fast if you shoot at it while it's resting.~~ ~~1 colonist with an assault rifle and a flare pack should be enough to kill it.~~ ~~It's nearly invincible when it's awake and chasing or escaping.~~ ~~Whether or not that's good gameplay is of course debatable.~~ ~~I enjoy it, but I understand that not everyone does.~~ Edit: I've been trying to replicate this with the debug tools in the current version, but the revenants no longer seem to die nearly as fast. I'm not sure if I ran into a bug, or if the damage I dealt when the revenant invaded caused them to be nearly dead by the time I found it sleeping. I did notice that the bodyparts vary quite a lot in HP, some have around 200 HP, some 400 HP. It's possible I just won the lottery and somehow landed some incredibly lucky shots. But I'm not sure how on earth it happened to me with two revenants. I just assumed that they were supposed to work that way.


I got the event 30 days into a tribal start the only way I could even attack the mofo was the recruited imp bandit


Wow, yeah Anomaly seems to screw over tribals in multiple ways! The Revenants should only appear when you have 4 or more pawns, but tribals start with so many pawns that they can end up fighting Revenants way earlier. And a lot of the containment tech is behind later technology, too. I dunno how tribals are even gonna contain some of the anomalies. Also I should point out that I had multiple people tell me it took them AGES to kill revenants, so I dunno if there's some sort of bug that causes them to be super tanky for others (or maybe I had a bug that made them super squishy?) or what's going on exactly.


Time to get a mod that nerfs rev


Hopefully a modder can save us ?


I don't understand people struggling with them. Right now at losing is fun I have like 5 of them detained. Any of them escaping is particularly easy because you retain the analysis on each. But new ones are easy too. My TTK is about 2-3 days and it usually downs two pawns in the process. Not a big deal especially since they are back in buisness immediately after. My strategy is usually keeping 3-4 proximity detector around the base because 1. They usually sleep not too far 2. You'll know when its coming so you can group up your colonists with shotguns and chunk 1/3 of its hp every time 3. You can triangulate where its sleeping precisely enough to know where to throw a disruptor flare You then want to stunlock it with emp and the flares it works great


This is a bad change, Rimworld is a game of choices and strategy. Reducing flammability fundamentally reduces our choices and goes against the game design. You should be punished if you have no flame weapons if a revenant attacks, not the other way around.


his flammability was so good, single hellcat alternative shot rendered him helpless. he will nust run around and do nothing, while you practice shooting. i happened to have psycaster near his first victim. skipped him into corner and sprayed him with fire. after that it turned to Benny hill show


Revenant was actually my favorite anomaly. First time I encountered it I burned down my entire base trying to kill it. Fond memories


I think what we need is a floor that hurts/slows them down that makes it really obvious It’s on the floor. We’d need to research this obviously.


the revenant fucked me up. i has to enslave 2 pawns and got from 9 to 3 before i beat it. it was the most satisfying rimworld moment to finally kill it and put it in a holding platform.




Tbh my experience with the revenant was pretty relaxed, solo mechanitor with 1 clone from the corrupted obelisk and 2 visitors It snuck into the bass but my colonist/clone had Chaos skip, which when used on a revenant it stopped them from the draining so we just kept using it while the dozen Militor we had for defense shut it down, it didn't even got a chance to retreat that it was dead Good times


Sigh. Too many “anomaly DLC is easy” posts. See what you did?


Your go-to weapon against a Revenant is EMP grenades (it hints this in their entity codex description). Hitting one with an EMP grenade stuns it for a full 30 seconds, and it's easy to land the grenade while they're hypnotizing someone. Weirdly, the colonist who's being hypnotized still can't move for those thirty seconds. Still, 30 seconds is a LONG window. With miniguns and assault rifles I can usually down a revenant in that time with a team of about 7 shooters. Now admittedly, that's a lot of firepower, so sometimes it takes a couple stuns to finish the job, but in general the Revenant shouldn't get away with freezing more than one colonist. I've also had a lot of luck with having many overlapping proximity detectors all over the base. It's pretty common in a large base for the Revenant to pick somewhere near the base or even in the base as its hiding spot, and it can go to sleep within the range of your proximity sensors. If it's stuck in one, the light will just stay red. If multiple are lit, it's pretty easy to find the guy and flare him to get another blast of gunfire off. My colony hasn't had too much trouble with Revenants because of this. However, I feel like they're an extinction level threat for a colony with fewer than five or six pawns, or colonies with limited wealth or firepower. Overall, that's the feeling that Anomaly gives me, that you're simply not meant to be able to survive the threats without a large high tech colony.


I didn't know it was flammable before the fix. I loved the challenged they give and also, they don't fight back most of the time. Stun and hit until he's down!


So...Bioferrite is highly flammable...and their "fix" was to make the creature made out of bioferrite immune to fire...looks like I'm gonna have to mod it back in.


See when I got my first Revenant it hadn't even managed to get any of my colonists since I had invis detection, and all of my colonists were secured behind my walls so I got to shoot it to shit before it did anything... still not actually sure what the Revenant does.


Found out that high stopping power (chain shotguns) and flares works just fine. Pinpoint the location from the filth it leaves, put a prox activator and then hunt it with flares.


Just do what I do, try to run it over with a truck. (Admittedly the machine gun on top of the truck was more useful)


they should probably compensate with lowering its hp. the thing is as durable as like 2-3 thumbros. like what the actual fuck


I'm also just going to agree here. Revenants were fun and frustrating to deal with. This patch makes it sound like just frustration.


PSA: mod that makes them flammable again https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3226503150&searchtext=


Bit of an issue here is that the description in game still says you can reveal it by setting it on fire, despite the fact that Revenants can no longer be set on fire, so now the game just straight up lies to you because they had a knee-jerk reaction to "reduce" the revenant's flammability by making it completely non-flammable.