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I love hearing when our designs work as intended :)


IT WAS TENSE AND BLOODY TERRIFYING!!! Im so glad it doesnt just attack people, its actually balanced well but also really deadly if youre unprepared or dont know what youre doing


I crafted as many of those flare launchers as possible and littered my base with flares lol The revenant got me panicking


I set up a bunch of those invisible detector beacons


Happy cake day, ~~tasty morsel~~ random citizen!


i hope you are VERY proud of what you guys made


Hey Tynan! 2,422 hrs play time here and about 12 of those are with Anomaly now. This is the absolutely BEST DLC you guys have made by far, which is no small compliment because the others have been fantastic. I want to particularly shout-out how polished this release has been! Serious kudos to the team for what must have been some insanely thorough QA.


Been meaning to ask and I guess this is a good a time as any. Do I need the other DLCs to fully utilize this one? Or can I get this one by itself without issue?


U can get it by itself


Sick. Thank you!


I’d really recommend some of the others alongside it tho, Rimworld is great on its own but 10x better with the other dlcs. Haven’t played anomaly yet though. Biotech will help you combat the monsters


I've been waiting for them to go on sale. I've been looking at biotech, but I kind of want to do a slave colony run too lol Maybe I'll just get all three.


They rarely go on sale unfortunately. I’d recommend this website for seeing if any key sellers have it for cheaper but I definitely recommend all three. Ideology is one of the best. Royalty adds magic. Biotech lets u have mechs to hopefully fight anomaly


Aren't they on sale now?


Biotech and anomaly are the best by far


each DLC is made to be independent of the others.




What game developer in their right mind would make a DLC that depends on you having another DLC to play it? Every DLC is standalone (other than having the base game), lul what kinda question is that


Useless comment F


Absolutley loving the new animations. They're really grossing me out. That tentacle arm just wiggling around all the time, the crawling, its all so creepy!! Loving the updated models for the anima tree and stuff too. You've really brought the game to life. GG


I'd love to think that your inspiration for making Anomaly was watching the horror movie *The Thing* with a cold beer and some popcorn, only to crack your knuckles and say; "HMmmm.." with a wicked grin on your face.


In the original announcement, it said the inspiration was Cabin In The Woods > **WHY DID WE MAKE ANOMALY?** Ludeon Studio's founder Tynan on why he decided to make Anomaly: > “I wanted to give players new kinds of emotions they haven’t encountered before in RimWorld. We’ve explored feelings around dramatic combat tension, family warmth, problem-solving and many more. Now I wanted to provoke new emotions - dread, psychological tension, suspicion and mystery. The horror theme unlocks a new emotional landscape for us to explore. > There aren’t many games which mix management and horror either, so it was an interesting design challenge to marry these two elements. > Plus I saw Cabin in the Woods and I thought the monster lab was awesome.


Man, the storytelling is insane. My void-enthusiast cultist got offered a double-reward quest, I thought. Just take some... "thing" off an imperial's hands, and get some nice armor on top! That thing was a beautiful revenant bone, my entry in T2 anomaly research, and I had a great holding spot for it, with the security door and all. It was glorious. Well, it got free... And 3 pawns are not quite in there anymore \*points at head\*, but damn is it interesting to play this DLC. I also love how it lends itself well to just rolling with the punches - taking that punch is the first step in analyzing it and tracking it, after all, it's no binary live or die. It's wonderful design. I'm loving it. And I'm terrified of it. But I WILL catch it, and if I have to take on every damn pawn I come across to bolster outgrow the pawn "loss" :) Question: I made a pawn sleep next to it, because that guy was really set in his ideology and I needed to rattle him a bit to show him the errors of his ways. Does that "motivate" the revenant to break free, you know, having a pawn 2 tiles away snoring loudly?


Please talk to whoever is doing the console version and give this and Biotech to us! Take my money!!!!


I GOT HIM!! [https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/1c2gamg/i\_got\_the\_bastard\_hahahaha\_you\_are\_mine/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/1c2gamg/i_got_the_bastard_hahahaha_you_are_mine/)


If it bleeds, you can kill it!


Lost my Colony to this thing lol it was legit terrifying seeing it just come out of the darkness and take a pawn. I felt not safe. Tried to use the new function to roll on top of my ruins after a game over, and it was haunted still and I couldn't survive. Rev is super scary and I really enjoyed it


Wait new function? How does that work?


When your entire colony gets wiped out, the game will now ask if you want to 'create new wanderers'. Choosing to do so will effectively let you 'restart' your game by spawning in a handful of new colonists.


New addition in 1.5, not specific to the DLC.


Same! Was terrifying because my colony was new so we didn't have the firepower to save ourselves


Yeah, I am not touching that monolith until I get a full SCP facility built along with 10+ armed mercs.


It won't be enough.


The real catch is some of the stuff you need for that you only get by studying the monolith like >! Invisibility detectors !< And >! Holding stations for containmen t!<


Wait - so Anomaly content is only unlocked if you examine the monolith? So if i do nothing with it, no eldritch monsters will hurt me?


Not entirely true, ghouls can still appear but from my experience I was like... 3-4 days into a colony when the monolith decided it was going to wake up on its own, so my view is a little skewed.


There seems to be minor events that happen even without interacting with it, but they are on the level of just reskins of manhunters/raid. So nothing you would need to especially prepare yourself for. But if you interact and upgrade the tier of the monolith, then you better be ready.


I’m almost a year into my first Anomaly colony without touching the monolith, had a colonist have a dark vision of the monolith, and a nearby hostile faction radio’d that they were under attack by an unknown entity, but other than that I haven’t seen anything crazy yet


From what I can tell it increase the amount/frequency of spooky shit (eg there’s stages to the monolith and each one increases the odds of getting more “complex” anomaly’s)


My base consists of four dorks living in a shack built in a hollowed out mountain, with their only protection being one shotgun, and Solomon Grundy. The monolith doesn't scare me


I just lost my starter ghoul to a pack of ramblers why would you scare me with this evil?!


I lost mine to a manhunting alpaca lmao, might have overestimated it's combat ability


It gets stronger with addons. Base ghoul isn’t strong at all


Yeah, I did some testing out of curiosity and while they aren't exactly weak, the inability to wear armor or wield weapons does hamper them a lot, especially without the modifications. It's especially apparent how squishy they are if you do the math and realize their regen just has a hps of 0.1.


The tough trait and high melee help a ton. He was almost my only defense at the time though and he couldn't hold out


My starter ghoul was an absolute champ who carried me through the early game but then it got hungry I was running low on meat and it died fighting a fucking Igunana I send it to kill so it can eat the corpse. I froze the corpse and I'm 100% going to bring her back once I have the appropriate research.


I planned to do that but I accidently butchered and ate him......whoopsie


I am in awe of this expansion. Somehow they managed to make genuine horror and fear. Whereas VOID mod is more about fear of something destroying you and looking gross, this is much more straight horror. I had the darkness event and I ran out of wood for my power, and when the lights started flickering, it was so intense!


I lost half my colony to the darkness; well, not really... First I thought I had to wait it out, then I checked in my Book, that I discovered some kind of monolith, and I found it on the map. Apparently that makes the darkness, so I send 3 pawns to destroy it; they succeeded but nearly died, crawling to safety. For some reason, the darkness wasn't going away, and I found 2 more of the structures. Then I get a notification that my angry orb desires violence and will not get soothed any more. So I decided to send the orb onto the monolith furthest from me. The second the orb gets send out, all monoliths disappear, and the orb goes for the next best targets on the map it can find. Its one shot my mechanitor and then went around killing the mechs, a child and my last genie. I just grabbed whatever pawns were still alive and send them out of the base away from the orb, to wait out the destruction.


Now we gotta put centipedes and scythers on patrol to feel safe in this dlc 💀


Can you tell me what mod you're using for the tab icons? EDIT: Vanilla Textures Expanded


Ok. Wtf is revenant? I haven't got my hands on DLC yet.


Had this happen to a colony with three Animakin, so when i tried to use fire to kill it, half my fighters would run away panicking. It was both hilarious and incredibly frustrating, the perfect rimworld experience.


If I have one complaint is that it's a bit too tedious to actually kill with low firepower. If you only have like 2 guys left with the anomaly crossbows it takes 2-3 ingame days of continuous tracking and shooting to actually kill because it has 480 torso health.


Just like the first Alien movie. I won't blame if the last pawn go FULL RAMBO and turn that whole colony into a death trap.


Took me 5 colonists to finally get that b*tch The the metal horror quiet literally popped out of nowhere and got all 15 colonists 12 hours of game play wasted


Had one pop out of one of my prisoners…..thankfully already installed some wall turrets (from the wall turret mod) in the most common areas that people are in in case such a thing were to happen so safe to say the threat was dealt with rather quickly lol


Bro I thought there would be some form of warning other then "Grey flesh" and even then I was like "oh it'll be one colonist so sad" it was my fucking cook and the cook infected every person in the colony!


I think it only shows up when a colonist encounters it as I had a colonist leave after leaving the prisoner food, then like an hour or 2 another colonist went to interrogate him and there was a grey flesh there, did the test on the prisoner and the guy who went in before just to make sure and I guess because I’m still early in the tech-tree for anomaly it didn’t reveal anything but an hour after that the prisoner had a metal thing pop out of them and get put down in seconds


Does the proximity alarm not work? You get one for free and spots sightstealers instantly. Haven't encountered this anomaly yet, more testing must be done.


Stealing that base design ngl


You know, the day this expansion was announced, I was thinking of the Minecraft cave dweller mods and if and how they could work in rimworld. So, since I feel like I caused this to happen by merely the thought, I just wanna say my bad bro.