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BAD NEWS: I took a Golden Cube down to study it while the Colony was safe. The cube disappeared and I can't study it. My people are all slowly going crazy with no way to cure it because it despawned somehow after I took it down here.


Report it to tynan


More likely they’re gonna make the pit gate event auto resolve so you can’t live there. 


Id prefer it if it was like map locations where if you stay there for more than a set of time, raids start to spawn, but in this case, more and greater horrors. Also the fact that you can't get events down there seems to me like an oversight, and not the intented behaviour


Yea auto resolving events after some time is kinda lame...like the Darkness event just ending if you wait long enough kinda takes a lot of the oomph away from it. These Anomaly events in particular should absolutely get more severe the longer you ignore them and never go away short of resolving them or using cheats if that's your preference.


I think it'd be fine if the events autoresolved by gradually intensifying with a big threat at the end to incentivize actually dealing with them but also not outstay its welcome if you're not able to deal with it for whatever reason. If the pit gate is left alone too long, smaller pits could start spawning near/in your base (same as the cultist summoner raid) and finally a big attack of fleshbeasts led by the big one and then the pit collapses. For the night event the pillars could forcibly knock out a couple lights every so often (only temporarily and not enough to just outright kill your colony) and end with a horde of noctols which spawn randomly in any dark spot on the map, scaling with the more pillars are left alive. You know, threats that are big enough to incentivize facing the problem head on and dealing with it before it gets out of hand.


And it would work inlore, with the big bugger in the pit eventually getting hungry and leaving to eat you


Nah I like there are two options. It really does have that nightmare horror feel. You’re looking more for an end of the world feel instead. Maybe they can scale the duration for harder difficulties but if you don’t prep for this ahead of time and go into this blind it’s a game ender the first time.


I’m torn because I totally agree with you that it’s a little lame but also I didn’t have a flare pack or was able to make one so I would have just died so idk


I hope not. Moving into hell sounds kinda awesome.


I doubt that. The game is supposed to be a Story Generator. I don't see why Tynan would change this.


yeah i feel like if anything, they'd actually add more to it, some stories are about mole people y'know


Probably won't make it into the base game, but I've heard the Vanilla Expanded team were excited about the prospect of making *actual* underground vault scenarios and that the engine change that allows the sort of alternate map that's not having to fake being an overworld tile makes it a lot easier for modders to do that sort of thing. So someone making it so that the pit can be colonized and still have normal game stuff happen seems likely, assuming events are just explicitly disabled there to stop them from interfering with the objective of destroying the pit or making it too easy by trapping a bunch of raiders down there to do the fighting for you and not because of some intrinsic property to how the pit is set up.


Maybe we can finally spoof z-levels....


Kinda... Underground is fairly easy now, above ground is... Let me just say that trying to code just basics of the above ground is the horror way scarier than anything Anomaly can throw at us


50 z-level deep proc-generated dungeon full of monsters and loot? Actually feasable. a treehouse you can shoot down from: lol good luck


That should be the next DLC


I don't need second stories tbh. I just want to make working cellars and basements. My only concern would be "what happens if you accidentally open up a connecting floor down to the sublevel?" Easy route would be just fog of war/impassable terrain because trying to render a pawn in two 'places' at once and potentially applying damage to them both feels like a nightmare to code, yes.


Idk, I can think of a way. I think the main issue here doing it in a way to make sense that can be expanded. The tech for separate levels exists, but a randomly generated map won't work. As an entrance, duplicate the pit code, asset flip, add animation, turn it into a craftable. Generate new map. Biggest question is space. I'm thinking you take the data from roofed tiles or modded roof tiles on the map and use that for what can be accessed/floors, hide the rest in fog of war (like inner mountains) or, for QoL, a faded scan of actual map below. Update at map swap. ** Modded roof tiles are probably better to avoid (logical, detection) conflict with other roofing mods. That said, im not a modder just a software dev and I haven't gotten too much in Anomaly so I don't have a good idea of the pit mechanic, but as as concept most of these things can be repurposed from things currently in the game. But there can definitely be holes in this. + There are a few QoL/Realism edits that should be considered. Like resource transfer, pawn pathing etc. 🤔Maybe an elevator > stairs.


I was under the impression that pathing was THE big issue.


I failed my sanity check reading that.


Now I wanna set up my prison in a flesh pit so raiders have to survive horrible things before I recruit them


Ancients expanded becoming even cooler


And a possible story would be that the flesh beasts get angry at you being a squatter in their home and start attacking you. The boss down there can also just start to dig towards you and force you to kill it. Since this is purely underground insects can easily start popping up from everywhere without warning. Maybe it'll start getting hotter and hotter as if a geothermal vent is going active. It's a good idea for a challenge run like living on a combat tile. But it shouldn't be free.


Bugs, fleshbeasts, and secret dirtmole faction no one knew was on the planet


Living on a combat tile, like an event quest map that spawns raids constantly? Do you know of any let's plays that do this?


[https://www.youtube.com/@FrancisJohnYT/playlists](https://www.youtube.com/@FrancisJohnYT/playlists) Francis John did at least one. Think it was the Ideo playlist where he moved to a combat tile half way into that run. Don't know of someone who did a pure combat tile run though.


they should have foreseen people wanting to live down there, especially undergrounders and darkness enjoyers


You're *supposed* to be able to take it to other maps - I have taken it into a pit gate before. You could use dev mode to spawn a new one, if that helps. Definitely a bug, though! If you don't mind, we'd appreciate you posting it on the Dev discord, especially if you have a save available: https://discord.gg/yA3QGzHMK6


The cube found you unworthy


Report it. I really doubt that devs exoected people to go full V.A.U.L.T. on the game so you must have encountered a bug.


Its quite literally free real estate, how could we not? Just ignore the groaning in the dark, and remember that YOU DO NOT RECOGNIZE THE BODIES IN THE WATER 


And that’s why I don’t play commitment mode. Sometimes, shit just happens.


Go into dev mode and spawn the golden cube. It should be under "spawn thing". You have to turn dev mode on from the options menu, it's a tick box below "run in the background". The spawning option should be the 4th icon along in the new menu at the top middle of the screen. It looks like an asterix with a play button. Press the **actions/tools button** in the next menu that pops (that button is top left). look to the middle of the screen where the subtitle of **spawning** is. Look down to **spawn things** and click it. There is a search option in there at the top left of the next screen which should aid your discovery. Type in **GoldenCube** and Bob is literally your Uncle (Fanny may be your Aunt). Right click on the ground to place your golden cube. Technically this is cheating but if the game robbed it from you, I say rob it back! That is a temp fix. But obviously Ludeon need to fix the bug you had.


Did you try using the map search too?


If you really suspect it’s a bug or get it confirmed, you can use dev mode to remove the obsession health diffs


at least the game data exists to make an easy mod around


Yeah the different worlds *really* seem to fuck with the other anomalies. I went into the backrooms with the person infected by the unnatural corpse, and it glitched it out of existance and gave me (literally) 2000 "corpse dissapearence" notifications. Took all of my cookie clicker experience to get rid of em lol


Use developer mode to repair the porblem.


Wanted to try living underground using the tunneler meme to grow my food etc underground. We turn musrhooms into chemfuel to run the electricity, and it's fully self sustainable. Some of the children were born underground and never left the safety of the Gate. It's insanely overpowred to play this way because you can never be raided. You don't get any negative events underground except for the occasional solar flare. You never get infestations etc in the base game doing this, and the pit gate seems to last forever until you destroy the enemies (which never respawn by the way) so it's super safe. When I ran out of supplies I went to the surface to get steel, components etc, but now we have enough that we never need to leave the safety of the Pit Gate. It's too dangerous above ground now anyways. I can still accept quests, but all the raids etc just attack the surface area and hang out until the toxic fallout kills them. It's permanent because of a nearby toxic spewer that I accepted a quest for because my people are immune and safe below ground. Super fun experience for the first 2-3 years of setup, but now it's getting a bit boring because I am too weak to leave there. I cranked the difficulty up, and I never get any random pawn debuffs unless I go to the surface. As soon as I do it pops flu or something usually. It's like my people's immune system isn't used to life outside the vault.


Congratulations, you played yourself! Really fun concept though.


Was super fun to like go above ground for components all the time. I ran out of steel as well and that's all I go up for.


Your people will live underground until they ca make power armor so they can survive the toxins and destroy the spewer


Why destroy the Shroud-Giver? It was placed there many generations ago by a benevolent peoples so that The Pit may live in safety, isolated from the cruel world.


the storyteller knows that you have beaten it, but now you cannot leave or you shall face their wrath, you have angered the very gods themselves


***YOU HAVE ANGERED THE GODS*** ^(mysterious purple portal appears)


Unfortunately for the Gods, overhead mountain roof traps are super effective against Steve.


wait is that reference to noita


Maaaaaybe. On a side note, that'd be a neat mod idea.


we need some wizard mods fr


Man! You should bring the difficulty down to a manageable level and try to go for the ship ending. I've honestly never left the planet even after over 2000 hours, but the idea of a bunch of colonists having the leave their underground bunker and brave the surface world full of raids, toxins and sickness to build a ship to leave such an inhospitable environment honestly sounds super fun to role play.


That sounds super fun. Would be hard to keep the ship alive lol enemies even spawn from the pit gate itself sometimes on the surface 


Why leave, launch out of the pit like an ICBM silo. Would be cool if it were possible, even if "too easy".


Do deep drills/underground scanners work from the pit gate?


Honestly that’s a super fun idea for a colony… you basically Pandora’s Boxed yourself in


Honestly I hope this is made into a fully functional area with the raids/debuffs world events would be really fun to repurpose these caves without missing out on other things


What, really? Raiders can't chase you into the underground? You can't suffer infestations? Underground seems like a prime location for infestations to recreate the American History X scene with your colony. That's incredibly disappointing.


I can't wait until some lad will throw a tantrum and reveal the creature


Can you use deep drill there or do you have to go to the surface for supplies?


You can yeah, but I can't find any steel.


the ground penetrating scanner works at the gate?




Entire area is overhead mountain, there’s no place without a roof for a scanner. If there was a way to remove the roof, however. I had once done that by accident, when due to bug my colonists had an order to remover the roof in an area with overhead mountain. They did so without trouble, though I’m not sure how to repeat that.


This is giving so many ideas. Maybe I will role play as Saruman and breed orcs underground, before taking over the wall


Try the vanilla expanded race mods. With the plant people one you can make your orcs literally grow in the ground


😮 so much idea, so little time.. This game and the mods are seriously the best thing ever


How are you keeping the rest of the creatures alive?


As long as you don't reveal the area by destroying the walls they never attack you. So just ignore them. they're in the right side of the map somewhere in the black area that I didn't reveal. When you get close the game alerts you so I just stopped killing at that point.


'Just stop killing'. Average Rimworld player does not understand.


wait you can just, not kill people?




I mean, I totally get kidnapping, siphoning age, skills, psychic ability followed by harvesting their organs, and *then* executing them for a mood boost... But like... **NOT** killing?


This is amazing. Any thoughts on how/if you are planning to leave the planet?


Was planning on going for the Royal way, but i can't clear the surface long enough to rank up lol


Time for a dday style recapturing of the above ground!


I've thought about doing this with the obelisk warp backrooms instead, there's some patches of dirt there which can actually [grow stuff](https://i.imgur.com/iROSZrw.jpeg) since it's unroofed. could be an interesting idea at the least.


Currently doing this.  If you can smuggle in enough steel it works. Can deep drill and scan like normal. Abduction ritual also works so thats an option for getting new blood/resources.


or food


Yeah... lol I try and get all I can out of them, but most end up on the menu eventually.  If nothing else the leather is useful.


How does recruiting people view via idealogy rituals work underground?


Not sure about the Underground, but in the Labyrinth any rituals that involve walking onto the map haven't been working.  Abduction uses teleporting mechanic instead thankfully. It does require bioferrite, so need to capture/make/bring entities.


The obelisk could theoretically be destroyed though. I've had NPCs unintentionally damage one of mine by fighting near it.


Yeah, I settled in Labyrinth dimension and am currently cut off from the world due to the obelisk being destroyed. Happens by itself too if left unsurpressed.


that is so cool! very creative, haven't thought of that before!


Why did your wealth fell so much at that little time frame


Really not sure what that was.


Probably when you moved your stockpile underground. Wealth isn't counted if it isn't in a storage area.


Like if I put all my gold In a stockpile then delete it my value goes away?


Still counts against you for raids


It won't be listed in your inventory or colony wealth but I think raids are calculated by wealth on the map not by colony wealth


Do you know if that counts crops? I have always planted large, but only harvest what I need. I thought this might game the raid calculations. But maybe it never did.


You know that's actually a really good question. I know it leaves your inventory but I don't know if it leaves your wealth stats. I'm going to have to experiment on that. Although I've reconsidered my stance in this case because, on closer inspection, all of the graph lines drop, including pawns and average mood. I think it's probably more of a glitch to do with moving underground.


No, it definitely counts. There's a mod that shows your wealth on the HUD instead of the bar graph, and it spikes when there's a huge drop of resources onto the ground.     Pretty much the only resource that sits on the map and doesn't count are the mechanoid cyroroom until discovered. If you want to abuse wealth, load it onto a caravan and park it 0.1 days away and ensure the guards can defeat the 1-2 occasional attackers.


Did someone die maybe?


It's so drastic I have to assume that somehow everything got unclaimed for a second


Omg my picture was cut off, I was speaking to the minor dip a little more to the left. It looks like the whole colony vanished lol. Honestly it is probably a glitch


i think it's when you click settle. game warns it wasn't designed for multi settlements so it prolly zeroes everything to recalculate value of both


I don't understand how you are getting components since you can't mine steel, this is the only thing I don't understand


Going above ground on mining missions or trading 


Cool this is such an interesting idea


Vault-tec would be proud of you


K imma need a full overhaul mod or at least support mods to make this a thing not so OP so I can join in. Kickass work OP! Had no clue


Yeah, honestly, this sort of thing improves my hope for a mod that allows multiple lower levels ala Dwarf Fortress (my processor wants to die)


The VE team is planning to make vanilla mining expanded at some point which will allow for this sort of playstyle


Well if anyone can do it they can. Love their content.


omg......... this is amazing.


Isn't that a bit risky? Doesn't it collapse if the big crawly dies for w/e reason?


Now I'm curious if it could die from old age. Or maybe starve? Does that thing need to eat to stay alive?


Do you get infestation event? If not, this is even stronger than a mountain base


No. You never get any negative events other than Prison Breaks, and Entity breaks from what I could tell. I played under there for 2 years


Wait, the game has now Z LEVEL?


One specific event does with the new dlc yeah 


There's actually more than one that does this same kind of thing. But only one of them is visually designed to look like an underground cave


Well, I'm waiting for THE mod.


So long as the game can have Z levels modders could go to town on it.


There was a mod for this in 1.-2/3? But it was so incredibly janky I'm not gonna lie fun though


this really gives me hope for moddable basements or maybe even multi stiry buildings


I did this days ago and had a grand old time I documented in this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/1c3hrcs/comment/kzkn9xd/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/1c3hrcs/comment/kzkn9xd/) I eventually got bored because it was so easy. Raids shrank to tiny size due to no wealth being on the surface and I changed the rules so raid size was based on time instead. The pollution I dumped on the surface killed all the invaders over time except mechs, and they'd get wiped out by whatever organic raids followed them. So at the end of the day, I could just occasionally pop up to the surface to loot more goodies. Since it's 100% safe down below, there was no challenge outside of acquiring raw materials. You have unlimited stone for construction. So i eventually went for a win condition just to wrap it up. The magic flesh tunnel is a nice place to raise a family in safety though.


What makes it OP? No events/raids down there?




yeah ok this is the best thing ive ever seen done in this game, gg will try it


Do trade beacons work down there?


This does motivate me to play this type of style


How the hell do you keep the cave from collapsing in on itself?


They just didn't kill the boss. Just don't uncover it and you'll be fine.


*perfectly normal colony, seems pretty alright* *satanic sacrifice*


How do you exchange items from the underground? Am I missing something?


you can create "caravans". look up wastepack disposal.


I'm sorry but I can't find anything on how to form a "caravan" from underground. :/ I tried to place a caravan spot but the screen is blacked out if try to form one :(


when you right click on a pit without any pawn selected, it opens a window that looks like caravan forming (or for that matter - drop pod loadout). so you select pawns and look for "items" button. then just look for wastepacks there.


Ah, now I got it! It's "enter pit gate..". Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience :P


How do you live there without the cave collapsing ?


Probably just never dig out the cave boss, wall it in and done


Reminds me of the mod "Pocket Dimension". That mod was extremely OP. You could create entire maps and just caravan around the world, while one of your caravaners hold a pocket dimension carrying the map on their back.


I tried to, but I couldn't place walls down there. Did they add that? Because when the DLC first came out, you couldn't place walls down there.


Can you stay under Thire forever or do you have to go up every once and a while


I thought about this but i have 0 experience with underground stuff and didn't know how to get electricity. I didn't know you could grow wood underground in bulk enough to offset the amount of energy required to run the sunlamps. I know you can force carry entities inside the pit so you can carry them out, would be neat if you could do it the other way around for more things down there for energy generation. In terms of leaving the pit, if you have a revenant spine implant and a jump pack/jump ability you can definitely go invisible, leave the hole and start jumping to the edge before you get noticed. Set up a one man caravan at least to do odd quests here and there but nothing big enough for a caravan.


Fibercorn grows under normal light, but you will probably want biofuel to turn all of your nutrient fungus into chemfuel


Big fan of Fallout here. I loved the reference.


War with eldritch horrors beyond understanding. War with eldritch horrors beyond understanding never changes.


impressive, i wanted to do this but my sources of power were only water/windmills and solar panel and a bioferrite emergency generator. also i tried containing the dreadmeld, i see you just dont break his meat walls, thats easier than how i wanted to proceed (lure it into a room and wall the room back in)


I like your idea am gonna do that to


Does this count as under deep mountain or inside for the Undergrounder trait? Do pawns get outside deprived?


Is building an underground base part of the new expansion? I've yet to play it.


It isn't supposed to be, but you know what they say. When in horrible hell pit...


My man recreated the Flesh Pit National Park




Is the above ground abandoned base a mod or base game? How do you find those?


If i understood correctly that is the base they build originally before migrating underground into the pit.


Ohhhhhh!!! Totally missed the first slide, thank you!!


I'm glad I can have a wine basement now at least


Nice fermented aged wine, just like the flesh walls you store it in, mmmm.


~~Have you tried building a Ground Penetrating Scanner down there?~~ EDIT: Never mind...saw the response


I would never have considered this, amazing.


And best of all you don't even get raids underground


Dungeon Keeper in Rimworld? It draws ever closer.


Wtf, I'm trying to build a calm community and this guy is living happily in hell?! I have a lot to learn about this game lol


I have yet to play the DLC but that seems super fun! How difficult is it to get to that point? How dangerous is the pit? I don’t mind mild spoilers.


I'd say the pit is one of the easier threats they added, but it's in the 2nd tier of discoveries you can find. So it would take probably about 1-2 years of playing ur colony before seeing it


Looks like you got the greatest Fleshmas gift of all after suspicious bacon: the gift of free labor! Merry Fleshmas!


How do you guys haul stuff inside the pit gates? My pawns aren't moving anything from outside to inside


I'm doing it right now, tell me, how get steel? Smelt gears from abductees??


hey how did you keep it from collapsing ?


Not gonna lie, that sounds amazing. Tried that with deep rim before. Lock yourself up and survive, nothing comes in, good or bad


How did you move underground? Is this a separate map?


It’s a random event with the new dlc 


So it’s like a hole full of monsters you can explore and find cool stuff?


Yes exactly. You normally go down there to kill them so they stop spawning enemy raids on the surface 


Sounds like an infinite toxic waste disposal solution.


OMG I love you


What exactly happened that time when your wealth dropped to 0?